The wild, wild, MILFwest [mFFF, anal, oral]

“Absolutely ridiculous”, Mrs. Busty said.

Mrs. Busty, Mrs. Done, and Mrs. Anal were all wearing cowboy outfits composed of ass-less chaps, boots, string bikini tops, leather vests, and of course, cowboy hats. Why? Wild west themed sex, that’s why. After driving around the state, I soon found a genuine ghost town complete with an old timey saloon. I told the MILFs and sure enough, they wanted to have fun. We got western outfits together and headed over with camera equipment to film a western fuckfest to watch for future viewing pleasure.

“So, how is this going to go down”, Mrs. Done asked.

“What about cocks and robbers”, Mrs. Anal suggested. “Us, the robbers, capture our very own cock, you, and have fun with him.”

“Sounds good to me”, I agreed. “I’ll let you handle this then.”

The MILFs tied me up with rope and sat me down in the middle of the saloon.

“We got you now, pardner!”, Mrs. Busty said in a western accent. “Now it’s time to get revenge for locking us up for so long!”

The MILFs blindfolded me and took my pants off.

“All right, girls”, Mrs. Busty said in a Western accent. “How about a game?”

“A game”, Mrs. Anal asked.

“We’re going to play some fuck-games with Jack and each time there is a winner, they can pick a loser that has to take off a piece of clothing and do whatever sexual thing the winner wants to”, Mrs. Busty said.

“For the first game, we suck this gentleman off, spin him around, and he blows his load on whichever face he lands on”, Mrs. Busty said.

The MILFs stood me up and got down on their knees in a triangle formation.

[Even though I am blindfolded, this part of the story will be told normally.]

Mrs. Anal squeezed my cock a few times before sucking down to the base. She stayed down for a few seconds and gave me a hummer before pulling off. When she was done, she turned me to Mrs. Busty. For her turn, she cupped my balls while throating me up and down for a few seconds. After, she turned me to Mrs. Done. Mrs. Done sucked as hard she could, making very audible sucky noises while she did so. This process repeated until I was at my limit. The MILFs each did one suck before passing me to the next person. When it was finally time for me to cum, Mrs. Busty was the winner. Jizz splattered on her MILF face and shot inside her MILF mouth. Strings of gooey goodness dripped off her and onto the floor.

“Since I’m the winner, I get to choose a penalty”, Mrs. Busty said. “Mrs. Anal, spread yer whore legs.”

Mrs. Anal sat down and spread herself out, exposing her pussy. Mrs. Busty wiped my cock clean with her vest.

“It’s yer unlucky day”, Mrs. Busty said. “You get a dry cock up yer asshole and you have to take off yer vest.”

Mrs. Busty got me on my knees, put the tip of my dick into Mrs. Anal’s asshole, and started to push my entire body. Mrs. Anal bit her lip and inhaled sharply. My cock’s tip slowly disappeared into Mrs. Anal; the entire member was gradually going deeper into her. After I was in all the way, Mrs. Busty started to push and pull me. Even though I had to support myself on my knees, it was nice to have someone truly do all of the fucking on my behalf. Mrs. Anal’s massive ass shook as my cock entered and exited her meaty asshole. She gritted her teeth and grunted instead of moaning, but was still feeling pleasure nonetheless. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling of MILF asshole on a hot summer day. Mrs. Anal’s legs gradually shifted further and further back until she was fully spread eagle. Mrs. Busty started shoving me even harder and faster to push me to orgasm. She left me inside Mrs. Anal and twisted my body to use my cock like a screwdriver to make me cum. My cock twitched and balls emptied of their sperm into Mrs. Anal’s ass. She shivered and tilted her head back in ecstasy. A short burst of jizz spurted out after my dick was fully out.

“Well, looks like Mrs. Anal already has one penalty against her”, Mrs. Done said.

“What happens to the person with the most”, Mrs. Anal panted out while trying to stand up.

“The loser can’t use their pussy and can only use their asshole and throat when fucking Jack for the next month”, Mrs. Busty said. “Also, you can’t penalize yourself and you HAVE to make him cum once a day.”

The other MILFs gasped.

“Ha! That sounds amazing actually”, Mrs. Anal thought to herself while taking off her vest.

“What’s the next game”, Mrs. Done asked.

“Why don’t we let Mrs. Anal decide”, Mrs. Busty said.

“Fine”, Mrs. Anal said. “Turn around.”

Mrs. Busty and Mrs. Done turned around. Mrs. Anal took three shot glasses off of the shelves behind the bar. She poured two of them with whiskey and squatted over the third one to fill it up with the cum from her ass.

“Yer both goin’ to close yer eyes and take shots, but yer goin’ to guess if there’s alcohol or not in ‘em”, Mrs. Anal said while giving Mrs. Done the sperm shot and Mrs. Busty the alcohol one.

“Heh, I heard them both get poured with a liquid that has low viscosity”, Mrs. Done thought. “I’m going to guess alcohol”, she said aloud.

“I’m guessing alcohol as well”, Mrs. Busty said.

“Alright, drink then”, Mrs. Anal said.

Mrs. Busty downed her shot and opened her eyes. Mrs. Done went to down her shot with a smile, but the smile turned into a look of surprise when she realized what she was really drinking. Regardless, she still downed the shot.

“Looks like you lose, Mrs. Done”, Mrs. Anal said.

“Fuck”, she said. “Well, what happens to me?”

“Take off yer chaps and spank yourself while shouting how much you love cock”, Mrs. Anal said.

Mrs. Done took off her ass-less chaps and turned around to face her ass towards us.

“I like to get fucked in the ass”, Mrs. Done said in monotone.

“Louder”, Mrs. Anal said.

“I like to get fucked in the ass”, Mrs. Done said at normal speaking level.

Louder and dirtier”, Mrs. Anal demanded.


“One more time and do it closer to Jack”, Mrs. Anal yelled.

Mrs. Done got closer to me and spanked herself hard enough to feel the vibrations in my chest.


Mrs. Done’s words touched my heart but not as much as they touched my dick.

“Am I done”, Mrs. Done said. “I think my ass is broken.”

“Next game”, Mrs. Anal asked.

“Rock, paper, scissors, all of us”, Mrs. Done said.

The MILFs circled and played rock, paper, scissors. Mrs. Anal did well at first, but lost the most rounds.

“Fuck, lost again”, Mrs. Anal said seeming said but not really minding.

“Let’s see”, Mrs. Done pondered. “We’ve already used your ass and abused mine…take off your chaps and get on the piano over there.”

Mrs. Anal took off her ass-less chaps slowly then climbed on top of the piano.

“Do the splits across the keys and play us a song with your ass”, Mrs. Done commanded.

Mrs. Anal awkwardly bounced her ass across the keys, producing awful and discordant chords. After a few “songs”, Mrs. Anal got off the piano, leaving the keys covered in sweat and humility.

“Two pieces of clothing out and only a bikini top, boots, and hat left”, Mrs. Busty said.

“Yeah, yeah”, Mrs. Anal said back.

Mrs. Anal put her hand on her chin to ponder what the next game would be. She wanted to lose, so she was thinking about games that she could easily lose at. She’s also not the brightest, but still brighter than Mrs. Blondy, so her ideas were leaning more towards luck than strategy. After settling on her game, she untied my hands.

“He is going to feel up our tits and asses. If he guesses them as well as who they belong to right, we take a loss for each right answer”, Mrs. Anal said.

The MILFs lined Mrs. Anal, Mrs. Done, and Mrs. Busty and stood in front of me with their tits and asses exposed. All of them were dead silent. I reached my hands out to feel each pair of tits in front of me on after another. Each were giant, but I recognized the first pair of tits the most.

“The tits on the left are Mrs. Anal’s, the tits in the Middle are Mrs. Done’s, and the tits on the right are Mrs. Busty’s”, I said.

The MILFs switched places with each other for the ass portion. I took my time feeling up each ass carefully.

“The ass on the left is Mrs. Done, the ass in the middle is Mrs. Busty, and the ass on the left is Mrs. Anal”, I said.

Unfortunately, the only ass I got right was Mrs. Anal’s. The other MILFs were slightly pissed but Mrs. Anal was proud that her body parts were the most recognizable.

“Hmm, there really isn’t a winner”, Mrs. Busty said. “Jack’s the real winner, he gets to choose what to do to her.”

I took off my blindfold and sized up my MILF fuck-hole.

“Take off your boots and meet me outside”, I told her.

Mrs. Anal took her cowboy boots and left outside with me; the MILFs grabbed some cameras and followed to.

“Get on your back but put your ass in the air like you’re doing the splits”, I said.

Mrs. Anal complied and presented her perfect sweaty MILF booty in the air in the middle of the ghost town. I stood back from the saloon and admired the naked MILF doing a naked headstand. After walking back over, I stuck my cock into Mrs. Anal’s pussy.

“It’s been a while since I’ve used this MILF pussy”, I said. “It’s tight as fuck from the lack of sex it’s had.”

I held Mrs. Anal by her ankles and bounced up and down on her ass; with each landing, my cock went deeper into her. Her moans echoed through the ghost town, unable to be heard by anyone else. Her tight cunt sucked me in and gripped nicely. I grabbed her ass and started squeezing and spanking her to tighten up even more. *smack* *smack* Both my hands and hips went. Mrs. Anal’s cunt was at maximum tightness, so I wriggled down and unleashed my pent up lust deep into her. Mrs. Anal gritted her teeth once more and opened her mouth as if to moan. My jizz pooled out and around her pussy when I pulled out. Mrs. Anal flopped onto her back to catch her breath and enjoyed her creampie. I helped her up and we all went back inside.

“Why don’t we let him pick the next game”, Mrs. Anal suggested.

The MILFs agreed and eagerly awaited my declaration.

“Let’s play hide and seek”, I suggested. “There are a lot of rooms upstairs and some places down stairs. Since there are three of you, I’ll give myself three doors to open. If I can’t find anyone, I’ll just end it after I find one person.”

I closed my eyes and counted to 20. When I turned around, there were no MILFs in sight. Right away, I was able to find Mrs. Busty on her knees behind the bar. I admired her bare-ass for a second before grabbing her. She pouted and waited in the middle of the saloon. I went upstairs to find the rest but unfortunately only found Mrs. Done.

“Looks like Mrs. Anal wins this round”, I said.

“Oo, why don’t you pick one MILF and a penalty and I’ll do the same”, she suggested while leaning onto my arm.

I picked Mrs. Busty.

“Take off your vest, get on your knees, and open your mouth as wide as possible with your tongue out”, I commanded.

While Mrs. Busty got into position, Mrs. Anal was barking her commands at Mrs. Done.

“Take off yet chaps and finger your asshole”, Mrs. Anal commanded.

Mrs. Done took off her chaps and started to play with her ass. Mrs. Busty was on her knees with her tongue out.

“Tell me what your favorite thing to do with me is”, I asked her.

“I love to choke on your cock”, she replied. “Resting it on my tongue, sucking on the tip, and letting it rub against my throat is just the best. I wish you would have another face-fuck session like we did a while back.”

With my cock now erect, the MILFs gathered around again.

“Fuck all of you, I get to pick this time”, Mrs. Busty said. “And I pick I blowjob test.”

Mrs. Busty grabbed three cucumbers from the cooler in the car.

“We’re each going to suck on these”, she said while handing them out to the MILFs. “No biting. You have to break the cucumber in half with your lips. First person to do it is the winner.”

The MILFs counted to three before going to town on the cucumbers. They sucked and slurped on it to try and soften it up first. Mrs. Done needed some work, but Mrs. Busty and Mrs. Anal were already pretty close. An almighty crunch echoed as Mrs. Busty spat out long area of cucumber from her mouth.

“Check it, no teeth marks”, she said.

“God damn, girl”, Mrs. Anal said in disbelief.

“Mrs. Anal, take off the bikini top and suck your nipples”, Mrs. Busty said.

Mrs. Anal untied her bikini top and started to suck on her own breasts.

“Down to just a hat, Mrs. Anal”, Mrs. Done said.

Mrs. Anal faked a gasp of horror but inside, she was really excited.

“I’ll pick”, Mrs. Anal said. “This one, I’m sure I’ll win.”

Mrs. Anal set up a bunch of bottles on a dusty table.

“We’re going to bounce our asses once on this table and whoever can make the most fall over wins”, she said.

Mrs. Done was first. With the drop of her ass, she managed to knock over two bottles. I was impressed but honestly though that there would be more. Mrs. Busty was next. Her ass managed to knock over two bottles as well. I suspected that maybe the bottles were too heavy and that these MILF asses were getting played. Mrs. Anal was up last. With a pull and drop of her cheeks, the table not only shook but broke as well. Empty bottles of liquor smashed on the floor; the other MILFs looked in shock.

“Mrs. Done, your boots, Mrs. Busty your top”, she commanded. “Mrs. Done’s going to clean up the glass but you might want to keep your boots on and take them off after that. Mrs. Busty, you’re going to tit-fuck Jack but not make him cum.”

Mrs. Done cleaned up the glass while Mrs. Busty took her bikini top off and got into tit-fuck position. Her breasts squeezed around my cock and smushed all over it. Since I was already pretty hard from earlier, I had to stop Mrs. Busty when I was at my limit.

“Alright, next game”, I said. “Guess how many fingers I’m holding behind my back.”

“3”, Mrs. Anal said.

“5”, Mrs. Done said.

“2”, Mrs. Busty said.

“Wrong”, I said while revealing my middle finger up from behind my back. “Looks like all of you lose but Mrs. Anal has lost permanently.”

Mrs. Anal took off her hat, making her completely naked. I slapped her ass a few times then vigorously fingered her asshole for a few seconds.

“Mrs. Anal loses, now for her final penalty”, Mrs. Done said.

“What’s it going to be”, Mrs. Busty asked.

“How about a throat-fuck”, I suggested. “Except, at one point, Mrs. Anal has to keep my cock in her throat until I cum down it. And she does this with the help of you MILFs holding her into position.”

Mrs. Anal smiled and tied her hair back. She took a few breaths before gliding up and down on my cock at blinding speeds. Her spit and lips were greasing my cock up nicely. Mrs. Anal went down to the base and gave my cock a quick squeeze with her lips, which I thought was VERY nice.

“Are you ready for some throat action”, I asked her. “Because once you’re down, you’re not coming back up until I’m done.”

Mrs. Anal pulled off and took a few deep preparation breaths before nodding her head. Mrs. Busty and Mrs. Done both grabbed her head and rammed it down on my cock. The force from that made me lean forward to where I was towering over their heads. Mrs. Anal kept her cool for a few seconds before letting a out a gag with a slight expulsion of saliva from the crevices of her mouth. The MILFs tag-teamed Mrs. Anal’s head and pushed her back and forth. Her hands were also held to prevent intervention. Mrs. Anal had to make me cum with her mouth and mouth alone.

She quickly caught on that I love to hear gagging and choking, so that’s what followed. Unholy noises came from her as she was stationed with my dick in her throat. She looked up at me with deepthroat tears leaking down her cheeks. She smiled and sucked even harder. Her lips and throat were tightening around my cock tighter and tighter.

I signaled for the MILFs to go berserk. They started to push with all of their might while I grabbed my knees and fucked Mrs. Anal’s throat at the same time. The look on Mrs. Anal’s face showed that she was running out of air, but I was at my limit anyway. The MILFs gave her enough slack to catch a quick breath before slamming her head back down for the finale.

Nose went to crotch as I exploded down her throat. She choked on the absurd amount of semen, but still gulped it all down. Her sucks were still hard enough to pull the skin on my penis towards her mouth with every one. The cumming came to an end and the MILFs let go. Mrs. Anal retracted her head, showed a last collection of sperm in her mouth, then swallowed it all.

“Thus concludes this game”, Mrs. Busty said.

“Hey”, Mrs. Anal yelled out. “Check out these outfits that I found in a chest upstairs.”

The outfits that Mrs. Done was holding were those western prostitute dresses that had the corsets and every thing. All three were different colors (purple, green, blue).

“Why don’t you MILFs put them on and we can get a real western experience going”, I said.

The MILFs clamored to put on their outfits. The squeezes were tight, but that just made them look sexier. Mrs. Done wore the blue, Mrs. Anal wore the green, and Mrs. Busty wore the purple. All of the outfits’ tops clung to the MILFs. Only the nipples of their breasts were being covered with the rest popping out. There were three rooms on the upstairs, so the MILFs took to each one. One at a time, I visited each room, and got some MILF whore. First I fucked their pussies, then their mouths, and finally, their assholes. We all left thoroughly satisfied and exhausted. The MILFs still had their prostitute outfits on (covered in jizz, might I add), but that just meant we could use them some other time.

“Hey, honey”, I turned to Mrs. Anal and said. “Keep your ass nice and tight because I’m going to be fucking it for the next month.

Mrs. Anal opened her mouth wide and sucked my cock quickly; taking the slowest amount of time I’ve seen pulling off.

“I look forward to it”, she said.


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