Sadistic Games Set Love Aflame! Pt.1 [sm] [mf] [anal]

As you have probably seen, I was hopelessly in love with a guy. He was a tattoo artist and an expert in piercing. He had an open mind, tried to understand my sadism, and even accepted my Furry Fetish. I have never been one to consider marriage, but I could have married this man. It also helped that in the sack, he fucked me like a cheap prostitute and never hesitated to push me into scary new places. Good GOD I loved that. He even convinced me to let him pierce my nipples DURING sex. It was an amazing experience that I will absolutely never share with anyone else as long as I live.

But eventually, I always hurt them too much. This one was bad, and I have been broken hearted for weeks now.

It all started when he got a new cock piercing. It was an Ampallang, which apparently is a huge deal as far as sex is concerned. I was a little apprehensive, as it goes across the head of the penis and looks kind of intimidating. But to add pressure, he wanted his first go with the new gear to be anal. I am not opposed to anal sex. I have let plenty of men plunge me to near comatose down there. But this thing, well…if I’m hesitant that should tell you something.

Well he pushed and pushed and finally I gave in. He wanted to pierce my clit then fuck my ass, but limits are limits and I wanted to save the clit piercing for something special. I got on our bed, put my bum up as far as I could push it, and bit my lip.
Honestly…It was pretty good. I certainly never complained. I was being stimulated pretty damn far up into my rectum and it gave me that nice spreading feeling. I felt insanely open while also getting a nice tight fit around his already fairly massive dick, so I was happy. It even gave me some of the air pushing in and out for that wet fart sound. It’s a weird turn on I know, but I am far from a conventional gal. I was getting the shit fucked out of me almost literally and he was lasting even longer than usual.

Just as I was about to cum, I realized I felt really wet on my pussy. It was warm and I could feel something dripping around my clit. (Incidentally I used this image in a story) I was a little worried I may have shit myself, but I didn’t really worry. I was about to cum and the man was no stranger to shit on his dick. I focused and tried to angle his cock to get me over the edge.

“Um…babe. Your bleeding. Like bad.”

I am not lying, as soon as he said that, the pain ripped through me like an avalanche. My orgasm was completely gone at this point. He denied it, but I would swore I had prolapsed. Well, I bit my lips and searched for the strength to let him finish. There was no reason for both of us to lose an orgasm.

“It’s okay. I’m fine. Just cum in me.” It was a real struggle to speak in a non-agonized way, but I pulled it off. Keep in mind also that as this conversation took place, he never missed a thrust and never softened at all.

“Are you sure? It looks pretty intense.”

“Blow your stinking load in me you piece of shit!”

We groaned, we swerved, he grabbed my ass and pulled me hard into his waist. I felt his balls against my cunt as he crammed his way even further into my asshole than ever before. I felt his cum pulse out of the tip, pushing inch by inch into my gut. I found my orgasm again, as he rammed three fingers into my bloody pussy. It was exquisite, but as the pleasure subsided, I knew I was going to regret it.

I walked like a penguin for three days. It was a good thing I had some time off from work, because I stayed in bed most of the time. At one point I ran a fever and we considered going to the ER.But eventually it all subsided and I was walking around normal again. I told him it would be a while before we would have a go in the ass again and he understood.

This is where the real trouble began. I had planned this. When I found out I was bleeding, I forced myself to hold on and let him get off because I knew I would have a bargaining chip with him later. I have confessed before on my Tumblr and Twitter accounts that I am a sexual sadist, and this has been an ongoing issue through my whole life. Now, let’s just give him the name Bo, the boyfriend was aware of all this and confessed to a little sadism as well (he did, afterall, get off on piercing during sex). We had a safeword for when things got intense. But once I get into a sadistic flow, it’s incredibly hard for me to stop. Sometimes the safeword just…doesn’t seem that important. It’s even worse if I am close to getting off. I RARELY get off to a sadistic act.

We had argued about this before, and he threatened to leave if I kept pushing him and ignoring the safeword. I tried to manipulate him into going further and further, sometimes questioning his manhood and pain tolerance. He made it very clear that all of this was a deal breaker. About six months ago, Bo said he would leave if I ever ignored the safeword ever again.
Well…a week after the ass plunge incident, we are laying in bed watching Dexter, and I play my cards. “You really hurt me last week.”

“I know babe, I am really sorry.” He had nothing to be sorry about. I was the one that told him to keep going.

“So I get to hurt you now. I get to hurt you kinda bad.” At this point I pull down the covers. I’m naked. I try to be naked as much as I can in the apartment. I start to rub my tits and lick my lips. Sex was probably a horrible idea at this point, but what’s a girl gonna do?

I had expected to get his guard down with the offer of a good fuck. We usually have sex three to four times a week, so a WHOLE week was probably leaving him blue balled. But he sniffed my intentions from a mile away.

“Are you going to listen to me? Will you stop if I tell you?” He narrowed his eyes as he spoke. I was a little offended.

“I went pretty far for you babe. I pushed myself. I bled for you. I think you kind of owe me the same.” At this point I laid back, spread my legs, and opened my pussy for him to see. This was one of his biggest turn ons. He used to joke that he wanted to be a gynecologist so he could just root around in women’s business all day. I inserted four fingers as far in as I could and gaped.

He began to hesitate. His eyes got wide with the prospect of using my cunt in all sorts of fun ways. But he wasn’t quite totally foregone. “Promise me you will stop if I tell you.”

I smiled, let my pussy hole close through my fingers, then re-adjusted my grip and pulled it even wider. He was on me with superhuman speed and we fucked for a good hour before he blew his load. I came six times, but luckily he knew better than to try for my poor ass so soon.

I had weaseled my way out of a promise. My twat is a lovely shade of fleshy pink, and I knew it would charm him like a snake. The only problem was he accidentally gave me permission to do something truly awful. I was gonna take it.

For more boundary bursting, souls crushing erotica from Alecta Andromeda, check my other books available on Amazon!


1 comment

  1. It was alright. Up until

    ****SPOILER AHEAD****

    she admitted to raping him and felt absolutely no remorse, even romanticized it.

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