Cumming Home for Christmas [*EXPLICIT*] – Getting [F]ucked by [M]y Boyfriend While My Family Sleeps Upstairs…

“I give good parent…(he gives good parent)… I give good parent (he gives real good parent)… I gi-”

“Jess, are you going to sing that the entire car ride?” His amused, yet slightly anxious tone interrupts the sound of my voice filling the small space of his Prius

“Maybe. Why, does it bug you?”

When he doesn’t answer immediately, I glance over at him. I note the slightly less-than-relaxed grip he has on the steering wheel, and the determined set of his jawline. He’s wearing jeans but with a purple dress shirt; casual, but not too casual.

“Oh my god,” I begin. “Are you nervous?”

He rolls his eyes, and tightens his grip on the wheel before sparing me a brief agitated glance. “Yes, Jess. I’m a little nervous.”

I continue to stare at him, mouth slightly agape.

“Oh c’mon, like you wouldn’t be slightly nervous if you were in my situation?” I roll my eyes, and prepare to reply, but he cuts me off. “That was rhetorical, Jess. You know I’m right; you’d be a little anxious too if the roles were reversed.”

I shrug, “Yeah, I guess. I just… It’s so rare for me to see you nervous, y’know?”

He smiles at my admission, and I note the slight change in his posture as he rolls his shoulders, as if trying to shrug off some invisible weight. “I mean, you do have a point. I’m pretty much fearless… except, y’know, when it comes to impressing the scary mother of this chick that I’ve recently decided I’d like to bang in the long term…”

I can’t help but smile and roll my eyes at him at the same time. “You’re such an idiot.”

This time the smile reaches his eyes. “True, but you love it.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes, as I watch the surroundings outside my window whizz by. In a way, it felt like I’d never left. The town still looked more or less the same. But then again, what could I expect? It’s not like I’d been gone all that long, I remind myself.

I smile, as I look back from the window to stare at him again, grounding myself in reality. Although I’d been incredibly nervous, I’d felt relieved when I made my decision. It was a chance to get out on my own and explore; something we’d both desperately needed, given how hectic both our lives had been over the past few years. Eric had shown me around Massachusetts and beyond, during my weekends. And one night, after a little too much chocolate, giggling, and sleep deprivation, we’d finally given into each other…

With a start, I realized that it’d been nearly six months since the evening that had changed everything. It’s strange, I mused. It feels like we’ve been dating for years, yet it’s still so new at the same time…

“Jess?” Eric asks, interrupting my inner monologue. I quickly take in my surroundings, and realize we’re almost there. “You okay? You seem pretty out of it.”

“I’m fine,” I say, as he frowns slightly. “Really,” I add. “I was just…reminiscing.”

“Oh?” he asks, as we drive past the church that designated the spot where I waited for the bus for 4 years during high school. “Tell me.”

I close my eyes, and lean against his shoulder. “Did I ever tell you how glad I am that I chose MIIT?”

I feel him laugh softly; his torso vibrates as I lean against him. “Is MIIT a euphemism for something else?” he teases. I resist the urge to playfully punch his shoulder, reminding myself that he still needs to keep his eyes on the road. “You’re such an asshole, but yes. It is. And because I’m so nice, I’ll even spell it out for you, not that your ego needs anymore stroking,” I say, before sitting up and turning towards him slightly in my seat. “I’m glad this happened. I’m glad we happened.”

He gives me a real genuine smile at this, and I watch as it completely transforms his face. “Me too, Jessica… Me too,” he says, before slyly adding, “Although, I wish you were stroking something else right now…”

“Eric!” I laugh, as we roll into my mom’s driveway and park beside the familiar white mini van. The house is looking good, I realize with relief. Honestly, I hadn’t realized how worried I’d been until now. The last time I’d been here was last December for Christmas, nearly eight months ago…
“Alright,” I say, grabbing my purse and opening the car door as the Prius’ purr dies slowly as Eric turns off the engine and removes his keys. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be…” he mutters, before running a hand through his hair one last time and getting out of the car.

I intercept him with a fierce kiss as we climb the few brick steps leading towards the front door. He stiffens, but then immediately relaxes and grips my waist, dropping our overnight bags and the bag of goodies we brought for my family to the ground. I deepen the kiss, leaving him breathless as I pull away. “You are the only man I’ve ever felt this way about. Remember that. You’re amazing. They’ll love you.”

“Yeah?” He says, a little shakily. “If you say so…”

“Hey,” I say, as I brush the back of my hand against his cheek, “Forget about the age difference. We’re both adults. It’s only about ten years, anyway…”

“Eleven,” he corrects me.

“…Okay, eleven,” I pause before continuing, “But it doesn’t matter. I’m an adult, a very mature one…” I trail off as I notice his sarcastic frown. “Okay, a very mature one when I need to be,” I add, before continuing. “I can make my own choices. And I choose you.” And with that, I pick up our bags, grab his hand, and lead him confidently the last few steps to the doorway. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze as I ring the bell, which he returns with equal passion a moment later.

“You got this…” I whisper, as we hear movement on the other side of the door. A moment later, it opens to reveal my… not so little brother.

I gasp. “Henry!?”

He giggles. Something I find very enduring for a 15-year-old… a baby-faced 15-year-old, I note, with amusement. “I’m not the shortest anymore. You are.”

“Pfft… not quite yet, you little shit,” I begin as I catch sight of James walking down the stairs. He looks more or less the same as I remember, give or take a few pounds… but the freshman 15 can get the best of us all, I muse, hoping his first year at university is going better than mine did. “Hey scrub,” I say in greeting.

“Hey yourself,” he says with a smile. “Thanks for feeding that Ahri the other day in our ranked game,” he teases.

“Me? Feeding?” I say in astonishment, “I gave her one kill. ONE because I was stupid and wanted first blood and did the flash ignite shit under her turret. Then I spanked her all game and carried your ass through your promos. You’re welcome, jerk.”

“Sure, sure,” he muses, as his gaze travels over Eric as my mom walks over from the kitchen and hugs me. I hug her back, still uncomfortable with the whole hugging thing, but I let it go today, for her.

“Look at you,” she says. “Have you lost weight again? You know, you really need to make sure you’re eating. I know PhD work is tough but I really think you looked better before, you need to look after yourself…” she rambles on, as a faint blush spreads across my face. I dare a quick glance at Eric, and bite my lower lip to keep from giggling as I note the secretive curve of his lips. He’s thinking exactly what I’m thinking…

Truth be told, I’d been taking care of myself just fine, maybe even slightly worse, since Eric kept dragging me out to eat lunch with him whenever he was in the area for work. That, and he’d taken it upon himself to bring me chocolate as often as possible… No, if it was true that I’d really lost weight, it was because I’d added even more cardio to my already outrageous gym routine…(which, I must note, Eric almost stopped teasing me about, when he saw the effects it had on my body)… but this added cardio wasn’t more time at the gym. It was an at-home workout… and I liked it a lot more than running on the treadmill in the mornings before class.

“I’m looking after myself, really, mom,” I reassure her, before presenting Eric with a dramatic flourish. “May I present the grand, Eric Summers,” I say with a smile in my voice.

“Hey,” he begins carefully. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms.-” he begins, before she cuts him off. “Elaine,” she says. “Ms.-anything makes me feel old.”

“Ah,” he grins, and I can tell he’s feeling a bit more relaxed as he begins to sense how informal my family is.
As if suddenly remembering, Eric presents the bag of goodies we’ve brought with us. “We brought some treats with us from the states,” he says, handing the bag to my mom.

She peers in excitedly, and thanks him for it as Henry and James start to try to grab it from her and see what’s inside.

Dinner goes smoothly, and I can tell by the quick laughs and his tone that Eric’s finally beginning to relax. We help with the dinner dishes, and eventually the boys excuse themselves one by one as they get bored with the adult conversation.

“So,” my mom says as she sips her orange pekoe tea. “Jessica tells me…”

At this point I’ve tuned her out. I’m tired, and to be honest, more than a little horny. The past week leading up to this was rough; Eric had to work overtime to get time off work and I had 2 term papers to finish and a stack of undergraduate midterms to grade before we could escape for the weekend. As a result, I hadn’t seen him much… something that my hormones were reminding me of tonight. I glance at Eric over my own mug of tea, imagining all the things I’d be doing to him if we were alone…

“Actually, I’m a doctor,” he says, and I manage to bring myself back to the conversation for a moment to make some biology-related joke at my expense. I can tell he’s a little worried still, but for the most part he’s relaxed. My mom likes him, I decide, after observing their interaction for a few more minutes.

Well, now that that’s out of the way…

I discretely place a hand on his thigh under the table, being careful to keep a close, but respectful, distance from him so as not to be obvious. He doesn’t miss a beat in his conversation… aww, that’s cute, I think to myself. He thinks I’m just comforting him. Let’s see how well he does with this…

I slide my hand up his thigh a little further, expertly taking a sip of my tea with my right hand, as I massage him through his pants. At this moment my mom gets up to turn on the kettle again, and he whispers a very quick “What the hell are you doing, kitten?” to me, before I quickly withdrew my hand as my mom walks back to the table and sits down.

I join their conversation again, before pawing at him under the table a few moments later. He takes a long sip of his tea, and I can tell that I’m starting to turn him on as I feel the growing bulge in his jeans. I smile, timing it with something my mom said, as I slowly undo his fly and free him from his jeans and boxers.

He nearly chokes on his tea, but manages to stifle it with a feigned cough. “Eric, are you alright?” I ask with concern, trying to keep my voice neutral.

“I’m…” he begins, before I gently wrap my hand around his shaft and stroke him from base to tip. “…fine,” he says at last, trying to keep his smile under control.

I grin, letting the conversation progress, as I begin to get an idea. It’s risky though, I realize. Because if my mom follows my movements and looks under the table, it’s gg. So I need to time this just right… I bide my time, continuing to stroke him with increasing intensity as I wait for the right time in the conversation to…

“Oops,” I say, as my spoon clatters to the floor. I realize with a moment of panic that my mom is about to follow it and I stop her suddenly “No, no, it’s okay,” I say, getting off my chair to signal that I’m going to pick it up. Eric senses somehow that I need him to keep her distracted, and so he asks her a question.

I have mere seconds to grab the spoon without being suspicious. In the half-second it takes me to bend down, I take him into my mouth and suck him roughly as I reach blindly for the spoon. I grab it, and pull back just as suddenly. So suddenly that I bump my head, which again, causes my mom to begin moving as if to look under the table and check on me…

I stand up abruptly. “Got it!” I say, rubbing my head.

“Are you okay?” She asks with concern.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” I say, keeping the attention off Eric who I can tell is still recovering from my most recent advances.

Finally, he regains himself, and takes a long drink of tea to hide the faint blush on his cheeks. I smile. Excellent… Except that there’s something I haven’t taken into account. As much as I’m enjoying torturing him, I didn’t take into account what that would do to me…

I can already feel myself getting wet. I need him. Now. I think to myself.

He feigns a yawn, and I realize my mom is mentioning the words “bed” and “late.” Somehow, while I’ve been trying to compose myself and figure out how to get us out of this mess, he’s already started working on that very plan without me. I need to tell him again how much I love our link…

I stifle my own fake yawn, “Oh wow, yeah, it is late,” I say, easily inserting myself back into the conversation. My mom nods, rising from the table and quickly placing our mugs into the sink.

“I’ve made up the bed in your old room,” she says. “Henry is still in the basement. I figured you two wouldn’t mind sharing,” she says. “I mean, we don’t really have extra bedrooms thanks to how big your brothers have gotten.”

“Oh, yeah, of course not,” I say, “Thanks for thinking ahead. We’ve brought toothbrushes and stuff with us already, and I can find us anything else, provided you guys haven’t changed this around too much on me.”

We thank her for dinner and say our goodnights, after reassuring her for the third time that we’re fine. I lead him to my old room, and a surreal look crosses his face. I suppose it is kind of odd, now that I think about it. This is the room where we first started talking when I was contacting other students to see what the Massachusetts area was like…

I place our overnight bags on the floor and lock the doors. Then I walk up behind him slowly, and hug his waist. As horny as I am, I want to make sure he’s okay first…

“How was that? Less scary than you thought?”

“Eh,” he begins, “It was worse in some ways…”

“Oh?” I prompt. “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” he says, turning around to face me and hold me against him, “You certainly didn’t make things easy after dinner…” his voice is an octave lower now, and has taken on that husky quality that manifests itself whenever he’s aroused.

“Sorry…” I say, marveling at how a mere shift in vocal tone can turn me on so much.

“You’re not sorry, you little minx,” he says, then nips my neck roughly.

I gasp softly, “Eric…” I begin, and then trail off as he begins trailing kisses down the side of my neck. Then he reaches his hands up my shirt to undo my bra and fondles my breasts. My pulse is so loud that I can barely hear anything else now. I place a hand on his chest, my eyes begging him to pause and listen to me. “Eric… the bed… the bed squeaks like crazy. And they’re all upstairs, we’re going to have to be so incredibly quiet, not a sou-”

He cuts me off by walking me backwards against the wall and kissing me roughly. I moan into his kiss, and instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He begins tugging off my shirt impatiently, following by his own a moment later. When he finally pulls back, I only have a couple seconds to read his expression before he slowly sinks to his knees, and kisses my thighs. I shiver, feeling myself beginning to soak through my underwear.

Before I have time to brace myself, he tugs off my yoga capris and underwear in one deft motion, and takes me into his mouth, his tongue expertly flicking against my clit. I place my hands back against the wall to steady myself as I try to quiet the moan he forces from me.

He continues his assault until my legs begin to shake, ignoring my pleas to stop and “Fuck me… just fuck me already…” Finally, just when I think I can’t take anymore he stands, and slowly licks his lips, before kissing me passionately. Before I can blink he has me bent over my bed, kneeling with my knees on the carpet, as the springs groan softly in protest.

“Eric- Oooh….OH!-” He covers my mouth with his hand and as he takes me from behind without warning. I shut my eyes tight in response, as my scream fades into his hand. He slams into me, filling me roughly, stretching me, forcing me to accommodate him much faster than I’m used to.

“Oh fuck, Eric…” I moan, feeling his strokes go deeper inside me as my body grows even wetter for him. I can feel his sweat-soaked chest against my back as he keeps me bent over, one hand still covering my mouth, as the other reaches around to roll my left nipple between his fingers. It puckers obediently, almost instantaneously, in response to his touch.

Just when I start to catch my breath he removes the hand from my breast and snakes it between my thighs, massaging my clit as he fucks me harder, my hips lurching forward with the acceptance of each stroke. The bed groans in protest, despite it only having to support my upper body. It gets increasingly louder as he slams into me at a dizzying pace.

I gasp, “The bed, they’ll h-hear…” he covers my mouth suddenly and slams into me with everything he has. I cry out, feeling that familiar tingling sensation and tension that I’ve grown so used to feeling right before he makes me cum for him. Sensing this, he withdraws from me completely. I take a second to catch my breath, still unable to speak from the hand he has covering my mouth… the hand that I’m incredibly thankful for a moment later, when he leans against me so I can feel his chest fully against my back as he whispers in my ear.

“I’m going to make you cum for me,” he growls. “And as soon as you do, I’m going to take you for myself and discipline you for that behaviour you did at the kitchen table earlier. Do I make myself clear?”

I shiver.

“I said: Do I make myself clear?” He asks, enunciating carefully this time in a harsh whisper.

I nod, as he moves his hand slightly so I can speak, “Yes.”

He slams into me without warning, expertly stifling my scream as he covers my mouth again, forcing me to cum for him by massaging my clit again. I moan into his hand, as I grip the sheets on the bed, trying desperately to find support as my upper body slumps downwards. I turn my head to the side, resting my cheek on the soft mattress as I struggle to catch my breath.

He laughs, deep in his throat, and strokes my hair, as my body continues to try to recover from the orgasm he just gave me. “Ah… there, kitten. That wasn’t so bad, was it? It had to be done, after what you did earlier…” he muses.

I give him a shaky laugh, “I’d do it again if I knew this was how you were going to react.”

“Oh?” he says, before pulling me off the bed and pinning me roughly on the floor. I feel the carpet bite into my back. The air is humid with our sweat. He pins my arms down by my sides, and studies me in the lamplight. I blush, but feel less shy with him now, especially because I can see how much he hungers for me.


He slowly draws his gaze back up to meet mine, taking his time as he glances between my legs at the moisture clinging to my inner thighs. He licks his lips.

“Fuck me, baby.”

He smiles, sensing that I’m beginning to recover already. “As you wish…” he says, rubbing the tip of his cock against my inner thighs, then moving it upwards to rub up and down my slit, teasing me. I arch my hips up and gently help guide him inside me, sighing with happiness as he slowly thrusts inside me.

He kisses me gently, and releases my wrists in favour of gripping my hips and, to my delight, pulling my legs onto his shoulders. “Oh, god… Eric…” I lay my head back against the carpet in ecstasy, as the lamplight catches the sweat on my skin, making it shine. He continues to slide in and out of me, watching my face the entire time, transfixed by my expression and the sounds he alone can ilict from my lips.

“I need you…” I say, trying to arch up closer to him, an almost-impossible task given the angle. I close my eyes again, reveling in the feeling of him massaging me so deeply. Without a condom. Without any barriers between us. I’m completely exposed to him now, I realize. As if sensing this, he begins to quicken his pace.

“Here’s what’s going to happen next,” he grunts out, beginning to pump into me now. This is different than usual, I realize, recognizing that possessive, almost animalistic need that colours his voice. He’s being rougher than normal tonight… and I love it.

He pulls out of me, and I can’t help but whimper at the lack of warmth and fullness between my legs. His lips curve into a smile, “As I was saying, kitten. Here’s what’s going to happen… I’m going to fuck you again, so hard that you cum for me a second time. Once you do, I’m going to blow my load inside you. I know we haven’t fucked in almost a week, what with me being so busy with work and you being so busy with your term papers and grading…”

I wiggle impatiently, and he slams into me once. Hard, forcing me to gasp, before pulling away again. I pout. “Behave, and listen,” he urges, “Or I’ll just keep teasing you, keeping you at that torturous point, right before you cum, for as long as I see fit,” he states, gripping my legs tighter as if to remind me that he has complete control in this position. I sigh, and then meet his gaze, letting him know he has my full attention.

“As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted… We haven’t fucked in a week… moreover, I haven’t been able to take care of myself either…” his sentence trails off, as I begin to understand what he’s saying.

“So,” he prods the opening to my womb with the tip of his throbbing cock, “I’m going to fuck you until you cum for me, again. And then… then I’m going to cum inside you. And I’m going to fill you so full of my seed that it’ll overflow you… I’m going to claim you, kitten,” he says, matter-of-factly. “Don’t forget who you belong to.”

He starts to fuck me so roughly and so quickly that I fail to stifle the “OHhh… ERIC…” that he initially forces from me. Then with each pump he slams into me fully, as hard as he can, so hard that each one is punctuated with a guttural squeak from me. I feel my body being pushed slightly forward, the top of my head gently hitting one of our bags on the floor, with each thrust.

“Don’t fucking stop!” I moan, gasping as he ravages me just as he knows I crave. I arch my back, my breasts bouncing with each of his thrusts, as I struggle to stay in control. Sensing this, he spreads my legs further, and leans into me so that he’s almost on top of me.

“Oh fuck!” I yelp, cumming almost instantly from the change in position. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…” I moan, as he forces me to start gushing for him, soaking us both. At the same time, I feel him groan, and bury himself fully inside me as he forces his seed into me, inseminating me… claiming me. My body offers no resistance, accepting him completely as I hold him close to me, letting him know I want this just as much as he does. After a couple heartbeats, he tries to pull back. But I wrap my legs around him, holding him in place, and shake my head.

“I want it all. Every last drop,” I whisper, kissing him.

“Fuck, Jess…” he says, softly, staring at me in the lamplight, as we both start to lose consciousness. I kiss him softly, glad that I locked the door, so no one can barge in on us in the morning. I blindly reach over and tug the blanket off the bed before draping it over us.

He rests his forehead against mine, his hair plastered to his head. My hair, on the other hand, is a curly frizzy mess, fanning out around me from my place on the floor. I nuzzle his neck, and breath him in, feeling more relaxed than I have in a long time. The second last thing I remember before I finally succumbed to sleep was the sight of his eyes, which were illuminated by the faint lamplight that bathed the room. They were filled with passion, love, and an overwhelming happiness. I feel my eyes growing heavy, and I think back to all the years of struggle we’ve been through that we’ve overcome together to get to where we are now. I smile, finally giving into the darkness, as one clear thought penetrates my conscious as I fade from the world:

We made it.


1 comment

  1. Best written story ive seen yet. The chemistry between them is fucking great.

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