Learning to Follow [FM] [loving MDom] [Bondage] [Anal]

“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Jason’s voice is a low whisper into my ear. I stare at the arrangement on the bed in front of me. To a seasoned sub, it would probably be nothing: three blindfolds, two different gags, several lengths of silky rope, and an array of plugs and vibrators. But my heart races to look at them. The choices. The props that could fulfill my desires. I turn in his arms, tilting my face up just slightly to look into his eyes already darkened in lust.

“I want to,” I say. He smiles at the admission. I continue, “but I’m nervous.”

His hand runs through my hair and strokes the side of my face. “I know. I’ll be careful with you.”

While I settle myself on the bed, Jason selects a red cord. When he caresses it against the side of my ribs, I can’t help but giggle at the light tickle stealing into my skin. His serious expression cracks into a grin for a brief second, then his focus returns with a frown. “I can untie this at any moment, but only if it gets really uncomfortable, okay love?”

I reply with a nod. I know the code word we set.

The cord tightens around my wrists, then Jason’s muscular chest blocks my vision while he secures my hands to the bed frame. A soft hiss of silk broadcasts the tightness of the knot.

As he travels down my body, his kisses leave soft, teasing imprints on the smooth skin of my heaving breasts and down my ribs. My breathing alone attests to my anticipation. I don’t know what his plans are with me. I’m about to find out.

Wet lips envelope my pussy. Jason’s face is buried between my thighs and he’s licking and sucking masterfully, drawing out gasps and soft moans. I’m his instrument, tuned to his movements. With his mouth greedy on my clit, my back arches off the bed.

His mouth stops. Only a brush of air across my pussy, cold for how wet I am. “Please…” I whisper.

From between my legs, I hear Jason respond, “Tonight, you’re not going to cum until I let you.”

Before I can answer, his mouth is on my pussy and his tongue dances among the folds. My moans increase when that practiced tongue slips within my slit to press on my g-spot. I try to clench back in a desperate attempt to keep his tongue in place. Knowing he’s only going to tease me makes me want him more.

Jason backs out again. I want to tangle my fingers into his hair and pull him back, but the silk rope only yields an inch before the hard line catches across my wrist. All that momentum transfers to bend my elbows while my hands barely move.

He lifts his head. My juices drip off his chin and onto my taut stomach. “You know that won’t work,” he chuckles. His eyes burn into mine while one fingertip just barely brushes the edge of my pussy lips. They’re wet, soaking wet, but I haven’t come close to an orgasm. I whimper, my head rolling to the side, but my eyes are still locked on his. Those are the rules. That soft sound only widens his grin, devilish in delight at my torment. “Aw, what’s the matter?”

My hips roll underneath the teasing hand. At the movement, he pulls back his hand entirely and watches me until I stop writhing. Then I earn a light caress to my face. “That’s it. Good girl.” I watch as he lowers himself back down between my legs. A long, slow, wet lick up my slit that just barely touches my clit. His words are muffled against my thighs, “Stay still now, and maybe I’ll let you cum.”

He doesn’t. That, or I wasn’t still enough each time his tongue flicked across my clit. I definitely wasn’t still when he curled two fingers into my slit to stroke across my g-spot. His mouth worked me up to the edge and then backed off, disappeared when he leaned back to watch me recover from the touch.

“Please,” I beg, my eyes wild on his. Jason is wearing an infuriatingly attractive smirk. “Please fuck me.”

“You know, that’s a wonderful idea, kitten.”

I can’t believe he would agree so readily, but the next moment I realize he didn’t, not exactly. Jason climbs over my body, his long tanned limbs contrasting against my pale skin, until he’s straddling over his face. Keeping me on edge has hardened his cock. It stands stiff and thick, huge before my eyes.

“You want to get fucked by this big cock?” Jason asks from above.

What kind of fucking he means is dawning on me. I lick my lips and give my most lustful gaze up his lean body, which isn’t difficult after the number of times I was denied a climax. “Yes. Please, yes. Fuck me with it.”

A dull thud lands on my cheek. Jason swung his swollen cock against my face. I feel my jaw drop open in shock. “I’m going to fuck your pretty little mouth, Claire.”

Another smack makes me realize I’m supposed to respond. “Yes. Yes, fuck my mouth, Jason. Make me swallow every drop of your cum.”

That earns a smile. “Good girl,” Jason groans, burying one hand into my cropped hair and pulling me up onto his cock. He tastes good. Immediately I begin sucking on his thick knob, but his hips push forward, dragging his shaft across my tongue and pressing against my throat. “Licking your pussy has got me all worked up,” he says as his cock withdraws except the very tip. He stays there for what feels like forever, poised at the edge of my lips. “I just can’t go on without cumming first.” He pounds forward.

The cock in my mouth is hard, hungry, and insistent, but the hand supporting my head contains only the gentlest strength. The study in contrasts makes my head swirl. Soon I know only his rocking hips and the dull ache in my jaw as I try to suck on his meaty cock without choking on it while Jason face-fucks me.

Above me, his groans deepen to growls and his thrusts jerk faster into my face. That’s the only warning I have before ropes of cum fill my mouth. As I swallow down wave after wave, his thrusts slow until his cock finally slips from between my lips.

“Very good girl.” His voice is full of the same pride I see in his eyes.

I’m a little breathless from being face-fucked. “Thank you.” I don’t know what else to say. I’ve already learned that pleading won’t lead to faster orgasms, but demanding seems even less wise.

“Let’s take our game up a step,” he suggests, caressing the array of props at my side as if they’re favorite lovers. After a moment’s debate, he lifts the red silk blindfold with black embroidery. It’s strangely elegant. Jason softly kisses my forehead before he slips it over my face and lowers my head to the pillow. The room is black. I feel his lips brush my ear. “Don’t worry, Claire. I have a reward planned for you.”

The bed shifts as Jason climbs down to return between my legs. My pussy aches for him, as much now after swallowing a load of cum as when he teased me mercilessly.

For a long moment nothing changes. There is only that barely-perceptible weight of him on the mattress and the hot heat of his gaze on my naked body. Then his fingertips dip into my wetness and push forward, immediately curving up to my g-spot. An explosion of pleasure blazes through my nerves. My back arches off the bed as my mouth opens wide in a gasp. I couldn’t form words if my life depended on it, not with the paired pleasure of his thumb on my clit. I’ve been held on the edge for so long that this latest touch is almost unbearable.

Perhaps Jason senses how close I am. His growl becomes my entire world. “Cum for me, kitten.” The combination of two fingers curled up onto my g-spot, the fast, light stroking on my clit, and the petname is too much. I let out a scream, straining against the silk rope.

“Yeah, that’s it, girl. Cum for me.”

How can I do anything but follow that command? My walls clench around his fingers as a low scream registers in my throat. It seems to last almost as long as the edging session he put me through.

I realize my screams and the orgasm have both died away and I’m heaving shallow breaths. My heart is racing, but my muscles relax into the bed. Jason’s weight is on top of me. Even through I can’t see him, I can feel the wiry muscles lean into my curves moments before his lips melt onto mine. It’s a sweet kiss, as rewarding as the orgasm was.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jason asks.

“That was amazingly intense,” I grin back, then frown as the silk cord constrains my attempt to stroke his chest. “Untie me so I can curl up in your arms?” I ask. It really is a question. This pause in the activity lulls me into thinking it’s the end of the session.

“But pet, I’m not done with you yet.” His weight lifts halfway off of me. Jason won’t be kissing me again, but I’m not sure what his next plan is.

“Please…” After that intense climax I can barely think, but wherever he’s planning to take me, I want to know.

“Mmm, I love it when you beg, Claire.” His voice sounds distant, as if his head is turned away. Surveying his toys, maybe? “But for now, I’d rather hear only your moans.”

His strong hands gently turn my head to the side and a taste of rubber presses against my lips. “Open,” Jason instructs. When I do, a ball gag fills the front of my mouth. Judging from Jason’s choice for the silk cord and the blindfold, I guess it’s a matching shade of red. The leather straps pull across my cheeks and a soft click of metal indicates he’s secured the buckle behind my head.

“How’s that feel?” Jason sounds much closer. His eyes must be on me.

“Gmph,” I answer, trying to get out the word *good*. My inability to speak makes Jason chuckle. I imagine that smirk dance across his lips, the one that makes me wet even as it maddens me.

“Good,” he says for me. “You remember the hand motion?” I nod, realizing now why he had me learn a signal with my fingers in addition to our code word. “Very good, kitten.”

Two strong hands turn me on the mattress and push at my knees until I’m kneeling on the bed, leaning my shoulders into the pillow with my ass high in the air. Cold air moves across my dripping slit.

“God, Claire, you look absolutely delicious,” Jason says behind me. The mattress shifts until he’s kneeling behind me, hard cock grinding against my wet folds.

“Ung,” I groan into the gag. It feels strange to have my moans muffled, but sexy in a way I never imagined. I know that right now I’m entirely his and it excites me beyond anything I’ve ever known.

From behind, there is still the constant grinding of his hips against my ass. My body twists, trying to catch the head of his cock between my pussy lips, but I’m stopped by a quick slap on my ass. I groan into the gag again, but my hips stop immediately. “That’s it, pet. Let me take control.” Only when I relax does Jason continue, grinding into me until I start grinding back. That earns another quick spank. “I’ll fuck you soon enough, pet,” he hisses, “but the more you struggle the longer it’s going to take.”

I relax again, willing my body to obey him. Jason grinds forward and this time I tremble in the effort of holding still. Whatever reserve of determination I’ve found, it seems to satisfy him. Jason rolls his hips forward, sliding the tip of his cock into my pussy.

“Umph,” my moan gets trapped in my throat and echoes inside my mouth. Just that touch of hot, hard flesh between mine and the blackness behind my blindfold turns white. It feels so good, I want more and more.

A second touch electrifies me. He’s fingering my asshole. “Mmmng.”

“Yeah, I thought you’d like getting your ass played with.” Jason slips the first digit of his finger into my ass as his cock slowly stretches my pussy. This isn’t the first time he’s fingered my ass, but it’s the first I haven’t been able to move when he does it.

Both his finger and his dick work forward until both his knuckles and his hips press against the smooth curve of my ass. My teeth clench down on that red rubber ball strapped in my mouth as I moan low. “Fuck, kitten, you’re so fucking tight.” Jason didn’t specify whether he meant my pussy or my ass; probably he means both. Slowly, he begins to fuck both in tandem, letting me adjust to how he stretches me out. With my hands bound in front of me and a strong grip on my waist, I can only arch my back and submit to the pleasure.

“You’re tight and so fucking wet,” he groans. His light thrusts are driving me wild. I want to buck back onto him, increase the force of the impact, but he’s holding my body still. The gag echoes my frustration. “And it’s good you’re so wet, kitty. Want to know why?”

When he pauses, I realize I’m supposed to say something. “Unph?” *Why?* I gasp into the rubber ball.

The low chuckle returns. “Because I’m going to use your juice for lube when I fuck your sexy little ass.”

“Mmph!” I moan. For all our anal play, using fingers and toys, Jason’s cock has never taken my ass. No one’s cock has. It’s something we’ve been building towards, so far only a daydream. Thinking my fantasy might become reality brings a new desperation to cum.

“Don’t worry, kitten, I’ll start gentle.” If it’s as gentle as his current thrusts, I think I can take it, but now that I realize he’s only using my pussy to coat his cock my thoughts race. What is it going to feel like when his thickness pushes between my cheeks? Will it hurt? Will he be as gentle as he claims? Will he cum deep into my ass as he’s always promised?

His cock slides out of my pussy and my moans cut off into a whimper. A second later, his finger slides from my ass. I’m left empty, but only for a moment before I feel the head of his cock at my tightest hole. It’s wet from my cum. I hope it’s wet enough.

“Ready, Claire?”

“Ung umph,” I say into the gag — *I am*.

Jason pushes forward, parting my ass around his cock. He’s thick, thicker than any plug we’ve tried, but I know from those plugs to relax as much as possible.

The first thrust is slow, achingly slow, but he fills me up until my ass touches his thighs. He feels huge inside me, filling me tighter than he’s ever filled my pussy. I might burst from the inside, and yet there’s a tendril of pleasure wrapped around the discomfort. I know that as I relax, the pleasure will take over until it consumes my being.

“We’re all in,” Jason says after a moment, as if I couldn’t guess from his weight on my legs. “Still doing okay, kitten?” Knowing the gag will render me incomprehensible, I nod against the pillow. “Good,” he responds, “because I’m gonna fuck your tight little ass until we both cum.” Fingers dance over my clit. Is it a reward for taking the first thrust so well?

His cock retracts as slowly as it entered, leaving behind only an ache. I want him filling me. I must have whimpered, because Jason’s next thrust is a little faster and just as smooth, sliding home. Little by little, he works me higher until his hips swing faster and harder than they had into my pussy. Then, bit by bit, he works me until his hips swing as fast and as hard as I’d want in any other session.

He’s fucking my ass. Every shift of his hips makes me moan into my gag, taking the forceful pleasure. Gone is any pain. Adapted to his girth, what dominates my senses now is the fullness as his ridges stroke me. It isn’t only his cock that shifts into overdrive. His hand is fast on my clit, rubbing and circling and occasionally flicking his fingers against the prominent button. The bedroom fills with the sticky slaps of his balls against my lips and my muffled moans, growing ever higher until they pitch towards screams, “Mmph” turning into “Ungh” and finally “Ihm!” — *Yes!* His favorite word to hear in bed.

As always, my shrieks make Jason’s cock swell. I notice it more in my ass: he was already the biggest he’s felt while fucking me but even thicker now. He pounds forward with heavy thrusts. “Cum for me, kitten,” he hisses. “Cum for me while I fill your ass.”

How can I do anything but obey? The gag distorts my screams, but we both know the moment the orgasm overtakes me. My back arches and again the blindfold-hidden world turns the bright hot white of ecstasy. Behind me, Jason swells with the deepest growl yet. He sounds like a predator, claiming his prize. With long, hot squirts, he marks me as his. Deep into my ass, his cum fills me.

We collapse onto the bed, sweating and panting. Jason’s shallow breathing tells me of his exhaustion but still his fingers are gentle as they lovingly unbuckle the gag. Carefully, he removes the rubber sphere from my mouth and presses his lips against mine. The blindfold follows, bringing my sight back in sharp contrast of colors. Then, still locked in a kiss, he unties the silken cord around my hands.

Freed from my bonds, I can only curl into his arms. Jason pulls me in, stroking my hair and massaging my wrists. “That wasn’t so bad, was it pet?”

I giggle into his chest, sleep creeping into my consciousness. “Fuck, Jason. It was the hottest thing we’ve ever done.”

He kisses my forehead. More than anything else, that soft kiss tells me how much he loves me. “Claire, honey, we’re just getting started.”


As always, feedback is appreciated.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5o75nz/learning_to_follow_fm_loving_mdom_bondage_anal