My Best Friend and First Kiss (ff)

**I have decided to write about my sex life, from beginning to where I am now. I was very naive for a long time and have had a sexual awakening. I don’t think that I am the only one who is like this out there. So I am writing it as a bit of therapy for myself, but also to try to let others know that it is OK to feel how they are feeling. Let me know if I am on the right track please. **

My good friend was a lot like me. Kim wore her hair in a ponytail, just like me. She had a bad case of acne. She wore glasses that were too big and her family didn’t have much money. I am pretty sure the glasses were always second hand but I never asked and she never said anything.

She was the only one of us who was really interested in boys. She was actually boy crazy. That is all she talked about. Of course she was too nervous to ever talk to any boy. Whenever we got together she would only talk about what boy talked to her in Biology, or about going to the soccer game and watching them run around in their short shorts. Don’t let her watch football, all she would do is comment about the tight pants.

Kim was also the rebel. She would sneak alcohol into my room during sleepovers. Usually hiding it in a water bottle. My parents must have known. She smoked when she got into high school. I tried it but never liked the smell. She thought it made her look sexy. But between the smoke smell, constantly pushing up her glasses, and never wearing any makeup it never worked for her.

I think her parents were Jehovah Witness or something. I never went to her house. I asked to go to her house few times but she always had some excuse as why not to go. She didn’t want us there and that was cool with me.

Kim was also my first kiss. Yep you heard that right. My house was the hangout house. I think we all had one. My room was cool, my parents let me do whatever I wanted with it and barely come inside. My parents were great. They let me be me. I had my phases and the let me go through them. Kim was not a phase though.

Kim was staying at my house one summer night. We had the windows open and it was hot. My parents loved the smell of the fresh air and many times turned the air conditioner off at night. They slept downstairs and it stayed cool. My room was upstairs and it was always hot at night.

Kim and I had stripped down to our underwear. I think it was 8th or 9th grade. We both were wearing training bras and teenie panties. In other words don’t think Victoria Secret, think Fruit of the Loom.

I wouldn’t say I was completely uninterested in boys. I did like boys. They just were not a priority. Kim thought of nothing but boys. Somehow one of us asked “What will happens when we kiss a boy? Will we know how to do it? Will we know what to do? How do we know what to do?” and on and on. I do remember that it was Kim who said “Maybe we should practice.”

We sat in silence for a few moments. I don’t know what she thought, but I was feeling a little tingly. I had never kissed a boy and never kissed anyone who was not family. The thought of it scared me, excited me, and got me confused.

I slowly looked toward Kim. I could see her breathing deep and staring off into nothing. She began to turn her head toward me. We slowly smiled. Without a word we both leaned in and had a short little kiss. Like the one you give your aunt.

“We can’t kiss boys like that” Kim said.

“But how do we do it?”

“It has to be open mouthed but just a little. I think we need to relax our lips make them all soft. Maybe we should lick them first, I saw a girl do that in a movie once.”

I didn’t even think Kim watched movies without me. But she seemed like the expert right now so I listened.

We liked our lips and leaned in closer again. Our lips touched and it felt amazing. This is how to kiss a boy, without a doubt.

We kissed like this for what seemed like forever. Both of us trying different things with our lips, turning our heads from side to side to get better angles. It was a hot kiss, hot enough that I remember it to this day.

When we broke apart we were both breathless. A little string of saliva dripped from Kim’s lip. We looked deep into each others eyes. I was tingly all over. I could see her nipples straining into her training bra. We had no good sex education in school, and this was before the internet and easy access to answering questions. Neither knew what was happening. It is obvious now that we were both turned on. However we got nervous not knowing what to do.

We sat beside ourselves silently. I don’t remember who spoke first but I do remember it being late. Kim turned toward me. “Let’s try french kissing.” I didn’t even hesitate.

We kissed, hugged, let our hands roam each others bodies for what seemed like forever. I felt her hands on my ass. Our tongues chased each other. Her thigh came up between my legs, mine in between hers. She pushed just a little on me and I shuttered. She did as well. We had no idea what happened. I don’t think it was an orgasm but it was something close.

“What was that?” I asked.

“I donno but if that is what it is like with a boy I can’t wait.” Kim said.

We rolled over, legs intertwined. I fell asleep. I kind of felt bad that I did but I don’t think that she stayed awake much longer either. We woke the next day, untangled, and said nothing. We went downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs and acted like any other morning.

Things should have gotten weird with us but it didn’t. We were still close friends. I still wasn’t that interested in boys. Kim still was. The only thought I had afterword was that maybe I like girls. Being a lesbian was not as normal or accepted as it is now. I didn’t think of it much. At least I tried not to.



  1. “Coming of age” stories should have a subreddit of their own…but can’t! The time between discovering Santa Clause isn’t real and realizing that there’s a reason we like members of the other gender, and gee I feel funny and I don’t know why, are some of the freakiest, magical times of our lives. But if it involves sex, and the awakening of our sexual experiences, the internet in general and Reddit in particular won’t allow it. Nothing happens until we turn 18, or it’s deleted and the poster is banned. The legit concern of pedoville, and maybe a real concern that kids going through it now will do something because they read it on the webs overshadow how weird and wonderful “Does this feel like it does to me when you do this” is as we start growing up. Hair, periods, that first weird dream where you think you’re going to pee but then something seriously wrong happens and now you’re going to hell because something you heard at church makes you think that and you have no one else to talk to about it so you convince yourself that if you squeeze your butt cheeks and keep those muscles clinched it’ll never happen again and maybe God will let you into heaven and see grandma…..Agh!

    Thanks for the story, and from a girl’s perspective. For boys, testosterone’s onset makes for some mighty interesting times. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for sharing, as pottzie said it’s definitely a magical time that effected me and what my kinks are today. “A little string of saliva dripped from Kim’s lip” flooded back my thoughts of my first kiss with a girl when I was a young boy. They are moments burned into my brain forever.

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