[XP] Hate fuck [ff] [bdsm] [fdom] [fantasy]

“Bed so soon, sweet one? Or did you want – something else?”

The pillow soared through the air with a swish, and hit the tall woman true, right in her dark pink-skinned face. As the pink, frilly throw fell to the ground, it revealed a wicked grin playing over her ruby red lips, her glittering emerald eyes framed by jet black eyebrows falling hungrily on Alice. With a throw of her long, lazily curling hair, she stepped up to the bed, narrow hooves on the end of long, slender legs clicking against the hardwood floor.

“You would like it rough, is that what you are trying to tell me?”

When she grinned, her white teeth shon like pearls between her pillowy lips, and the way she crinkled her button nose made Alice want to hit her with a brick.

“What I’m trying to tell you”, Alice said with all the patience she could muster, “is that I would _like_ for you to _fuck off!_”

The succubus sat down on the edge of the bed, and ran her slender fingers through Alice’s long red hair, pulling it back to reveal her pale neck covered in dense freckles. When she laid her own green eyes on the demon, their glittering intensity and emerald sheen rivalled the succbus’ own. As the demon spoke, the other dark pink hand with its jet black nails went to Alice’s waist, and slipped up under her tank top.

“Is that a way for a mistress to speak to her pet?”

A pair of gentle bit firm fingers closed around Alice’s nipple, tweaking at it lightly.

“Why would you summon me if not to use me?”

Alice grabbed her wrist and pried her hand off herself.

“I didn’t _summon_ you. Well, not on purpose. I was looking to summon a –”

She sighed.

“What I was doing is not really at issue. I didn’t summon you, is my point.”

She let the hand go and tumbled backwards onto her back. The demon placed her rebuked hand on her own large breast instead, tweaking at her own dark red nipple pierced with a heavy golden ring.

“I had not expected some interminally horny hellbitch to show up, and frankly, I’m not a huge fan of the concept now that you’re here.”

The succubus let go of herself and placed her hand on Alice’s thigh, sliding it slowly up under her skirt.

“But I can show you such pleasures, my sweet mistress.”

Alice slapped the demon’s hand away and rolled over to her end table, where she produced a sleek vibrator from her toy drawer. She shoved it in the succubus’ face.

“This is how I get my pleasures, and I’m well satisfied with it. Here’s an idea, how about you try it, you can use it to _fuck yourself!_”

The demon hefted the vibrator in her hand, then held it up between slender fingers to inspect it carefully.

“How does it work?”

Alice gave a weary, drawn out sigh, thinking back to whispered warnings from her coven about the dangers of trying to summon demons and other pit spawn. Oh, how she’d laughed.

“You turn the dial on the bottom to turn it on –”, she explained wearily, and the demon did, turning it up to full. “Then you shove it up your ass –”, Alice continued, all out of patience, and with a scream she concluded, “– _and get fucked!_”

The demon only giggled at her outburst. “Or perhaps I should help my sweet mistress out with it instead?” she said with another brickable grin.

“No thank you.” Alice said as she rolled out of bed and stepped into the ensuite, slamming the door behind her. After a shower, she stepped back out into the bed and found that the succubus had not gotten fucked as she was bid, but was instead sprawled out on her stomach on the bed, digging through Alice’s toy drawer. The vibrator still lay on the bed, humming along happily.

“What are you doing?” Alice asked flatly.

“Seeing what my sweet mistress likes that I may serve her to her pleasure, of course.” the demon said with a grin, holding up a pair of handcuffs covered with long tiger print fur, one cuff dangling from an outstretched finger. “And I’m glad to see you feel ready to receive my service.”

Alice was still naked and a little damp from the shower, but she was in no mood for the demon’s shenanigans. She dried an errant droplet of water from her breast before it could fall from her soft, pink nipple, and discarded the towel at her feet.

“Those are fun, actually, how about I show you?”

“Oh!” the demon squealed with joy. “Please, mistress, do!”

Alice snatched the handcuffs from their precarious perch and quickly secured the demon’s hands behind her back. When she had sat herself at the head of the bed, she placed both her slender feet against the succubus’s soft skin and heaved, kicking the demon to the floor with a loud crash.

“Ah!” the succubus complained. “Is this when the fun begins?”

“That was plenty fun for me.” Alice said with a shrug. “Now shut up.”

“Oh”, the demon lamented, “I suppose I’d expected something more –”

Alice cut her off.

“Something more what?”

Angrily she got up, and grabbed the bound demon bodily. Her small wings and blunt horns poking through her hair made it difficult to find a comfortable grip, but she managed to lift her back into bed, after a fashion. When she was up, Alice propped her up on her knees and slipped her chained arms in between her folded legs, and grabbed the still-buzzing vibrator from the bed.

“Something more _what_, bitch?” she hissed, as the demon moaned quietly.

“Just, something more – _ah!_”

Grabbing a fistfull of demon hair with one hand, Alice plunged the vibrator into the demon’s ass with the other, burying it to the hilt.

“Something more like this?”

The demon only moaned incoherently.

“Fine, then, you insufferable hellslut. If this is what you want, please let me oblige.” She stepped away from the demon, leaving the vibrator where it sat. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Quick on her feet, Alice traipsed off into the bathroom, where she collected a roll of medical tape from the cabinet. When she returned to the bed, the vibrator was slipping out, so she pulled several long strips from the roll and secured it, keeping it as deep as she could. When she was done, she pulled another couple of toys from her drawer. The first was a love egg with a DX motor, which she slipped up the demon’s cunt and turned to full. The other she showed her first.

“This is a gift I got from a friend as a goof.” she explained as she shoved the massive vibrator in the demon’s face. “Four –”, she started, snapping her fingers in front of the succubus’ face to regain her attention, “_four_ nine volt batteries in this puppy. It’s a god damned jackhammer in disguise. And see this neat groove? Keeps it in place all on its own.” She turned it up to full as well, and shoved it up the demon cunt to the hilt, letting the clever design of it keep it in place. “Can’t get it out without use of your hands, isn’t that great?”

The demon nodded and moaned incoherently. Alice strode over to a closet and pulled it open, and from within she collected a strap on harness with a cock hanging from it that looked like it had left some horse feeling disappointed with his lot in life.

“I have _wonderful_ friends.” Alice mused as she strapped it on. “They are _the best_ at picking out goofy novelty gifts, like this one, and the one you’re currently enjoying. I think she secretly wanted me to play with her with it, but I _also_ think she might be overestimating her own – let’s call it ‘prowess’.”

With a grin, Alice placed the tip of the horsecock on the demon’s lips. “Of course, that’s no concern for a pitspawn cunt like yourself, is it?” she said, guiding the strap on with one hand and parting the demon’s lips with the other. “I hope you don’t need to breathe or anything.” she said with a shrug, as she shoved it down the demon’s throat, burying it to the backplate, as she grabbed her jet black hair with both hands and held on tight.

For half an hour, Alice set to fucking her raw, as the demon lay sputtering, trembling and giving gagged and muffled screams of orgasm after agonising orgasm, until the batteries in the vibrator up the dark pink ass finally gave out.

As Alice withdrew from the demon’s mouth, she gave a final, drawn out gasp and scream of forced pleasure, and toppled over onto her side. As she undid the straps of the harness and let it clatter to the floor, she looked down at the demon reproachfully.

“There”, she said evenly, “I have my pleasure from you. You are dismissed. Feel free to take my toys with you to whatever deep dank hell you are vanishing off to.”

The demon panted incoherently up at her.

“Sweet mistress – the summoners contract – _aaaah!_”

Another orgasm ripping through her body cut her off.

“_What contract!?_” Alice protested.

“– permanent bondage – _uhn_ – in the – _ahn_ – contract…”

“Are you trying to tell me I _accidentally_ summoned a succubus and _permanently_ bound her horny ass to my service? I wouldn’t even know how to do that on fucking _purpose_!”

The demon nodded, shuddering and panting incoherently. Defeated, Alice sat down heavily on the bed and kicked the demon off to land on the floor with another crash. With a heavy sigh she reached over to the other end table and got her weed out of its drawer, along with her ornate glass pipe in the shape of a cock. She briefly considered her friends’ choices in gifts and toys. “You’re a fucking riot, Elli.” she muttered darkly to herself as she lit up.

“Fine then.” she said more clearly. “For now you can stay down there until the rest of the batteries run out, by your mistress’ command.”

Muffled gurgles and pants of assent came from the floor.

Alice ripped deep from her bong and sat quietly for a while. Finally she filled the room with a large puff of smoke.

“And if I’m stuck with you”, she added, “I hope you’re at least better with a gaming controller than you are at sucking cock.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5fjym9/xp_hate_fuck_ff_bdsm_fdom_fantasy

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