[MF, Cheating] Tales of Drake: Oliver’s Girlfriend

(Full Story)

Part 1

Now, I know you must be wondering… What the hell is going on? Let’s back up to the very beginning…

It was an early evening Friday when the party started. I invited my three good friends, Kyle, Adam, and Oliver to join in me in our normal drinking festivities. Every weekend or so we’d all go out and enjoy ourselves at the local clubs, but this time I wanted to kick back at my place. The last time we all hanged out I remember Oliver talking about his new girlfriend, and how he knew that she was… the “one”. Of course me being his friend and all I was happy for him. Even though the rest of us had never met this young lady, we were still untroubled by his blissful nature in wanting to be with her. That was… until tonight.

See Oliver’s a good guy. He works a decent full-time job at a gym, and is relatively fit and handsome compared to your average Joe. So I suppose it wasn’t that surprising when I heard about him dating someone. It just seemed weird that he wanted to bring her with him to our get-together, considering that she’d be the only female there. I guess he just trusted her a whole lot. Before the party started, I went out and got a few cases of beer to make sure that we had an ample supply of cool beverages. When I was away, Kyle and Adam texted me letting me know they’d be there soon. Kyle and Adam were friends of mine since middle school. We were basically the three amigos during our childhood, and growing up with them has been nothing short of a real adventure. The only flaw with them though, is that they took forever to get ready and never answered my phone calls. I’d schedule things at a certain time, but the duo would arrive several hours late saying stuff like “Oh, I didn’t get your text” or “I had to grab some food from Sheetz”. Yeah, they were friends, but also real big douchebags. Tonight was the same case. When I got back to my house with the cases, I saw Oliver’s car parked alongside the curb. Kyle and Adam weren’t here yet (they were probably putting on their make-up or something). As I parked next to his car, I stepped out to welcome the two guests.

He walked up to me, cheerfully greeting “Sup bro!” Oliver was maybe an inch shorter than me, but was rocking a short black pompadour haircut. He had amber tan skin accompanied by thin frame, and dark brown eyes. I addressed with a roaring “How’s my man doing, huh?!” as we grasped hands to confirm the meet-up. Looking over to his side, I saw a beautiful dainty woman easing beside him.

She raised her hand in a friendly manner, and casually introduced herself to me saying “Hey, I’m Sabrina”. I grasped her soft palm, exchanging greetings, and studied her appearance. Her face was quite pretty, with beautiful brown eyes and silky shoulder-height brown hair. She was wearing a wool jacket that covered all the way down to her knees, so I couldn’t really see her body.

I replied “Ahh so you must be the girlfriend, I’m Drake. Could you two help me with the beer?” I beckoned them to the backseat of my car to take a case each, and we walked over to my door. After we got inside and laid the four cases next to the dining table, my phone buzzed with a text. Checking to see it, Adam and Kyle said they weren’t going to be here for another hour.

Oliver saw me looking at my phone and asked “Didn’t you say that we were going to chill at 9:00PM? Where’s Adam and Kyle at?”

“Well… Honestly, I think they’re having gay butt sex” I replied jokingly, not really caring about my first impressions with his girlfriend. Sabrina bleated with a contagious smile, laughing at the harsh humor. I didn’t know I was that funny. We settled in the living room with a few beers and talked for a while. Oliver mostly complained about his job, and even mentioned that he thought about quitting because the work was too slow. I tried talking to him about it as Sabrina sat beside him sipping her beer, solemnly listening to the advice that I was giving.

“You could always switch jobs and work with Adam and Kyle” I mentioned semi-sarcastically. They worked at the downtown McDonald’s flipping burgers.

He snickered, replying “Ain’t no way in hell I’d give up my job to work at that shitty place.”

Sabrina retorted slightly “Well, I can’t imagine they’d be complaining like you every day.”

Oliver turned his head towards her, hardening his facial expression. I could tell she must’ve pressed one of his buttons, and so with great finesse I intervened…

“So, uhh – Sabrina, what’s your work like?”

She calmly turned her gaze to me, almost alluringly, and began talking about her career. Apparently it involved taking care of kids with mental disorders like autism, down syndrome, ADHD, etc. While she was explaining her work, Oliver’s phone rang. He picked it up, and raised his hand to me that he’d be outside for a few minutes to talk with whoever was on the other line. I nodded to him as Sabrina presumed talking. After another minute she concluded her description of her career.

“Wow… that’s pretty noble work there” I complimented, sipping my beer pleasantly. Looking towards her face I saw that I accidentally made her blush.

“I love taking care of kids…” she revealed, “but sometimes I just need to relax. Oliver’s great… it’s just that some days he can really be full of himself.”

Was she confiding to me? I had no clue. However, I wasn’t going to agree with her or say anything bad about him. I gave her an acknowledging hum, and drank the rest of my beer. Her grey jacket was still on, so I pointed to her chest asking courteously…

“I can take that coat for you, if you want?”

She was took a swig from her beer, and stood up. As Sabrina took off her coat it revealed her black sweater, along with her black skin-tight yoga pants and outlining panties. She had a near perfect hour-glass figure with perky breasts, and a nicely round bust. I didn’t realize I was eying her curvy figure, but she noticed and gave an attractive smile. As I came to my senses, I smiled back at her while gently inquiring…

“… What?”

Her big pupils darted to my lips, and answered playfully “hm… nothing.”

A light in my head flicked on. This was bad. In my twenty-three years of living on this earth, I’ve learned the simple signs of flirting, and this was one of those signs. Taking a mental note not to engage with her again, I walked over near the door to hang her jacket on the coat hanger. When I did, Oliver came back in with two other guys.

“What’s up you beautiful bastard?!” howled Kyle. The guy was a little on the short side, but he made up for it in personality. His cinnamon skin complexion matched his hair color almost evenly, with his short haircut actually being slightly darker. He leaned over with hazel eyes to greet me and shake hands, while Adam walked in from behind carrying two bottles of vodka.

Adam was my height, but lacked some personal qualities. He mostly sunk his time into chasing girls and updating his social media with hundreds of pictures of himself. Even though we all knew this, we sort of just learned to accept his nature. He was the palest out of everyone here. He pumped a fist up, and shook his long blonde hair preaching “We’re getting drunk tonight boys!”

They seemed like their usual selves, but that’s a good thing. While they settled in and met Sabrina, I went ahead and grabbed some cards so that we could play some drinking games. We turned on some music and commenced the nightly festivities like we normally do. Our first game was called Kings, and after an hour of exciting amusement, everyone was already pretty tipsy. Oliver started to slur his words a little, and Adam couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched him slowly get plastered.

“Why’re you laughing?” Oliver asked Adam, semi-aggressively. We were all sitting at the dining room table with red solo cups and beer cans scattered everywhere.

“Bro, you can’t hold your alcohol” he mumbled while dancing to the beat of the rap music.

Oliver stood up as though as if his manliness was just challenged, replying “Oh r-hic!… really?”

Adam tip-toed over to him humorously, and barked proclaiming “Yeah! Dude, I bet you can’t even drink more than me.”

Kyle, Me and Sabrina were laughing as the two argued. Oliver reached over to grab one of the bottles of vodka from the table, slowly pouring himself a half cup of liquor. Adam looked over to me with massive regret from his eyes, and we all busted out with laughter. After he filled the first cup, he filled another, then handed Adam the vodka cup. With their manhood at stake, neither of them could deny the challenge and back out. They both cheered each other with the rims, and began guzzling down the highly intoxicating beverages. We watched in awe as they actually did it, applauding them courageously. Oliver wasn’t done yet though. When the match ended, he walked up to me and Kyle, offering us two shots of the toxic beverage. As me and Kyle stared at each other determinedly, we gracefully accepted the cups and began our spiraling descent into drunkenness.

I noticed Sabrina looking at me while I drank, and she paced her intake with mine like she was trying to keep up with me. After two hours passed of heavy drinking, we were all very intoxicated. Almost all of the alcohol was gone except for a few cans, and a half bottle of vodka. The first ones to stop drinking were Oliver and Adam. They had quickly consumed a lot of liquor, so it wasn’t really surprising. I showed them where they could lay down on the couches, handed them both some pillows and blankets, and a bucket for safety measures (in case they needed to exquisitely vomit).

After I showed them where to rest, I looked at the time on my phone to see that it was almost one o’clock in the morning. Kyle was pretty plastered, and was stumbling around profusely. Sabrina laughed as he attempted to stand but failed, yelling out to me “Drake, I’m drunk as fuck bro!”

I drank quite a bit, but I wasn’t so wasted that I could hardly stand. Usually when we partied, I’d go all out and get really hammered. However, something was telling me I probably shouldn’t do that, at least not with Sabrina around. As the night came to a close I showed where Kyle could sleep in the guestroom upstairs, and I assumed Sabrina would just crash on the couch with Oliver. We all went upstairs to the bathroom to take a leak. Consuming large amounts of liquid really got our bladders going. While me and Sabrina waited in the lobby for Kyle to finish his business, I turned to face her intoxicated gaze. She clumsily leaned against the white dry wall staring back at me.

“…What?” she hummed, observing my behavior.

Examining her voluptuous body, I whispered sarcastically… “Oh… nothing”

She enticingly raised an eyebrow, and muttered flirtatiously … “Is that so…?”

I slowly walked up to her as she was leaning off the wall. Approaching her, I could smell the sweet perfume fragrance emanating from the outfit that she wore. Her beautiful eyes looked up at me daringly. We both stood like that for a moment, just gawking at each other like two horny dogs in heat. A low flushing hum echoed from the bathroom signaling that Kyle was finished. Stepping back towards the wall opposite of Sabrina, I resumed the same position before my friend disappeared into the bathroom. As the door swung open, me and Sabrina chuckled to see Kyle stumble out. He gestured to us, waving a hand goodnight as he wobbled to his bedroom down the hall.
We watched him enter into his room, and shut the door quietly. Upon hearing the door close I turned to see Sabrina with her eyes closed. She must’ve been really tired, so I raised my hand towards the entrance, politely gruffing…

“Ladies first”

She opened her eyelids, tearing herself away from the drunken stupor. While giving a hearty grin she uttered “Thanks, but you can go next. I don’t mind…”

To be honest I really had to go pee, so I nodded my head thankfully and went in. I slid the door shut and walked over the toilet. While I did my business, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to actually do something to Sabrina. Thinking about her sexy curves really turned me on, but ultimately, I knew we couldn’t do anything beyond of just being friends. No matter how much me or her wanted to, we just couldn’t do it. I let out a long deep sigh as my loins depressurized.

When I finished up I zipped my pants, and flushed. After a moment of the flush humming through the air, there was a sudden croak as the bathroom door opened. Turning my head around I could see Sabrina coming in while closing it back up. She locked the door knob, and turned to glare menacingly at me like a tiger closing in on its prey. Oh damn, I wasn’t expecting this.

“Uh – Um… what’re you doing?” I mumbled hesitantly while buttoning my jeans. She stepped quietly towards me, shushing to keep it down. Her fingers reached over to the bathroom switch beside the door, and turned off the wall lights in the small room.

She eased into my ear with her hands on my chest, breathing a raspy declaration … “Don’t play dumb, Drake… I know you want to fuck me.”

My cock innately twitched to the smooth purr of her voice. I couldn’t believe she just said that.

(Continuation from the prologue)

She pushed me abruptly against the bathroom wall, and started undoing the belt from my pants as her lips locked deliriously onto mine. Her hot tongue slithered up my throat while we exchanged musky hums in the dark space. Even though my mind was clouded from the alcohol, I still knew that what we were doing was wrong. However, my other head was demanding me viciously to keep going. I’m not going to lie, not having sex for over a year has been pure torture for me. My work has been wearing me out so much I hardly masturbate anymore. Sabrina eased her head back, gliding her right hand towards the bulge in my jeans. She bit her lip coyly as her fingers slowly undid my zipper.

“We can’t be too long…” she whispered seductively. Her hand reached in, wrapping her small palm around the bulging cloth of my boxers. I was trying to think of something to say before she started going down on me.

“S-Sabrina, wait. What about your boyfriend?” I muttered, trying to get her attention. She looked up at me alluringly, mumbling… “Mmm, don’t worry. He’s not getting up any time soon. Besides…” Her soft eyes looked down lovingly, releasing my throbbing cock from its cover.

“…You need this.”

It was hard to say no to such a smooth silky voice. I felt her hand grasp my thick foreskin while she knelt down. Her firm grip tugged at my shaft, and my inner loins reacted vibrantly as my head began to leak excessive pre-cum. I didn’t know I was going to be so sensitive to her touch. My slippery juice gradually coated her hand as she massaged my growing erection.

“My… you’re big…” she whispered, easing her head onto my groin. I couldn’t really see, but it looked like she was sniffing the pre-cum before her tongue started prodding my tip. As she slowly licked the fleshy edges, her mouth enveloped the head, sucking down the juicy substance. Resonating instinctively, my chest groaned heavily while her warm mouth slid down my length. I could feel her moaning lusciously as her saliva stirred around my tender cock. She was enjoying this immensely as her speed picked up. Her moans were getting recklessly louder as she deep throated my full length. I gripped the back of her head, attempting to drown out the sobs of her lust. She retaliated a little, plucking her mouth away, and muttered out a lusty cry.

“I… I can’t breathe…” she coughed, sniffling quietly from the heavy blowjob. Sabrina stood up while rubbing my aching cock. I couldn’t help but plunge my lips onto hers again, wrapping my hands around the skin-tight cloth of her round ass cheeks. She attempted to mumble something, but gave in to the sensual kiss and snuggled into me warmly. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she soaked her lips with mine, embracing the delicious unlawful love-making. I eased my head back a little to look at her intoxicated eyes. She drank as much as I did, but I could tell she was way more drunk than me. I was about to mutter something until I was interrupted salaciously by her with…

“I need you… inside of me.”

Her focused words struck me temptingly, and I really didn’t want to say no to her. My throbbing dick was lusting horribly, but I didn’t want to fuck the living brains out of my friend’s girlfriend! However, before I got a chance to reply, someone knocked on the wooden door with three slow pounds.

A slurring voice rumbled from the other side “S… Sabrina… are you in there?”

That was clearly Oliver’s voice, he must’ve been wondering why she was taking so long to come lay with him. We both looked at each other not knowing what to do. My brain snapped into action as I pulled my pants back up. I pulled her into me, whispering quietly…

“You need to go out and be with him. I’ll hide in the shower so he doesn’t see me.”

She responded with a nod, and spoke, “I’ll be out in a minute honey.”

I hopped into the bathtub beside us, and closed the shower curtain to camouflage my presence. She opened the door to meet with him, and after a few minutes their mumbling voices trailed away. With extreme caution, I opened the curtain to see that they had left the hall to go back downstairs. Blowing a sigh of relief I stepped out of the shower and walked into my room.

“That was too close…” I murmured.

Even though it only lasted a few minutes, the blowjob was still pretty amazing. Letting the creases in my face stretch I allowed a small grin to appear. I couldn’t help but think about all the seductive things she said that turned me on. It was like she was letting herself loose sort of, almost in a dominant way. Shaking my head a little to jog my thoughts, I took off all my clothes, turned off the lights, and crawled into my bed. The soft sheets of the bed soothed my body along with the dazing alcohol. Within minutes of closing my eyes, I was calmed into a deep tranquilizing sleep.

Part 2

I can’t really remember what I was dreaming about, but I do recall the sensations that came along with it. When I was still asleep, there was a warm slippery feeling gliding on my groin. It felt really good as it stirred me into consciousness. Gazing at the dark ceiling, I could feel the bed shaking a little as a wet mouth plunged itself deeper onto the length of my hard cock. I let out a deep groan while the sensual pleasure encircled my shaft, causing my tip to leak silky pre-cum. A pair of gentle hands massaged my thighs as light hums fluttered through the bed sheets. Lust overwhelmed my tender cock as the assailant undulated beneath the covers, and I could slowly feel my foreskin swell towards its peak. It was like… someone was giving me a steaming blowjob. Using my hand I flipped the sheets up to see a dark womanly figure perching upwardly, it was Sabrina!

“What’re you doing?!” I hissed. Her hand was still firmly gripping my cock. Her head tilted to the side as she steadily crawled towards me. I could scarcely see the outlines of her flesh; she must’ve taken all her clothes off and hopped in the bed with me when I was still sleeping. Sabrina stared into me as her body began to cover mine. I could feel her perky breasts slide gently up my torso.

She susurrated playfully “Oh, hush… I know you want it as much as I do.”

Her face was a mere inch away from mine as her body hovered above. My cock was erected entirely, and Sabrina lewdly teased the tip by shaking her hot pussy on top of it. Her lips wet sex lips brushed my sensitive head ever so sensually. I instinctively wrapped my hands around her rear cheeks, squeezing them away to avoid the sexual contact. Inversely though, she hugged the back of my head to let out a long pleasurable moan from the rough act. Her luscious boobs pressed captivatingly on my face.

“Drake, oh, you’re so bad…” she cooed wickedly. I was beginning to suffocate under the primal waves of dopamine, and I couldn’t take much more of the immense stimulation that her soft curvy body was giving me. Every moral being in my mind was yelling to not do it, to not fuck the shit out of my friend’s girlfriend! I had to try to end this before it went any further. As I released my grasp from her thick buttocks, I smoothed my palms up to her lower back, and tightly wrapped my arms around her waist. While easing my cock away, I tried to talk some sense into her.

“Sabrina… we… we can’t…”

Through the darkness I could see the lustful grin on her face widen. My attempt to persuade Sabrina was cut off unexpectedly by her sinking slippery entrance lips smooching down onto my cock. She emitted a high pitched squeal as I felt her drown my shaft half-way. Sabrina began to undulate herself slowly, her smooth juicy walls rubbed lavishly against my foreskin. While she settled sinfully onto my fat cock, I felt my primal instincts give way. My hips jerked upwardly, slapping the creamy skin of her shaved groin. She stuttered at the sudden consent, and looked me in the eyes.

Her face lovingly nudged against mine as we continued to rub our bodies together. I began thrusting deeper into her sex, stirring her warm savory juices with my flesh. We moaned in harmony as she fluently sunk her steaming walls around my hard phallus, my head was just barely hitting the end of her tender canal. Sabrina’s insides flourished as we began rocking back and forth, feeling the full girth of my manhood plunging her insides. She nuzzled right into my ear, and breathed a warm raspy cry as I started driving my raw cock balls-deep into the crevice of her love petals.

“Don’t… stop…!” she wheezed, pressing her hot decadent lips against mine. Sabrina’s sloppy insides were tightening around my raging erection, and I could feel myself slowly aching into a climax. Embracing her murmuring mouth onto mine, our tongues slicked together, exchanging puddles of musky saliva. Her throat throbbed with whimpers while she bounced heavenly on me. I felt her womb begin to twitch, causing her to wince in delight.

“I’m… mmh! I’m coming!” her voice nestled into my ear.

I could feel an irresistible surge beginning to reveal itself from the lowly parts of my muscles. Pulling our bodies into in a final embrace, I began to pound furiously into her mouthwatering pussy. Sabrina couldn’t hold back her sobbing as her body was launched into a brutal orgasm, provoking her surrounding walls to squeeze tightly around my overpowering cock. Holding tightly onto her and feeling her trembling on top, my meat began to spasm uncontrollably inside her boiling well. My muscles braced against the bed, lunging into a full-body climax. Smoldering hot spurts of creamy cum jetted into her sensitive womb, rapidly filling her fervent insides with my essence. She moaned sluggishly, letting the hot milky seed pour into her steaming core. She convulsed for another moment, shuddering a breathy squeal into my ear.

“You… you didn’t have to cum in me.”

I gave her a glare for a moment, and leaned in for a warm kiss. We locked lips as our tender loins squirmed together, slowly mixing our ravishing hot juices. After a minute of smooching, she pulled off my tender cock, allowing the hot thick cum to drool nourishingly down her creamy skin. Cuddling beside me, she wrapped her palms around my chest.

“You love knocking me up… hm?” she purred in my ear.

Ignoring her, I asked “What’re you going to tell Oliver when he wakes up?” curious to see what she how she was going to handle the whole ordeal. She laughed coyishly, and answered…

“Well, when he fell asleep I texted him that I went home… I’m dumping him tomorrow.”

I was genuinely surprised at what she said. “Wow…” I replied. That’s extremely brutal, but I suppose it’s better to tell him sooner than later. I felt bad for the poor guy. She whispered playfully into my ear…

“You should probably go lock the door before we go to sleep… don’t want any of your friends thinking you’re a girlfriend stealing douchebag, hm?”

Thinking about it for a second, I realized if the guys saw me with her now, they wouldn’t ever let me hang out with them again. I just did the most dirt-baggiest move ever… but it was too good to pass up. Turning over to my side, I walked over to the door and locked it. I noticed all of her things were here, her jacket, her shoes, everything. She must’ve anticipated all of this. Coming back to the bed, me and Sabrina snuggled together for the rest of the night.


The following day, I hid Sabrina in my room and went to go meet the guys as they woke up. Oliver saw the text, and I couldn’t help but ask (trying not to smirk in the back of my mind) where Sabrina was at. He gave the obvious answer, but looked pretty sad about it. I felt bad for the guy, I really did. Once they all left, Sabrina came down to greet me gleefully.

For the rest of the Saturday we hanged out and talked, getting to know each other some more. We had sex a few more times, each time it being amazing and full of passion. I really liked it, and she really liked it. After that we exchanged numbers then went on to continue seeing each other every day. Later on I learned the reason why she cheated was because Oliver only lasted 3 seconds in bed, and was overwhelmingly self-conscious about it. I guess she was just going crazy over the fact that he couldn’t get over himself being so ashamed about it, even though she helped him to cope with it thoroughly. The constant stimulation from their sex life left Sabrina starving for a real orgasm, but he didn’t even care to learn about how to make her happy in bed. Guess Oliver didn’t seem like such a good guy after all.

In just a short few weeks Sabrina was admitting that she was having intense feelings for me, and I was actually starting to develop something for her too. However, even though I felt something for her, I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to settle for a relationship just yet. I told her about my feelings, and she understood clearly. Still, she wanted to be with me and make me happy, even though we weren’t technically dating. Eventually she moved in, telling me that she wanted to really prove to me that she was serious. Sabrina even said that she was beginning to consider me meeting her family.

She only had a step mom and a younger step sister, but they were really close. I told her that I’d be willing to meet them the next weekend when I got off work.

I’ll save that for another time though!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5iouuv/mf_cheating_tales_of_drake_olivers_girlfriend