It’s been a while

“It’s been a long time.” His voice was warm and friendly, but the touch of nervousness was unmistakable even though it had been years since she had seen him. The hug lingered. Both basking in the memories that were clearly never forgotten or even dulled to time. In that instant it all came rushing back. The sparks, the electricity of the touch, even the smell as they held each other close brought back every erotic memory.

As he pulled her closer she let out a sound he recognized immediately. And when he heard her catch her breath he knew that he would not be able to control the lust and desire that had been building since that innocent message several days ago. His hands slid up to cup her face in his hands. And as their eyes locked he kissed her. Their lips already buzzing with the tingling that only accompanies a yearning and desire that is so strong it almost hurts.

Another sigh escapes her lips as his lips meet her neck. His mouth kissing, sucking, and licking the spots that he knew would turn her lustful desires into a raging fire that would consume them both tonight. Her hands sliding into his hair her head falling back to give him full access to her neck. Her slight moans turning him on, igniting in him desire he had not known since her. His hands sliding down her neck along her hips and cupping her ass too pull her fully into him. His growl sent a shudder of pleasure down her spine and she could feel his cock begin to swell for her.

She felt the pressure of the door behind her. Pressed hard into the door their bodies were once again sliding up and down on each other trying to feel every inch of that body that had given so much pleasure in the past. Her hands reaching down to grab his shirt pulling it roughly and clumsily over his head. Her hands exploring his warm chest, as his hands lustily try to pull her top over her head. Her smile broadening as his eyes widen at the sight of her black lacy bra. Her head again cocking back as he dropped to his knees. Kissing along the bottom edge of her bra. Kissing, licking along the edges while his hands rub, squeeze, and caress her breasts through her bra.

His kisses sliding down to the edge of her jeans until his fingers start to unbutton them. The nibble kisses making her tingle in ways she had almost forgotten. His hands starting to slide her jeans off painfully slowly. Each inch accompanied by kisses down her leg. Her moans growing as his tongue slid down her inner thigh. His fingers sliding up her legs after disposing of her jeans, his hands stopping as they squeezed her perfect ass tight. And as he kissed up her thighs his smile grew wide as he could see how wet her thong was. He gave one long and slow lick on her thong his tongue pressing down on her lips sent a loud moan of “Yes” from her lips. As he stood abruptly he unhooked her bra revealing her beautiful breasts, revealing her heaving breathing, and the desire she had for the pleasure she was aching to receive. Instantly his mouth was sucking his tongue running over her nipple as he sucked her tit. His one hand caressing her other breast. His fingers teasing, rubbing, and pinching her nipple. “Oh fuck” her moans driving him crazy, he stood, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. . . . .

So I have how I’d like to proceed with this story, but I just would love to hear from anyone if this story does it for anyone, if it’s a good start. Thanks!!
