Sibling Revelry (AKA, Julie): Part 9 [Str8, MF, inc]


Julie and I straightened the room and got dressed. After making a couple of drinks from the mini-bar, we sat patiently in expectation of a knock at the door. While we waited, she finished explaining to me everything about her original plan, acknowledging some of the things she had done, and how she saw an opportunity with me and felt destined to take it.
We talked, laughed, reminisced, and kissed a few times, but nothing more.

At approximately two-thirty in the morning, there was a single knock at the door. Julie jumped up and dragged me to a spot on the carpet fifteen feet away from the threshold. Opening the door, she stepped behind it to allow our guest unabated entry into the room.

The look on Stephanie’s face when she recognized me was priceless.

“*Ahem*,” Julie cleared her throat at our step-sister’s six while closing the door.

Looking down and away from me, Stephanie turned and placed a small wad of bills on the desk to my left. Then she took a step to the side and stood two paces in front of me.

“When you want her to do something, my dear brother,” Julie explained. “All you need to do is preface your request with *I own you*. You don’t have to call her a whore or a slut, but you can if you want.”

I could see fear in the eyes of my step-sister as she began to undress. Once her light, fashionable jacket came off, she let it fall to the floor at her side. After that, off came her shoes. Then she struggled awkwardly with the zipper on her dress. As she twisted and turned in an effort to reach the pull-tab, I asked her to turn around.

Like a wounded deer, she stared up at me with doe eyes, but said nothing and moved nary a muscle.

“Tell her, Steven,” Julie advised firmly. “Say, *‘I own you’*. Then she’ll do whatever you want.”

I did as my sister instructed, but without the stern voice she had used..

“I own you,” I said calmly. “Turn around and I’ll help you.”

Stephanie immediately turned away and tilted her head, presenting me with free access to her zipper. I slid the tab downward until it reached the small of her back.

When I let go, she turned back around, but did not look upon me directly. She slid her dress off to reveal her bra, panties, and hosiery. I was somewhat impressed with how well she had taken care of her body, but my sister explained how that came to be with forthcoming small praise.

“Very good, bitch,” Julie snapped. “I’m glad to see you listened to me and have been taking care of yourself. Doesn’t she look lovely?”

I nodded, but averted my gaze from Julie, retaining my focus on the shell of a person in front of me.

“Thank you, mistress,” the broken woman responded blankly.

Stephanie methodically unclasped her bra and dropped it to the floor next to the rest of her clothing. Her round breasts with large, brownish areolas dangled to either side of her chest.
Slipping both thumbs into the top of her pantyhose, she removed the left stocking first, followed by the right.

As she slid her fingers under the hem of her black lace panties, she hesitated for a moment to look me squarely in the eye. I could see a tear beginning to glisten, but she quickly bent over to remove the final garment covering her pink flesh.

Tossing the underwear aside on top of her other clothes, Stephanie caught her balance with one hand on the floor.

When she stood up, I could see that a tear had rolled down her cheek.

She reduced the distance between us by half and began to kneel.

“Julie,” I implored my sister desperately, not wanting the situation to escalate any further.

She said nothing, though.

Stephanie went down on both knees and began to unclasp my belt buckle and the button on my slacks.

“Julie!?” I exclaimed, nearly begging.

Against my protests, the act of a woman preparing to take the cock out of my pants aroused me to stiffness.

As the zipper on my pants slowly descended, I could feel my step-sister’s hand pressing firmly against my burgeoning erection.

“Dammit, Julie,” I bellowed before addressing the creature at my feet. “Steph, I command you. I, uh… I own you. Stop it. Stop right now. Just stop.”

Julie watched me intently as she took a seat on the bed near her laptop. Our step-sister kept her hand on my crotch, but she sat back on her calves, looking from me to Julie, then back to me again.

“Show it to her, Steven.”

My sister could sense I was going to argue, but before I could respond, she admonished me.

“Do it,” she said. “Take it out and show her or I’ll do it for you.”

Resigned, I took a step backward and pulled my pants down to my knees and let my dick wave at half-mast. Stephanie stared at it, either unable or unwilling to look away.

“Look at that, you fucking slut,“ Julie spat. “You like that shit right there, don’t you? I bet you can’t wait to have that in your mouth.”

“Yes, mistress,” she replied plainly.

‘Wait a minute,” I interjected, pulling my pants up and tucking my junk back into place. “Do you really want my cock in your mouth or are you just saying that because you have to?”

I could see the conflict in Stephanie’s eyes. She looked at Julie as if to take a cue from her, but there was no direction forthcoming.

“Look at me,” I asserted firmly. The confidence I heard in Julie’s voice earlier found its way into me and it felt good. It felt *really* good, actually.

The naked woman on the floor looked up at me.

“Do you really want my cock or are you just saying it because you know that’s what she wants to hear? I order you to tell the truth. I own you.”

Stephanie didn’t have to say anything for me to comprehend her answer. She burst into tears and began sobbing right there on the carpet.

“Oh, hell fucking no,” Julie shouted as she sprung from the bed.

I caught her by the forearm before she could reach the blithering mess that was once an evil step-sister to the both of us.

The glare I received was returned in kind, but Julie didn’t back down. She stood her ground and defied me silently. I let go of her wrist and helped Stephanie up off of the floor.

“Here,” I said, gently offering her my hand. “Sit on the chair.”

I drew the desk chair close and allowed Stephanie to collapse into it.

“I don’t know who this woman is right here,” I said, inclining my head toward Stephanie. “But she’s not the same person that treated me so cruelly as a kid. I can’t let you do this to her.”

Julie dismissed my remarks by rolling her eyes and snorting in derision.

“Are you some kind of psychopath or something?” I asked. I was legitimately beginning to wonder.

“No,” Julie shot back at me. “I just have a vivid memory of what life was like for us growing up. Not to mention the evidence I have of the shit kind of person she is.”

“Was,” I corrected her.

“Whatever,” Julie said flippantly.

I caressed Stephanie’s shoulder in an attempt to soothe her. However, it only seemed to make things worse because she started sobbing uncontrollably.

There were tissues on the desk and I handed a couple of sheets to Stephanie while Julie looked on. The room suddenly felt icy and a shiver ran down my spine. It was then that I remembered my step-sister was still naked.

Striding over to the closet, I flung the door back like a petulant child. There was an extra set of bed sheets, blankets, and pillows stacked on the top shelf of the closet. I pulled the blanket down, but everything else came with it.

“Fuck it,” I muttered, stepping over the pillowcases and sheets.

I unfolded and wrapped the blanket around my step-sister, which she accepted graciously.

Julie, on the other hand, stood watching me with fire in her eyes. I could think of two ways to tame the beast raging inside of her, but opted for the one that didn’t involve my cock. Particularly since there was a third-wheel present.

“You know, Jules,” I said calmly. “It’s easy to destroy things, to tear them down. It’s much harder to create and build.”

“You can stop right there,” Julie fired back. “I know what you’re saying and I don’t care. You really need to get on board and do it quickly.”

Keeping my cool, I nodded and turned my attention to Stephanie. I collected her clothes from the floor and gently handed them to her.

“Go to the bathroom, clean yourself up, and get dressed,” I implored her. It was a request, not a demand, but she quickly followed my suggestion.

When the door to the bathroom closed shut, I walked right up to my sister, who was standing motionless like a statue. She was trying to intimidate me with her glare, but it didn’t work. Her eyes gave her away as I stopped mere centimeters from her face. Since I was taller, she had no choice but to look up at me in a vain attempt of intimidation.

“Don’t even…” she started to admonish me, but I cut her off at the quick.

“I own *you*, dear sister.”

The tone of my voice caught her off guard and she stood with her mouth agape. Seizing the opportunity, I started kissing her. She instinctively started kissing me back, but pushed away after only a moment with our lips locked together.

“You can’t do that,” she said, inclining her head toward the bathroom. “Not while *she’s* still here.”

I found her wrist without looking and spun her around so her back was to me. With my free arm, I slid my hand across her chest and up to her throat in order to stifle any attempt at escape. She whimpered, but I didn’t care. I felt a sense of power and a surge of adrenaline rushing through my body. My senses felt keen and hyper-attentive.

“Do you want to be with me or not?” I asked simply.

Although her response was barely audible, but I heard it quite clearly. As expected, she answered in the affirmative.

My thumb and forefinger squeezed against the sides of her neck and I felt the tension leave my sister and she limply rested against my body. My cock was beginning to throb and I knew she would feel it against her ass in short order, so I had to talk fast.

“We own her and I own you,” I whispered into her ear. “The only rule is that we’re gonna do it my way. Do you understand me, sweet sister?”

I released the pressure against her throat, but kept my hand in place. Julie didn’t say anything, but I felt her nodding assent.

“Tell me you understand,” I commanded her.

She replied quickly.

“Yes, my love. I understand. Anything for you.”
I pushed her against the side of the bed and she fell forward, landing flat on the mattress. Her hair splayed to the sides of her face, drowning it out from view. As she lay in front of me face down, I pressed my left hand against the small of her back and spanked her once firmly across the ass.

The door to the bathroom clicked open and Julie scrambled to sit up on the bed. Her face was flushed and her breaths sharp. While she composed herself, Stephanie presented herself to us with her head bowed.

With Julie to my side and Stephanie in front of us, I took control of the situation.

“Listen here, sister,” I said, acknowledging our somewhat fractured, but very real relationship to one another. “This is how it’s all going to go down.”



  1. I hoped you would be back. but alas you have left me hanging again. Good work.

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