Choir Tour [group, cum, cuck]

Ok, this happened to me many years ago when I was in college. I was in the school choir, and we would go on a choir tour during spring break. We would sing in various cities along the way and then have a couple days free at the end to just hang out. That year, we went to Fort Lauderdale. During the last three days, I was rooming with three other guys: Craig, Kyle, and Buzz (names changed for the story). While they were all out on the beach, I was with my girlfriend Gretchen in our room, taking advantage of some alone time. We were completely naked, and she was riding me, when the hotel door opened and all three guys walked in. I was just in the middle of busting my nut inside her when this happened. I wanted to crawl under the bed, but she was on top of me. She just casually dismounted me, and waved to the boys, and said, “Hi guys.” I thought it was weird how relaxed she was.

The guys were all pleasantly surprised. “Hey, looks like we interrupted something here!” They just stood and stared. Gretchen was a pretty hot girl. Big round boobs, thin waste, pretty smile. She was my first girlfriend since high school, so I was pretty hung up on her.

“Nah, no big deal. We were just finishing,” she said nonchalantly. “Excuse me, I need to get into the bathroom to clean myself up. Jerry made a bit of a mess.” When she stood up, it was pretty obvious that my cum was leaking out of her. They parted to let her through, and she scooted by them to get to the bathroom, her boobs and ass brushing against them as she passed.

“Sorry, dude. We didn’t know you were busy in here. You should have put a sock on the door or something,” they said to me. Though I don’t think they were really that sorry.

“It’s ok,” I shrugged, trying to seem like it didn’t bother me. I didn’t want to come across as some uptight prick.

When Gretchen came out of the bathroom, I noticed that she had touched up her makeup a bit. I thought it was weird that she put on more makeup, but didn’t put her clothes back on. But I was young and naive, and didn’t think anything of it. “All clean now!” she announced and did a little twirl for everyone.

“Maybe we should take off our swim suits to make you more comfortable, so that you aren’t the only one naked,” Craig suggested, half jokingly. Craig was always a shit stirrer, pushing the boundaries of what was socially acceptable, so it didn’t surprise me to hear him say that.

What did surprise me was when Gretchen responded, “OK,” with a shrug and a smile. They didn’t need any more prompting. All three of them pulled of their swim trunks, so that all of us were completely naked now. I laughed a bit awkwardly. The guys were always joking around and playing pranks, so this behavior didn’t seem unnatural at the time. Craig and Buzz were on the football team, so they were both pretty buff. Kyle was a normal size guy like me. He was sort of like Craig’s side kick; followed him around everywhere.

We all sat around, drinking beer and talking about stupid stuff, when Craig said, “We should play spin the bottle again!” (Of course it was Craig. It’s always Craig making trouble.) Now, the night before, a whole bunch of us in the choir were in a room after the last performance, and had decided to play spin the bottle. Of course everyone had their clothes on then, so it was more or less innocent fun. I kissed three girls, and Gretchen kissed a bunch of guys, but it didn’t bother either of us, because it was just a game. This time though, I wasn’t so eager to have my naked girlfriend making out with three naked guys, who all happened to be pretty good looking as well.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said, trying to make it sound low key and not at all defensive or possessive.

Gretchen looked at me and then at them. “Yea, you all are gonna have to work much harder than that if you want any kisses from me.” I was hoping that would put an end to that discussion, but it only encouraged them more.

“Ok, what do we have to do to earn some kisses?” Kyle asked. He seemed a little too eager for my comfort.

Gretchen smiled and thought for a moment. I could tell she enjoyed being the center of attention. The guys kept looking her up and down as she sat on the bed, their eyes often lingering on her voluptuous breasts. Gretchen got a wicked grin on her face and said, “Jerk off for me and make yourself cum.”

The guys all laughed. I laughed along with it, thinking it was just a joke. “So the guy who cums first gets a kiss from you?” Buzz asked.

“Yea, if you jerk off and cum, then I’ll give you a big wet kiss!” Gretchen pronounced, not backing down from her offer.

Craig was smiling mischievously. He always got that smile when he was about to pull a prank. “Let’s raise the stakes some more. Soggy biscuit!” he said, as if that needed no explanation.

But I had no idea what he was talking about, so I asked, “What does soggy biscuit mean?”

“It’s something we force the pledges to do during pledge week,” Craig explained. “All the guys wank it onto a biscuit and the last one to cum has to eat it.”

Gretchen laughed loudly. “Ohmygod, yes! Do it! That’s hilarious!” She clapped with excitement, which made her boobs jiggle.

“We don’t have a biscuit though,” Kyle said.

“I’ve got a fudge brownie,” Craig said, and he retrieved a bag and pulled out a large fudge brownie on a plate as big as a piece of cake.

“Are we really gonna do this?” Buzz asked.

“You chicken?” Craig responded. “I’m not. And I want to get my hands on those big titties.” Gretchen laughed giddily, but I grimaced.

“Well, I’m not playing that game,” I said with a bit of disgust. “I can kiss Gretchen anytime I want to anyway.”

“Not during the game. Against the rules,” Craig said. “You want a kiss, you gotta play.”

Gretchen followed Craig’s lead and turned to me saying, “Yea, not during the game.”

“Fine!” I huffed. “I’ll just watch, then. I just came anyway, so I’d probably be the last one. No way am I doing that!”

Gretchen shrugged. “Suit yourself.” Then she turned to the guys. “Ok, boys. Get started!”

“You have to hold the plate for us,” Craig told her with an evil grin.

“Ok,” she said and picked up the plate, “but you better get started or I might eat this myself if you don’t hurry up.” With that, Craig started wanking off, and Kyle soon followed his lead, and Buzz joined in as well. Gretchen was clearly enjoying the show, watching three well build guys stroking their fat cocks for her. This all felt so surreal to me. But I figured it would be over soon. I watched with curiosity, because I had never seen anything like this happen in real life. Craig was really going at it, and it wasn’t long before he was ready to burst.

“Come over here and kneel on the floor and hold the plate for me,” Craig commanded Gretchen, and she complied willingly. He began shooting a thick stream of ivory cream all over the large brownie, but a few shots went a little too far and landed on the top of her boob. The other guys laughed and teased him.

“You got poor aim buddy!” Kyle said.

Craig shook the last drops onto the brownie, and shot back, “Don’t laugh. You’re probably gonna be eating it, little man!” As they were bantering back and forth, I saw Gretchen wipe the string of semen off her boob with her finger and then lick it.

She saw that I noticed and told me, “Force of habit.” Indeed she was quite used to licking off my cum from her boobs, so I believed it.

“I won! Come on over here, pretty little thing, and give me my prize,” Craig said to Gretchen. She smiled, put the plate down, climbed into Craig’s lap, and gave him a big kiss. I just sat there and watched as my naked girlfriend made out with a football player. He was my friend, but I wasn’t so happy with him at the moment. He was thrusting his tongue down her throat and playing with her bare tits aggressively.

Luckily, it didn’t last long. Craig’s comment made Kyle jerk even faster, and soon he was calling for Gretchen, “I’m gonna cum! Get over here!” She hopped off of Craig’s lap, picked up the plate, and shuffled over to Kyle just as he exploded all over the brownie. He managed to get all of it on the plate.

“Ho ho! Looks like Buzz is gonna be eating it!” taunted Craig, but Buzz ignored him and kept wanking. Meanwhile, Gretchen stood up and leaned over to give Kyle a kiss too. I only had a view of her ass and pussy as she leaned over, but I could tell that Kyle was playing with her nipples as she kissed him.

“Ok, my turn!” Buzz called out. Gretchen sauntered over to him. He stood up and she stood before him as he spluged all over the plate. It was a bit messy and some landed on her hands. When he was done, she licked the oozing pearlescent cream off her hands, and didn’t bother to make any excuses for it.

“You gotta eat it, man!” Craig told Buzz.

“Well, I want my kiss first,” said Buzz. He grabbed Gretchen, towering over her as he coiled his powerful linebacker arms around her thin frame, and kissed her hard. She melted in his embrace, and cupped his neck as they kissed. He picked her up, placed her on the bed, and laid on top of her as he practically tongue fucked her face.

“Ok, ok, that’s enough!” I said and pushed him off her with my foot. Craig and Kyle laughed and Buzz chuckled at my reaction. Gretchen just laid on the bed with a look of euphoria. I knew that if I hadn’t been there, she wouldn’t have stopped it.

“You gotta eat the brownie, dude,” Kyle told Buzz.

“Fuck, I’m not eating that thing,” Buzz responded. The guys gave him shit for it, but I wasn’t surprised. I wouldn’t have eaten it either.

“I’ll eat it,” Gretchen said matter-of-factly. The guys looked at her and grinned.

“Go ahead then,” said Craig. “I want to see this.”

“You don’t have to do that, honey,” I told my girlfriend.

“Shut up, dude! She said she wants to,” Craig spat back.

It was obvious that Gretchen was enjoying being the center of attention, and I think she just wanted to show off. She picked up the brownie from the plate and started eating it. It was a pretty big fudge brownie and it took her a while to eat. The coagulated cream topping oozed off as she indulged.

“How is it?” Buzz asked.

“Delicious!” she said with a smile. She sopped up all the glistening white gravy from the pate with the brownie until it was all gone. When she was done, the boys applauded.

“That was awesome!” Craig said.

“Very sexy!” said Buzz.

“You’re the perfect woman,” gushed Kyle, and the other two made fun of him.

“I think that’s enough for the night,” I said, wanting to end the party before it got out of hand.

“Awww, I’m having fun,” Gretchen pouted.

“Chill out, man. The night is young. Just relax and have a beer,” Craig cajoled me. “I’ve got some pills that’ll make you feel better,” he offered, “Stick around and party.”

“Nah, that’s ok. I don’t need anything,” I answered.

Gretchen put her hand on my chest. “I want to stay a little longer. I know how to make you feel better. If you let me stay, I’ll make you feel amazing!” she she said with a wicked smile.

I looked into her baby blue eyes and I couldn’t say no to her. I caved and said, “Ok.”

“I’d love to see what you would do to make him feel amazing,” Buzz said.

Gretchen flashed a smile. “Well, I should show you boys.”

Almost in unison, they cried out, “Yea! Show us!”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to put on a performance for the guys, but nobody was asking my opinion. Gretchen pushed me back onto the bed, and climbed on top of me. She dragged her breasts over my body, her hard nipples gliding over my chest and stomach, and then back and forth across my junk, which made me hard pretty quickly. Then she pressed her large pillowy mounds around my cock and started titty fucking me. The guys watched with rapt attention, commenting how lucky I was and that they wished they were in my place. It felt wonderful, as it always does. She did that for a while and then she started blowing me, working my shaft with her hands, as he lips glided up and down, and her tongue flicked over my pee hole.

Then she climbed on top of me and started riding me. I was quite enjoying it, as my girlfriend is very beautiful and sensual; but having three guys watching us made it a little awkward for me. We went for a while, but I wasn’t able to orgasm, probably because I didn’t feel relaxed. So she hopped off my cock, straddled my head, and rode my face as I licked her pussy. She leaned down to suck my dick some more, until she orgasmed and covered my face with her clear nectar. The guys were cheering her on the whole time.

She rolled off me and posed for the guys and asked, “Well, what did you think?”

“That was amazing!” Kyle said.

“You definitely know what you are doing,” Buzz added.

All Craig said was, “I’m next.”

“No way, man! Not gonna happen,” I told Craig emphatically.

“Hey, just kidding. Chill out, dude,” he said defensively. But I knew he wasn’t kidding.

I helped Gretchen get dressed, and walked her back to her room. As I was walking back to my own room, I wasn’t looking forward to facing the guys after all that had happened, but to my surprise, none of them were there. I didn’t know where they had gone, so I just laid in bed. I learned later that they had gone to some party in another room. I couldn’t sleep though, and I felt really anxious, so I got up and went back to Gretchen’s room. I was afraid she wouldn’t be there either, and I didn’t know what I would do if she wasn’t. When I got to her room, my fear was realized. She wasn’t there. The one girl who was in the room told me that she had gone walking down the beach with some other girls.

I panicked. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t want to leave her alone that night. I went outside and prowled around up and down the beach looking for her. I must have been out there for over an hour before I found the girls she was supposed to be with. I asked them where she was and they told me she had gone off with some other choir members. So I looked up and down the beach a little more and was just about to go back to the hotel when I saw two people in the shadows down an alley. I knew instinctively by the outline that one of them was my girlfriend. They were making out pretty heavily. I got a bit closer, staying in the shadows, not really knowing what to do. Just as I was building up the nerve to confront them, they turned and walked hand in hand the other way.

I followed them for a bit as they walked down the beach. I could see more clearly now. It was Gretchen and Craig. It was really late now, in the wee hours of the morning, and there weren’t many people on this part of the beach. I watched them duck between a tree and a small building, and out of my line of sight. I crept up closer, my heart beating furiously in my chest as I slowly peered around the corner. What I saw was pretty much what I expected. Gretchen was kneeling down, giving Craig a blowjob. Though she was moving a bit lazily. I realized that they were both high as fuck. They were so out of it, they didn’t see me watching them.

Craig sank down to the ground and Gretchen straddled him, easing her pussy down around his fat cock, and she began to ride him. I walked up closer to them, not even trying to hide anymore, and just stood there as she bounced up and down in his lap while he sucked on her jiggling breasts. My guess is that Craig gave her whatever it was that he offered me earlier. As she was grinding on top of him, she slowly turned her head and saw me watching. She gave me a lazy smile, and said, “Hey, babe,” not even missing a beat as she continued to fuck him. She was so out of it, that it didn’t even occur to her that I might be upset at what she was doing.

When she said that, Craig turned to look at me and said, “Sup, dude.” He was just as wasted as she was. I wanted to rant and rail at them. I wanted to scream. But the way they smiled at me in such a welcoming way made me feel like a dick for wanting to break the mood. Not wanting to be a buzzkill, I just stood and watched as they fucked. He rolled her down onto the sand and pulled her knees up to her shoulder and started pounding her deep and hard, which made her roll her eyes and moan in ecstasy. I started to get hard as I watched them, like I was watching some porn. They were both extremely attractive, so it wasn’t much different.

When he flipped her over and started fucking her doggie style, I decided to join in. I pulled my pants down and shoved my cock in her mouth, and she started sucking like a hungry kitten. We spitroasted her for a while. Gretchen was loving every second of it, clearly in her natural element. Then Craig picked her up and slid her down onto his sausage while he fucked her standing up. He was a huge muscle bound football player, so this was no problem for him. I came up behind and slid my dick up her ass and we DP’d her while holding her between us. She fucking loved that and it made her cum furiously. It also made Craig cum. I know because I could feel both of their juices drip down my balls and inner thighs.

After that, we got dressed and walked down the beach, Gretchen hand in hand with both of us as she walked between us. I thought we would walk her back to her room, but Craig led her back to our room. Buzz and Kyle still weren’t back. I have no idea where they slept that night. Probably with some other female choir members. Craig stripped Gretchen naked, then took off his own clothes and pulled Gretchen into bed with him. I followed suit, stripped down, and got into bed next to Gretchen. They continued making out. Craig’s hands were all over her, squeezing her tits and fingering her pussy. Gretchen was stroking his cock. I spooned behind her, pulling her hair over and kissing her ear and neck, while I rubbed my dick between her asscheeks.

When Craig slipped his cock into her pussy, I slid mine into her ass, and we DP’d her again. I could feel Craig’s balls rubbing against mine, but I didn’t give a shit. If he was gonna fuck her, so was I. But then he rolled her away from me so that I slipped out of her ass, and then he straddled her chest and started fucking her tits. She squeezed her boobs around his thick beefy sausage and looked up at him with adoration. After about ten minutes, he came all over her tits, and then rolled over and passed out cold.

Gretchen still wanted some lovin’, so she rolled over on top of me and started making out with me. Her breasts were wet and slippery with Craig’s cum as they pressed against my chest, and when I sunk my dick into her gaping well used snatch, it was still filled with the thick slime that he had deposited in her earlier. It was a strange feeling to be fucking my girlfriend, covered in another man’s sticky cum. At that point, I wasn’t even bothered anymore. The night had become so surreal that nothing seemed real. Gretchen fell sleep on top of me, and I conked out at some point too.

Believe it or not, Gretchen and I dated for another 8 months after that. At first, I wasn’t even sure if she remembered what happened. But as the weeks passed, she gave little clues that she remembered and enjoyed every second of it. I tried to convince her to do a threesome with another girl, but that never happened. Looking back, its not a memory I regret. It was a strange incident and I’m glad it occurred. Now, I’m not as naive and much wiser about the world. So all in all, it wasn’t a bad experience.
