A Homely Enocounter

It wasn’t often I’d have the house to myself, but whenever my husband was away I always tried to make the most of it. Usually I’d spend the weekend catching up with my girls, you know, doing the typical girly things we like to do which mostly talking about men I guess; but this weekend, things were going to be different. It was a Friday night; my girls were busy so I was forced to stay home alone. I flicked through numerous TV channels but there wasn’t anything interesting on. I was bored out of my mind, I actually wished that my husband hadn’t gone away that weekend, and it was rare that I’d ever miss him like that. However as my girls began to settle down and start families I felt myself feeling like this more and more. I has almost given up all hope in regards to having any sort of excitement occur at the weekend when my childhood friend Jessica called me up out of the blue and asked if she and her new boyfriend ‘Daniel’ could drop by. I can’t express to you how excited I was ‘Of course you can come over’ I yelled down the belted down the phone.

She said that she couldn’t stay long but I didn’t care, as long as I had some human contact that weekend I’d be happy. It wasn’t long before she appeared at my doorstep with her new fella, I’d never met him before as they’d only just recently started dating, but man was he hot. He had a chizzled Superman-like jaw and a chest that looked as though it were made of marble. ‘Hi Liz’ Said Jess as I glared at Daniels god-like body.

‘Hello, is anybody there’, she waved her hands before my eyes desperately trying to win my attention.

‘Sorry, come in, come in’ I nervously replied.

I held the door open as they entered my home; I gripped the door handle tightly just waiting for an opportunity to get a good look at Daniels backside, and boy was it worth it. Once they were in I walked them down the hallway and into the living room, they sat together on the sofa starring lovingly into each other’s eyes. I took a seat on my single sofa and turned my attention towards Jessica ‘So, this is the Daniel I’ve heard so much about these past few weeks. He’s quite a looker, how did you score this one?’ We giggled as Daniel said in a deep, sexy voice ‘Well, actually, I think I’m the one who scored here’. Jessica started to blush with a red glow unlike anything I’d ever seen before; it was like she had a dying sun beneath her cheeks. Daniel took her hand and kissed it gently before moving on to the lower depths of her neck. Jessica giggled as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly as if he were about to have his way with her. They weren’t doing anything explicitly sexually but for some reason I started to feel wet between the legs, I quietly coughed in order to remind them that I was still in the room. ‘What made you decide to come over today’ I asked.

Jessica pleasingly looked me in the eyes and replied ‘I just wanted to check up on my best friend that’s all; I haven’t seen you in weeks’. For some reason, when she said that I felt as though she weren’t being at all genuine. Jessica was always the type of girl who loved to show off her new play things, I wondered if Daniel was just another one of her ‘purchases’ that she wanted to rub in my face. She knew he’d be the type of guy I’d be into and was aware of how things have been quite rocky between me and my husband as of late; it’s not that I was unhappy in my marriage, but things had definitely changed over recent years. Anyway, I asked her if she’d be staying long. After a slight pause she replied ‘No, no. It’s just a quick stop off that’s all’.

‘Oh, okay, well, can I at least offer you a hot drink before you leave?’

‘Well, I couldn’t say no to one of your famous teas’ Jessica replied.

I left them on the sofa and slowly made my way to the kitchen. Strangely enough, at this point I kind of wished that she hadn’t bothered to stop by at all. Usually I don’t mind her taunting her flashy lifestyle in front of me, but today was just not one of those days. As I began to prepare their hot beverages Daniel stumbled into the kitchen ‘Oh, sorry, I was looking for the bathroom’ he said with a slight hesitation in his voice. He thought I didn’t notice but I caught him checking me out as soon as he burst through the door.

‘No worries darling’ I replied, it’s just through that door on your right.

He nodded his head ‘Thank you’. As he began to make his way out I turned around in a hurry and accidentally knocked the tea off the side counter.

‘Shit!’ I yelled.

Daniel quickly hurried over to me to see if I was hurt. ‘Is everything okay in there!?’ Jessica yelled from the living room.

‘It’s fine! I just spilt something!’ I replied.

I had slightly scolded my right arm…

You can read this rest of it here – http://www.foxy-chat.co.uk/a-homely-encounter/ :P

This is the first I’ve done, I hope to be doing one a week if time permits it as I found it to be quite a bit of fun :). Let me know what you think guys!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/5fi8rv/a_homely_enocounter