It’s been a while (Part 2) [MF] [Oral] [Sex]

Her eyes now had that familiar fire. As he laid her down on the bed, she bit her lip, and his almost evil grin took them both back to the many nights that had come before. He stood back, undoing his belt allowing his jeans to fall to the floor. She could see the outline of his thick cock through his boxer briefs, and her body was tingling with anticipation.

He slid slowly into the bed and his lips met hers. It was the kind of kiss that was both familiar and unknown all wrapped together. Their lips knew each other, but their was a passion and a desperation that left both of them unsure what would happen next. Her hands pressed against his chest slid down one playing with the band of his boxer briefs, the other gently running the edge of his bulging member. His deep growl when she began to tease him turned her on in ways others had only hope to achieve. His mouth swiftly dropped and she felt him begin to suck on her firm breasts. His one hand playing with the one his mouth was neglecting. Her sharp inhale letting him know that she still loved his firm sucking, his tongue teasing her nipple, and his pinching of the other just like she always had.

“Oh God” her moan was that desperate tone as she felt his finger press gently down on her panties. His finger running the length of her lips, feeling how wet she was, feeling how badly she wanted him. He kissed slowly down until his tongue lick along the upper edge of her panties. He paused, her breathing quickening in anticipation, her hips bucking slightly craving that touch he was denying her. Then his tongue. Broad and soft, she felt him slowly lick his way up her panties. Her moans growing louder and making his cock throb with each delicious moan. His hands reaching to again rub and tease her breasts, his mouth began to kiss the insides of her thighs. Kisses and sucks slowly up to the edges of her panties. Then his tongue began to slowly trace the edges of her panties.

Her moans began to sound more frustrated and he knew her patience with his teasing was starting to wear thin. His hands slid down as his tongue slid inside her panties, hooking the bottom edge after running the length of her wet lips. His tongue pulling down, and his fingers helping slide her panties down as she wriggled her hips to help free her from her last bit of clothing.

He grabbed her hips and positioned her across the bed her head at one side, and her legs braced and spread at the other side. She moaned loudly as she felt his two fingers slide smoothly inside her. He was slow, methodical, and he was loving the feeling of her tightness and wetness around his fingers. Another loud moan as his fingers pulled gently down. He knew just how to make her feel so full. As she could feel him flip his fingers over she began to play with her hard nipples. She felt him curl his fingers up and “oh fuck baby” escaped her typically proper lips as his fingers began to tease her g-spot

As his fingers began to move faster she felt his tongue. It was slow, it was gentle, and it was teasing her clit. He was patient, he didn’t go fast for the sake of speed, he pleased her body as her body wanted. His tongue, his fingers moving her closer, closer. “Please, please” she moaned. “Don’t make me beg.” Her voice thick and full with the raging desire that was consuming her entire body. “Cum for me!” His words were deep and short. Her climax was the type where the world stops, where the mind completely shuts down except for the immense pleasure. Her moans were incoherent and loud, her body tingling and convulsing.

Her head was still hazy, but she began reaching for him. Her need to please him making her wild with desire. He stood moving around the bed and sliding his boxer briefs to the floor. She leaned her head back and saw his hard cock behind her. Her smile growing as she dropped her head off the side of the bed. Her hands starting to play with his balls as his hands began to play with her still hard nipples. As her lips wrapped around the head of his cock his growls were almost animalistic. His hips slowing thrusting him deeper into her willing mouth. She loved to take him deep, and she loved the taste of his precum as she gave him exactly what he needed.

She pulled back and flipped onto all fours. She motioned to the bed and laid him on his back. “Let me ride you until I take all your cum?” she asked with desperation and desire in her voice. “As you wish” with a wink in his eye. She leaned in close her breasts against his chest as she positioned him inside her. Her slow hip thrusts running the length of his cock. Her tightness gripping him all the way up and down his shaft. As she leaned back and tossed her hair his growls became primal. His hands moving between her hips and her breasts. Moving her, teasing her. Her speed increasing as she found that angle the she had remembered vividly too many cold and lonely nights.

Her breathing was fast short, her swearing and moaning a cacophony of sounds that had him on the edge of ecstasy. “Oh fuck baby, cum with me, fill me up, fill me up!” Her voice desperate. Her moans unmistakable as her orgasm rippled through her body. It was then that she clenched and tightened, his moans betraying the loss of control that only she could provide. “Oh yes baby” she screamed as she felt him fill her up.

His hands helping to keep her steadied until she collapsed into his arms. Their smiles, giggles, and cuddles exactly what was needed for a reunion that had been far too long in coming.
