It’s Been A While [MF]

This is a story I wrote for my wife after the birth of our first child. More of a wish, than a fantasy.

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The past few months have been a whirlwind.

Like most, the holidays can get a bit hectic, but ours was more than most with the addition of our little one. The change of life came just before Thanksgiving, but you were ready, if not eager, to have some turkey. Then a lull before Christmas and New Year’s ramped up. Jumping from place to place, baby in tow, and low on sleep we made it though and had some great times with friends and family.

As the calendar turned over I tried to hide my selfish feelings, but the amount of time since I’d had you was growing and it was becoming more difficult. Still you were a loving wife and took the time to make sure I was pleased.

But now the playing field has been leveled. You went to your doctor’s and got the okay to start having fun again, and fun you shall have.

On your way home, you shot me a text letting me know how things went. Even though I was in a meeting at work, my cock twitched while reading the short text, just two words “green light.” I knew that meant I needed to be on my best behaviour tonight.

While I finished my work day, you prepared for the night ahead. You dropped off the baby and then took sometime to relax in the tub. Knowing what I liked and feeling a sense of graciousness you grabbed your razor and finished getting yourself ready.
As I left work, feeling a spring in my step and a tightness in my pants, I sent you a text letting you know I was headed home. Your heart jumped a bit as your phone beeped and you read the incoming message, “There in 20.”

My mind was all over the place on the drive home. Thinking of you and what a great mother you were becoming and how you were doing such a superb job of keeping me happy. I knew that I needed to repay you somehow and tonight was going to be a decent start.

I pulled into the garage and turned off the car, I took my time grabbing the mail and gathering my briefcase before I headed inside. As I opened the door and came in… nothing. You seemed to be no where. I called out as I normally do, but no reply.
I moved to the kitchen to clean out my lunchbox and there on the counter was a short note. It was written one of the many pieces of stationery that you love to purchase, but rarely use. As I read it I began to smell the soft notes of perfume you left on the paper.

>*You said this is what you wanted…*
>*So if that is true,*
>*meet me in the room.*
>*But before you come this way,*
>*know that you will do exactly as I say.*

As I place the note back on the counter, I know that I am about to turn myself over to you, but I am so excited and thankful that I get to give you this wonderful gift.

I almost run to the bedroom, but I slow myself down and merely jog to the hallway. There I find the closed bedroom door and another note.

>*Remove your clothes and knock before you enter.*
>*Be sure to keep your head down, for tonight you are my slave.*

My heart pounds and my cock gets harder as I read the words and begin to strip. I tap lightly on the door and await a response before I proceed.

I try earnestly not to look up, but as I near the edge of the bed, I steal a glance.

Your feet, covered in socks, not only to keep you warm but to lengthen the look of your smooth legs. A tiny skirt not hiding much, but enough for you to sit on as well as block my view. A tight top that clings to a tummy that many women would kill for after having a baby. Which leads to the mounds pushed up tight. A necklace is draped into the cleavage created, but I stop before I can look any further.

“Keep your eyes on the ground until I tell you otherwise.” You demand.

“Yes, mistress.” Is my only reply.

“You will do as you are told, is that clear?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Good. Now kneel.”

I do as I am asked and drop to the floor, keeping my eyes down and trying not to show how excited I am for tonight.
“Excellent, now let’s see what else we can get you to do.”

You move towards the middle of the bed, facing me, ”rub my feet.”

Not what I was hoping, but I do as commanded and work your tired soles. As I continue you begin to melt and relax, letting go of the tension you lay back and close your eyes. I steal this chance to peek at the final prize. As my eyes move up your legs, there under the fabric of your skirt I see what I hope will be my reward. Just barely visible your lovely wet slit, I can almost taste it as I start to leer.

I realize before it’s too late and return my attention to your feet. Moving my fingers up and around I try my best to release the strain and make you feel better.

As the tension releases you grow impatient with your plan. Finally you give in and demand what you really want.
“Fucking, EAT ME!” You almost scream as you grab my head and pull it towards you.

Your sweet smell and dripping pussy are a welcomed treat. I take my time and savor the sensation as you buck on the bed. After not to long you begin to get louder and dig in your fingers on the back of my head. I know what’s coming and it it soon will be you.

You whimper and moan and soon you don’t know what else to do. Then it starts building.

“Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.”

Finally, you give in, and in a sudden moment of utter bliss you lose all control and completely wipeout.

You are exhausted. Laying on the bed almost unable to move.

I am still kneeling, head near your heat and just taking you in. Enjoying the feeling of knowing I was finally able to give you what you needed.

After minutes of resting you finally come to. I can sense you are torn on what to do next. You lift your head slightly and speak down your body, “that will be all for now slave. Dress yourself in those” you point to a pile of my clothes, “we need to get going.”

I grab my clothes and begin to pull them on, taking every chance I get to sneak a peek at you as well. We both finally get dressed and hop in the car, as we head to the party I begin to wonder what else you have in store for the night.
We arrive and have a good time with friends and co-workers. As the night progresses we decide it’s time to run. So we say goodnight and return home.

As we get inside I help get you out of your coat and hang that in the closet. As I do, you lean in and kiss me and then whisper in my ear, “very kind tonight dear, you were such a good little slave. I think you deserve a little reward.” You say as you press your hand on to me.

You take your hand and lift my chin just a bit and meet my lips with your own.

There we stand kissing passionately. You run your hands through my hair and pull me in closer. You begin to move us towards the living room and soon we are there.

You break the kiss and begin to work up my chin and up to my ear, “would you like some dessert?”

I mutter, “mm, hmm.”

“Than return to your knees and have some.” You sit back on the couch and spread your legs for me.

I take my position and start in again. It almost tastes sweeter than before, certainly just as wet. Not long after your hand has returned to the back of my head, your breathing is fast and your moans are starting to grow.

“Mmm, yes. That’s right. Eat my pussy. Eat it baby.” Is all you can muster.

Soon your heart seems to quicken and your body just starts to shake. Another orgasm is upon you. You try your best to keep it at bay, but after a bit you just give in and melt in the feeling of letting go.

As you come down from your orgasm high, you release my head and lightly tap me.

“Go and pick up the kid, I am going to stay here and rest.”

“Whatever you say mistress.” I grab my coat and return to the cold night.

I return home and put our baby to sleep, doing my best not to wake her. After she is settled in, I enter the bedroom and return my attention to you.

You are already curled up under the blankets keeping yourself nice and warm. As you hear me enter the room, you coo, almost half asleep, “I hope you have what it takes to make it through round 3 or even 4.”

“You wish is my command, my mistress.” I whisper, not knowing where this is headed.

“Strip and come hither.” You hiss in the darkness.

Silently, I remove the clothes you picked out earlier and move to your side of the bed.

Your hand moves out and finds my growing member. You remark, “Excellent, this will do quite well.”

Before I can thank you, your lips have parted and I feel a warmth on my cock. As you hum in delight I can feel the vibrations. You pull your mouth off with a pop.

You move to all fours and turn around, giving me a show of your wonderful ass. Looking back over your shoulder you give me a warning.

“Get to work now slave, but if you cum before me there will be hell to pay.”

I know I won’t last but a minute or so, so I drop to my knees and start with my tongue and get you worked up. After a bit I know you are moving closer and closer, so you are begging in the lowest of tone, “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”
I return to my feet and do what I am told.

You pussy is wet and inviting, my cock has missed it so. I try to go slow and make sure you cum, but soon you are moving and bucking so hard that I know I won’t last long.

Just as I open my mouth to let you know, you begin to crescendo. As your pussy contracts, my cock gives way and my massive load goes deep into you. We are both out of breath and pretty well spent.

I remove my member and take a step back, as you collapse to your side on the bed. Still moaning and pulsing you reach your hand down and play with the liquid now dripping from you and look at your slave and simply say, “thank you.”
The rest of the night we slept and fucked. Any time you would I ask I would eat you out. We both tended to the baby between our hot sessions. The next morning we were both pretty tired, but as you left for your work we knew it was worth it and we longed for it again.


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