[M Str8] [Inc (Dad/dau)] [nc] [Sci-fi] Lemon/Lime Part Two: Unfinished Business – the Cock-tease and the cheerleader.

Lime nodded his agreement, words having failed him. This busty copy Lemon proceeded to do just that, twirling and swaying with far more grace than he had ever seen her display. As she did so, Lime got enough of a glimpse up her tiny skirt to notice that this one was indeed wearing panties – he caught a glimpse of pink lace covering her crotch almost every time she spun around.

Soon, Lemon undid her top, giving a simple tug at the loose knot that tied off her halter, but her hands quickly rushed in to cover her chest, holding her tits, blocking Limes view. As Lemon walked over to where he sat, with an exaggerated hip sway, Lime could not help but stare at her chest.

When she stood right in front of him, Lime bent over to wards him, putting her titties, still covered by her hands, just inches away from him.

“Wanna see?” She asked, in a voice that was certainly Lemon’s yet devoid of her usual slight shyness.

“Absolutely!” Lime was finally able to get a word out.


Lemon, or as Lime finally reminded himself, the Golem that resembled her, turned, releasing her tits, while her back was turned, so all Lime saw was a little side-boob. She bent over, letting her skirt ride up. As Lime took in the view, he noticed that this one was wearing a Pink G-string, not panties. The string was nestled snugly in between her ass crack, and the underwear just barely covered what showed of her pussy. It looked very similar, and just as lovely, as the one he had just enjoyed. Already, Lime was beginning to feel his cock perk up again.

Lemon hunted in the bar fridge, and soon found what she was looking for. Standing up, she turned to face Lime once again, with one arm stretched across her chest, hand cupping the breast on the farthest side, and her other hand holding a sailor cake.

“OK Daddy, time to eat up. I want you fully loaded before I dance anymore for you. Be a good Daddy, and eat up half your sailor cake without grabbing at me, and you can see my titties as much as you want, and play with them while you eat the other half.”

Sailor Cakes.

Early on, shortly after Golems started being used for sexual purposes, a flaw was noticed. As usual, it was not a flaw with the technology itself, but with human flesh. A Kiln could pump out an endless stream of wet, willing, playful Golem women, providing countless hours of entertainment. But a man could only get it up so many times, only cum so often before being worn out, dried up, spent.

Getting it up again was easy, thanks to implants that controlled the nervous and vascular systems, but what about the refractory period?

Some men had implants for this too, that produced synthetic hormones, restocked a man’s balls, all with a simple command.

But Lime had always liked taking the simple route. So when he wanted to play with his Golems gal pals for longer than his body would allow, he used Sailor Cakes – the most popular snack for adult men. They were packed with hormones, and other rapidly-absorbed nanites and nutrients, that could make a man feel horny as hell, as if he had not come for weeks, even shortly after his last orgasm.

The little cock-tease began to break off small pieces of the plain white cake, and sheepishly reached out to hand them to her ‘Daddy’, which he gently took. Soon, he grew impatient, to see and touch those titties, as promised.

“Come closer, sweetie, give me bigger bites. I promise not to touch.”

“OK, but you better not, or my top goes back on.”

Stepping in closes, Lemon broke off bigger pieces, which Lime chewed and swallowed as quick as he could. When he proved trustworthy. she offer the cake to him, holding it out in front of his mouth, and he bit at it, munching on every bite and swallowing as quickly as possible, until it was half gone.

“Well done Daddy. You earned this.”

Lemon stood up, and brought her hand away from her chest, exposing her lovely, big rounded, natural tear-drop shaped Ds.

“OK Daddy, I’m gonna hop on your lap, and feed you the rest while you play with my titties, but that’s all you get to play with, promise?”

Lime suddenly had a mental image of those very titties bouncing up and down as Lemon herself bounced up and down on his cock, which was by now at full mast once again, but he promised.

Before Lemon had even broken off the first piece of the second half, Lime had those titties in his hand, gently fondling them, occasionally giving them a little squeeze. After the fuck-doll had fed him the second bite, he had started to tease the nipples, rubbing them a little with his thumbs. Lime fondled, squeeze, and even started to pinch at the nipples, while being hand-fed. Soon, too soon in Lime’s opinion, the sailor cake was all gone. He was already starting to feel the effects, his mind racing with thought of fucking this hot young stripper, pounding away at her, on top of her, doggy style, fucking her face, until he was spent. He was just about to let go of her titties, or one of them at least, and slip a hand in between her legs, when she suddenly hopped up.

“Well, Daddy, since you’ve been so well behaved, I think it’s time I took of this G-String, don;t you think?”

Lime nodded his agreement, and Lemon turned around, bending over, letting her skirt once again ride up. Lime watched, mesmerised, as the Golem reached back, tugging at the G-string, pulling it down, bringing a nice rear-view of her luscious pussy down with it. The fuck-doll brought the G-String all the way down, letting it drop to her ankles, and then stood up, letting her skirt provide cover for her womanhood once again. She turned around, and gracefully stepped out of her G-String.

“Should I dance for you some more, Daddy?”

“Yes. Please!”

The slutty girl with the lovely big tits, who was certainly **not** his daughter, took a single short step to wards him, and then froze in her tracks, looking down at his stiff cock.

“Oh, you poor thing. I’ve gotten you so worked up. Want some help with that?”

Lime nodded that, and the slutty little stripper dropped to her knees. Pushing his legs wide open, she leaned forward, letting his dick sit between her titties, then put her hands on their sides, pushing them together, surrounding his dick. She began to gently work them up and down over his excited member. Lime patted the fuck-doll on the head appreciatively, but just when it he was starting to enjoy her attention, she withdrew her amazing boobs, and grinned up at him.

“Sorry Daddy, you played with them too much, and now they’re too sore. I know what you’ll like though!”

Without another word, she gobbled his knob, taking in just the first inch. She sucked on it expertly, lovingly, but never went any deeper, again, when Lime was just beginning to really enjoy it, she slid her lips up and off his cock.

*Cock-tease indeed* Lime thought.

“OK Daddy, break’s over. Time to dance again!”

The most infuriating cock-tease of a Golem that Lime had ever encountered once again straddled his lap once again, and put her hands over his, holding them down against his thighs.

“OK Daddy, before I begin, there are some no rules. You can touch me wherever you like, except my pussy, you can be as rough as you like, but there’s no kissing, understood?”

Wanting to play his cards right, in the hopes of finally getting to fuck this most hardest to get of fuck-toys, Lime agreed, and the Cock-tease immediately resumed her dance. She swayed and bucked, pushing her tits toward Lime’s face, often narrowly missing it. she ground her pussy against his stomach, or thigh, moaning with muted delight as she did so. Sometimes, she even just flicked her hair, or paused to blow him a kiss. In between this little dance, she would lean forward to whisper in Lime’s ear, about how great her pussy was, how much better than all those other girls, how soon it would be before he was cumming inside or on her, wherever he liked.

While the little slut teased, Lime touched her. He fondled her tits, playing more and more with the nipples. She gave a little gasp when he pinched them softly, and a squeal of delight no matter how hardly he pinched. Soon, his hands wandered down wards, fondling her ass. He even let his finger explore her crack, and found, to his surprise, that unlike all his other Golems, this one did not have a sealed asshole. He started to probe it gently, letting his middle finger slip just a little way in. It was tight, tighter than any pussy he had ever felt. Lemon gave off soft moans of delight, then stopped her dance.

“Ugh, I forgot to declare my asshole off limits. I suppose it’s too late now. Rules are rules.”

She continued, as Lime played with her tight little asshole. She showed her enjoyment by pushing back against her finger, trying to push more of it into her, but as she did so, he withdrew his finger, deciding, for once, to tease her. Lime played with the fuck-doll like this for a while, before, he became hungry for more, and let his hands slide over her skirt, slipping down and underneath them, resting his hands on her inner thighs.

“Careful Daddy, those hands are approaching forbidden territory.”

As she dance, Lime stroke her inner thighs, and, when the moment was right, he let one hand ‘accidentally slip and rest on her pussy, which he found to be sopping wet. Surely, Lime thought, this was all the invitation he needed to touch her pussy. He know how Cock-teases worked – he had played with them a few times. You just had to keep trying, pushing your luck, until it got sick of teasing, and let you have your way with it.

Lime grabbed her pussy, and pushed his middle finger into her tight wet cunt.

“Ahhhh! Daddy! What are you doing. That’s AHHHHHHHH!” Lemon’s words ended in a groan of pure delight, as Lime found her clit, and started rubbing it gently. The Golem allowed itself to enjoy ‘Daddy’s’ hand for almost a minute, before lifting her hips up, trying to get away. Lime didn’t want that, so he brought his free hand down on her ass, holding her in place, as he slipped a second finger into her womanhood, and began to finger-bang her, slamming his two fingers into her as fast and hard as he could.

Lemon gave up her struggle, and started to fuck his fingers back, as her orgasm built.

“ohhhhhhhhhh! Fucking Hell! So naughty! We shouldn’t be doing this!” That was all she had to say, before erupting in her first orgasm.

Lime withdrew his fingers, then held them up to her mouth. She obediently took them in past her lips, sucking them clean. Lime was ready for the big finish, so he brought his hands back down, held the fuck-toy steady by her hips, and pushed his cock up wards, poking it in between her lips.

Immediately, she reacted, leaping up off him, almost falling onto her ass as she got to her feet and stepped back away from him in her heels.

“Daddy! You’re such a bad man! It’s bad enough that you force an orgasm out of me, now you try to fuck me? I told you no, now this is what you get!”

She reached down, grabbed her own pussy with one hand, and spread the lips open. Before Lime’s eyes, her cunt closed up, the sides of her tight little slit joining together, until her pussy was nothing more than the outer parts, labia and clitoris, around a smooth sealed opening.

“Hah! There you go, you horny devil. If you can’t be trusted not to try and fuck me, then I just won’t let you in!”

Lime was stunned. This was new. He had never before been so throughly cock-blocked by a Golem, and wasn’t aware that they could do this with their bodies. Obviously, it was Lemon’s doing. She always did like to get creative. As frustrating as this was, he couldn’t fault her originality.

“But you know what? I can’t tease you, if I don’t offer something, so if you want to fuck me, there’s only one hold left.”

The Cock-tease unhooked her skirt, leaving just her pink stockings and heels. She then got down on all fours, and pushed her head down, while lifting her derriere up into the air, wiggling it in front of Lime.

“Come on Daddy! Fuck me in the ass. I’ll let you have one minute before you have to get out. If you give it to me nice and hard, that should be long enough.”

Lime had not tried anal for years, but he had also never eaten a whole sailor cake. Plus, he was interested to see where this was going. Kneeling down behind the delightfully filthy stripper, Lime grabbed its ass, spreading her wide open. He then pressed his dick against her tight, puckered little asshole, and pushed his dick in.

Oh, God how it was tight. It hugged his dick with almost a vice-like grip, but Lime found that he could slip it all the way in, with a little persistence.

“Ooooooooh, that’s it, Daddy! Better start fucking me! Your time starts now.”

Lime did as his ‘daughter’ suggested, starting to hammer away, feeling a little desperate to blow his load as quick as possible.

Come on Daddy, time’s almost half up! Faster! Faster! Lime pounded away like a man possessed, and the little slut took it all, but soon she called time. Lime was in no mood to stop, he was sick of being teased, and just wanted some release. He was far too wound up to care anymore about the rules.

“NO! I said Stop! Get out of me! I don’t want you in there anymore!”

Lime kept going.

“Come on Daddy, Please! I hate this! You’re hurting me!”

Lime started to feel a little put off, but reminded himself that this was just a lifeless toy, and all the protests were just one of his daughters little experiments.”


This got to Lime, there was something in that voice, it was terrified, panicky, in pain. Lime pulled out. Golem or no, this wasn’t fun anymore.

Turning the fuck-doll over, he looked into her eyes. “Oh so Sorry! I didn’t mean…”

The goddamn thing winked at him, then poked out her tongue.

“Feel bad? I told you No, Daddy. You should have listened. Maybe you would have gotten a hand-job, or I might even have opened my pussy back up. But now my asshole is closed for business too.

She wriggled loose of his grip, and propped herself up in a nearby corner of the room. She used one hand to fondle her own tits, while the other slipped between her legs, stroking her pussy, which now seemed to have opened up again.

“Don’t get any ideas, you pervert – my clam will slam shut if you even come near me. I;m just going to sit here playing with myself, until you figure out a way to make it up to me.”

*Check and Mate* Lime thought to himself. He decided to give up. If there was a way to get into that thing’s pants, he couldn’t be bothered to find it. Walking back to his chair, he picked up his robe, put it back on, picked up his glass, downed the last of his beer, and poured a fresh one.

Lime sat and sipped, and thought over what he had done, and realised that he was still incredibly wound up, that he ached to cum. Checking the next Golem in the queue, he saw that it was labelled “Morale”. That sounded exactly like something he could use right now, so he gave the order to have it cooked up. By the time the doors had opened, Lime was waiting off to one side of the platform, ready to take her hand, and help her down. He was suddenly feeling like treating his Golems a little nicer.

This one was another surprise. She had the same silky black hair, this time with a mauve streak running down the left hand side. She wore a bikini, black, with what looked like the same rose bush print that Lemon, the real one, wore on her dress. She also had black pump heels, and that was it.

There was one slight change to her body. Her boobs seemed even bigger than those on the stripper, if only just a little. The bikini was small, just barely covering her pussy, though the bottom was not a thong. the top just barely covered her nipples, and enough real estate around them to stop her titties falling out. trying, but not quite succeeding, to avoid staring at her chest, Lime took her by the hand, which he noticed, had nails painted in the same red as the roses on her bikini, and helped her down.


“Hi, Daddy. I see you’ve been having a wild time.”

“You could say that – I messed up with that one in the corner, went too far, and upset her.”

“Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself! Us fuck-dolls are supposed to be played with. it’s not your fault if that one isn’t made to your liking.”

Lime held her by the hips, as he had since helping her down off the platform, and at that moment he leaned in for a gentle kiss on her lips, soon adding a little tongue, which she reciprocated.”

“Ooooooh, that was nice! Would you like to fuck me now? My tits, ass, mouth and pussy are a lot of fun. Have at me!”

Lime was feeling better already, thanks to the infectiously happy personality of this little fuck-doll, which was even more bubbly than the Daddy’s girl he had started the day with. Still, he wanted to take it slow, so he just reached around to undo her bikini top, freeing her tits, which he then started to gently play with.

“mmmmmm” she cooed. “You’re such a gentleman, but come on, let’s do something more fun – you can have me any way you like.”

Horny, but still rather shaken, he too her by the hand, leading his new topless fuck-toy over to his armchair, He sat, and the doll sat at his feet. Reaching out, she took his cock, which had slipped out from under his robe when he sat, in her hand, and started stroking it gently.

“I can tell you’re still bothered. Why don’t you tell me what upset you so about her?”

“Ahhhhhh!” Lime groaned softly in appreciation of the bubbly, obliging, topless girls ‘handiwork’. “I thought she would give in. I thought those were the rules, but when I pushed too hard, she just freaked out. I never wanted to do that to any girl especially not my Daughter.”

Lime thought briefly to correct himself, but the Doll seemed to know what he meant.

“Oh, that’s not your fault – she’s designed that way. You *have* to rape her – she’ll given give in, just keep teasing until you force your dick into her and keep it there, or her batteries run out. She forgot to tell you. Silly girl!”

The nice young lady quickened the pace with her hand, thinking the matter over, but Lime brought his own hand down on her arm, holding her hand in place.

“Wait, who do you mean by ‘She?'”

“You know, the one who made us, the real girl I’m based on.”

“Wait, you know you’re a Golem.”

“Of course, Silly!”

This was odd, very odd. Most Golems were not aware, and could not be *made* aware, of what they were. Although not true AIs, their psyches were still based on complex rules that mimicked true emotions, and it was difficult, if not impossible, to build rules into a Golem’s psyche that made it able to deal with this knowledge without having an artificial existential crisis.

His daughter truly was talented.

“How are you not insane going crazy, what keeps you going?”

“I’m here to make you feel better, Daddy, to boost your ego. Now, are you going to let me make you cum, or do you want to keep chatting?”

Lime lifted his hand off hers, and she resumed jerking him off. It was the nicest, most pleasant, most loving hand-job he had ever had.

“Is that good, Daddy? You can have some pussy instead, or a Titty-wank. they’re nice and firm. I’ll lube them up for you! Or you can finish what you started with the Prude over there, and fuck me in the ass. My holes never close, not for you.”

Lime laid back in his chair, and enjoyed it, watching as her tits jiggled in time with her hand.

“Ahhhhhhh, no that’s fine sweetie, I love this.”

“OK Daddy. Cum for me, blow your hot load all over me, hose down my tits! If you tell me when you’re almost ready, you can shove it in my pussy, give me a cream-pie.”

Lime just reached out and stroked his daughters hair, wondering where he had seen that shade of light purple before.

“Hurry Daddy, I want to see you cum. I love you soo much! I just want to make you happy, to make you feel good.”

This last little bit of affectionate dirty talk, coupled with her expert hand, was all that Lime could handle. Cum he did, blowing his load all over her tits, splashing some onto her face. it shot out of him in thick, powerful spurts, and she stayed her hand, holding it at the base of his dick, keeping his foreskin out of the way, so it could shoot straight, while making sure to keep it all with her chest and face. By the time he was done, Lime had enjoyed the best orgasm of his life. Getting so wound up had its bonuses. It oozed down between her tits, and dripped from her cheeks. It looked like a little more than Lime would have thought humanly possible. Those Sailor Cakes really were something.

The happy little masseuse stood up, and beamed with pride.

“Oh WOW! Daddy! You really got me! I knew you could do it!”

Lime had never seen a girl so happy to be covered in cum.

“Quickly, before I fade away, do you mind if I stick around, and look after you? I promise not to ruin your fun – I only want what’s best for you.”

Lime had never heard Golem ask for more time, and had never been able to bring himself to deny his daughter any reasonable request. This thing resembled his daughter enough to get the same privilege.

“Of course, sweetie. You’re so much fun.”

“YAY! I better get cleaned up then. I’m going to put on a little show for you.”

She turned to face the fuck- doll in the corner, which was still feeling herself up, and ordered her around.

“You! Get over here and lick me clean of Daddy’s cum!”

To Lime’s surprise and delight, the cock-tease shot up, and marched over, immediately getting to work, starting with the titties licking them clean of her cum. Little Mis Bubbly giggled with delight as the tongue teased her nipples, and the cock-tease gave him sideways glances every now and then. Soon, it was licking her face, starting to make out with her. Obviously, this counted as cock-teasing, so she was happy to do it. Once her face was clean, the pleasant one dismissed the cock-tease, sending her back to her corner.

“How about that, Daddy? wasn’t it the best little show ever?”

Indeed it was, thought Lime, at least according to his dick, which had perked up again. The Sailor cake was still keeping his fires stoked, so Lime was ready for more.

“Ooooooh, look at that! Want me to sit on it? Or you can bend me over something, or….I know! Let’s bring the next Dolly out! I’d love to cheer you on while she sucks your dick dry. Can we do that? PLEEEESE!”

Lime agreed, on the condition that she sit on his lap, and calm down a little, while it cooked. She obeyed, and Lime was soon making, and soon he was again fondling her tits, as they made out. Like the stripper, she squealed with delight, no matter how hard he tweaked her nipples, but unlike the stripper, her hands wandered, stroking his dick gently, or touching his face affectionately. Also unlike the stripper, his hands were allowed to wander too, and he stroke her pussy, provoking soft little moans from her lovely red-painted lips, when the next Golem popped out.

“Don’t get up Daddy, she will come to us.”

She beckoned, and the new one walked over. Her hair was a little longer, reach down a little past her shoulders, but the same silky black. She wore a red minidress, which, as usual, barely went low enough to cover her pussy. her heels were the same color red. It stopped right in front of Lime, without a word.

Reaching out, Lime grabbed her, pulling her down onto his lap. Like the good girl she was, the topless cheerleader moved out of the way, sitting on the floor at his feet. Lime started making out with the new arrival, letting his hand wander over her chest, groping her through the dress. These boobs were the ‘normal’ C cups. working his way down lower, Lime found two more surprises, when he slipped a hand under her dress, and found that both the pussy and the asshole on this new fuck-doll were sealed up.

“Silly! This one is all about the blow-jobs. I *told* you I wanted to cheer you on while you got your dick sucked.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5npvsf/m_str8_inc_daddau_nc_scifi_lemonlime_part_two