[MF][FF][MMF][Fantasy] Taken by the Invaders

Maria squirmed, straining against the ropes holding her, the sun beating down on her naked flesh. Thrown over his shoulder, she could feel the powerful muscles of her captor beneath her as he shrugged off her attempts to escape. Dust flew into her face, and she spat out grit as the cries of other captured men and women filled the air, and another sound, too, the low, steady beat of hundreds of marching feet, their captors carrying them off to the high, red peaks of Wyrmstone mountain, whose silhouette stood out against the sun like twisted claws rising to the sky. Maria squirmed again, more vigorously this time, and was rewarded with nothing but a hearty laugh and a slap across the ass from her captor. She blinked back tears, trying not to think about how she was completely naked, completely exposed in front of all these men.

How could this have all happened?


Maria had lived in the small village of Sandstone that had existed for a long time in the shadow of the mountains. A hot, dusty village, mostly farmers, most of whom had never traveled further than a day’s ride to sell their goods. Not once had they ever been attacked. The only marks of violence were the long-crumbled remains of a stone wall that had once surrounded the village, and silly tales, told to young boys, about the “Dragon-men” of the mountain. Nobody had ever once thought that there could be any truth to this.

Perhaps this complacency was why the attack had come so quick, so brutally.

It had been night, moonless, silent. Maria had been bathing with her closest friend Brea, a pale, red-headed girl, relaxing in the waters of a stream still warmed by the lingering heat of the sun beating down on the rocks through which it ran. Even in the total silence, with nothing but the gentle babbling of the stream to distract them, they had no warning of the attack until the first scream.

When that scream tore through the night, even then, they did not know that something was wrong. Maria thought that perhaps the men were drinking and being rowdy – they had gotten loud before, though this scream had a ragged, desperate quality to it that was new to her. And then there had come the second scream, and the sounds of metal clashing on metal, and the braying of low, echoing horns.

Maria and Brea had leapt to their feet in a panic, running for their clothes, even as in the distance, the glow of fire consuming the buildings of the village began to light up the night. So frightened were they that they didn’t even bother covering up when one of the boys of the village came stumbling out of the darkness. It was Puck, the blacksmith’s son, a crooked, hunched thing but certainly the strongest boy in the village. He was carrying a sword and wearing a loose chain shirt. “Girls,” he gasped, blood running down his face, far too preoccupied to be embarrassed at their nudity, “Flee-”

And then, out of the night, HE had come.

He was at least a foot and a half taller than the tallest man Maria had ever seen, and broadly muscled, broad shoulders tapering down to a thin waist. He wore little armor, merely a leather vest and small skirt of leather straps, and he was barefoot. A wild mane of black hair flowed around his head well past his shoulders, with small rings and feathers woven into his locks, and the most striking feature were his green eyes – not green like a normal human’s, but a dark, penetrating emerald all the way through, like a cat’s. His face was wild, cruel, proud, and he carried a vicious, heavy-bladed spear.

Puck had roared and swung his sword at the invader, but the wild man had smiled almost pityingly, sidestepped the swing, and with what seemed like a mere flicker of movement, pinned Puck to the ground, spear through his guts.

Maria had heard a distant screaming, and realized later that it was her.

The wild man had leaned down, almost looking as if he was whispering something in Puck’s ear, as the poor boy gurgled out his last breaths. “Don’t move,” he said, calmly, as Maria and Brea had slowly began backing away. Finally he rose from the corpse, and cast his eye on the two naked girls, evaluating them. “Hands down,” he said, simply, when they had tried to cover themselves. His smoldering eyes traveled up and down their bodies. To her eternal shame, Maria had found herself not thinking of Puck, not thinking of how she might be killed, but of how handsome she found this man, how his stare had started a low, insistent heat deep in her belly.

The screaming had died down now, and the invader had stepped close to them. He ran a finger over both their bodies, and Maria shivered as his finger ran down her naked stomach, shaking as he went lower, lower, between her thighs –

“No,” she had whispered, although part of her, part of her she wanted to hide from the world, wanted nothing more than to give herself up to this man.

The invader had glanced at her and laughed, withdrawing his finger. “You,” he said, “I like you. I’ll take you.”

“T-take me?” Maria had said.

“Yes, yes,” said the invader, smiling his cruel, beautiful smile. “You have much better…curves, than your friends here.” Here, he made an hourglass shape with his hands and laughed at Brea. “You are pretty enough though. You, I will trade.”

At that moment Maria and Brea had both bolted, but, laughing, the invader had caught them both by the wrists. He threw Brea to the ground and sat on her while he bound Maria with rope drawn from a pack on his back, and then bound Brea in turn.

After this, he had picked them both up, one over each shoulder, and carried them to the village square. Maria tried to close her eyes to the sight of all the dead bodies – most of the men in the village. She tried to close her eyes to the faces of these young men she had known all her life, dead trying to defend the village, defend her. Her mind filled with prayers for the dead, and she was horrified at how she could have been so turned on by the invader before. She hated him, hated him, hated him.

Other invaders, other wild men, stood around the village square, piling up what treasure they could find. Not all of them looked like her captor – some had blonde hair, some had red, but all were taller than any other man she had seen, and all were frighteningly muscled. Almost all the young women were gathered up and bound. To Maria’s shock, a few of the women were already being raped, out in front of everyone. At least, she thought they were being raped, until one lifted her head up from an invader’s cock long enough to gasp, “More, oh gods, more, fill me up, oh gods-”

Maria had wanted to stay and see who had survived, what was happening, but this was not in her captor’s plans. He had quickly bartered away Brea for a pair of silver cups, and then moved on out of the village, beginning his long march up the mountain, just as dawn had risen.


Maria eventually learned to stop struggling. She both ran out of energy, and became painfully aware of how much her captor’s playful smacks on the ass were turning her on. She didn’t want that. He was devastatingly beautiful, and feeling his muscles against her bare flesh all day gave her a deep, dull ache, a need, but she wanted to keep alive her hatred for him. “He killed Puck,” she whispered to herself, every time she found herself enjoying the feel of his flesh against hers. “He killed all the men. He made you into a slave. You hate him.”

Finally, as the sun began to go down, the line of marching invaders gathered into a small clearing. Maria’s captor laid her down gently on a patch of soft grass and strolled off, not saying a word to her.

Maria glanced around as much as she could in her bindings. The grass she lay in was tall, and obscured most of her view, but given the impending dusk she thought she could assume that the invaders were setting up camp. She tried wiggling around to get a better view, but then was stopped cold by the sight of another invader – not her captor, this one was shorter, and had red hair and yellow eyes – staring down at her.

“Ah, so there you are.” The red-haired invader gave her a sharp smile. “You know, I had looked for you. I wanted to be the one to capture you.”

Maria kept her mouth shut as the red-haired one knelt down next to her and traces his fingers across her body.

“I was one of the scouting party. I caught sight of you bathing for a few days and thought you’d make a pretty prize. Ah well, I did get your friend from Odhan.” Here, the new invader leaned in, and breathed into her ear: “Watch. Later tonight. I’ll make your sweet, pretty little friend put on a show. I’ll make her beg. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

Maria felt herself shaking after the red-haired invader had left. Make Brea beg? Were they going to kill her? Is that what they were saying?

Soon enough, her own dark-haired captor returned, dumping a load of skins and stakes next to her. He looked down at her and winked.

“Odhan,” said Maria. “That’s your name?”

“Well,” said the invader. “Aren’t you sharp. It is. And yours?”

“You’ll never know my name, you murderer,” Maria spat. “Brute. Killer. I…” Maria trailed off as Odhan shrugged and began removing his armor, revealing rippling muscles and bronzed, smooth skin. Soon enough he was naked except for a small undercloth, and he made to untie that as well. “Wh-what are you doing?” she stammered.

“Getting naked. I’m hot.”

“You…you can’t do that!”

Odhan gestured towards her. “Come on. I’ve had to wear that stupid armor all day. You’ve gone naked all day, you know how nice it feels.”

“It doesn’t feel nice! Having all those men leer at me while I’m powerless to cover up!”

Odhan smirked, and then removed his loincloth, going fully nude. Maria averted her eyes, and tried not to think of the glimpse of his cock that she got. She was horrified to find she was almost immediately wet.

“I suppose I will just have to survive the onslaught of your leering,” Odhan said, in mock distress, as he knelt to begin setting up his tent.

Maria, despite her efforts, found herself watching his naked, rippling back, his broad shoulders, his thick, muscular arms, as he set about efficiently setting up his tent. She had never been with a man before. She had played with herself, and with Brea, but never had she seen a naked man in the flesh. She had been getting close to the age where that was expected, however, and now she found herself full of want. She refused to let her gaze go lower than his waist, however.

When Odhan was done, he was covered in sweat. He uncorked a waterskin and poured it over himself. Then he glanced towards Maria. “If I untie you,” he said, “I want you to know, first off, that you’d never make it out of the camp, so don’t bother trying to escape. But if I untie you, do you promise to behave? I know you must want some water, and to eat.” Here, he drew some hard bread out of his pack. “What do you say?”

“I….I promise.”

Odhan drew a knife, and cut the ropes binding her wrists and ankles. He watched as she stumbled to her feet, working her legs, trying to get the blood flowing back into them. He courteously offered water, and a hunk of bread, when she asked for them.

Maria gulped down the water, and took a big bite of the bread. She gave Odhan a timid smile. Then she darted.

She had not gotten three steps before she found herself yanked back with a laugh, wrapped in Odhan’s strong grip, tumbled head over heels. When she got her bearings, she realized she was sitting in his lap.

It was too much. The feel of his strong chest against her naked back, the scent of his sweat, the feel of his skin, the heat radiating from between his legs – Maria was almost immediately overwhelmed by her arousal. “N-no…let me go…”

“I asked you if you could behave,” Odhan laughed. “Now you’re just going to have to sit in my lap. Are you still hungry?”

Maria remained, miserable, hips and legs shaking, taking small bites of the bread and sips of water. She could feel Odhan growing hard beneath her, felt his cock bumping up against her ass. “Oh gods,” she whispered, using all her willpower to prevent her hips from grinding against him.

When she was done with the food, Odhan uncorked another waterskin. This one was a mixture of water and perfumed oil, which he poured all over her body and rubbed into her skin, washing away the dirt of the day. Maria could hardly bring herself to protest as his hands explored every inch of her, slipping around her breasts, her neck, into her ass, spreading the perfumed oil everywhere. He spread her legs and spread the perfume on her thighs, and Maria could not stop a moan from escaping when his fingers slid across her pussy. His cock slipped from bumping up against her ass to between her legs, sliding against her pussy lips. Maria slapped her hands to her mouth to prevent herself from crying out, and could not stop her hips from sliding herself up and down the shaft of his cock.

“Do you want it?” Odhan growled in her ear, shifting his hips, applying just the slightest bit from his cock to her clit. Maria cried out, breathing raggedly. She did want it. She felt so empty, her knees felt so weak, there was a warm, deep, aching urge deep in her hips, she wanted him, she wanted his cock inside her, she –

“N-no,” she whispered, and with all her willpower, pushed herself off of him. “No, no, no….you….killer….” without realizing it, Maria slipped her hands between her legs to try to satisfy the overwhelming need she felt. She cried out in frustration when Odhan laughed and caught her hands.

“No touching yourself. Look, the show with your friend is about to begin.”

Maria, gassping, barely able to think straight, looked where Odhan was pointing. A makeshift stage of skins was now set up in the center of the camp, with a large, thick pole secured in the ground at the center. Tied to this pole by her wrists was Brea, completely naked, squirming against her bonds. Surrounding this stage were a large number of the invaders, though not all of them, perhaps fifty, watching her intently. Next to many of these invaders sat girls from the village, naked, many still bound, some unbound.

“Brea…don’t hurt her,” Maria gasped, as Odhan yanked her to her feet.


“Don’t hurt her. I’ll…I’ll do anything. You can fuck me. I’ll let you fuck me, but don’t hurt Brea.” Tears streamed down Maria’s face, as she clutched at one of Odhan’s arms. “Please. You…you can fuck me in front of everyone, but don’t hurt her, I love her-”

“Little one,” Odhan said, lifting her chin with one finger, “Nobody is going to hurt your friend.” Maria stared into those green, catlike eyes of his and wondered if he was telling the truth. “And besides,” Odhan continued, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “When I fuck you, it’s going to be because you’re begging me to do it, not because you’re trying to save your friend.”

Maria felt her legs quiver and, stumbling, she followed Odhan to sit down around the stage and look up at Brea.

Flanking Brea now were two demure, small, nude women – not from her village, other slaves? Maria wondered – holding between them a clay jar. One reached into the jar and extracted a handful of some white, waxy substance. With no ceremony or emotion, she smeared this substance between Brea’s legs. Brea cried out and Maria leapt up, but Odhan grabbed her by the arm and shook his head.

Brea squirmed, thrust her hips forward, and began to sweat, glistening beads running down her body, glimmering in the torchlight. Her body grew flush, especially between her legs, her pussy grew into a deep, swollen pink. “Oh gods,” she moaned, “Oh gods, let me touch myself, oh…”

The women from the village gathered in attendance gasped. “You get to choose!” yelled out one of the invaders in the front row. “You get to choose who fucks you! You don’t have to fuck anyone, if y’can bear it, but if you want to fuck someone, you get to choose!”

The invaders burst out in raucous laughter as Brea shook, moan and stamped her feet, casting her eyes about the crowd. Maria froze as her friend’s eyes settled on her. “Maria!” Brea cried out, the desperation clear in her voice. “Maria please…help me cum…oh gods, I’m burning up, please-”

Maria jumped up, but her legs were weak with arousal and she almost immediately collapsed again. Odhan smiled and swept her up in his arms and walked her to the stage.

“No,” Maria whispered in his ear. “I can’t do this, not in front of everyone, please…I can’t, this is bad…”

“There’s nothing bad about helping a friend.”

And then Maria was in front of Brea, who was straining, sweating and screaming to make her cum, naked in front of a crowd of strange men, and she grasped her friend and, as Brea babbled into her neck and shoulder, Maria slipped her fingers into her friend’s pussy. She was so hot and wet, and needy, pushing her hips down onto Maria’s fingers so hard it almost hurt.

“Please, make me cum, make me cum,” Brea cried. Maria could feel her friend’s hot tears on her shoulder, she could feel the stares of the invaders, the stares of all the village women, as she played with her friend’s nipples, and slipped another finger into her pussy. Finally, with a scream that rang throughout the night, Brea came. She hang loose against her restraints, collapsing onto Maria. Maria could feel her friend’s fevered flesh, her ragged breaths.

“It…..it…” breathed Brea, “It…wasn’t enough.”

“Brea,” whispered Maria.

“I…I need more, I need more,” Brea moaned, squirming against her restraints again. “I need a cock, please, give me one, someone fuck me, please, OH, GODS YES-”

Maria looked up in shock to see Odhan taking her friend from behind. She fell to her knees, watching Brea’s face contort in pleasure, watching droplets of Brea’s sweat splash fly off to splash against her skin every time Odhan thrust into her. Maria felt a deep, undeniable hunger in herself. She looked around. In the crowd, watching, many of the invaders were pushing the women from her village to the ground, spreading their legs, pushing fingers inside of them, as the women spread their legs and moaned for more.

“These are killers,” Maria mumbled to herself, her hand traveling between her legs again, to toy with her clit. Odhan saw this and slipped out of Brea, only to be immediately replaced by another invader who had leapt up onto the stage. This invader cut Brea’s bonds loose and her loud cries of pleasure were immediately cut off as she collapsed and took another invader’s cock into her mouth.

Odhan dragged Maria to her feet. Maria was in a haze. All around her were the cries and moans of women being fucked, women in pleasure. “No touching,” Odhan whispered in her ear. “If you want, I will fuck you.”

“No,” Maria gasped. “No….not right….just let me touch myself…”

Odhan smiled his cruel smile once more and dragged her off to his tent. The last thing Maria saw before the tent flaps closed was the flickering torchlight reflecting a wild orgy, the women she had grown up with begging for the invaders to fuck them, and Brea, on center stage, with an invader in her pussy, ass and mouth, grinding her hips furiously, crying out in a loud moan as her face was covered with cum.

Odhan settled Maria onto some furs that served as bedding in his tent. With some rope, he tied her hands and legs to the wooden frame of his tent, so she was spread eagle. Maria offered no resistance. The sounds of the orgy outside and the sight of Brea being fucked had clouded her mind, just the simple act of Odhan spreading her legs almost made her give in.

Once she was tied and secured, Odhan reached into a corner and procured a jar. He dipped two fingers into it. It was the same waxy, white substance that Brea had had smeared on her.

“Do you know what they say this is?” Odhan asked her with a smirk.

Maria, sweat soaked, breathing raggedly, shook her head.

“They say it is the dried cum of Father Dragon himself.” Odhan laughed. “They say that it drives women insane with desire the same way Father Dragon drove Mother Dragon insane with desire. Insane enough to crack mountains and carve rivers in her lustful throes.”

Maria whimpered.

“You know what I think? I think it would be awfully strange for Father Dragon’s cum to take the shape of plants, because I saw the shamans making this once and that’s what it was, plant paste. But I do know that if you have some of this on you, you’ll cum harder than you ever have in your life.” Odhan stood over Maria’s sweating form and held his paste-smeared fingers half an inch above her pussy. “Is that what you want?”

Maria meant to say No. She meant to call him a killer and a brute. But what happened instead was that with a long moan she thrust her hips upward and let him smear the paste across her pussy. What happened instead is that she moaned into his mouth as he leaned down and kissed her, letting his tongue invade her mouth as his fingers invaded her cunt. Finally she broke off. “N-NO!” she cried. “NO! MURDERER!”

Odhan bit her shoulder and played idly with her swollen clit. “I’m afraid it’s too late for that now.”

“Get off of me,” Maria cried, even as she pushed her clit into his fingers with her hips. “G-get off.”

Odhan laughed, then fell back to lie next to her. “Okay. This should be fun.”

Maria bit her lip to stop from crying out. Her entire lower body was a dull, throbbing ache, she felt empty, so empty, she wanted to be filled so badly. She wanted to feel a cock pressing into her, deep into her, filling her up, she wanted to feel Odhan’s strong arms around her, she wanted to feel him pumping in and out of her, in and out, and his cock was so close, it was only a few feet away and it was so long and huge and looked so right, and she wanted, wanted, wanted…her mind went blank, her hips thrust into the air, she was filled with nothing but primal need, need to be filled. She tried squeezing her thighs together, grinding her hips on the empty air, to get some small pleasure out of this, but it was no use.

“L….let me ….touch myself…” she gasped.

“What’s your name?” Odhan asked, idly glancing at her.

“I…ahhh….mariaaaaah oh gods let me touch myself let me touch myself let me please oh gods please-“,

“Well, Maria,” Odhan said, clapping a hand over her mouth to stop her babbling, “No.”

Maria screamed, and strained against her bonds. Her need was driving her crazy. If she could break her arms just to be able to touch herself, she would. Every nerve in her body seemed to be on fire. Even the small breeze against her nipples and clit sent her into a frenzy of need. And Odhan being right there, naked, his scent, his hard, thick cock…

“T-t-t-touch me…” Maria moaned.

“What’s that?”

“You can….touch me….”

Odhan poked her shoulder. Even that sent a shiver of pleasure coursing through her. “Alright. There you go.”

“No….you ass….between my legs…I want it…”

“Ah.” Odhan glanced down at her hips, her red, quivering pussy, aching with desire. “Eh, not interested.”

Now, Maria could feel even the beads of sweat running down her skin, tormenting her, tiny shark sparks of pleasure. “…please…” she whimpered.

“Please what?”


Odhan moved with sudden and fluid grace, kneeling between her spread legs, pulling her hips up, until the head of his erection was pressing up against her clit. “Like this?”

Maria swallowed. All she could think of was his cock sliding deep into her. She moaned, adding her voice to the cacophony outside, as he slid the head of his cock up and down between her folds. “Stop….stop teasing and just do it,” she sobbed.

“Ask nicer.” Odhan’s green eyes filled her vision as he leaned down over her, the head of his cock pressing against her pussy. Just one thrust from his hips and he would be inside of her.

“Please….please fuck me, please, I need you, I want you, please master-”

Odhan thrust into her. Maria gasped, then screamed in primal pleasure, as she felt his gigantic cock sliding into her, filling her up, pushing on all the parts of her that had been crying out for pressure. She arched her back and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she wrapped her legs around him and squeezed him close, she wanted him deeper, deeper, deeper inside of her. He began to withdraw and before he was halfway out the delicious scraping against the side of her had made her cum, she screamed, hips pressing down on him, pussy squeezing around him. She realized that he had cut her bonds and she threw her arms around him, and kissed him, feeling her pussy convulse around his cock.

She had time for one breath before she realized she still needed more, but Odhan had no intention of stopping. He thrust into her again, quick, hard, slamming her enough to make it hurt, but it was a sweet sort of pain. He buried his face in her neck and bit her with surprisingly sharp teeth, and her next orgasm was a blissful mix of pleasure and pain, pain from being pounded and pain from the nips at her neck.

But it still wasn’t enough. Maria knew that there was only going to be one thing that would satisfy her. “Want….your cum,” she breathed raggedly, wrapping her legs around Odhan, squeezing him into her. “Please….”

Odhan wrapped his arms around her and pushed into her, kissing her, and all Maria could think about was his tongue in her mouth and his cock deep inside her, sliding in and out of her, the smell of his sweat, his naked flesh sliding against hers. She locked her legs around his giant frame and pressed him into her, the cock deep as it could go, and he was breathing heavily. “Yes, yes, please, do it, cum inside, oh gods-”

She felt him throb inside her, and then she felt the splash squirting deep, deep inside her, deeper than anything had ever been, the burning hot splash, and she screamed out in pleasure. It was like everything she was, everything she could feel was the throbbing of his cock deep inside her. Her body convulsed, and her mind went blank.

When she became aware of herself again, she was muttering “Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods,” while playing with her clit, while Odhan watched on, bemused. She could smell his sweat on her, she could even smell his cum.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone have quite that strong of a reaction before,” he said, toying with a knife. “You know you were cumming for like five minutes straight? I almost got bored.”

Maria pushed herself up on her elbows, gasping. “I’ve…never felt anything like that before either. And I’m STILL like…..this?!” she cried, gesturing uselessly at her crotch. While the fire inside her had died down a bit, she was still incredibly aroused.

“Oh yes,” said Odhan. “It will take about five or six more times for you to calm down fully.” He surged forward and caught Maria in his arms, kissing her fiercely. With one smooth motion he slid his cock back into her and she moaned into his ear. “Or did you think we were done here?”

Maria’s cries of pleasure rang out through the night, and continued long after the orgy outside had died down.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5kmrqd/mfffmmffantasy_taken_by_the_invaders


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