Deepak introduces a British girl to mating. [mf] [bbc]

My name is Deepak. I’m the only African guy on the beaches of Goa. My friends and I like to explore the tourist scene here, if you know what I mean.

I set my eyes on one very curvy dark haired girl. She looks kind of a country girl type, from England.

Ask her help in picking up boxers in a shop she visits. Thank her help and offer her lunch in return.

We end up talking a lot. She says she’s 29 and her mother sets her up for these trips. She says she doesn’t really care for the sun, or partying. But she likes reading books.

I know her type: virgin.

I tell her that I understand where she’s coming from: ‘you’re way more shy than you should be. You are the best looking girl on this beach, and I see a lot of girls every day. I think your mother is trying to encourage you to acknowledge that.’

She doesn’t believe so I offer to do a test. She gets her bikini – never used before – on, and we head for the beach. I tell her that there isn’t one guy who isn’t attracted to her.

All the guys look after us, as I said. Some of them look because she’s with me, though. The guys know she’s my next “patient”.

She gets a very positive vibe and starts walking with more swing in her step.

We stay for some fruit picnic on a secluded part of the beach.

She tells me how good she feels now and thanks me.

‘No problem. Now I’m gonna teach you how to love the sun. But you need some lotion, you’re still so white.’

I start with her shoulders and back while she rests on her arms on the towel. We chit-chat about a lot of stuff. Favorite fruits etc. I get lower to put lotion on her back. Still chit-chatting.

‘What kind of books you like? You said you read a lot.’ And then I put lotion under her bikini bottom, on her bum as she stumbles to name genres she likes.

‘That’s nice. I like detective stories, too. You should turn around.’ She’s taken aback by my hands in her pants but the chit-chat stops her from reacting… and her new-found confidence is giving her sexual thoughts.

She turns around. Beautiful big tits under a blue and white striped bikini top. I start spreading lotion on her tummy and we talk about her home town in south England.

I lift her legs and lotion between her thighs. But not her special spot. She obviously shivers as I touch her inner thighs, though. ‘You should put some lotion under your bikini bottom, too, it burns easily there.

‘Oh okay.’ She looks at me as she slides her hand in her bikini bottom.

‘That’s good. Now let me help you spread it.’ I put my hand on top her hand, only the fabric of her bikini bottom in between. Her eyes are fixed on me as her breathing intenses.

‘Feels good, doesn’t it?’ She still stares into my eyes with her wide blue eyes, biting her lip gently. She’s never felt this good.

‘Let me put something on your chest, too. You continue down here.’. I slide her bikini top to the sides and spread lotion on her huge tits. Her areolas are big and brown, with small pointy nipples in the middle.

‘You have a beautiful body, Sarah. Maybe we should take that bikini bottom off, don’t you think?’

She nods with trepidation and enthusiasm in her eyes. She’s never done anything close to sex before.

‘Very good. You have a beautiful pussy. Let me touch it for you.’ She is all wet, pussy spread. She has to resist not to howl as I slide one finger in her wet cunt.

‘Good Sarah. Now I’m going to take my pants off and you can see what a man’s hard penis looks like. Don’t be afraid, it’s big but not too big.’

Her eyes turn into the eyes of a horny female wolf as she sees my black seven inches plower.

‘Here, stroke it a little to get the feel of it.’ I guide her hand to my raging hard pecker. Her hand is shaking, but my hand in her pussy makes her act on instincts.

‘Now, I’m going to take a condom from my bag and put it on my cock. Then I’m going to come on top of you and slowly slide it in your pussy. Okay?’

She nods, her left hand admiring my cock, right one touching her right breast.

With my condom covered black cock I climb on top of her round white body and point my flesh gun on her entrance. ‘I go very easy and slow, it’s your first time right?’

‘Uhum…’ Her eyes go to the sky.

She’s very tight but so wet that my thick cock easily slides the first inches like a slippery python into his cave. Then her hymen slows me down but I gently break it pushing deep in her warm wet cunt.

‘Feels good, don’t it? You want this really bad, don’t you?’

‘Yes….’ She’s read erotic literature ofcourse but she never knew reality could be this good.

I kiss her big lips and slide my tongue in her mouth. At the same time my I circle my cock in her virgin pussy, warming up her precious for the pounding it’s gonna get.

After a while I start to fasten my pace. She breaths heavily ‘Oh god… oh god…’ She’s hurting a bit but it’s more about the surge she feels approaching.

She comes really fast, I’m a good and experienced lover you see.

‘You’re beautiful, Sarah. That was a great response from your body. How did your first orgasm feel? Good, huh?’

‘Uhmmm..’ She’s in seventh heaven eyes rolled back.

I pick up my pace again, wanting to get what I came for, too.

She comes for the second time as I pick up a frantic pace of pussy beating. Her cunt is splashing out juices and she’s screaming ‘Mother of God!’ as I keep on pressing into her.

Finally I’m ready to shoot my load into the condom inside her. ‘Oh baby, now I’m gonna cum. Give me that pussy girl, give me that pussy. Aw…..aaaawhhh…I shoot my condom full and push into her with force. At least six bursts of hot cum fill the condom.

I roll off of her and start kissing her. She’s still horny.

‘You know, it feels even better without the condom…’


‘Yes… then I have to use your other pleasure point. Your bottom. Would you like to try it? You’ll love it, I’ll be gentle.’

‘O… what do we do…?’

I gently guide her to the secrets of anal sex and fuck her tight ass hard with my big cock doggy style.

I shoot a big load of thick cum in her wide butt as her bum wiggles and she screams for another set of orgasms.

As we walk to her hut afterwards, everybody knows why she walks the way she walks. “Deepak got ass again.”

Tomorrow, another girl…
