Her New Beginning [MFF] [bdsm] [anal] [Mdom]

Rain fell outside, steadily pattering against the glass. Mary stretched her arms overhead and listened for a moment. It was all becoming a part of her new routine.

Rolling out of bed she stood before a mirror and admired herself. She was never vain, but He had insisted that she take pride in herself. After all, didn’t He deserve the very best? She was slender, with pert breasts, dark hair, and a smattering of freckles across her skin which He’d taken equal pleasure from kissing or striking with that infernal crop that hung next to the bed.

Her fingers found the one piece of jewelry she wore, the thin black strap around her neck. It was adorned with some simple twists of silver metal that stood for eternity, because that is the promise that He made to her, and she to Him. She shivered and reached down to the bedside table for her shackles. Thick leather cuffs for her wrists and ankles, with three weighty D-rings spaced out across their circumference.

Mary slid open the door to her bedroom and began to step out when she remembered that it was Friday. Technically the weekend, which meant there was a part of her morning ritual she’d nearly forgotten. The clock on the wall said 6:45 so she still had time, but there was a definite uptick in her heart rate as she darted back in and dove onto her bed.

Rolling over to reach her bedside table she realized that her pillow still smelled of His cologne. He spent many nights down here with her, almost as many as with His wife. Sometimes he would go back and forth between them, the memory of nights like that brought a wide smile to her lips. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and let one hand slide between her legs. Mary’s pussy was wet, but when wasn’t that true lately? Her fingers quickly found their way to her clit and she rubbed a series of circles around the hood, teasing herself as she breathed in His familiar smell.

Mary’s other hand operated independently, opening the drawer at the bedside table and finding a small tube concealed within. Deftly she flicked off the cap, squirted some of the cool gel into her hand, then eased it closed again. Her left hand stayed buried in her pussy, her hips rocking slowly in a rhythm that came to her so naturally now. Mary’s right hand found its way between her ass cheeks, lightly massaging the lube into place. She had only been here a few weeks, but it was getting so that she felt empty without her plug on the weekend. It was what He wanted after all.

Mary savored the new feeling of fullness, grinding her clit against her left hand for a few moments longer. Then she licked the juices off her fingers, He had taught her to love the way her desire tasted, and made her way upstairs. She stood before the sink, mindful of the window which was letting the first rays of light through. She knew that it was just high enough to keep her concealed, but it still felt so revealing to be standing here nude. As she washed her hands she could hear muffled voices from behind a closed door down the hall.

He was awake. Her heart started thumping again. Technically, she still had time, but if He was awake then she wanted everything ready now, dammit! Her body became a blur of motion, starting coffee, preparing a simple breakfast of eggs, toast, and fresh fruit they had picked the weekend before. Her ears stayed attuned to the sounds coming from the bedroom, was that a moan? A loud slap carried through the door, then another. Mary felt a blush coming over her, it was definitely a moan she heard now. She could feel the desire building within her pussy but shook her head clear and focused at finishing breakfast and clearing the dishes.

Mary was distinctly aware of the buttplug tucked inside of her as she walked across the kitchen, surveying her work. Breakfast was ready, the dishes were done, and coffee was steaming on the table. Two minutes to spare. She smiled and lightly touched her collar before walking to the door of her Master. Knocking quietly, she knelt on the cushion placed next to the door for precisely this purpose and waited, head down, her auburn and maroon hair cascading toward the floor.

Laughter carried through the wooden door; Mary felt a pang of jealousy but quickly stifled it, focusing on how lucky she was to be here in the first place. She remembered her first time kneeling outside this door, how foolish and nervous she had felt, and the loving way Master and His wife had embraced her, gently touching and kissing away any misgivings she’d had about joining them. Never before had she felt so accepted, so understood, and so completely herself as she had since her first night here.

The door opened with a twang and Mary fought to keep her eyes down. She could see His feet as He walked by, feel His hand tousle her hair. In a flash there was a smile on her lips and she straightened her back with pride at the sound of two simple words He had said so casually upon passing that anyone else may not even have noticed, “Good girl.” Mary felt her heart beat faster and a blush creeping across her cheeks.

His footsteps receded to the dining room and she heard the sound of a fork clinking against His plate. She closed her eyes and sank into the cushion, feeling the familiarity of it all wash over her. This was home.

“Come here.”

The words broke Mary from her reverie, she looked up to see Him seated on the couch with coffee in one hand while the other beckoned her. Eagerly she clambered to her feet and walked to Him, feeling the plug shifting inside of her with each step. Her whole body felt like it was pulsing with electricity at the possibilities that opened up when He drew her close. His robe fell slightly open and she could see the hints of a bulge within its confines. Again he broke her focus, this time by wrapping His hand in her hair and drawing her close for a kiss.

His lips were tender, but possessive. Each kiss marked her, revealing her place as His belonging. She felt her body going limp, her legs spreading in an unconscious act to give Him access should He desire. His lips moved slowly, undulating against hers, igniting fires in corners of her mind she hadn’t known existed mere weeks ago. Then they were gone, but His hand remained firm in her hair, drawing her down to his lap.

“Be a good girl and clean up for me,” His voice was measured and calm, but quietly confident. She slipped a hand to His robe, pulling it open, and allowed herself to be guided downward. Mary’s lips parted, gingerly sucking the head of His cock, wrapping her lips around it and swirling her tongue in eager circles around the tip. She remembered the way she had performed for Him in the days before they’d met, wrapping her mouth around a dildo and showing Him all that she’d longed to do in person. If it is possible for a person to smile widely with a face full of cock, then Mary did so at the memory.

His hand stayed in place, idly stroking her hair, occasionally urging her to take more of His length into her mouth. His cock swelled quickly as a result of her affection, and soon she was bobbing up and down, taking every inch into her throat. Her mind was focused on pleasing Him, her nostrils were thick with His scent, though she could taste his wife’s unmistakably sweet flavor lingering on his cock. For a moment her past sensibilities flared into existence and she felt a rush of shame over this, but it subsided quickly at the gentle way His hand guided her motion. She belonged here. She belonged to Him.

His hand pinned her in place, her lips wrapped around the base of His cock with her tongue darting plaintively toward His balls. She could feel the way His grip tightened on her hair, the slight shift in His hips as she kept steady suction applied to His shaft. With a groan that shook her very soul He climaxed, flooding her mouth with cum. Her tongue undulated against the base of His shaft until every last drop had been swallowed. She then licked the length of His shaft until she was certain that He was thoroughly cleaned of cum.

“Good girl,” the words rang across her mind again as she was drawn upwards from His cock.

He took a languid sip of coffee and let His hand fall between her legs, stroking at her soaked cunt with a light touch. Her eyes closed and she shivered, savoring the taste of His cum mingled with His wife’s taste, and the way His fingers drew forth pleasure from between her folds. With purposeful movements he eased her lips open, sliding a finger deep within her, eliciting a gasp. His thumb found hold against her clit, tapping out a steady beat as His finger fucked her waiting cunt. She dug her fingers into the leather of the couch, fighting the urge to thrust her hips up to meet His hand, fairly certain that the bruises from the last time she’d tried that had finally faded.

A shudder rippled through her as His finger found the right spot, and her lips erupted in a series of moans. In a flash His mouth was on her breast, suckling at her nipple before clamping down around it sending a flash of pain through her mind. He kept at it, building her up with pleasure through gentle touches and kisses then freezing His hand in place and sinking His teeth into tender flesh. She moaned and squealed in time to His movements, a willing instrument in His symphony of pleasure and pain.

Then, as quickly as his ministrations had started, they ceased. He kissed her again, deeply, his tongue probing hers. He drew back and placed His fingers against her lips, dutifully she lapped it clean, awaiting his next move. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breasts heaving as she tried to steady herself against the waves of pleasure which threatened to overwhelm all logical thought within the confines of her mind. She felt His hands guiding her and followed along without thinking, her feet moving numbly at His direction.

A slap on her ass brought her back from another daydream and she found herself in the bedroom, looking down at His wife. Mia was tied to the bed, hemp rope binding her ankles and wrists to the bedposts, a load of His cum dripping from between her legs. Mary felt another shiver run through her. Prior to meeting Him she had never considered women, and despite lots of teasing she had still only ever tasted Mia on His cock. Today that would change.

His hand was on the small of her back, an act He knew would drive Mary insane. She could feel the sexual tension building within her, fueling an already insatiable desire to serve Him. He urged her forward, guiding her gently but firmly toward Mia. His wife smiled and swiveled her hips, which Mary found inexplicably hypnotizing. She stared longingly at the pool of cum at the base of Mia’s cunt and found herself with with a craving, a need, to clean every last drop. He’d trained her well.

His hand found its familiar place in Mary’s hair, driving her face forward. He was direct but just slow enough to let Mary savor the unfamiliar feeling of another woman’s cunt getting ever closer to her mouth. Pushing her tongue out nervously Mary let Him guide her forward, drawing her head up in a long lap that ran from the base of Mia’s pussy to her hood. Mia shifted in her restraints and moaned, and Mary felt a dam within her break. All the desire that had built within her since waking came forth and she found herself consumed with need. As if He could sense her thoughts, or perhaps He simply saw the rigidity in Mary’s limbs, He whispered, “Get her love.”

Mary burst forth, driving her tongue into Mia’s cunt, hungrily lapping at her thighs to get every drop of His cum. She needed it, needed it in ways she couldn’t explain, needed it in ways which took over every waking part of her mind. She was His, His good girl, His slave, His servant. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was, to be owned in a way that was so nurturing and supportive yet still allowed for moments like this where she could give in to pleasure without thought.

Moans echoed throughout the room, Mia’s signaling the pleasure that Mary’s tongue was providing but Mary added a chorus of her own, muffled as it was by His hand driving her into Mia’s pussy. She drove her tongue deep between Mia’s folds, then drew it up over Mia’s hood before sucking her clit ferociously. She was so lost in the experience of tasting Mia that she didn’t notice His hand leaving her hair, didn’t even notice the way it slid down her back to rest on her hip. But there was no ignoring the feeling of the plug being eased out of her ass, nor the head of his cock swiftly replacing it.

Her back arched, momentarily lifting her mouth from Mia’s pussy, but His hand swiftly pushed her back down, her tongue quickly regaining its rhythm. She was uncertain what to do, but listened carefully to Mia’s moans and tried to use them as a guide. His cock made it hard to focus as it eased into her ass, His hands digging into her hips as He filled her waiting hole. Mary gave in to the moment, gave in to being His toy, eating out Mia with renewed passion as He began long, slow strokes into her ass.

Her world shrunk, nothing existed outside of the pussy in front of her and the cock in her ass. She was a slave, through and through, her body trembling, her hands clenching and unclenching, her mind exploding with pleasure. Mia’s moans broke into one long, loud squeal as an orgasm shook her body against her bonds. His hand grabbed Mary’s hair, twisting her head up away from Mia’s pussy and toward His waiting mouth for a kiss. As His lips grazed hers tenderly, His hips moved with a new fury, fucking her ass violently. Mary felt her eyes rolling toward the back of her head, pleasure building from the perfectly naughty sensation of his cock filling her ass in sharp thrusts.

His lips moved to her ear, sending ticklish tingles through her body with each word.

“Doesn’t it feel good to be my little fuck slut?” He whispered.

Mary’s body went stiff again, and it was all she could do to whimper, “Yes, sir.”

“Doesn’t it feel good to have my cock in your ass?”

“Yes, sir.”

His hand crept around her waist, finding her clit, and quickly massaging the sensitive nub as He growled, “Isn’t your life more complete when you obey?”

“Yes…,” she let out a howl of pleasure, her hips twitching against His, sensing His impending orgasm. “Sir….”

Driving His cock inside of her ass, He roared in pleasure. She could feel his cock twitching deep within her, filling her with cum. She was overcome, her mind going blank, her body acting mindlessly, grinding her hips into His, seeking every drop of cum once more. His cum was precious to her, His cum was what sustained her, His cum was the reason for her existence. And his cum was trapped within her, as He slid free from her ass and pushed the plug back into place.

“Mary my dear, untie my wife. Then get cleaned up and dressed, the both of you,” His voice was suddenly so calm, so collected. “We’re going out with friends for lunch so don’t dally, wouldn’t want to be late.”

Leaning down to kiss Mia, He whispered something to her. For a moment Mary felt a pang of jealousy stab through her chest once more. Then, His eyes were on her, His attention focused to a degree that was almost uncomfortable.

“I’m so proud of you my love. You’re perfection.”

The words would echo through her mind for the rest of the day, but the mark they left on her soul lasted far longer.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/5f2n5b/her_new_beginning_mff_bdsm_anal_mdom

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