A late-night swim [MF] [oral]

It’s late, very late, and the pool is deserted. In fact, it’s locked, but she hid in the equipment shed, and got locked in. Once the manager left, she popped out and cracked the door for me.

By the time I got there, she was floating. She had found an inner tube in a U-shape, open on one end with a little bit of tubing making a seat in the middle, and was out in the center of the pool. I swam out to her, ducking under as I saw her spin around to face me, so that I could pop up right next to her. Lifting myself by holding the handles, I pulled up and over her, smiling as she laughed at my unexpected arrival. Kissing her, water dripping onto her swimsuit and taut body, and she splashed me playfully. I drop onto the seat next to her, putting my arm over her shoulders and just floating with her, relaxing in the moonlight.

She rolled over slightly onto me, putting her hand on my chest. Rubbing gently, then looking up at me, and leaning in for a kiss. Then another, and another, deeper, tongues pressing together. I felt her leg rubbing up mine, and I grabbed her hip to pull her leg over me. Our mouths press harder as she ground against a large bulge in my trunks pressing into the wet, tight fabric stretching between her legs. Our hips moved against each other, gently but together, as my hand slid down her side to cup a perky breast, pressing the other against my chest, feeling her nipples starting to poke through the fabric.

I pulled back gently, pulling her upright and shifting her to the middle of the seat. “Sit up,” I said, “sit up straight, and arch your back.” As she did, her ass slid off the seat, barely in the water as her back slid slightly over the top of the tube. I kissed her again, pushing her legs open, then I disappeared beneath the water. A soft splash, and she looked down at me bobbing between her legs. Not much room between her thighs and the little seat, but enough for me to fit, and I turned my head side to side kissing her thighs. My tongue dragged over her bikini bottom, pressing hard on the warm spot in the center, then flicking off the other side. I licked hard along the edges of her suit, trying to get underneath. I reached over her hips to rub the warm spot, feeling her grind lightly against my fingers as she began breathing deeply.

My fingers found the hem of her suit, and pulled it away. I kissed the newly exposed skin, licking lightly right over her lips, then planting a quick kiss on her clit. She moaned sharply and jerked away a little, but couldn’t get far. I felt her hands starting to play with my hair, rubbing the back of my head, as I slowly lowered my tongue onto her clit, lightly dragging it down and then slowly back up. She gasped as I do, and I moaned back gently onto her clit.

I started to lick more firmly, pressing first hard and then soft against her clit, a slow, steady stroke up one side and down the other. I felt her getting wetter; my other hand slid up and gently presses against her slit. I could feel her juices running down my fingers, making me start to lick just a little faster. She moaned, and I slipped a finger into her. Just a little, just enough for her to know it’s there, and started teasing.

I reached in a little deeper, curling against her, feeling for her g-spot – she gasped loudly as I found it. My tongue worked faster as her moans echoed across the dark, empty pool, flicking back and forth on her clit, dragging down to feel my finger inside her, then back up through her lips to suck her clit. Her fingers tightened in my hair, her moans get deeper and longer. I licked faster, pressing against her hips as they started to buck. I moaned, loving her taste, as I started to feel her pussy tense on my finger, then pulse and spasm and her screams pierced the air.

I backed up, as much as I could, and looked up to see her breasts heaving. I pulled her down, and she slid into the water, held up only by my arms. I kissed her as she panted and gasped, slowly coming back to earth. Her arms draped over me, and she began kissing back, as her legs began to hook around me, feeling for the bulge she knew was there. She found it, caught it between her thighs, and smiled at me as she squeezed.

She spun us around, pushing my back against the tube and stretching my arms out to hold me up. She took a few deep breaths, looking into my eyes, before a big, deep one, and then disappeared under the water. I feel a tugging at my trunks, then a curious floating feeling, and my eyes rolled back and I let out a long moan as she took me into her mouth. I felt her lips kissing my head, then sucking me deep. Her tongue swirled on my shaft, hands cupping my balls. She sucked strongly back up my length, then held my shaft and balls as she came up for air.

“Baby!” she whispered. “There’s a monster down there.”

Before I could respond, she took another deep breath and disappeared again. I gathered her hair, and felt her lick up and down my shaft, then take my head into her mouth. Bobbing up and down on me, until she came up for air again. This time she gave me a kiss, and then dropped back down, sucking gently and coming back up to kiss me, sucking gently but firmly and coming back up to kiss me; getting this blowjob thirty seconds at a time drove me crazy! Every time she sank, she found me harder than before.

Suddenly I noticed your swimsuit floating away…she bobbed back up, pressing her hard-nippled breasts against me, and kissed me deeply. I felt her pussy lips brushing along the length of my cock as I took her in my arms, making out and spinning us back around. I pulled her ankles up onto the little seat behind me, caressing her ass and thighs, kissing her gently, then slowly reached my cock for her warm pussy. Her eyes begged me to give her what she wanted, her lips quivering, as I kissed them gently, and slowly, my thick length filled her.

We moaned, long and loud, in unison as her tight pussy took me deep inside her. We held there for a moment, kissing passionately, and then I dropped my head to suck on her breasts. My cock started sliding out of her, then thrusting back in, long and slow and deliberate strokes as my mouth and tongue searched for her nipples. She moaned and gasped, arching her back over the edge of the tube. This presented her breasts to me, and I licked and nibbled at your nipples, making her moan and grind against me. I began fucking her harder, flicking my tongue across her hard nipples.

We’ve been splashing and bouncing around the pool, and started to float into the shallower part. Still almost neck deep, but we could touch, and I slipped out of her and pulled her legs down, pushing the tube away. She immediately hooked one leg around my hips and drew me back to her, putting her hand on my cheek to bring me to her eyes. “Please,” she moaned, then her head flopped back and a loud moan escaped her lips as I acquiesced and pushed my entire length back into her. She wrapped both legs around me, then both arms. I held her up, fucking her vigorously.

She started to draw herself up on me, holding tighter, and she began breathing quicker and more shallowly. Her moans became more like gasps, as I felt her start to tremble slightly. I slammed harder, deeper, into her, starting to throb as well, and tried to hold back. I dropped a hand into her lap, rubbing madly at her clit, and she started to scream. Feeling her hot, tight pussy start to squeeze and spasm on my big dick was too much, and I began to erupt inside her. We scream and moan, cumming together, holding each other tight.

I grabbed for the tube, pulling us both back up onto it without slipping out of her. We floated together, naked, kissing and caressing, in the soft moonlight…..

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5lxbwn/a_latenight_swim_mf_oral