Fuckthing [light BDSM][MC]


“We need to talk”, she said, sitting across from him.

Sure, what about?

“Pleasing me.” She replied with a shy smile. He felt her foot beneath the table, slowly inching its way up his leg.

“Now? In the restaurant?” he asked.

“It’s just talk. It’s been almost a week now; you’ve been a very good slave. I’m loving this torment you’re under.”

“I’m crazy about you. I’m not used to being THIS submissive. Not so long ago, it was you that was begging.” And as he said that, he felt her leg pull back from his. She raised an eyebrow and had a cheeky grin. She was just teasing of course. But he also knew that she had the will power to keep this tease going for days.

“No, don’t stop. Please…?” He said, barely louder than a whisper. They were seated towards the back of the restaurant, in a booth against a side wall. There were a few other patrons a few booths away, but nobody close enough to hear.

She smiled, and let her foot move back up to the inner side of his knee, caressing slowly back and forth toward his inner thigh. She had removed her shoe, and he could feel her toes snaking their way toward his cock, then backing off so he was denied the pleasure of feeling them stroke him.

“Tell me how you’re going to please me?” She asked. As she said it, she straightened up in an effort to remove the naughty grin on her face, and replace it with a stern authoritative dominant demeanor.

“I’ll do anything for you, babe.”, he said.

“Call me Mistress, and tell me details.” She smirked.

He loved how dirty she was. That she was opening up to him, letting go, becoming who she really was. He wanted to her to know how his deep love and devotion to her manifested as lust and even sometimes, as dark and depraved desires. That’s how they ended up where they were now. With him submitting to her will, not having cum in days. Giving her complete power over him was a way he could show her just how in love he was.

“I want to kiss you”, he said confidently at first, but she feigned disappointment immediately, so he quickly escalated. “I want to eat your pussy.” That brought the grin back. “Tell me”, she said, and she looked down toward her lap, and spread her legs open a little, “tell me exactly how you’re going to eat my pussy?” He couldn’t see under the table, but he knew she was spread wide. Her foot was still caressing his inner thigh, which he too now opened wider to accommodate her.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, and looked at her intensely. “I want to start on the outside, kissing your pussy softly but firmly. I want to use just my lips at first. No tongue. And when I kiss your slit, I’ll feel it wet my lips…” and he paused, a little hesitant to say it. “I want to wet my lips with your slit, so I can look up at you and you can see them wet with your cum, and then watch me lick it off. Taste it.”

That caused her to wriggle a little in her seat, which gave him confidence to continue. “I’m going to spread that pussy open, and take my time licking up the wetness. getting a really good taste. I want you to see how much I love looking at it as I lick it. When my tongue eventually finds your clit, I want to take it slow… slow and firm.”

This pleased her and he could tell because she inched her foot closer to his hard cock. She could feel the tip with her toes. He shook from the sensation – the combination of seeing the lust in her eyes while she caressed his cock with her foot almost drove him over the edge. She noticed, backed off and said, “I could let you eat my pussy tonight, maybe. I haven’t decided yet. But it feels like you’re getting a little too excited down there. Maybe I should kick you in the balls so you don’t cum accidentally”.

“Yes, Mistress”, he replied, and opened his legs for her. Hurting his balls was something they’d just started playing with. She enjoyed the torment, and how much he would endure for her. It wasn’t about the pain so much as it was about the love. But love is not easy to describe, nor is the euphoria, or the indescribable pain of yearning. The deep longing for togetherness. They’d found in each other a closeness and connectedness that aroused in them the courage to explore their lust together.

She swiftly lunged forward with her foot into the center of his crotch, hitting both his cock and balls as hard as she could manage from this position, which wasn’t so easy. It did hurt though, and he bent forward reaching down to cradle his aching balls with his hands.

“Uh-Uh”, she said, “no touching.”

He straightened up and looked at her. She smiled. She knew he loved submitting to her, and she loved pushing boundaries. There was no limit to what she’d try. He saw compassion in her eyes, and an unquenchable need. He had instinctively closed his legs after she struck, and now he felt her foot back between his knees, prying them apart.

“Open up, I didn’t quite get you hard enough.” She said.

“No, please, I’ll do anything.”

“There’s nothing you can do. This is what I want. I want to break you, and only after will I make you whole again.”

He wanted this too, to completely give himself up to her, so he parted his legs, and when he did, she looked at him so sweetly before she stuck. This time it was so hard that he couldn’t stop but let out a short yelp. Tears welled in his eyes, as he struggled to compose himself. “Thank you Mistress”, he managed to let out.

They were having wine with their dinner, and by the 5th glass, they both felt more emboldened. Between kicking and caressing his balls, for the better part of a glass of wine, she decided to give him a small reward.

She met his gaze, and said, “I’m going to rub my pussy while you watch”. She pulled her skirt up a bit, and reached under the table with her hand. By her movements, and her frown he realized she was pulling her underwear to the side. Soon the frown disappeared and was replaced by ecstasy. She slid her fingers up and down her slit, teasing her clit while maintaining eye contact with him. “I’m so wet.” She moaned, and bit her lip a little. “Do you wanna see?”

She slid her index finger along her slit, dipping into her wet cunt so she could gather as much of her cum as she could. She raised her hand from below the table to show him her slippery wet finger with her almost white translucent cum covering half of it.

“You wanted this on your lips, right?” And she leaned over and rubbed her finger carefully over his lips, coating them with her cum. He could smell the scent of her pussy on her finger, and it drove him wild. “Be still” she said, “Don’t you dare lick it, yet – I want to watch you do it while I fuck my pussy with something.”. As she said so, she picked up a dessert spoon from the table, and it quickly disappeared under the table. There was that cute frown again as she adjusted herself. Then the ecstasy. She slowly fucked her pussy with the spoon in one hand, and reached down to rub her clit with the other. She was so into it that had anyone looked their way it would have been obvious. She was fucking herself harder and harder, looking at him, his lips wet with her juices, making sure he could see how close she was to cumming.

“Now, lick your lips… taste my cunt…”, she moaned, and he obeyed. Slowly, he licked his lips from side to side, the still wet cum coating the tip of his tongue. He rubbed his tongue into the roof of his mouth, then swirled the slippery fluid around intoxicated by the taste. He swallowed whatever he could before licking at his lips some more to get as much as he could. Watching him do this sent her over the edge, and she convulsed in rolling orgasmic pleasure. By now she was pressing down onto her clit with her hand with as much pressure as she could while fucking the spoon in and out of her cunt… When she settled, she slowly slid the spoon out, and smiled… it was coated with her cum. She scooped up what she could and showed it to him. Still in the throes of her intense orgasm, she licked at the bottom of the spoon, and his eyes widened and like a puppy he leaned forward begging to have some too.

**[The Apartment]**

Making their way home after dinner proved to be interesting. They both knew what was ahead, and both struggled to resist each other. She pretended to be calm and in control even though all she could think about was getting that hard cock inside her. Unlocking the front door, he let her walk through first, and as she did, he involuntarily touched the small of her back, like he had so many times before. This time it sent tingles through her body. So much so that she turned to look at him, a desperate urge to connect. Her dominant persona was momentarily lifted, and as she looked at him, they both recognized and acknowledged just how much they were aching for one another, and the love, and the lust. It was the briefest, sweetest most sexually charged moment they’d shared yet. She reached out and took his hand, and led him inside.

She put some music on, and instructed him to undress and lay on their coffee table. It wasn’t long before he was splayed out over the table, his legs hanging over the edge at the corners with his ankles secured to the table legs. His hands are similarly bound to the opposite end. He’s almost naked now, except for his underwear, through which the bulge of his cock was clearly visible. She kneels down beside the table, cradling his face in her hand, looking on him warmly, the anticipation building, the music floating between them, the lyrics echoing the sweetest of their intentions, “You held my hand so very tightly…”

They kiss, and he begs with his eyes. He loves and needs her in more ways than he knows how to say. She can see his urgency, and she reaches down ever so gently resting her hand on the bulge. She feels him twitch. “Don’t you dare cum.” She commands sweetly yet firmly. She leans in close to him. “I want to hurt you, for my pleasure.” In all things outside of this dynamic, they were equals. He was her best friend and she was his utter confidant. They were utterly consumed by each other’s lust, and delving deeper into their love they discovered they had both had very few limits.

“I’m scared, but I want you to.” Was his reply. She stands up, still dressed in the low cut red top and a short figure hugging black skirt that she’d worn to the restaurant. She’s wearing strappy red high heels that go almost up to her knees and further up, he could almost see far enough up under her skirt. He craned his neck, trying to get a glimpse of her pussy. She noticed him looking, so she spread her legs just a bit, and lifted her skirt, then pulled her underwear to the side just enough so he could see her slit. “That what you want?”

“Yes mistress. I need to taste it.” He replied, and as he did, she shifted a little turning ever so slightly, the light reflecting of her wet pussy, he could tell she was aching to be fucked, she was practically dripping.

She wasn’t always in charge like this. In fact, more often than not, he’d have had her on her knees quivering, shaking, begging to cum.

“You need to taste it? First, you’re going to have to pay for even seeing it.”, was her reply, and as she said so she walked to a nearby table, returning with a pinwheel. If you’ve never seen a pin wheel before, it’s a silver device, with a long thin handle. A wheel is attached to the end, about the size of a small coin. There are dozens of sharp spikes that point out along the rim of the wheel. She sits on the table side, beside his cock, still fully erect beneath his underwear. She presses the pinwheel at the base of his cock, and runs it slowly up toward the tip, the wheel turning, the spikes piercing the fabric and stinging his cock. He bucks from the pain, and she puts her hand on his, reassuring him. “Aaahh” he cries out… and she squeezes his hand, but presses harder with the wheel. Rolling it slowly over the length of his shaft, he moans… He likes that. Then over the head of his cock, and it’s agonizing for him.

“Shhh my little slave, just take it a little longer, and I’ll make it all better”, as she said this, she pulled the rim of his underwear down to reveal his hard cock, fully erect and leaning up toward his stomach. She took hold of it in her left hand, holding it up, stroking it slowly, and with her right hand, started rolling the pin wheel over the head. He screamed out so she gripped hard, pulling the wheel away, warning him not to cum.

“That’s a good slave… let me kiss it better…” And then he felt her soft kisses all over the length of his cock. A kiss and then a pause and then a kiss. Then finally she kisses her way to the tip… where she sticks her tongue out and tastes the pre-cum that’s at the slit of his cock head. She likes it, so she does it again, pushes her tongue at it, as though trying to push the tip of her tongue in. He squirms in pain, so she takes the whole head in her mouth, sucking deeply. He has no permission to cum, and he can’t take it. “Please, no, I’m going to cum… babe? Stop!”

She pulls back, and slaps this cock hard. “Babe?” she asks?

“Mistress. I’m sorry. I love you”. His affection causes her expression to change for a moment, a softness in her eyes, but she quickly stiffens up, and slaps his cock again hard. “That’s right.. you should be sorry. You disappoint me. I don’t think this cock can give me what I want… and you obviously can’t handle the mercy I’ve just shown you… so I’m going to leave it alone now.”

“No, please suck it some more?” He begged.

“We’re here for my pleasure.” She replied, and stood up. As she did so, she pulled her underwear down and raised her tight skirt so he could see her pussy. The pain of the previous moment passed. He’s now mesmerized to see her standing over him, delicately rubbing at her slit.

She moves to stand with her legs on either side of the narrow table. He starts to lift his head as she lowers herself, to try and reach up with his tongue. But he’s still tied down by his wrists, so he can barely reach. “Stay the fuck down”, she commands. “Keep your mouth closed too”. He does as she commands, and as he watches her pussy get closer, he can smell the scent of it and it drives him wild inside. She’s lowering herself so slowly… too slowly, and he can’t bare it. Her pussy is now a mere centimeter above his nose. This is her plan, to tease him with it. She hovers over him, moving up over his eyes, then down over his closed mouth. She lowers her pussy just enough to lightly kiss his lips with hers. The brief contact makes him gasp. She raises her pussy up again, just out of reach for him, and she moves up to hover over the bridge of his nose, between his eyes…She repeats what she did earlier… using her pussy lips to softly kiss his nose, then to each side, each eye lid, this forehead, his mouth again… she teases his face with the delicate touch of her slit. Finally, she positions herself over the bridge of his nose, and lowers herself more fully. Her wet slit sliding down over his nose, splitting open to either side. Then she slowly draws herself down his face, the downward pressure spreading her cunt to either side of his nose… her clit getting that grinding pleasure that she loves. She grinds down into his face and his closed mouth, her wetness coating his skin, making his entire face her fuckthing.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5n0mat/fuckthing_light_bdsmmc