Caught [MF]

Your phone buzzes. You’re busy so you ignore it, but it buzzes again. Sighing you flip it on and see two texts from your roommate. “Having a friend stay over tonight” “He’ll only be here the one night don’t worry” they say. Oh god she’s having a guy stay over, you think to yourself. Though she didn’t often announce her ‘boyfriends’ so this one might be different. Maybe? Work isn’t going to finish itself, better get back to it. A few minutes of semi-frustrated work later the front door opens. I walk in after your roommate and look around, its a pretty big place for just the two of you. I keep talking with your roommate, you can hear a few words here and there “my room, her room” “bathroom to the right” nothing too interesting, you’re pretending not to care. “She mostly keeps to herself” your roommate says. You’re obviously not going to get much done right now, not like this. You get up and head down the hall. As you walk out we lock eyes briefly. Oh he’s cute dammit, you think to yourself. You were secretly hoping you could find a reason to hate me. “Hi you must be the friend staying with us” you say, trying to sound like a nice person would. “Yeah, hi” I say holding out my hand for a handshake. “Nice to meet you” we shake hands, its a little awkward. Your roommate interjects “well why don’t we head back to my room” she says while dragging me gently “its getting kind of late” Is it getting late? Shit I guess it is. It was already 9pm without you noticing. Your roommate and I retreated to her room, you sigh and grab something quickly from the kitchen.

Back in your room you can hear us talking from across the hall while you read a book. The talking dies down after a while. You don’t need to wonder why, however you don’t hear the usual sounds of lips or hips smacking against each other. You can’t help but think about me holding one hand over your roommate’s mouth as I bite and suck her nipples and then pull out my cock and- Oh fucking shit, I’m horny, you think to yourself. You had just spent the last few minutes imaging how your roommate might be having silent sex instead of reading. You put your book down and look at your door. Should I just peak into their room? No that’s dumb, just sleep. You lie down and close your eyes. Instantly an image of a cock forms in your mind. Fuck! Looks like I’m not sleeping. The bed frame creaks as you let yourself out of bed. You pull out your laptop and start it up but pause. You leave the laptop on the bed and decide to sneak to the bathroom instead, glancing at your roommates door quickly. The lights are off, you can see the door is barely cracked but there’s not enough light to make anything out. Still no noise though, weird. The bathroom is cold but you don’t care, you feel your nipples as they grow hard. It feels nice, been a few days since you’ve touched yourself. One hand slides down into your pajama bottoms and you start to play with your clit. Your breathing is quick, maybe you could have an orgasm already. Suddenly a noise comes from the hall, you instantly stop. Slowly you look out into the hall, nothing there. You hear your roommate cough. Was she just deepthroating him? You don’t want to find out and quickly, but quietly, head back to your room.

The laptop is still on your bed thank god. You flip it open and jump in bed. Your top flies off and your pajama pants are instantly around your ankles, an image of your roommate with my cock shoved in her throat in your head. You pull up your favorite porn site to erase that image, your hand already sliding down to play with your clit. Click on a promising video, skip past the first few minutes straight to the good part. The girl on screen is taking a huge dick from behind, she looks really into it. You rub your clit more quickly now, an orgasm building. You’re so wrapped up in pleasing yourself that you don’t even hear me close the bathroom door. Headed back to your roommate’s room I hear noises coming from your room. I swear that your door was closed before but now it’s open just wide enough for a person to slide through. A cursory glance reveals your laptop screen and some furious activity going on. I’m a little embarrased by what I find but I can’t just walk back now.

ahem I quietly clear my throat. You spin around incredibly embarrassed that someone saw you masturbating, but that’s what happens when you leave your door open. Your free hand covers your exposed boobs while you move your laptop to better cover your freshly played with pussy. “Oh my god. What are you doing?!” you ask. I don’t really know what to say “I-I just thought I could help?” I say taking a step to the door. My boxers are a full on tent already and you can clearly see I’m not lacking in length. “Go back to my roommate if you want sex. Perv.” I look confused as you say this. “We weren’t having sex, we’re just high school friends and I was passing through.” didn’t sound too believable but… “Plus if I was getting sex in there would I still have this?” I ask pointing to my tent. “No I guess not…” you say eyeing my cock. It’s bigger than you thought. “I don’t know what kind of guy you think I am.” I say moving into your room. “But I don’t like to see pretty girls have to do everything themselves.” I’m close to you now, perhaps too close but you were already so horny and now…you just can’t help yourself. You move your hand away from your breasts and take my arm, pulling me in closer. I bend down and kiss your shoulder quickly making my way to your neck, my hand cradling your head as I do. My other hand snakes down to your boobs, taking one of your nipples between my fingers and lightly pinching. You moan and your pussy is already begging to be touched again, the ache of your almost-orgasm coming back in full force. One of your hands finds my stomach, sliding down to the elastic of my boxers you start to reach inside but I grab your wrist and hold it behind you. “Not yet, be a good girl for me.” I growl into your ear. You whine but I soon grab both of your breasts, one in each hand, as I then lightly bite your neck. You moan louder this time and your laptop falls off of you onto the bed. I growl and slide a hand down to your leg to spin you so you have both legs off the bed as I stand near the edge. Our lips meet as I push you back onto the bed one hand holding down your wrist the other behind your head. My boxers brush up against your pussy, now super wet from the sudden movement and make out session. I tease you a bit, brushing the shaft of my cock against you and watching you close your eyes and bite your lip trying to prepare yourself for me. Instead I pinch a nipple while taking the other in my mouth and sucking. I kiss down your body nibbling your stomach and then stop to breath on your skin right above your incredibly wet pussy. I look into your eyes before burying myself between your thighs. My tongue stimulates your clit as you involuntarily place both hands on the top of my head. Your first orgasm rushes over you as I suck on your clit and your body shudders. I put two fingers inside you as I go back to licking your clit. Your moans are nonstop as I pleasure your pussy and clit at the same time. You wrap your legs around my head pulling me in even closer and I suck on your clit again while fingering you even faster to produce a second orgasm.

I pull my head away from your pussy. You are breathing hard and seem to be barely able to move. My boxers fall to the ground. You can see the glistening head of my cock as I play with it to show it off to you. You moan and bite your lip. A short giggle escapes from you as I position myself between your legs. My cock slides inside of you easily despite the length and girth. Your pussy contracts around it as you almost shout “oh my god.” I smile, as you cover your mouth, obviously it was louder than intended. I pull back then start fucking you hard and fast as you moan, groan, squeak and squeal all in an attempt to not make as much noise. Not a very good attempt as it turns out. My grunts as I thrust into you just make you enjoy it even more as you have orgasm after orgasm on my dick. After what seems like all night I can just muster out a “I’m going to cum.” Music to your ears, as at this point you weren’t sure if I could. “Where?” you ask “your slut mouth” is the answer. As I say this I pull out of you. You spin yourself around and wrap your lips around my cock sucking like your life depends on it. Soon after my whole body twitches as I unload my hot cum in your mouth. You stare me in the eyes as you show me your mouth full of my cum before swallowing it like a good girl. You collapse against my chest and hold my cock in your hand. I lift your face to look at me before giving you a kiss and winking at you. I help you back under your covers before putting my boxers back on and heading back to where I was supposed to be.

The next morning you’re up early. Your pussy aches, but you can’t tell if its a good ache or a bad one. You make your way to the kitchen and make breakfast. After a while your roommate and I head out. I give you a knowing smile which your roommate doesn’t see. “How did you sleep?” your roommate asks me. I look at you before responding “Very well.”
