[XP] My Parent’s Basement [ff] [bdsm] [huml]

“Be a good girl while we’re gone, honey.” mom said, as she hoisted her final piece of luggage into the trunk.

“No promises.” I said with a grin, and she offered a warm smile in return, the skin around her eyes framed with gray wrinkling.

“At least try not to burn the house down.” dad added gruffly as he slammed the trunk shut and settled into the car.

“Yes sir.” I offered, and he flashed me a friendly smile in the rear view mirror as mom clambered into the car.

Even now, well into their late fifties, mom and dad were going strong, and this year, as always, they were off on their yearly honeymoon and anniversary celebration, coming as it did three months after the madhouse cluster of birthdays me and my thirteen sisters shared. In years past, they had sent me off to my sister’s place for the week, to stay with her and her two kids my own age, but this year they had decided to turn the house over to my care while they were gone.

As the car pulled out, mom gave a friendly wave, and soon my phone buzzed in my pocket.

“Be safe. Left some beers for you in the fridge downstairs, don’t tell dad. ?❤” read the text from mom, and when the car rolled up at the stop sign at the end of the street it lingered for a while, before rolling out and up towards the highway as my phone buzzed again, this time with a message from dad. “Dad already knows. Don’t puke on the carpet.”

Inside again, I parked my tush on the couch and texted Alice. “Parents are out of town for a week, want to come over?”

Her reply took a while, so while I waited I sat back and flipped through the channels, looking for anything fun, but nothing good was on.

“Sry, dealn wth a thng” came her reply at last, so I tried Sarah instead, and this time the reply was nearly instant. “omw ❤”

Fifteen minutes of daytime TV later there was a knock at the door, and before I could even get up, Sarah had let herself in. As ever, she was rocking her bohemian summertime look, with bare feet, cargo pants, and a white and red polka dot two-piece bikini, showing off her C-cups and toned tummy. She had dyed her hair short pixie-cut hair black again, but her bright blue eyes and their blonde brows betrayed the lie.

“What up, slut?” she asked as she tumbled into the sofa, draping herself across my lap.

“Says the girl who comes over with cum still in her hair.” I sallied.

“Huh?” she said, reflexively running her fingers through her fringe. “Where?”

“I was joking, idiot.” I said with a laugh. “Did I interrupt a blowjob when I texted or something?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Sarah said, straightening out her do. “I had just finished, so your timing was perfect.”

“And somehow I’m the slut.”

“Yup.” Sarah grinned, before looking over to the TV. “Anything good on?”

I shook my head. “Nothing.” I said. “Some of it might be salvagable with a couple of beers, though. You want one?”

“Shah.” Sarah said with a heroic roll of her eyes.

“Good, run down into the basement and get some.” I suggested, pushing her off of my lap and sending her rolling onto the soft shag carpet.

With a grin, she got up and dashed lightly down the stairs.

“Which door?” she hollered from downstairs.

“The den is to the left”, I shouted, “the fridge is in there.”

After a moment, I corrected myself. “No, wait, right. Left is the crawlspace access.”

“No”, Sarah shouted from downstairs, “no, it isn’t.”

“What do you mean it isn’t?”

“You’re gonna wanna come down and see this.”

With a sigh I got off the couch and followed her down the stairs. Rounding the door, I gave her an exasperated look.

“What -“, I began chiding, before looking into the door to the crawlspace access, “- the fuck is that?”

“Not the crawlspace access”, Sarah ventured, “unless both crawlspace and access are metaphors for something very peculiar.”

The door, and the room inside, had walls padded with synthetic red leather and black highlighting, and hanging from square mesh panels bolted onto the wall was every twisted implement of erotica, imaginable and not. Strap-ons, dildoes and truncheons, paddles, gags and collars, whips, switches and leashes, all neatly cleaned, organized and color-coordinated: Black on black, with black detailing and black highlights. Against the back wall was a large panel with sets of restraints for several poses, and in the middle of the room hung a bouquet of ropes, neatly organized and ready for use, their silver buckles glinting under the flourescent lights behind frosted glass panels. The floor was a black and white linoleum checkerboard, clean and scentless.

“I think”, Sarah suggested, “that this is your parents’ sex dungeon.”

“No shit, sherlock.”

Looking over the room I was flabbergasted, for about five seconds. Thinking about it however, there was nothing about the room that didn’t make sense. My parents were hardly prudes, and you can’t have fourteen kids sharing six birthdays in the span of two weeks without a healthy appreciation for and understanding of your own sexualities, but even so. To actually discover a room like this…

“We should probably pretend we never saw this…” I suggested, but Sarah barged straight in and made a beeline for the toy racks.

“As if.” she protested. “It’s not as if they’ll know if we have a look, right?”

“I don’t think -” I began, but Sarah cut me off.

“If they didn’t want you to know about this place, don’t you think they’d have locked the door?” she said, pointing to the sturdy door and its heavy lock.

“Maybe they forgot?” I suggested doubtfully.

“They forgot to lock their sex dungeon.” Sarah asked flatly. “When going away for a week. Leaving their teenage daugther home alone.”

It did seem an unlikely thing to forget.

“So, what?” I asked. “They _wanted_ me to find it?”

Sarah shrugged, and returned her attention to the toys on the wall.

“Ooh!” she said, fondling a strapon. “This one looks fun, and not too big.”

“Fuck, Sarah, wipe that grin off your face.” I said nervously. “Next you’ll be telling me you want to try it on.”

Sarah shook it head. “I want to try it _out_.”

“You what.” I asked flatly.

“I know you’re not into cunt, but with this thing you won’t even know it’s me.” she said with a grin. “I can hang you from the ceiling by the swing and fuck you, it’d feel just like a guy was doing it.”

“It’s not that I don’t like pussy.” I protested. “It’s just, you know, I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“Bondage?” Sarah ventured. “It’s easy enough, I’ll do all the hard work for you.”

“Not _that_”, I said, blushing, “well, that too, but I mean _sex_.”

“What?” she said with a wicked grin. “My favorite little slut is a _virgin_?”

I nodded, blushing furiously by now.

“You realize of course that now I _have_ to fuck you, right?” Sarah said, unzipping her cargo pants. “This will not stand.”

Looking back at the wall, she chose a smaller strapon than the one she had been eyeing, and stepped into it with a grin.

“Look, we really shouldn’t…” I tried protesting, but Sarah cut me off.

“It’ll be fine, don’t be such a Nervous Nelly.” she said with a grin, tightening the harness over her bikini bottoms, making sure it was snug and secure. “We’ll clean up after, your parents will never know a thing about it.”

“And Lisa”, she added with a serious look to her, “if you think for a _second_ that your sisters haven’t all gotten fucked in this room, you’re just _dangerously_ naïve.”

“Bullshit.” I protested.

“Go ahead, text any of them, I dare you.” Sarah said, as she walked over to the swing and started figuring out the ropes.

As she stood there, I whipped out my phone and texted Gina.

You: Hey sis. You know about the basement? (14:33)

Gina (sister): U mean the den? (14:34)

You: No… (14:34)

Gina (sister): O yeah! Gr8 fun! ???❤ (14:35)

I blushed furiously, but surely Gina was an outlier. She’s always been weird, so I tried Jane instead.

You: Hey sis. You know the basement? (14:36)

Jane (sister): The den? (14:37)

You: No… (14:37)

Jane (sister): Oh… Yeah, I know about it. Lots of ??? (14:39)

You: What… (14:39)

Jane (sister): Dad walked in on me and Dale once, asked me to not tell any of my little sisters ❤ Have fun, be safe! ? (14:40)

“So”, Sarah said as I looked up from the phone, blushing, “am I right, or am I right?”

“Uh, kind of, yeah.” I stammered. “But I mean, what do we even do?”

“I tie you up and fuck you.” she suggested.

“It’s not exactly how I envisioned my first time…” I ventured.

Sarah grinned. “Trust me, it’ll be way better than anything you could have thought up.”

“Fine”, I relented, “what do I do?”

“Undress, and get over here and on your knees.” Sarah commanded, pointing at her feet. “And call me mistress.”, she added with a wink.

“Yes, _mistress_.” I offered sarcastically as I stripped off my top and wiggled out of my jeans.

“All of your clothes.” she commanded before I could even finish kicking the jeans off my feet, and I quickly set about stripping off my basic white bra and panties.

“_Yes_, mistress.” I gave her sarcastically as I plodded up to her and sat down.

Where I sat, Sarah tied me up, the ropes going over my chest above and below my tits, around my waist and wrists, and around my thighs and shins, keeping my legs firmly folded.

“If I’m doing anything you don’t like”, Sarah explained as she walked over to the wall and fetched a collar, “you can let me know with the safe word.”

“Which is?” I asked as she fastened the spiked leather collar around my neck.

“How about ‘sailboat’?” she ventured, and I nodded with another sarcastic aside. “Yes, mistress.”

Once she had checked the straps over my body, she fastened them to the ceiling rig, and carefully hoisted me up, leaving me hanging horizontally at crotch height.

“Now”, she said as she walked slowly around me, “I don’t think I like your tone.”

“Too bad, _mistress_.” I sallied, and a split second later she brought a paddle swishing through the air at my ass with a loud clap.

“Aah~n!” I cried, in mixed pain, pleasure and surprise.

“Do you want to try that again, slut?”

“_Too bad_, mistress.” I offered sarcastically, and again the paddle made a quick and loud impact, noticeably harder this time.

“Aaah~nh!” I cried, body trembling as I felt my exitiment dripping from my pussy, a drop running down the inside of my leg.

“What was that?” Sarah asked.

“Sorry.” I panted, trying to keep it together, and again the paddle came whirling through the air to deliver another blow, the heaviest one yet.

“Aaaah~nnh!” I cried, panting heavily. “Sorry, _mistress_.”

“There’s my good little slut.” Sarah said, leaning down behind me and placing a light kiss on my undoubtedly hot pink ass. “I had to get rough, you see, or how would you learn?”

I nodded weakly, the feeling of her lips on my raw flesh exciting beyond belief. After a kiss on each cheek, she placed another one on my pussy, deep and long, her tongue probing me gently.

“I think you’re ready for your reward for being a good little slut already.” she said as she stood up and poked the tip of her strapon against my lips. “But now, all of a sudden, this one seems a little paltry, doesn’t it? A hungry slut like you needs a bigger one, I think…”

“Not at all, mistress.” I ventured, panting heavily, not expecting the paddle as it came swinging through the air and slapping my already-raw cheeks.

“Aah~n!” I cried.

“Does a good little slut question her mistress’s judgement?” Sarah asked, and I shook my head vigorously.

“No, mistress.”

With a clatter, the harness fell to the floor, and behind me I could hear the rustle as Sarah stepped into another one.

“And what does a _good_ little slut ask for?” she said, poking at me with her strapon.

“Her mistress’s hard cock in her tight pussy, mistress.” I panted, feeling my thighs growing slick with my juices.

“And are you a good little slut?” she said, adjusting the cock to let it grind back and forth over the crack of my ass.

“Yes, mistress.” I panted, feeling ready to explode. “Please, mistress, fuck my tight pussy with your hard cock!” I cried out, body already trembling with anticipation.

“Hmm…” Sarah said as she repositioned herself, poking at me with the tip again, letting the agonising seconds tick by.

“I think I will.” she said, and grabbing my hips tight she plunged straight into me to the hilt, the front plate of the harness meeting my ass with a loud clap, and sending me over the edge. Letting out a scream of pleasure, I came at once, my body straining against the restraints as the orgasm rolled over me.

“Ha~” I panted, “thank you – mistress…”

“For what?” Sarah asked, pulling back. “We haven’t even begun yet.”

As I hung suspended, moaning and squealing, she thrust into me again, again and again, and before long another orgasm rippled through my body, and then another, where I hung, head lolling and eyes closed, unable to focus on anything but the sensation of Sarah wildly fucking me.

Suddenly, however, she stopped, mid-thrust.

“Sailboat.” she said weakly, and confused I fought to open my eyes and look up.

Dad was standing in the doorway, looking at us in puzzlement and embarrasment.

“Hi, dad.” I managed weakly, cheeks cherry red. “Sarah was, um, looking for the den…”

Dad nodded slowly. “Well, just make sure you clean up when you’re done.”

“Out of curiosity, Mr. B, how many of your daughters have you walked in on like this by now?” Sarah asked.

“Lisa makes fourteen.” he grumbled. “And the door is sound proofed for a reason. You really should close it.”

“So all of them.” Sarah pressed on.

Dad nodded, and looked at me. “Well, your mom and I forgot something when packing. We’ll be out of your hair, now. Like I said, be sure to clean up when you’re done.”

I nodded obediently, about ready to die from embarrasment, the only saving grace being my pose keeping only my back and head in sight.

Quietly dad left, closing the door tightly behind him.

“Kill me now.” I panted, but Sarah only spun me around on the swing, bringing me over to face her cock head on.

With a smile, she knelt down and gave me a kiss. “A good little slut doesn’t care who sees her, does she?”

Weakly, I shook my head.

“That’s right.” Sarah said with a grin, standing back up and placing the tip of the cock on my lips, its taste that of my own sweetly aching pussy. “Now, you heard the man, make sure to clean up.”

Eagerly, I set about sucking the cock clean, and when I was done, she fetched another one from the rack, with some size on it this time.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5jx4b7/xp_my_parents_basement_ff_bdsm_huml


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