[Ff] The curious apprentice [Fdom] [fantasy] [reluc] [bd]

Tonight, finally, Apprentice Myra’s impatience got the better of her. As night gathered, the young apprentice slipped down the allies between the tightly packed houses of the Mages College grounds, in search of Mage Kaley’s door. In her green linen apprentice robes, nobody batted an eyebrow as she passed them; apprentices like herself were relegated for their first few years to delivering packages, gathering reagents, copying ponderous tomes on all manner of terribly boring subjects and other busywork, until a mage saw fit to take an interest in them and share with them their speciality.

Myra had come to the college some five years past, at the age of twelve, and had done more busywork than she could stand. To be sure it was unusual for an apprentice to be picked up before the age of seventeen, but it was unusual for an apprentice to labor for five years without a mage taking an interest as well, so it was clear to her that the time had come to be proactive.

At the bottom of a cul-de-sac she found what she was looking for; the tall oak door leading to Kaley’s laboratory and sanctum. As she stood before it, Myra straightened her robes. She rapped quietly at the door, but no response came from within. She knocked again, a little louder, but still nothing. Within her raged a battle between her curiosity and her courtesy, and in the end, her impatience and curiosity won out, and slowly, quietly, she pushed the door open and slipped inside.

Kaley’s laboratory was much like the hundreds of others dotted around the college; simply dressed and with ample work surfaces, it had tall shelves, some given over to tomes both mundane and magical, others stacked with reagents and components for alchemy and magic. Unlike many others, however, it was only dimly lit, a single orb of magefire encased in crystal glass hanging from the ceiling and covered with purple silk, to fill the room with a dim, shadowy light. Across from the door to the college grounds was a spiral staircase, leading down below to the sanctum. Myra stole across the room, quietly shutting the door behind her, and made her way down into the depths, where she became aware of quiet chanting and dancing lights.

Unlike the laboratories, each sanctum of the college was unique. Kaley’s was a large hexagonal room, with heavy purple curtains hanging on each wall, even in front of the mouth of the staircase, and it was to one of these Myra came now, the thick, heavy fabric muffling Kalye’s chanting and concealing her from view. As Myra peeked out from behind the curtain, Myra could see the rest of the sanctum. But for the curtains, the large room was bare, its floor made from finely cut and fitted granite, it’s ceiling much the same, and at its centre she could see Kaley, engrossed in her work. She was standing with her back to the door, constructing by some spell a dark, blackly burning column of shadows, a scrying focus for some research she was engaged in.

Kaley was a tall woman of perhaps thirty, with long golden hair and alabaster skin to match Myra’s. Her robes were of an unusual cut as well; instead of the straightforward and common mage robes that most about the college wore, she had only a long skirt of thin blue silk, held up in the front by the ring she wore in her navel, and in the back where its silver-trimmed edge rested on her ass. Aside from the skirt, she wore only jewellery; a blue silk choker around her neck, clasped with a golden scarab; a pair of small golden rings in her earlobes; golden half rings with sapphires set in them in her nipples, where they sat atop her full breasts. As the chanting continued, Myra stood holding her breath, watching the mage at her work.

“Curiosity is a fine thing in an apprentice, to be sure.” Kaley said idly, her back still turned to Myra, and Myra gave a start. “One must wonder if this is not too much of a good thing, though.”

With an panicked squeal, Myra made for the stairs, but as the column of smoke and black fire vanished, Kaley spun around, and a long tendril of darkness shot from her hands, ensnaring Myra’s feet, sending her tumbling into the curtain, pulling it down on her way to the ground. As she lay frantically trying to free herself from the heavy fabric, Kaley languidly stepped over to her.

“So what do you have to say for yourself, little mouse?” Kaley asked with a grin, looking down at Myra, who had given up trying to run.

“I… I wanted to ask you to take me on as your apprentice.” Myra stammered.

“The little sneak wants to be a shadowmage?” Kaley said with a light laugh. “How fitting.”

Once again a dark tendril sprang from her hand, and formed into a long, slender sword. Myra squealed as Kaley swept it at her in a quick arc, but there was no pain. The sword had passed through flesh and stone without leaving a mark, but cut the tangled cloth of the curtain to shreds, along with Myra’s robes. For her narrow frame, Kaley was strong and sure, and quickly had Myra on her feet, ushering her into the centre of the sanctum.

“If you are to be a shadowmage, I need to know how you deal with shadows.” Kaley said dispassionately.

“I…” Myra began, but with a gesture Kaley took her words from her.

“*I* will not be needing your input on these matters.” she said, as Myra stood gulping and mouthing, trying in vain to speak, but having forgotten how.

With another gesture, Kaley took Myra’s legs from under her, and she fell to her knees. The mage stepped up to her and filtered her slender hands through her short chestnut hair. Even without her words, Myra managed to give a quiet squeak as Kaley tightened her grip and tugged gently at her hair to bring her eyes up to her.

“Oh”, Kaley said, “you *are* a cute one to be sure. I expect this shall be a great deal of fun, and quite enlightening.”

Myra looked up at her with large brown eyes, meeting Kaley’s sapphire gaze.

With a flourish, Kaley let go of her hair and turned around, taking a few steps back before once again turning to face the apprentice. As she raised her hand, a dark black and purple circle spread out under Myra, wisps of darkness rising from it and swirling around her. Where it touched her skin, it tingled and burned; hot and cold, hard and soft, rough and smooth, all at the same time. Myra found the strength of her legs again, but when she tried to stand, the smokey tendrils rising from the pool below her wrapped themselves around her, keeping her down, fast to the ground. As Myra tried to pry the tendrils loose, her hands passed straight through them, but other wisps joined in, wrapping up and constricting her arms as well, and others still rose up to snake around her neck and waist.

“A marvellous little spell, isn’t it?” Kaley said with a wicked grin. “If you’ve ever wondered why you are told not to go around snooping – well, now you know. Of course, the fun bit hasn’t even begun yet…”

Myra nodded dumbly, and as tendrils started playing over her slowly unfurling love blossom she realised what ‘the fun bit’ might be. As tendrils played with her below, a pair of shadowy hands seemed to form, each taking one of her breasts, feeling and kneading and squeezing and tweaking at her quickly hardening nipples. Another tendril was gently parting her lips and twirling itself lazily around the bud of her blossom, and with a quiet moan she near doubled over, but the solid darkness kept her in place. When she looked up at Kaley, she could see that the mage was affected as well, her pierced nipples hard and her chest and face growing flushed.

“Of course I can feel with them.” the mage said in answer to the unasked question. “Otherwise, what would be the point?”

Kaley undid her skirt from her navel ring, and let it fall to the ground, before she walked up to Myra once more. As she drew close, Myra could feel the heat rolling off her body, and smell the excitement on the mage. With a tug on Myra’s hair, Kaley led the apprentice’s mouth to her sex, and obediently Myra kissed and licked at her as the mage’s spell fondled and groped. Kaley grasped for pleasure from Myra’s lips, but was unable to find it. Roughly, she let go of her hair and stepped back.

“You need a lot of practice at that.” she said with a frown. “So for now…”

With a gesture, she unleashed the full force of the spell, and from the depths of the blackness below, a thicker, stronger tendril sprung up. For a moment, it stood like a great snake charmed by a flute, considering Myra’s eyes. Its head was that of a cock, flaring and erect. Quickly it darted down again, and shot up to bury itself deep within Myra. As it entered her, the apprentice gave a long, loud moan, and through half-closed eyes she could see the mage feeling it as well. Vigorously it fucked her, each pulse and stroke sending waves of heat through Myra’s bound body, her loud moans and squeals muffled and absorbed by the heavy curtains hung around the sanctum. In moments it brought her to orgasm, well helped by the probing, groping tendrils all over her body. As she sat panting, the tendrils eased off slightly, but Kaley only smiled.

“I hope you don’t think we are done, little sneak.” she said with a grin, and at once the solid darkness grasped her tight again, even tighter than before.

Between her moans, Myra could feel the tendrils about her neck constricting even more, limiting her breath and making her dizzy, and the first cock was soon joined by a second smaller, slipperier one, probing gently against her ass. As it slipped inside her as well, she came again with a loud scream of pleasure. Blinded and enveloped by waves of exquisite agony, Myra became dimly aware that Kaley was on her again, a slender finger placed on her lips. She kissed obediently at it, and allowed the mage to slowly open her mouth wide.

“You are much too loud, especially now that you’ve gone and ripped down one of the curtains.” the mage said with an easy laugh, and a third cock tendril sprung up and plunged into Myra’s mouth. On her tongue, she could taste it, and it tasted much as the mage’s sex did. She had more experience with cock than with cunt, and eagerly she fellated the solid shadow as best she could without her hands to help, and soon she could hear the mage’s quiet, stifled moans of pleasure. She was on her knees too, Myra realised. Finally the mage came as well, and Myra could feel each of the cock tendrils spurting great gouts of ghostly emissions into her, the taste and sensation of it brining herself to orgasm yet again.

“Hmm, yes –”, the mage managed between ragged breaths, “you will – ah – do well here.”

For what felt like a lifetime, the tendrils kept up their eager work, and the mage and the apprentice both came time and time and time again.

When Myra awoke the next morning, she found herself in the mage’s bed. She could not remember falling asleep, and her body was sore and sweetly aching from the long night. Next to her, the mage lay, sleeping quietly, her naked body warm and her breath deep and eager. As Myra sidled up next to her, she awoke.

“Good morning, apprentice.” the mage said with an easy smile, and lifted a hand to summon a sphere of black fire. “Are you ready for your first day of lessons?”

Before Myra could answer, Kaley touched the orb to the apprentice’s naked flesh, where tendrils sprang out across her body to constrict and grope her once more, and with a smile the mage began the lesson.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5eu2kv/ff_the_curious_apprentice_fdom_fantasy_reluc_bd