Make Believe – Article I of the Contract (NSFW)

Make Believe – Article I of the Contract

No matter how unlikely I’ve fallen for everything that you might be and accepted that this mirage is nothing more than a figment of my imagination, the threads of truth weaved in between means they look just strong enough for me to hang on too.

I’ll make you touch that illusion

Be intimate with that fantasy

Entice that myth

Feel this apparition and fill in this pipe dream

Provoke a few daydreams

Enhance those nightmares

Be that apparition you say doesn’t exist

Do you dare stand in front of the mirror and make that wish?

Say it three times, confirm that you are willing to take this trip

The red pill will reveal the path down the rabbit hole

Your body is a wonderland, I’ve found the map and am quite ready to explore.

Just step out of your mind and into this red room, let these chains set you free.

You say what you’re looking for is impossible, are you willing to step out of reality?

You can return to the safety of real life at any time, the blue pills are waiting.

Now is the time for me to make you believe.”
