Sibling Revelry (AKA, Julie): Part 4 [Str8, MF, inc]


“In that case, you are one lucky bastard… no offense intended, “ Julie remarked.

“None taken,” I replied. “Where do we go from here?”

“Anywhere we want, I suppose,” she answered.

The reasons why I chose not to bunk at mom and Charlie’s house during my stay in town were many and varied. The least of which concerning them was the house being full of so many other people the whole time. Not to mention I wanted to be able to disappear at a moment’s notice.

I might generally be a stand-up guy, but the girl-crazy poon-hound in me had hoped there might be a chance of getting some *strange* at the wedding reception. Things may not have turned out the way I had hoped, but all things reconsidered, I wasn’t going to complain.

Needless to say, I had my own hotel room. It was modest, but I didn’t require much of anything. I had no use for a swimming pool, gym, or concierge services. Sleep, shower, and coffee in the morning – that was all I required of a temporary residence.

After a brief discussion on the matter, Julie decided to take me back to her hotel room. Unlike me, she chose the nicest place she could find online. It was near the hotel where the reception was being held. The fact that there was a fair chance we could be seen together was not lost on me.

The very thought of getting busted made me feel both queasy and aroused. Having never dealt with a situation like this before, I found it difficult to process. The blind trust I had in my sister was my only salvation. It might have been that, and possibly the blood in my brain had all flooded downward to my groin.
I know it doesn’t necessarily work that way, but it sure as hell explained it as well as anything else.

Julie assuaged my fear of being caught with her in public with a logical and reasonable explanation.

“We’re brother and sister. Of course it would be natural for us to split the cost of a hotel room while we’re back in town for a family function. Who would even begin to imagine that something improper might be going on?”

*Improper,* I thought. The notion was fleeting, but it did exist momentarily in my mind.

“I suppose you’re right,” I said in agreement with her reasoning. “This is insane.”

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she smirked with a sideways glance. “Let’s get the fuck out of here and go have some fun.”


It wasn’t a far drive to her hotel. We were there in what seemed like no time at all. My mind was full of so many abstract thoughts that my perception of time was skewed, to say the least.

My sister’s rental car screamed into a secluded parking spot in the rear of the hotel. Since there was little worry about being caught out by anyone as long as we acted normally in view of others, it seemed strange to park in such an out of the way location.

Sensing my apprehension, Julie quickly set me at ease.

“Just do as I say,” she said. “There is a madness to the method.”

“Don’t you mean ‘method to the madness’?”

“No,” she laughed. “No… not at all. Trust me, I have it right.”

Not one to doubt her, I listened as she gave me instructions on dropping the car off with the valet attendants. She wanted to prepare not only herself, but also the room while I took care of some menial chores. Along with having the car parked, there was a bag in the trunk for me to carry up to the room. She said it was too heavy for her, but I should be able to manage it well enough.

I was also supposed to procure a canister of some sort from the front desk in which I could carry approximately ten to fifteen pounds of ice. It seemed a little excessive to me, but I held to faith that she knew what she wanted and/or needed.

Julie leaned toward me and brushed her fingertips against my cheek. I desperately wanted to kiss her, but the expression on her face indicated she had intentions other than fooling around.

“I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am right now,” she explained. “You’ll see what I mean soon enough, my love.”

After exiting the vehicle, Julie headed straight toward the door by the corner of the building without so much as a backward glance. Once she used her key card to gain entry to the hotel, I slid over into the driver’s seat and started fulfilling the obligations left for me.

I drove to the front entrance and was greeted promptly by the valet. When I asked for a ticket, he stated that the car was already registered at the front desk and would be available within a minute of calling for it.

As I attempted to retrieve whatever Julie had stowed in the trunk, a skinny concierge approached and offered to assist me. I politely declined, mentioning that it was a heavy bag which I should be able to manage easily enough.

I was taken aback when the bag in question was no larger than a carry-on piece of luggage. My sister said it was too heavy for her, but I could handle it. The slim, black case weighed no more than a few pounds. I had no clue why my sister would toy with me in such a way. The concierge grinned as he watched me turn and walk away. Clearly, he thought it to be a joke.

The front desk attendant was more than amicable with my sister’s request for a large container to fill with ice. In a matter of minutes, I was presented with a sterile, red five-gallon bucket. The sweet girl behind the counter offered to have the bucket filled and delivered to my room. All I needed was to give her the room number.

“Gah!” I exclaimed, palming my forehead. I had no idea what room number it was in which my sister was staying. “I forget,” I said. “My, uh, sister has the key. She’s already in the room.”

The receptionist quickly located my sister’s room in her computer system and pointed me toward the direction of the elevator bank. I mumbled a quick ‘thanks’ and headed up to the room. I was normally a friendly, outgoing, and charming fellow, but that night I found myself slightly off.


The door to room 1101 was slightly ajar when I approached it. I could see that the security guard lock was adjusted as to not allow the door to close.
Hesitating for a only moment, I knocked three times rapidly before pushing the door open.

There was no answer from inside and I could not readily see my sister anywhere at first glance. I silently prayed that I hadn’t entered the wrong room by accident When I rounded the entrance way, it was there at the top of the bed that I saw her.

Julie slid off the edge of the mattress and stepped onto the floor. Her naked body looking more impressive than I could have ever imagined. Although, until a short time ago, I had never given it a single thought. She was my sister after all.
I stared in wonderment as she slinked her way toward me. Her eyes never wavered from mine. Every step was carefully measured. For all the times I had ever seen her in my life, I never once imagined that she had such an amazing body hiding under all of those clothes.

“I see you have the bag,” she noticed. “What about the ice?”

I informed her that the front desk was having it delivered shortly.

Her response was to approach me and smile sweetly. Then she slapped me firmly across the face. It wasn’t hard enough that I should be concerned, but it certainly put me on notice.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked defiantly.

Julie stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed me gently.

“You’ll want to be following my directions to the letter now, won’t you?” she insisted.

I wasn’t sure what she was playing at, but I was willing to go along with it. I nodded in agreement without a word spoken.

“Put the case on the desk,” Julie commanded, and I obeyed.

“Open it,” she continued.

I did as I was asked. It was a simple enough task, after all. Unzipping the case, I flung it open to reveal a laptop computer with a varying array of peripherals. Looking at my sister, she smiled while balling her fist in front of her face. Her arm covered one breast while the other was still exposed.
She flicked her finger to the side, indicating I should remove the device and set it up, which I did.

After plugging the machine into the wall outlet, I stood in front of it. Placing my fingers at the crease where it would open, I looked at her quizzically.

“Not yet,” she replied. “Let’s wait for the ice to arrive.”

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. I turned to answer it, but was stopped dead in my tracks by my sister’s voice.

“Allow me,” she said, stepping past me and walking to the door as naked as the day she was born.

She flung the door open and coolly asked the stunned concierge to place the bucket of ice in the kitchenette. With barely a sideways glance at me, he bashfully kept his head down and bid as he was instructed.
Once the bucket was in place, the twenty-something with sandy brown hair stared at my sister’s feet and asked if there was anything else she might need.

“Look at me,” she demanded.

Slowly, he raised his green eyes and scanned her body until they were looking intently at each other. He grinned like a buffoon while she openly flirted with him.

“I don’t have any money for a tip,” she admitted, although quite falsely. “I left my wallet in my other….”

“Oh, no tip necessary, ma’am,” he refused smartly, but found out rather fast it was a poor choice of words.

“*Ma’am*?” she screamed incredulously.

Watching the young man stutter and try to backpedal was hilarious and I couldn’t help myself but to laugh. Julie shot me a wicked grin and turned back to her plaything.

“Do these tits look like they belong to a *ma’am*? DO THEY?”

Looking to me for some sort of direction, all I could advise him was, “Run!”

Almost tripping over his own feet, he raced to the door. Straddling the threshold, the boy found enough courage to respond coherently.

“Your tits are awesome!” he exclaimed, then pulled the door shut behind him.

My sister burst out laughing and I joined in.

“You see, my dear, sweet brother,” she explained. “Sex and all things sexually-related can be a very powerful motivator. One can influence another quite easily if you have the wherewithal to do so. That poor man-child would have traded a year of his life to have sex with me right now. Did you know that?”

I chortled, but said nothing.

“Laugh if you must, but I am quite serious. I’ll even go so far as to prove this point to you sooner than later.”

My mirth fading, I realized she was not kidding around.

“That package you brought to the room,” she said, nodding toward the laptop. “It is light by weight, sure. However, it has some exceptionally heavy shit contained therein.”
There was no trace of jocularity left in my demeanor following her last comment. Her speech and behavior had somehow changed. I was aroused, but frightened. Curious, yet afraid. Prescient, though unsure.

Julie keenly assessed the change in my manner and artfully shifted the paradigm of the situation.

“Come here,” she pleaded, holding out her hand.

I took her hand and she led me to the King-sized bed. It was massive. Thoughts of the bedding thrown askew from frolicking on it started running through my mind. She plopped down on the edge of the mattress at the foot of the bed. She pressed her hand against my chest to indicate I should remain standing in front of her.

“I want you to know every inch of my body,” she whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

I nodded and dropped my gaze to soak in her brownish, pink nipples. She had a small mole at ten o’clock above her right nipple and I pointed it out to her.

“Very good,” she purred. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I want you to be able to visualize me perfectly, even if you were completely blind.”

I understood what she was asking of me and I didn’t mind it at all. She had a lovely body. I never knew just how lovely until I saw her completely nude. I looked forward to exploring every freckle, every mole, every hair on her body. The slightest provocation made my cock begin to stiffen.

Leaning back on her elbows, she implored me to reduce the distance between us by spreading her knees apart. Trying to look, but not leer at her pussy, I felt an uncontrollable urge to ravish her right then and there. Before I could act on any instinct, she gave me instructions that I was more than delighted to oblige.

“I put my mouth on you. It’s your turn to return the favor now. Show me what you can do.”

Armed with only rudimentary oral talents, I knew I would need to step-up my game. I knew it was going to be important for me to do well. It felt like it might be of utmost importance to my sister, also. She was a master of pleasing me already and I was anxious to prove at least her equal in the task.

Normally, I would dive right in and get to work. I wasn’t given the chance to be with a woman very often, let alone go down on her, so I hesitated for a moment.

“You don’t have to be perfect, just keep trying to improve every time and listen to me. Listen to my body,” she explained.

I playfully shoved her and she fell flat on her back against the mattress. Tracing my hands over her thighs, past her hips, and tickling her sides, I maintained constant eye-contact. Seeing her bite her lower-lip drove me absolutely crazy and I knew it was going to be difficult not to jump her bones and fuck her brains out.

The moral from a childhood fable crept into my mind and if felt appropriate.

*Slow and steady wins the race.*

Leaning over her body, I flicked my tongue across her nipple with the mole above it. Then I playfully moved aside and bit the other one, pulling it away from her, stretching out her breast, until letting it snap back against her chest.

Julie moaned with pained desire.

*Slow and steady.*
*Win the race.*
*Slow and steady.*

Her back arched as I kissed my way south.

My lips savored every taste. My hands touched every part of her within reach. The familiar scent from when I had her fingers and panties in my mouth a short while before wafted into my nostrils. In every way imaginable, she was exquisite.

Wriggling her hips against the applied pressure of my torso, I gradually descended her body.

When at last I was face to face (so to speak) with her surprisingly wet pussy, I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and plunging tongue-first into the darkness.
