The Specialist – Article III of the Contract

The Specialist – Article III of the Contract

I am nothing more than the therapy necessary for the road to recovery. I’ll help you get on your feet again but I’m not meant to be forever, simply something you need right now. You doubt my ability as you’ve seen no reviews, you being my first client in some time. I guarantee my services, you will see.

We begin with slow simple stretches to relieve the pressures of not using these muscles. A lengthy massage to relax your nerves and take your mind to a different place. The injuries you’ve sustained will be an afterthought once we’re done.

Next step is a light jog, see if we can increase your heart rate & work up a sweat.

Now is the time to put your body to work.

Lay on your back & lift your legs in the air, deep stretches working your lower back and glutes. Pushing yourself to lift just a little higher, now split the tension by opening your legs because those inner thighs need attention to which they will are given.

I transition to working on the neglected regions, a soft massage with light oil to maintain a proper amount of lubrication. I find this exercise would be best with tongue lifts against clit to fill in the gaps of what’s been missed.

While you are working on your hand grip and thigh strength I caress your hips with fingertips then penetrate all frustrations and insert them with the thrill of complete satisfaction.

Each repetition of the tongue produces energy for leg curls over shoulders and contraction of abdomen, you are gathering wind gasping for air. New movements includes back arches, neck twists combined with finger grips on scalp and pelvic lifts. I increase the speed of the reps till your body requests its release. Legs crossed and clinched, air forced through mouth in the form of loud moans then morph to boisterous grunts you call out “don’t ssssttt”, the first dose of an orgasm has been administered.

Session 1 complete…

You see, I seek not to be your love but something other, more advanced. Your coach, counsel, & psychological therapist. I’m the pharmacologist who fills in the prescriptions. The ulterior motive you fear may be exactly what you need. I coat the medicine in sugar but the substance is even sweeter once it’s down.
Article II details what is in store for you.

The fine print is the smile written across your face. I’m not what you seek, I’m what you need at this time…a specialist.
