[Les] The New Girl [trap]

“Come on, bitch, live a little!” Sarah said, nudging me in the ribs as she waved at the two girls. “Forget about your dick ex-husband, forget about his stupid fucking cunt girlfriend, and let your fucking hair down for a change.”

Sarah had a mouth on her like nobody else I knew. Tall and quick, but slender as a broomstick and an unrepentant and completely open lesbian, when bullies tried cowing her in high school her fists were of little use, so she learned to use her mouth instead, and she did it well.

“She’s actually pretty nice, …” I protested weakly as I sipped from my cranberry vodka.

“Apart from the homewrecking?” Sarah suggested as she gestured to the bartender for some jelly shooters.

“Obviously.” I said with a shrug.

Somehow Sarah had talked me into going out with her tonight, to The Pink Cavern, the town’s foremost lesbian bar. It was more of a club, really, and the bright lights and hopping music had a tendency to ensnare cruisers from Sorority Row who were either oblivious to what the place was, or looking for a thrill. Tonight was no different, and on the dance floor a small clump of coeds in short skirts were dancing along, strong drinks and handsy moves lavished on them by the regular clientele.

Finally, Sarah managed to catch the attention of the two girls she had her eyes on, and the bounty of jelly shooters and shots of tequila scattered over the table drew them in quickly enough.

“Hi!” she said with a grin as the girls drew up to the table. “I’m Sarah, and this is Annie.”

“Hi Sarah.” the tall one with the big tits said. She was blonde, and had steel blue eyes, and her pleated skirt was short enough that even when she was standing straight up and down, her pink panties peeked out from under them. In place of a bra, she wore her white shirt tied up with a little bow, and the arms were rolled up to her elbows.

“I’m Chastity, and this is Kim.” she said, planting her hands on her table and giving me a broad smile. “Hi Annie.” she added, stretching back her shoulders to give me a look at her cleavage. She definitively knew what this place was. “What’s got you down?”

“Who gives a shit.” Sarah suggested, and slapped one of the jelly shooters into Chastity’s cleavage. “She needs cheering up, and eating that off your sweet tits is a good start.”

Meanwhile, Kim had slipped quietly in besides me. “Hi.” she said with a shy smile. She was shorter than Chastity by a head, and her breasts were much smaller, mere suggestions of womanhood. She went braless as well, and matched with her long pink skirt she wore a thin white halter top, her small nipples straining against the fabric.

“I don’t really like jelly shooters…” I said to Sarah, and with a sigh she buried her face in Chastity’s chastitties, pulling away with the jelly between her lips. Chastity giggled as she traipsed lightly around the table and sat herself in Sarah’s lap.

“Your loss, dick for brains.” Sarah offered, and buried her face in Chastity’s neck. As Chastity descended into whimpers and moans, I turned to Kim instead.

“Can they just, – um –, fuck right here like that?” she asked, looking over at her friend in Sarah’s lap. Sarah’s hand was already on her thigh, and creeping upwards.

“Well”, I said, sipping from my vodka cranberry, “not really. But around here the pretty ones get away with murder, as long as they’re fun to watch.”

To illustrate my point, I indicated a couple of the sorority girls on the dance floor, one of whom was on her knees, eating out her friend. “She’s subtle, that one.”

Kim giggled. “That’s my sister.”

“Which one?” I asked, gazing at the unfolding scene on the dancefloor.

“The one who thinks nobody can see her eating out her friend.”

“Most would probably miss that she’s fingering herself, though.”

Kim nodded in agreement, and dashed off to the bar. She quickly returned with two vodka cranberries.

“They’re swamped up there, how did you get served so fast?” I said, draining the rest of my drink, before taking the one Kim offered.

“Flashed my tits.” she said with a grin as she sat down next to me.

Chastity giggled between moans.

“Shut up, they’re not that small.” Kim retorted. Turning to me, she pulled up her top. “See?”

They _were_ small, barely B’s, but firm and perky.

“They’re fine.” I said with a smile, sipping from my drink.

“Maybe you should give them a touch to make sure?” Sarah offered, as she draped her own arm around Chastity and gave her tit a firm squeeze. Chastity moaned, but whether it was because of the action of the hand on her tit or the hand slipping past her panties was unclear. “You’re out tonight to have _fun_ remember?”

Kim smiled widely, still holding up her top, and I reached out carefully to put my hand on the curve of her small breast. As I ran my thumb lightly over her hard nipple, she bit her lip to hold back a moan.

“Really fine.” I said with a grin.

With a happy smile, Kim pulled her top back down, brushing my hand away.

“You can play more with them later.” she said with a grin and a sip from her drink.

‘Later’ came soon enough. Before I had even finished my drink, Sarah spoke up.

“I’m taking this little slut home and fucking her silly.” she said, before giving Chastity a heavy, slobbering kiss. “If that’s all right with this little slut?” Sarah added, looking to Chastity, who nodded enthusiastically. “Good.” Sarah said. “How do you feel about walking home without panties, in case I feel like fucking you in the bushes?”

Chastity grinned and stripped off her panties, before balling them up and sticking them playfully into my cleavage. “Give these to Kim when you’re done with her?” she said with a grin, and let Sarah lead her away. “Or keep them as a souvenir of the girl you could have had tonight.” she added with a wink over her shoulder. As she walked off hand in hand with Sarah, the smell of her heat rolled off her.

“Are you out to get laid as well?” I asked Kim after I drained my drink, and she gave a noncomittal shrug.

“Because if I’m to be honest, I’m not _really_ so much into girls. My friend talked me into coming out with her tonight, because of my divorce, but…”

“Well”, Kim said, leaning lightly against me with a slender hand on my thigh, “you never know what you really like if you don’t try, right?”

I leant back and draped an arm around Kim’s shoulder. “I’ve tried a couple of times.” I admitted. “Once with Sarah, and once with some girl from high school whose name I can’t even remember anymore. There’s nothing _wrong_ with girls, it’s just…”

“You prefer a hard, warm cock in you?”

“Yeah.” I said, thinking back to the girl I had in high school, trying to remember her name. It was something stupid, for sure. I shook my head, putting it out of my mind.

“What if I used something like a strap-on?” Kim offered with a smile, squeezing my thigh.

“Well, I don’t really have one of those.”

“That’s all right”, Kim said with a grin, patting her purse, “I happen to have something like that with me. Never leave the house without it.”

“And I thought your friend Chastity was the slutty one.” I said with a grin, picking up a shot of tequila.

“Oh, she is.” Kim said, pulling down her top to bare a small breast, slick with the sweat of the club. She poured a little salt on it with a grin, the fine crystals clinging to her skin. “I just like to come prepared.”

“Go ahead!” she urged with a grin.

As I licked the salt off her chest, the taste of it mingled with that of her, a sweet heady mixture of sweat and light perfumes, and as I slammed back the tequila the taste of it lit my head on fire, sending tremors of desire through my entire body.

“No lime?” Kim asked in puzzlement, and I leant in to kiss her.

“I have another, sweeter fruit in mind.” I said with a grin. As I pulled her to her feet and led her from the club, she said something to her gaggle of friends, and they descended on the table left behind laden with drinks. At the entrance, she stopped me and gave me a kiss, before plucking the wadded up panties from my cleavage.

“You’d look too silly walking around with those there.” she said with a grin.


The taxi ride home was spent making out in the back seat, the taste of Kim’s mouth mingling with the taste of her strawberry lipgloss. When we stumbled breathlessly out of the car, I could hardly find my keys quick enough, and once inside I was quick to pull her into the bedroom. With nimble fingers she relieved me of my shirt, and I nearly ripped her tank top to pieces trying to get it off.

“Easy now!” she said with a grin, pushing me a step back towards the bed, before pulling the top over her head and dropping it to the floor. “We’ve got all night.”

She stepped up to me, and with agonising slowness she started undoing my slacks, darting away when I tried kissing her, teasing and toying with me. When she was done, she unclasped my bra as well, and pushing me backwards onto the bed pulled off my matching panties.

“I think”, she said as she sunk to her knees at the edge of the bed, “that the girls you’ve been with were just bad at eating pussy.”

“I don’t know”, I started, “Sarah’s had a _l~ooh_”

Sarah might have had a lot of practice, but this girl clearly had as well. As she buried her face between my legs and parted my lips with slender fingers, every fiber of my being was humming like violin strings played by her nimble tounge. She quickly slipped two long fingers into me and focused her mouth on my clit, feathering it lightly at first, but slowly kissing it more and more intensly as the speed of her fingers increased. By the time she slipped in the third finger, I was all but done for, and soon I came with a scream that could have woken the dead. As Kim got to her feet, I lay panting, and she grinned where she stood looking down at me.

“_Now_ who doesn’t like girls?” she said, a large bulge visible under her long skirt.

“As I – said –”, I began on ragged breath, “it’s – not that – I don’t – _like_ –”

“Yeah, yeah.” she said with a grin, cutting me off.

“Did you – already put – it on?” I got out, nodding at her skirt.

“Ah.” she said, looking a little shy all of a sudden. “Well, when I said that I had something _like_ it…”

She unzipped her skirt at the hip, and as it fell to the floor in a rustling pink heap, I saw what she meant. The bulge under her skirt was not some toy, but a massive cock of flesh and blood, larger than even my shithead ex’s had been. Below her smooth and shaven belly, it stood erect, a small glinting troplet gathering at the tip, her balls hanging easily below it, shaven as well.

“Oh”, I said, surprised. “so you’re –”

“A girl with a massive cock and balls, yes.” she interrupted.

I nodded, and got unsteadily to my knees on the bed, looking at it with interest.

“Look, if it’s weird for you or something, I could just –” she began, but by then I was on my knees in front of her, and as I tread my lips over the head of her cock, she fell silent. The taste of her was eager; she already tasted of semen, and perhaps faintly of the pussy of one of her coed friends. I pulled back and smiled up at her.

“I’m not your first girl tonight?” I asked, smile reforming itself as a grin, and she shook her head quietly.

“Chastity wanted a quicky in the bathroom just before your friend waved us over.” she admitted. I picked up the pink panties discarded on the floor and smelled them.

“I guess I kind of get to have her after all, then.” I said with a grin, before returning my attention to her cock. My dick sucking game was a bit rusty, but Kim didn’t seem to mind, filling the air with cute little squeals and moans as I blew her. Soon I found my skills again, and as she buried her hands in my hair, gripping it tight, I dug my fingernails into her ass, and let her set the rythm for me as I took her in to the hilt, again and again. I had almost forgotten how fun this was, memories of long sunsets behind the school gym with some jackass or other from the football team, or the baseball team, or…

With a gasp I pulled back.

“Jenessica!” I exclaimed, and Kim gave me a startled look. “That’s the name of the girl from high school.”

“That’s a – stupid name.” Kim panted.

“She was a pretty stupid girl. And bad in bed.” I shrugged. “Sweet tits, though.” I added with a grin, before returning my attention to Kim’s cock.

She had already been on the edge, and soon I felt the familiar twinge of her body and pulled back. As my lips popped off her cock, she shot a thick wad in my face, the jizz flying haphazardly onto me, some dropping to my chest, some tangling in my hair, but a fair bit of it landing in my eager, waiting mouth. With a satisfied sigh, Kim crumpled to her knees in front of me.

After a time she opened her eyes and looked at me with a smile.

“You look ridiculous.” she said with a ragged giggle.

“Hey, this is _your_ mess.” I huffed playfully.

With a soft smile, she kissed me, the taste of her strawberry lip gloss mingling with the taste of my own sticky facial mask. For a while we sat on the floor, kissing and touching, her love getting smeared on her own skin as well as mine. A few minutes passed, and soon I could feel her cock hardening against the side of my leg.

“Ready to go again so soon?” I asked incredulously.

Kim grinned at me. “The joys of a nineteen year old. I’m sure an oldie like yourself appreciates it, no?”

“Hey, I’m only twenty six.” I said, defensively and in spite of the fact that my twenty-seventh birthday was three months back.

“Of course you are.” she said with a light kiss, and rose to her feet, leaving her hardening cock right in my face. With a hand gently kneading her balls, I roused it fully with light kisses and touches.

When it was well hard, I stood as well, and taking both of Kim’s hands, I fell easily onto the bed behind me, beckoning for her to join me. She climbed up after me, and crawled in between my legs. With a deep kiss, she slipped her cock into me. As it filled me up, I felt a deep moan escape from between my parted lips. “Oh~”, I moaned, “oh, fuck me like the dirty slut I am.”

Kim stopped. As I opened my eyes, I could see her grinning down at me. “You like dirty talk?” she asked, pulling slowly out of me. I blinked with confusion. “It’s – a habit I’ve picked up from Sarah, I guess, if you don’t –”

Kim shook her head. “I just want to make sure you’re happy.” she said with a grin. “All fours, slut.” Obediently I rolled over and got up on all fours. “If you want me to fuck me like the dirty slut you are –” Kim started, “I need proper access.”

Where her hard cock rested against my belly it pressed up into me, slick with my sex and my mouth on it. “Now tell me what you want.”

With a moan, my arms buckled. “I want you –” I started timidly, but Kim slapped my ass hard to cut me off. “Louder.” she commanded, and I tried again. “I want you to –” I began a little louder, and again she slapped my ass hard. “Louder!” she repeated, slipping a hand in between us to toy with my pussy. “I want you to _fuck me like a dirty slut_!” I shouted, and Kim was happy to oblige.

With her hands firmly on my hips she plunged herself into me, her cock balls deep.

“Oh, fuck yeah.” I moaned, as loud as I was able. “Make me – _uhn_” I began, each stroke interrupting me momentarily as pleasure washed over my body, “– forget ab – _ahht_ – my dickback – _n~hn_ – ex – _a~hn_ – husband.”

Kim’s short fingernails dug into my hips as she fucked me ferociously, my body trembling with every stroke. Soon a slender hand buried itself in my hair, and coiling up a large handful she pulled my head up. “I can’t hear you.” she warned, and as she thrust into me again and again I loudly professed my approval with moans and squeals.

“Better!” she said, letting go of my hair to grab my hips again, tempo building. My sex game was rusty all around, I realized, as I remembered to do my part, tightening myself around Kim in time with her strokes. And with each stroke she rose to dizzying new ferocity.

“Fuck.” she gasped. “Chastity could learn a thing or two from you.” I tried to giggle, but all that came out was another moan of pleasure.

At length, Kim twitched and moaned, and as she filled me up with her jizz, I came as well, my entire body shaking and contorting as the waves of pleasure crashed over me again and again. She collapsed on top of me, and I fell into bed as well, her cock still inside of me, her cum oozing out around her cock.

“Ah”, I panted, “girls are just – as fun – when they know – what they’re – doing.”

“Told you – so.” Kim managed to get out on ragged breaths.

When I fell asleep, she joined me in my dreams, fucking me all night long.


When I woke in the morning, Kim was still lying next to me, snoring softly. She had kicked off the covers in the night, and her cock was swaying freely, hard as a rock. Inflamed by my dreams, I carefully took to sucking her off, and it was not until she came she woke up to my gagging and coughing as her load shot down my throat.

I grinned up at her, spit and cum glistening on my lips.

“Why don’t you stay a while?” I offered, and she smiled softly.

Two years later, we relived our first night together in our bungalow on an australian beach, before setting off the next morning to enjoy the rest of our honeymoon.

This time the marriage even stuck.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5fyops/les_the_new_girl_trap


  1. Great story.
    Only suggestion, a part 2, but it follows Sarah’s night and experience.

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