Unnamed Work in Process

Any feedback would help!!!

She was nervous, though she didn’t know why. she had been inside the room a thousand times before, but tonight was different. Tonight she was finally giving him the control. This was the first time since they met the first time that she had done this with him, but tonight would end different. She would get to be with him. She stood in the hall staring at the door, the folded note, and the blindfold. 
She could feel his presence just on the other side of the door. He was waiting. Waiting for her. 
Taking a deep ragged breath she slowly reached for the note and the blindfold. Once she held them they felt like they weighed a ton, but she knew she had to get out of her own head. She wanted this as much as he did. She took another breath and opened the note. ‘Put on blindfold. Knock three times. P.s. I love you.’ She read the note over and over. 
Finally, she placed the blindfold on and tested left, right, up, down…. Nope… Completely in the dark. She waited a minute, letting her other senses come to life. 
She slowly raised her hand to the door, she placed it flat against the door. Why? What did she think she needed to check the door. She slowly took one last breath and *knock…. Knock….. Knock…..*
She heard the click and the door open, she felt the abeyance around her change. Then she felt him. He was right in front of her. She could smell his bath soap, she felt safe, even through the nerves. A light kiss on her forehead. His lips were like fire to her nerve endings, but it felt good at the same time.
He checked the blindfold covering also. Then he moved. She knew he moved not but the noise but also by the slight breeze it caused. 
He stood behind her. Then she felt his warm breath against her ear. Barely above a whisper he said, ‘When I ask you to do something, your response will be “yes, Sir” then do what I asked. Do you understand?’
She just as quietly said, ‘Yes, Sir.’
‘Good girl. Safe word?’
‘Orange, Sir.’
‘Very good.’
He moved to be in front of her and took her hands leading her into their room, HIS room tonight. 
They stopped in the middle of the room, she knew, she had counted the steps each morning she got out of bed and ready for work. 30 steps from the door to her side of the bed. The smell of the room had changed, she smelled…. Lavender mixed with the vanilla smell. Ironic she thought. He kept the vanilla scent. He had gone out of his way to make this night fun, but special. 
He let go of her hands and he left the room. How long she stood there seemed like an eternity to the actual 45 seconds or so. 
She felt him reenter the room before she heard him. He was back in front of her. He slowly started to remove her jewelry, then her clothes. 
She was naked and blindfolded. he had moved away from her. She could still feel his presence, she knew he was still there. 
She longed to just start babbling, take the attention away from her stark naked body. 
She heard him take in a long breath and slowly exhale. She felt his hands on her. Softly caressing her cheeks slowly moving down to her neck and shoulders until he held a breast in each hand, softly squeezing them, caressing them. 

Her breathing became heavy, as if the air had solidified. His touch, his proximity seemed to have this effect on her. The sounds that he made with each touch made her feel alive. 

He stopped, and scarcely above a whisper Said to her, ‘Undress me, ask for help if you need it.’

‘Yes, Sir.’ She had to keep her calm. Finally a free ticket to touch him, to feel his skin. She slowly removed his clothes. He was wearing her favorite faded old comic book T-shirt. He was wearing it the day they met at the market. His jeans were tight and ripped, she wanted to linger on the feeling of his muscles under them but this was not the time or place. She was obeying him tonight. 

Then stood there waiting for the next step.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/5l00hq/unnamed_work_in_process