Firm with a Friend [MF] [Mdom] Part 2

About 30 minutes after leaving her on the treadmill, I hear it stopping. I give her time to get to the kitchen and walk out. Mandy is at the bucket, but looking around to see if anyone can see her.

“Go ahead. I’m going to see you. That’s the purpose of it being out here. It’s supposed to be embarrassing.”

Mandy understands now and pulls down her panties. It’s takes a few seconds, but she finally starts peeing. I go back to my room and hear the treadmill start back up. I sit down to read a file while she finishes walking. I’d planned on working most of the night but this would get me by. I hear shuffling coming down the hall. Mandy walks in the bedroom drenched in sweat and out of breath.

Mandy “That feels good and I’m exhausted. But thank you.”

“Rinse off in the shower. I left you a new bra and panty set on the vanity. There’s also a toothbrush and toothpaste for you. You’re doing really good so far.”

Mandy “Thank you daddy!”

Mandy hops in the shower and I crawl in bed. She’s back soon and looks much better.

“Here’s your schedule for tomorrow. You’ll need to take the day off work so we can go shopping. We can stop by your apartment to pick up any of your necessities. You’ll see that you have to be back on the treadmill at 5am. 90 minutes of walking will be a good start to the day. It’s almost 11 so let’s get to sleep”

Mandy “I don’t really know what to say, but thank you.”

I grin and turn off the lamp. She tries to sleep over on the edge of the bed but I pull her next to me. I’ve never had a girl this size and it’s different for spooning, but she needed it. She was asleep within minutes. I slept well myself until the alarm went off at 4:45. It was obvious that Mandy didn’t want to get up.

“If you want to sleep in this bed tonight, rather than on the floor, you’d better have your ass on that treadmill in 12 minutes.”

Mandy “Yes daddy. I’m sorry.”

She was still groggy and moving slow but was trying to wake up. She made it to the treadmill by 5 and I got up to work. I heard her get a bottle of water on her way to the treadmill. At least a few things are catching on. I heard the treadmill stop twice and both times Mandy used the bucket in the kitchen. I got up to make breakfast as she was finishing up and I think I scared her as she saw me in the kitchen. She was quiet and seemed to have something on her mind.

“What are you thinking about this morning”
Mandy “I feel a lot of things and I can’t figure them all out. I’m horny. I look in the mirror and see my fat body. Then I think about how much attention you’re giving me and it’s like I’m in a dream.”

“Well, first of all, if you’re horny then you need to tell someone. Second, your body will get better if you work at it. It will take some time. Last, you deserve this life. You’ve been depriving yourself because you thought that was what you deserved. We can all find a good life, but we have to want it.”

Mandy “I hope so.”

“Didn’t you have something that you wanted to say?”

Mandy “Yes, it’s just embarrassing.”

“Say it”

Mandy “… I’m horny. Daddy, I’m horny.”

“Come over to me on your knees. Get my cock in your mouth and just let it sit there. ”

Mandy did as she was told. I looked down and she was looking up almost like she was waiting for my next command. My dick got hard really quick after looking in her eyes. I pulled her up and took off the tshirt and panties. She had a little sweat all over her body from walking. I lift her up on the counter, it’s a perfect height. Her arms are wrapped around my shoulders as I slip my cock in her. She’s hot. She grunts and closes her eyes as I thrust in her. I pick up her chin and look in her eyes as I keep thrusting. She keeps trying to look away but I hold her chin. I grab her tit with my other hand and squeeze gradually harder. She’s trying to squirm around and cum but I keep pulling my dick back just a little. As she gets closer to cumming, I give her all of my dick and grab her tit even tighter. This pushes her into a shaking orgasm where she finishes by biting on my shoulder. My thighs and waist are soaked. I stand there while she’s slumped over me, catching her breath.

Mandy “I’ve never known anything felt like this. But don’t you want to cum?”

“I’ll cum when I’m ready. Now go to the bathroom and wait on me.”

As we get to the bathroom, I pull out the scales. She knows what to do and begrudgingly hops on them. 192.

“When was the last time you weighed?”

Mandy “months ago at the doctors office. I weighed 189 then.”

” you must have weighed close to 195 when you got here. You’ll weigh every morning. Any day that you don’t lose 1 lb and I whip you. Do you understand?”

Mandy “Yes daddy”

“Now go get a shower and put on your clothes, we need to go shopping”

I hop in the shower briefly and rub up against her but don’t pursue anything. She seems puzzled that I’m not using her. Little does she know what’s in store for the rest of the day.


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