I’m too young for sex :( pt. 24 [ff]

By Friday after school, the butterflies in my stomach were in full flight. I knew I shouldn’t be nervous. It was just Sam. It was just a dance. Mom and I sat in the living room while I put the dark blue polish on my fingernails. Mom helped me get it on my toenails without smearing. I couldn’t keep the stupid grin off my face.

“I was curious,” Mom started. She seemed a little nervous and that made me nervous. “Do any of the kids at school have a problem with you and Sam being a couple?”

“Dan and a few of the other asshole jocks tried to give us shit one day. But Simon… You remember the big catcher on the softball team? He basically told Dan he’d rip off both of his balls if he spoke to us again.”

Mom frowned, but I could tell she was amused as well. “God, don’t hurt Dan again. His mother threatened to sue us until I pointed out her *little angel* was engaged in sexual harassment at the time you nut-checked him. Once she figured out he could get expelled for doing that, she dropped it.”

“I didn’t know she called.” I worried that I might have gotten myself in more trouble than I thought if Dan’s mother was calling around.

“It wasn’t important to tell you since she backed down, but that family is like a reality TV show. Don’t let him goad you or Sam into doing anything tonight.”

“I won’t,” I promised. “The softball team treats me like their little sister, especially Simon. I think he liked Sam until he figured out she was gay, but instead of being an asshole about it, he just became her good friend. They won’t let anything happen to us.”

“I was worried about that part of things. Being *out* was a lot harder when I was in school and college.”

Sam wasn’t the only *out* girl in school, but she was the only one I liked. The gay guys had a harder time than we did by a long shot, but I didn’t want to worry Mom more by telling her that.

She finished with my toes and I rested my heels on the coffee table while my nails dried fully. Sam had asked if I could stay in her room after the dance, but I wasn’t sure if Dad would let me. Mom flipped channels on the couch next to me, so I figured I’d give it a shot with her alone first.

“Hey, would be okay if I stayed with Sam after the dance? That way you guys wouldn’t have to come get me since Joe can’t go tonight.”

Mom rolled her eyes and tilted her head to look at me. “You know what we would say if you were dating a guy.”

“Yeah, but you let Sam stay over last weekend.” I gave her my cutest grin.

“Uh huh. And I also told you to keep it quiet up there.”

“We weren’t that loud.” I felt the heat burn right up my neck. “Were we?”

She gave me a blank look. “I had to keep your father distracted for about an hour. Not that I’m complaining.”

“Mom!” I couldn’t believe she just told me that.

“How did you think you and Joe got here?”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to hear about it.” The idea made me shiver. “Ugh!”

“And that’s how your father feels about someone being with you.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t considered that. It must be as gross for him as it had been for me listening to Joe was going through a *what’s-her-name* a week. “So does that mean I can stay with Sam?” I asked, still holding out hope.

“I’ll talk to your dad about it and let you know.”

“How about I pack an overnight bag just in case.”

Mom chuckled and shook her head. “Fine.”

After my nails were dry, I hopped upstairs to pack and dress. I put on thin, red cotton panties and matching bra. The red wasn’t a perfect match to the red squares on the gingham top, but it was close enough. My jeans were a touch too small, but they didn’t give me a muffin top so I wore them anyway. I put on the red top and tied it off under my bra.

Getting the boots on required laying back on the bed and pulling until straps nearly broke. My skinny jeans wouldn’t go on the outside of the old brown boots, so I tucked them inside.

I teased my hair out a little with a hair dryer, spraying to keep it from falling back into its usual straight blonde lines. I put on slightly more blush and eye shadow than I usually wore, but didn’t over do it. Sam and I had bought matching shades of red lipstick at the mall so we could kiss without anyone knowing from the mismatched smears of color.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I had to admit that Sam’s drawing was closer to reality than my own internal perspective. The pretty woman looking back at me from the mirror barely resembled the person I expected to see. I had breasts now that filled the cups of my bra. My stomach was flat and smooth. When I turned in the mirror, I had to admit my ass was working in those tight jeans.

“Holy shit!” I turned to find Joe staring at me with wide eyes. “Who the hell are you and what have you done with my kid sister?”

I jumped in his arms to hug him tight and kiss his cheek, leaving red lip prints behind. “Thanks.”

“You’ve gotta have fun for both of us tonight,” he said when I pulled back.

I smoothed away the mark of my lips with my thumb and smiled at his goofy embarrassed expression. “I wish you could go, too.”

“And I wish I hadn’t been a dumbass.” He shrugged and backed away. “Go get ’em, Steph.”

Dad did a double take when I walked down the stairs with my overnight bag. For a second I thought he was going to protest what I was wearing, but Mom had been there when we bought everything and had warned him about what we’d planned. He visibly swallowed and nodded, then grumbled, “You look great.”

For Dad, that was effusive praise. I gave him a quick hug while Mom got her purse and keys. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Let’s go,” Mom said as she walked to the door.

The drive to school seemed to take forever. My stomach was flipping over from the nerves. Mom must have picked up on my anxiety.

“It’ll be fine. You look wonderful.”

“I can’t believe I’m going to my first dance,” I laughed. “All these years I dreamed someone like Mark would take me and now I’m going with Sam.”

“Hey, that reminds me. Do you know what happened between Mark and Joe? I know we told Joe he couldn’t have friends over while he was grounded, but it seems like something else is going on. I don’t even see them speak to each other in passing anymore.”

I bit my tongue. Mark was probably picking up Lydia. Even though I knew it would never work out between us, it still burned me that he’d lied. “I don’t know, Mom. You’d have to ask him.”

“I figured I’d wait until after Joe wasn’t grounded anymore to see if things go back to normal first.”

Normal. Yeah, things hadn’t been normal for a couple of months. “Sounds like a good idea.”

“Do you know if Bethany is going tonight?”

“Not really. If she is, she’ll probably be going with Collen.”

Mom glanced at me as if my tone had given something away. “You don’t sound happy about that.”

“She’s being stupid and won’t listen to me.”

“Is she sleeping with him?” Mom whispered.

“Yeah,” I said, knowing it would get back to her Mom. I didn’t care.

Mom just took a deep breath as she turned into the school loop. “I didn’t mean to bring you down on your big night.”

“It’s okay. I’m not as nervous now,” I said and gave her a thin smile. “Thanks for everything.”

“Have fun,” Mom said as she pulled up to stop. “And you can stay here tonight, but I want you to call me when you go back to Sam’s room so I know you’re safe. And speaking of Sam…”

My door opened and I looked up to see Sam holding out her hand to help me out of the car. “Good evening, Misses Larson,” Sam said to Mom.

“Hi, Sam,” Mom said. “Have fun tonight, you two.”

Sam shut the door and Mom pulled away. When I turned, Sam was staring at me like I was a luscious scoop of ice cream. “You look amazing.”

She was wearing Mom’s boots, but otherwise looked like my darker, blue-banged twin. I gave her a quick kiss and said, “You do, too.”

“So you ready to cut a rug?” she said, affecting a southern twang as she picked up my overnight back without comment.

“Sho ’nuff, sugar pants,” I replied. “Let’s hoof it.”

Sam walked me into a lunch room that had been transformed into a country barn, complete with bales of hay and paper on the walls painted to look like rough cut wood. Country music blasted from the DJ’s speakers and a few brave couples were on the dance floor. Tables were set up around the room with centerpieces made of red ribbon, green pine needles, and battery powered tea lights which gave the dark room an intimate glow.

“Wow,” I said. “They went all out.”

“It was fun.” Sam tossed my overnight bag under a table near the dance floor. “Plus, it kept me from going crazy all afternoon.”

I realized then she’d been just as nervous as I’d been. “What part did you do?”

“I painted the walls. Simon helped me get that reddish-brown paper taped up, then I added streaks of red and black to make wood grain and knot holes.”

I squeezed her hand as she pulled me to the refreshments table. “They catered in barbeque. You’ve got to try the brisket.”

We nibbled as we wandered around talking to people. Some hadn’t heard we were going out, but I discovered it was fun to watch their reactions when I told them Sam was my girlfriend. We even took a few turns on the dance floor. I tried to let Sam lead, but she didn’t know what she was doing either. We ended up just swaying to the music.

While we were swaying together later in the evening, I caught Mark giving me a pained look over Lydia’s shoulder. I just shut my eyes and squeezed Sam tighter. She kissed my neck under my hair, which made me giggle. It also escaped the notice of the chaperones who would have broken us up if they’d seen.

“Would you stop staring at her?” I heard Lydia’s shrill voice cutting through the music. She was a trained singer after all, so it was no surprise she could make herself heard.

Sam pulled back to see what Lydia was yelling about. I opened my eyes to find Lydia and Mark squared off in the middle of the dance floor.

“I wasn’t staring at anyone,” Mark lied. I knew he was lying because I knew he’d been staring at me.

“I couldn’t see why you were so *fixated* on her, but I’m starting to figure it out.”

I tugged at Sam’s arm to lead her off the dance floor. “Is he the one?” she whispered in my ear as we went.

I really didn’t want to have that particular discussion in the middle of the school dance, but I wouldn’t lie to her. “Yes.”

“Your brother’s best friend?”

I just nodded as we got back to our seats. I took a big drink of my soda while Sam kept her eyes on the fight. Mark tried to calm Lydia and move her off the dance floor, but she wasn’t having it. Thankfully, the music drowned out their voices so I didn’t have to hear what she was saying about him or me. He must not have groveled enough, because she jerked her arm away from him and stalked towards our table.

Sam stood before Lydia could get close and raised her arms like she wasn’t going to let Lydia get past her.

“You can have him,” Lydia shouted over Sam’s shoulder at me.

“No thanks,” I said as I stood up and put my arms around Sam from behind. “I already have everything I want.”

“Whatever your problem is,” Sam growled, “It doesn’t involve us.”

Lydia looked like she wanted to say something else, but was thrown off by our response. She stormed off and hit the exit bar with both hands, making the door to the parking lot clank loudly.

Mark looked between me and Lydia, then ran to follow Lydia out the door. I had to admit a teeny-tiny part of me wanted him to pick me for once, even if I just turned him down afterwards. Sam pulled me back to our seats and kept her arm around my shoulders. It felt wonderful to be protected and accepted.

“Sorry,” I murmured to Sam.

“You didn’t do anything. *He* did.” Her face was clouded as she glared at the closed door they’d gone through. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really. I was stupid and naive to ever believe him. Talking about it would only ruin our night.” I glanced around and spotted the photographer was free for the first time since I’d arrived. “Let’s go get our picture taken!”

Sam grinned and pulled me to my feet. We skipped over to the set where other couples had been lined up all night to have their picture taken. They sat on a hay bale in front of a painted backdrop of a wooden fence and fields. The guy who was taking the pictures looked to be college age, but had a professional looking camera and large light defusers.

“Can you take our picture?” Sam asked with a big grin.

“Yeah, what are your names so I can tag you,” he said as he grabbed a tablet.

We gave our names together while trying to get comfortable on that scratchy bale of hay. Sam put her arm around my waist and hooked a finger in my belt loop. I leaned into her and smiled as the guy lined up the shot. Just before he took the picture, I turned and kissed Sam’s cheek, keeping my lips there until the shutter snapped.

That made the guy laugh and shake his head. “Go on and kiss her if you want to, I don’t care.”

I took that as permission and turned Sam in my arms. She had an odd look on her face as she studied my eyes. “You sure about this?” she asked.

“Why would I care?” I laughed and kissed her with as much passion as I felt. We held the pose as our lips moved against each other. The camera kept snapping until we parted from laughing too hard. None of the chaperones had noticed.

Sam touched my cheek with a broad grin. “Well, now it’s official.”

“What was it before?” I asked.

Sam thanked the photographer before answering with a wry smile. “A secret from my parents.”

I pulled her back to the dance floor. We clung to each other through the slow love songs. I pressed our breasts together and hummed the tunes in her ear. It felt so right in her arms. Sam squeezed me just as tightly until a fast song came on, then we made our way back to our table.

I had just taken a sip of my soda when I spotted Sophie headed our way with Dan following along wearing a sour look on his face. There was couple that was made for each other. I nudged Sam and indicated their approach with my chin.

“I see you couldn’t hang on to Mark either,” Sophie said with bitter bite.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The lie slipped out easily. She was a viper and I wouldn’t give her or Dan any more ammunition.

“I knew something was going on between you two.” Sophie glanced at Dan as if for support. He had his arms crossed and was frowning at Sam and I. “And Lydia confirmed it tonight.”

“Lydia?” I asked like I was confused. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not really into guys.”

“Well, he’s not much of a guy,” Sophie said with a roll of her eyes while Dan laughed like it was funny. I had to bite my tongue to keep from correcting her.

“Sophie, right?” Sam said as she jumped into the conversation at last. Sophie raised an eyebrow at her. “Look, I don’t care what you think you know or don’t know—”

Simon walked up at that moment and dropped a firm hand on Dan’s shoulder. “Dan, I believe we’ve talked about you bothering Sam and Steph before.”

“Fuck,” Dan muttered as he took Sophie’s arm and tried to pull her away.

“Last warning,” Simon said as he pushed Dan, but Sophie jerked her arm away.

“Who the hell do you think *you* are?” she yelled at Simon.

Simon was taller and wider than all of us. He looked down at Sophie with an amused smirk. “I’m the guy who’s gonna rip Dan’s balls off if you don’t leave my friends alone.”

Sophie looked like she had a mouthful of bees when Dan dragged her off.

“Thanks, Simon,” Sam chuckled as she clapped him on his shoulder. She turned to me. “On that note, how about we call it a night?”

When I nodded, she reached under the table for my overnight bag. We walked hand-in-hand to the stairwell that led up to her room. Despite the drama, I’d had a great time at the dance with Sam. As she led me upstairs, I felt the warmth building in my stomach.

“I had fun,” Sam said as she opened the door to her room.

“Me, too,” I said, feeling more nervous than I expected.

We didn’t have to sneak into her room this time because most of the staff had gone home or was chaperoning the dance. She dropped my overnight bag on the bed and began to untie her shirt with a sultry expression.

“I need to call Mom real quick,” I whispered and headed to her room phone. She kept undressing, never taking her eyes off me. She slipped her shirt off and dropped it to the floor, leaving her lace bra open for inspection. When Mom answered, I nearly forgot how to talk.

“Hello,” she said.

“We finished dancing and are up in Sam’s room.”

“Oh, we’re not finished by a long shot,” Sam whispered, but I think Mom heard her anyway.

“Uh-huh,” Mom said with a smile in her voice. “I’ll be by to get you around nine, so don’t stay up all night… *talking*.”

“Nine,” I repeated tonelessly as Sam’s bra dropped from her fingertips. Then she palmed her breasts and tweaked her nipples until they stood out.

“Yes, nine,” Mom chuckled. “Is Sam distracting you?”

I watched Sam unbutton her jeans with her lower lip pinched between her teeth. When she lowered the zipper, I saw she wasn’t wearing any underwear. “Yeah.”

“I’ll let you go, then. You girls have fun!” Mom was still chuckling when she hung up.

Sam toed off her boots before pushing her jeans down. For some reason, knowing she had been commando under her jeans all night had me ready to purr. While I raced to catch up, she came to help me with my buttons and zippers. We were grinning at each other the whole time.

“Wanna shower first?” she asked.

“No, I like you a little salty,” I said.

Her mouth wasn’t salty, but I could taste hints of her soda and barbeque sauce when my tongue slipped inside. She hummed and tasted me back while our nipples rubbed together. She was salty where I kissed my way to her earlobe. And when I sucked her soft skin into my mouth, her hands went down to pull my hips into hers. I felt the tickle of her soft hairs against my bare mons.

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” Sam whispered as she let me lick along her neck.

The words made me shiver in her arms. She gripped my hair to force my head back so she could lick my neck in return. The skin of my arms and legs broke into prickles as waves of pleasure rolled over my body. I couldn’t stop the whimper I made when she stopped to suck along my shoulder.

“You’re right,” she whispered against the wet skin. “I like it when you’re a little salty.” Then she pushed me back until I fell on her bed with a giggle.

“So come and have a taste.” I ran my fingertips up my opening thighs and slipped them through my wet slit.

“I think I will.” When she stepped close enough, she grabbed my hand and brought them up to her lips. Then she sucked my fingers while her eyes never left mine.

I gushed.

Before Sam climbed into the narrow bed with me, she opened the draw of her night stand. “Do you mind if I try something?” she asked with a nervous smile.

“I trust you,” I whispered as I turned to make room on the bed for us both.

She pulled out a pink wand with a rounded tip. When she slipped it between her lips to wet it, I knew what it was. “I’ve never used one of those before.”

“Finally, something I can teach you!” Sam giggled as she got into bed.

She sucked on it some more while I moved my legs open in preparation. I knew what Mark had felt like, but the pink wand was thinner and longer than he had been. I sat up on my elbows when Sam removed it from her mouth. The buzzing got louder as she moved the tip toward me. The first touch made me gasp.

“Oh my God,” I groaned as she penetrated me slowly. My eyes shut on their own as my head rolled back. It was cold and hard, but filled me up with a vibrating sensation that went up to my stomach. It pulled the heat from deep inside and brought me to the edge in an instant.

“Oh, I like fucking you,” Sam whispered as she moved the wand inside me.

I couldn’t move beyond the quivering that gripped me. She fucked me gently at first, then with firmer strokes. When she bent to take my nipple into her hot mouth, I cried out and pushed against her strokes. She probed deeper inside me and hit that magical spot with the blunt tip.

“There,” I gasped and gripped the sheets. “Right there.”

She moved up to kiss me as I reached the edge. Her mouth caught my scream as the buzzing toy pushed me over and held me there. I was lost in the kiss and orgasm for what seemed like hours. Then she eased it out of me and I sighed in relief as the orgasm passed as tremors.

“So?” Sam asked with an evil grin.

“I want one!”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5bdv69/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_24_ff


  1. Another great part. I am loving this series and can’t wait until the next part comes out. All of your stories are outstanding.

  2. I check this sub very often just for this one story… plz good sir keep going.

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