I’m too young for sex :( pt. 25 [ff]

“Wake up,” Sam murmured next to my ear. “I smell bacon.”

I stretched and rolled in her arms. While I could also smell the bacon, it was the lingering scent of our night together than had me humming as we kissed good morning.

I’d lost count of how many times Sam made me cum. Between her mouth, fingers, and my new favorite toy, my body ached in ways I’d never felt before. I wasn’t sore exactly, just well-used and completely sated.

When we broke our kiss, Sam grinned at me. “If you keep that up, we might need an appetizer before breakfast.”

“I *am* a little hungry,” I whispered as I kissed down to suckle one of her hard nipples. She responded by running her fingers through my hair and letting out a slow breath.

I’d had her as many times as she’d had me, but her body was still fascinating to me. When she lay on her back, her breasts flattened out like a boy’s chest. Her nipples were all girl and she liked me to tug at them gently with my teeth. I loved the muscles that tensed at my touch, highlighting the definition along her arms and stomach.

Her navel was just a narrow slit, but shallow when I probed it with my tongue. She parted her thighs as I arrived at my destination. The soft hair was an endless wonder. I could never tire of feeling it along my lips as I licked her open.

“Damn, Steph,” Sam groaned and flexed her back to press her heat into my mouth.

Sam liked it light and slow at first, so I kept kissing her softly all along her wet folds. She shivered as I ran my tongue into the crease along her thighs. The warm scent of her musk made my mouth water, but I needed more.

She began rocking her hips. I stroked her with my fingers while I teased the pink bud emerging from the top of her slit with my tongue. I could hear her hands gripping the sheets as she moved.

Holding her open with my fingers, I began to suck her bud between my lips at the same tempo she pushed into my face. Her irregular breathing told me she was close. When her gasp came, I felt her muscles squeezing under my tongue. She strained for a moment against my mouth, I kept sucking her gently until she pushed me away to close her legs and shiver.

I crawled back up behind her and made her my little spoon while she recovered. Her taste was intoxicating. There was something about the forbidden nature of our sex and her own personal chemistry that drove me crazy. She hummed as she rolled back against my chest and I wrapped her in my arms.

“Oh, baby,” she whispered. “You know exactly what I like.”

“I’m glad,” I chuckled while kissing her hair. “But that bacon is calling me.”

“We can’t go to breakfast smelling like this. Let’s take a quick shower.” She slid off the bed to stretch. “What time is your mom coming?”

“Nine.” I slid my legs off the edge of the bed and pushed myself up. I glanced at the bedside alarm clock that read 7:45. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

Her room had a small, private bathroom with a shower. We barely fit in together but I didn’t mind the squeeze. After we dried off, I put on panties, shorts, and a loose t-shirt so I could go without a bra. Sam had on the same thing, but her clothes were branded with the school sports logo.

We left her room, hand-in-hand, and padded barefooted towards the common room. I had only been in Sam’s room and was curious how the resident students lived. We walked through a big open room with large couches spread out around a huge flatscreen television. Two guys with messy hair were playing a war video game.

Ahead of us was a dining room with a huge table surrounded by chairs. I recognized a few students from school. They were dressed in various styles of sleepware and drinking from mugs. A few glanced at us with knowing grins, but I just grinned back and squeezed Sam’s hand.

“The sleepers have awakened,” Simon called out from the kitchen to the left. He had a spatula in one hand and a plate in the other. “How do you like your eggs, Steph? I already know Sam likes hers runny.”

“The same,” I said as Sam dragged me towards the coffee pod machine.

“Coffee,” Sam intoned like she was a zombie saying *brains*. She made us both a cup while Simon cooked the eggs.

“So are you the chef around here?” I asked Simon.

“Just breakfast on the weekends. We trade chores.” He finished cooking and slipped the four over-easy eggs into two plates. “Fruit, toast, and bacon are on the counter,” he said with a nod toward them.

Sam and I carried our breakfast plates and hot mugs of coffee to the dining table. We sat next to each other along the side. The cutlery and napkins were lined up in the middle of the table.

“You guys are so lucky,” a familiar girl said to us with a cheeky grin. “I’ll never be able to have my boyfriend for a sleepover.”

Sam nodded as she finished chewing and picked up her mug. “True, but you also don’t have Dan Smith and Zack Harrington cornering you in the hallway offering to *fix* you once a week.”

Simon walked up with his own plate and sat down next to me. “I thought I was pretty clear about him leaving you guys alone last night.”

“And thanks for that,” I said to him. “He’s been a pain in my ass all summer.”

Simon shrugged off the compliment. “So what was going on with Mark and Lydia last night. I heard a rumor she broke up with him because he’s all hung up on you.” He had an odd expression that I couldn’t identify.

I rolled my eyes and lied like a rug. “Yeah, Sophie was going on about that last night, too. I have no idea why. Mark’s my brother’s best friend, so I’ve known him for years, but he’s not really my… type.” I gave Sam a glance with a big grin on my face.

Sam bumped shoulders with me and then looked at Simon. “Thanks for making us breakfast. You sticking around this week or are your parents gonna fly you out?”

“I’m stuck here, but I’ve got a big project for chemistry I need to finish.”

“Are you staying here?” I asked Sam. She had said her parents hadn’t spent much time with her since she came out, but I couldn’t imagine them leaving her at school over the break.

“Yeah,” Sam shrugged. “It’s kind of nice to have the quiet time.”

“I wonder if Mom and Dad would let you hang out at our house?” I wondered aloud. Sam’s quick look at me made it clear she liked the idea. “I’ll ask when Mom comes to get me. That would be so cool having you stay for a week!”

“You wouldn’t get tired of me?” Sam asked as she searched my face.

I forgot there were a handful of people around the table when I leaned in to kiss her. A guy I didn’t know sitting across from Simon sucked in his breath. I felt the heat rising in my face as I pulled back to find everyone staring at us. “Sorry.”

“It’s no big deal.” Simon shifted in his seat with an uncomfortable look on his face. I suspected his *deal* was getting bigger, but dropped my eyes to my plate before he saw I’d noticed.

“Is it hot in here?” Sam chuckled and that broke the momentary tension.

“Y’all are cute together,” that familiar looking girl said. “The pictures they posted came out great.”

“They’re up already?” Sam asked as her eyebrows drew together.

“Yeah, on the schools social media pages.” She touched her phone a few times, then handed it over to show us. The shot on her phone was the campy one with me kissing Sam’s cheek. We did look good together!

“Shit,” Sam muttered. “They tagged me in it and they’re set to public.”

“Is that a problem?” I asked as I caught her worry.

Sam glanced at Simon before answering. “My Dad will throw a fit.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t thought about that when we did it. “I’m sorry Sam. I didn’t mean to cause you problems at home.”

“It’s not home I’m worried about,” she said as she flipped through some other pictures. “At least the other ones aren’t up here.”

“What other ones?” Simon asked.

I answered while Sam kept looking. “When I kissed her on the cheek for that picture, the photographer told us he didn’t care, so I kissed her for real while he snapped a few other pictures.”

“Does the photographer know?” Simon asked Sam, confusing me even more.

“Well, he tagged me in the shots he uploaded by name, so, yeah.” Sam let out a silent laugh. “If those other ones come out, I’m so screwed.”

“I don’t understand,” I said. “Why is this a big deal?”

“You never told Steph?” Simon blinked at Sam.

“Told me what?” I asked, growing more panicked by the moment.

“I’ve never told anyone here but you.” Sam looked around at the group. “My dad is Senator Samuel Green.” The name meant nothing to me, but the open mouths around the table implied it was big news to some of them.

“That anti-gay senator is your father?” the familiar looking girl asked with wide eyes as Sam handed back her phone.

“Anti-gay?” I asked as Sam’s history began to make more sense.

“My dad is the author of the bill trying to roll back the new gay marriage law.”

I blinked. “So I guess having a gay daughter kinda screws up his message. And having pictures of his daughter kissing her girlfriend out on the Internet might be… bad?”

Sam nodded. “He stuck me here so I wouldn’t *embarrass* him. Who knows where he’d stick me if I actually did.”

I panicked at the thought that Sam could be taken away from me and grabbed her hand. “He wouldn’t really make you leave, would he?”

Sam squeezed my hand. “Let’s finish eating. Your mom will be here soon.”

The eggs were already cold, but I ate them anyway. Could something I’d done as a joke really go that bad? I needed to talk to Sam, but her face was closed off and she wouldn’t look at anyone.

We did the dishes in silence. Simon kept looking at me with a worried frown, his lips pinched in a thin line. I wanted to say something, but when I opened my mouth he shook his head to stop me.

It was getting close to time for Mom to pick me up when we got back to Sam’s room. She helped me pack my clothes without saying a word. Before I picked up my bag and boots, I put my hands on Sam’s shoulders to make her look at me.

“Talk to me,” I begged as she avoided my eyes. Her only response was to lean into my arms and press her cheek against mine.

“No matter what happens, I want you to know how much I love you. Being with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

My lower lip quivered and tears filled my eyes. “Don’t say that.”

Sam hugged me tighter. “Last night was amazing. Dancing with you was a dream come true.”

“Stop,” I begged as I clutched her tighter.

“I have to say this now. Just in case.” She kissed my neck. “You don’t know my dad and hopefully you never will.”

I ignored her comment and forced myself to pretend everything was like we’d planned. “I’m gonna ask Mom if you can stay with me this week.”

She pulled back to look at me and wipe the tears from my cheeks. “I need to do laundry and catch up on some homework before I come. If she says yes, would you come back and get me in the morning?”

“Of course,” I laughed through the tears, happy she stopped sounding like we were breaking up. “I’ll make some room in my closet and dresser tonight for you. It’s gonna be so much fun!”

“Good.” Sam had a weak smile on her face, but nodded. “Let me walk you down and thank your mom for letting you stay over.”

Mom was just pulling up when we walked out the front door. My head was still reeling from what I’d learned and the fear of losing Sam. I opened the back door and tossed my overnight bag and boots in.

“Did you girls have fun?” Mom asked over the back seat. I suppose she saw something in my expression because her smile faltered. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “Would it be okay if Sam came over during our school break?”

Mom blinked. “I’ll talk it over with your father.”

“Thanks,” I said and turned to hug Sam tight. “Promise me…” I couldn’t say what I wanted because I couldn’t put it in words. It was just a deep longing for her and the connection I felt.

“I promise,” Sam whispered in my hair like she knew what I meant.

“Good,” I said and kissed her goodbye. “Call me later?”

Sam nodded and looked past me to smile at Mom. “Bye Misses Larson. Thanks for everything.”

I got in and Sam shut the car door for me. I glanced back one more time as Mom pulled away. It was the last time I ever saw her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5dqgsx/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_25_ff


  1. Argh! That feels like an end. And I knew it had to end… I just don’t WANT it to end… Thank you for this and all of them.

  2. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Why did it have to end like that!? Please tell me you’ll write more, because your writing is amazing!

  3. My God. I’ve never had a character I care about from TV or video games or movies affect me with their death. I’ve never felt the pain the GoT or TWD fans felt when a character died.

    This is a first. I was freaking enraged when I read that last sentence. A rage I haven’t felt in a long long time.

    The first fictional character whose absence made me feel so mad. Sam Green you will be missed.

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