My 18th Birthday [MF]

So a few weeks ago, it was my 18th birthday, and it was definitely a celebration that I’ll never forget. Unlike most of my friends I’ve never been crazy about sex, my friends would talk about it all day and night. Telling each other about all the one nighters they’ve had and how they liked to be fucked; I mean sometimes it got real graphic. I didn’t really have many stories of my own to tell so I usually just sat back and listened to what they had to say. I always thought my first sexual encounter would be sweet & gentle, something that like you’d see in a romantic film. I always imagined that the first guy I gave my body to would be mine forever, I wouldn’t say I was the kind of girl who’d fantasize about falling in love with her prince charming, but still, this dream of mine was something that was very special to me. On my 18th birthday, the night in which I lost my virginity was nothing like what I’d imagined it’d be, and to be honest, looking back on it, I can’t say that I have any regrets.

I’m nothing special, I’m Just your average 5’5” brunette. I used to wear my hair long but my mother convinced me that having it at shoulder length would suite my slim frame; for once I suppose she was right. I quite like to wear jeans that tightly hug my ass, I’ve been told that I’m quite perky in that region and I always catch guys starring at me whenever I’m in public. During the summer crop tops are my thing, though my parents have never really approved of me showing off my stomach; still, I worked hard for these abs, so I’m going to flaunt them.

Anyway, enough about me. It was Saturday night, me and best friends Anne & Samantha were about to spend a night out on the town to celebrate me turning 18. Anne was a feisty babe; she was quite forward in her approach with guys and has more stories than I could ever care to count. She’s the only girl I know that happily embraces the term ‘slut’, she says she’s happy with her sex life and that she should be free to live her life however she sees fit; which you know, is fair enough in my opinion. Samantha is a little more like me. However, when she’s had a bit to drink she can be quite the wild card. We’d all made an effort that night because we wanted to turn heads wherever we went. I wore non sleeved velvet red dress that started just above my breast and barely managed to cuff the underside of my ass. Anne was wearing a white vest elegantly showing off her toned figure, she was always wearing the tightest pair of leggings I’d ever seen, I could tell that she’d been in the gym a lot lately because her thighs we’re built like a Wonder Woman. Samantha was dressed a lot more modestly in comparison to me and Anne, she decided to go out in dark blue denim jeans that complemented her amazing physique. One thing that always stood out about Samantha was the size of her breast, there were so many times I just wanted to bury my head between them, but that’d be slightly inappropriate.

We’d been drinking a lot that night and I couldn’t wait to get to the club. As we stood outside we could feel the lingering stares from guys that were queuing up with us, or simply passing by. We all knew what was running through their minds and we loved it. I’ve never craved attention before but for the first time I could finally understand why women fight for the approval of the men they want to impress; feeling sexually desired was quite a refreshing feeling. After 20 minutes of waiting it was finally time to go in, as soon as we entered the club the heat engulfed us like a violent storm. The ceilings looked as though they were coated in diamonds and we could hear the bass from the main room as it pumped through the doors every time they were opened. To get to the main room we had to climb a set of stairs which were actually quite steep. Walking behind us was a group of guys, I can’t tell you how many, but there was one in particular that caught my eye. He was quite tall, if I had to guess I’d say he was about 6’4” with a medium build. He had piercing brown eyes that’d melt the heart of any girl with a single glance, he wasn’t the loudest amongst his friends but he had a mysterious presence about him. As we made our way to the top of the stairs I could feel his eyes scanning my ass cheeks, I’m pretty sure that he also had a clear view up my dress, but I didn’t mind. We finally reached the main entrance when he suddenly rushed past us to open the doors for us; he bowed and gently encouraged us to continue on. As I passed him by I said thank you, that’s when out of the blue he took a hold of my arm, ‘I’ll find you later’ he said with confidence.

I had no reason to doubt that he would so I replied, ‘I’ll be waiting for you’.

He spanked my ass as I walked on; I looked back at him as he blew me a kiss and gave me a cheeky goodbye wink. Usually I’d be furious, but something about him calmed my soul and made me feel at ease. Having seen what happened Anne and Samantha grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into the girls’ restroom.

‘So, are you going to fuck him?’ Anne asked me with great enthusiasm.

‘What? We just met’ I nervously replied.

Samantha took me by the hand and looked lovingly into my eyes, ‘You’ve gotta loose your virginity sometime Katie, you can’t wait for your knight in shining armour forever’.

‘But, I don’t even know him’.

‘Then spend the night getting to know him. I’m sure you two will hit it off’ Anne said.

We freshened up a little and made our way to the dance floor. There he was, looking right at me. I’m pretty sure he was already undressing me with his eyes. Everything seemed right in this moment, the hot guy glaring at me from a distance accompanied by the sounds of sexy R&B music. Honestly, what more could I want? Was this the romance I’d been looking for? He walked over to me and placed his hand upon my waist. I glanced over my shoulder to find Ann and Samantha watching me, encouraging me to take this random guy into my arms. ‘What’s your name?’ He asked.

‘Ka… Katie’ I nervously replied.

‘Nice to meet you Katie.’

‘What’s yours?’

‘My name’s Malcolm’ he answered as he pulled me in towards his toned body. It was like hugging a statue, he was rock solid. He had both hands on my hips as we swayed from side to side. My head buried deep in his chest as I closed my eyes and lost myself in the moment. Slowly but surely I could feel his hands gently gliding across my body, I knew exactly what he was aiming for. I suppose he was trying to gauge whether or not I’d stop him, at first I was going to, but then I thought, It’s my birthday, I deserve to have a bit of fun. It wasn’t long before I felt the weight of his hands placed over my ass cheeks, one cheek per hand. To be honest, I quite enjoyed the feeling. We continued to dance, it was as if we were the only two people in the room. It wasn’t long before I began to feel something poking through his ripped denim jeans ‘Sorry, I got a bit excited’ he said whilst chuckling to himself.

‘It’s okay; I’ll take it as a compliment’ I replied glancing into his big brown eyes.

At that moment he spun me around so that my ass was grinding against his cock. It felt amazing, I didn’t think I’d like that sort of thing, but the stiffer he got the harder I pushed back against him. I could feel his dick between my ass cheeks grinding into me whilst he caressed my inner thighs with his hands; before I knew it 45 minutes had passed ‘Do you smoke?’ he asked.

‘No, sorry.’

‘Well, I do. Fancy coming outside with me?’

‘Erm… sure, why not.’

I was hesitant but he took my hand and led me towards the club exit as Anne and Samantha cheered me on from afar. I tried to signal to them that it wasn’t what they thought, but they didn’t care, they’d already decided that I was going to lose my virginity that night…

READ THE REST FOR FREE RIGHT HERE (pick up from part 6) –


1 comment

  1. Hey, to anyone who finished reading this story on the website. Did you find it easy to pick up from where we left off? And is the way in which the webpage is laid out make it easy for you to read?

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