Pills, Part 4 [MFF][Bimbo][Light Sub/Dom]

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Pills, Part 4
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“Here, honey.” Rachel said as she handed my cum-soaked lover a clean white towel. “I hope you don’t mind, Jack. I found them in your bathroom while you two were – um – distracted. Here’s one for you, too.”

Rachel was offputtingly capable of maintaining eye contact as she handed me the cloth. My deep blue robe had been opened to provide my bimbo-fied girlfriend full access to my inflated cock, towering roughly a foot over my chiseled waist. An obscene amount of cum had been pumped from my heavy balls onto the couch, coating Ash with a pearlescent glaze in the process. Rachel had been binging on Crisps over the past two weeks, though, so I understood how she may had become desensitized to such lewd displays.

I did not have the same composure. Although I had just produced more cum than any man should be capable of, my dick refused to sag. The capstone of my shaft continued to ooze clear liquid, while my eyes darted between Ash cleaning her massive tits and her fat dripping lips. My mind raced with the endless ways I could use her now that she had become a submissive sex doll. My body was slowly becoming pressurized with the need to fuck and I simply couldn’t seem to snap out it.

“I found your stash. Again, I hope you don’t mind. Here’s a white Crisp, but only give it a little lick. You’ll maintain your changes, but it’ll take the edge off long enough to give me a proper goodbye.” Rachel said as she handed me the small white disc. Ash had told me that the white pills would reverse the changes, but Rachel seemed privy to the subtleties of the drugs. I wanted to thank her, but my lips only wanted to lock themselves around Ash’s plump, heart-shaped nipples.

I clenched my eyes, attempting to focus and regain some control before bringing the white pill to my mouth. I swiftly licked the flat side and reached it back to Rachel. A calmness washed over me and my body immediately relaxed, subsiding my lust just enough for me to focus. “What about Ash?” I asked as I handed the white Crisp back to Rachel.

She retrieved the pill from me and began to open her mouth in response, but closed it back after a brief pause. She looked me in the eyes and lowered her brow before opening it again. “She seems pretty preoccupied.”

Ash was busy running her towel across her breast, her discarded pink robe sitting around her. She soaked up my cum until the cloth was saturated and sucked the fibers dry before moving to the next. “She won’t really pay attention to us until we direct her by name, anyway. Ash, move into that corner and clean yourself up for me. I want a hug before I leave!” Rachel said, snapping her fingers and pointing to a corner of the living room.

“Yes, ma’am. Ashie’s all dirty.” Ash replied before crawling where directed, swaying her plump, grippable ass as she went.

Rachel looked back at me and reached out her hand. “Let me help you up.”

I raised my arm and she gripped my sweaty hand. I pulled and tensed, trying to raise myself without bending my waist to prevent my dripping cock from wetting my chest. Rachel wasn’t prepared for my strength and stumbled, falling over onto the couch and myself. Her waist crashed into the armrest as her left hand caught my chest, while the other instinctively held the shaft of my dick to slow her fall. A small shot of precum ejected toward us, landing mostly in her hair.

“Owww…” She said as she raised her head to look at me, mere inches away. “I bet you wanted that to happen, you drugged-up perv!” Her eyes locked with mine through her thick black glasses. She wanted to say something. Instead, we stared at each other for nearly a minute. When my shaft began to bob with my racing heart, she released her grasp. “Think it’s time I should leave.” She said, shifting her weight off of me.

“Yea, guess you’re right.” I replied as I rose up off the couch, tying my robe around my erect cock to keep it tucked up against my stomach. Rachel dashed straight to the bathroom, while I glanced over to the corner where she had placed Ashley. She was staring at me with a luscious pout. “Master, can Ashie clean the couch now? The corner is nice, too, but there’s so much yummy cum just, like, sitting there!”

“Um – yea – Go ahead, babe.” I stammered. She immediately crawled toward the couch to lap at the juices, wagging her ass as she slurped up the my ejaculate.

I heard a cabinet open and close before Rachel came back through the hallway, holding a fresh rag to her head. “Well, as a parting gift, I brought you guys some things to spice up your adventures.” She said as she rubbed at her scalp, cleaning it of my pre-cum. Rachel walked toward her leather tote bag and carried it over the couch before dropping it beside Ash’s head.

Ash propped up to her knees, licking her lips clean. “Oooo, what’s in there?” She said, placing her hands on her thighs and smiling up at Rachel. Her arms squeezed her impossibly large tits together to form a deep cleavage, framed by her heart-shaped nipples. They were already starting to leak again, forming small droplets at the tips of her teats.

“I’ve got some fun toys for you, hun!” Rachel said as she dug through the bag’s contents. She was speaking to Ash as if she was a child. I supposed that may be the only way to actually talk to her without her assuming it was an order. “Don’t worry, they’ve all been sanitized.” She said, looking back to me as she pulled two large silver rings out of the bag. “Most of these are for Ashley, but this is for you, Jack.”

Rachel handed me the thick steel bands, cold to the touch. “They’re cock rings. Some guys think they make you cum harder, but I think it’s more of an ego thing. Guys don’t get to wear something sexy and shiny very often. One is for your sack and one is for the base of your shaft. Try them on!” She said as she turned back toward her tote, Ash bouncing lightly on her knees in anticipation.

I rolled the rings in my hand. They were huge and heavy, looking more like bracelets than cock rings. The heft of my dick opened my robe as I untied the waistline. I reached down under the base of my shaft to affix one of the bands to my sack, but what I felt wasn’t as expected. They had grown again.

“Holy shit.” I said, cupping my baseball sized testicles. “How the fuck did I not notice that? No wonder I came so much!”

Rachel flipped around and followed my gaze, then laughed so hard I could see tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry – I’m sorry – The look on your face is just priceless! Those are the biggest balls I’ve ever seen! Seriously, I’ve seen other guys take blue and yellow Crisps and those are just huge. Ash won’t even be able to fit those in her mouth!” She said, trying to cover her giggling smile with her hands.

“I know, right? How am I even supposed to walk properly with these things?” I said, beginning to laugh myself. I tried taking a few steps, but my engorged testicles forced me to either make wide, sweeping motions or squeeze my legs together to rest them on my thighs. “Well, Ash, I hope your hungry because I’m practically a cum fountain at this point.”

“Yay! Master, I’ll drink aaallll the yummy cum you can make!” Ash said with an excited smile. Her gaze was locked onto my heavy sack as I forced them through the silver band. The ring was just big enough to fit one of my cartoonishly large balls at a time and, within a moment, the silver cock ring hugged the root of my scrotum. It made them more manageable, locking them in place. I could already tell that walking would be much easier with it on.

“That suits you really well, Jack. I might have to let you keep those.” Rachel said as she pulled another object from the bag. “This one is for you, hun.” She held a large pink bulb in her hand, capped with a wide rose-colored jewel at it’s base. Rachel looked back to me. “The pink Crisps don’t make anal any easier, but they do make it more pleasurable. Regardless, there’s no way Ash can take that monster of yours. This is to keep you from trying, but also so she can still get the full pink Crisp experience.”

“And it’s so, like, shiny and stuff! And I bet that would feel sooooo good.” Ash said with a purr.

“Yes it will my little Ashie!” Rachel said gleefully, turning around to dive back into her tote. As she did, I lifted my cock to slide the second ring down my shaft, but my girth was slightly larger than the ring allowed. Thinking quickly, I remembered that the yellow Crisp had changed Ash’s saliva into a thick lubricant.

“Ash, come over here and lube up my cock so I can get this think onto me.” I commanded.

“Oh god, YES, Master! I thought you’d never ask.” Ash replied as she quickly crawled over to me.

“Wait!” Rachel yelled. “This is the last thing I have for you, then I can leave and you guys can do your thing.” She held what appeared to be a pair of dangling earrings, except they had suction cups instead of hooks. Each had a pink-tinted glass ball hanging from them, connected by a thin tube. “These are for her breasts. They’re going to leak constantly now, so these are to let you know when it’s time for her to be milked. When the vial is full, so are her tits. You can just use these for most of the night, but she’ll eventually need the real thing.” She said as she kneeled down to Ashley. “Here, hun, let me put these on you.” Ashley made two small yelps as Rachel latched the suction cups onto her leaking nipples.

“Okay, that’s all I’ve got. Ash, go ahead and lube up your man’s cock like he told you.” Rachel said as Ash dove to the base of my shaft, wrapping her cocksuckers around the side. “And you behave, stud. Don’t get too forceful with her.” She said as she picked up her tote, tossed Ash’s buttplug onto the couch, and headed for the front door. “Have fun, you two.”

“Wait!” I yelled. I don’t remember what made me say it, but I knew that I had to stop her. “What did you want to say – when you fell over on me and we had that silent moment – then again when I asked you why you didn’t want to give Ash some of the white pill – you wanted to say something. What was it?”

Rachel stopped dead in her tracks, staring at me through her thick black glasses. Her eyes wandered down to my waist, watching Ash sloppily run her fat lips up and down the side of my shaft. “I thought this would be a good time to tell you something, since Ash isn’t even listening. You two are always together and I didn’t think it would be appropriate to say over text. It’s just…” She crossed her arms and stared at the ceiling. I could tell she wanted to say something important and heartfelt, but the feeling of Ash’s lubricated lips loudly lapping at my shaft was overwhelming my ability to pay attention.

“It sounds like this is something you should really tell me. Seriously, get it off your chest.” I said, gritting my teeth in an attempt to be coherent.

Rachel looked back at me and smiled. “It’s silly, really. I just – I just had this crush on you when we were roommates. It was just a crush. Only a stupid little crush. But then it became a big crush – a massive crush. I thought I could just make it go away by taking a bunch of Crisps and getting all this pent up energy out of my system, but it didn’t help. That’s why I’ve been binging on them lately; I just thought that eventually I could go back to normal.”

I was stunned. “You like me?”

She stared for a moment, contemplating what to say. “Yes. I do. I really really do. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because you’re dating my best friend and the fact that I love both of you makes it… complicated. I want both of you to be happy and I can tell you provide that for each other. I feel like telling you al of this is selfish because it could just get between all of us, and I don’t want that.” She said, tears welling in her eyes.

“Rachel, it’s okay. I’m glad you told me. This has to be hard for you.”

“It is… but I should go. I feel a little better about it, thanks for making me get that out.” Rachel said as she slowly opened the door.

“Wait – wait – I have an idea. You should join us.” I said without thinking. I immediately regretted it. I felt like an idiot, thinking of ways to reverse it somehow.

“Jack, no. You’re just very, very horny. You don’t know what you’re saying.” Rachel said with a sigh. My body was taking over and speaking for me. I knew it could be a very bad idea, but imagining Ash and Rachel on the floor sucking my dick in unison was all it took to change my mind.

“Seriously, I think this is what you need. It’s just sex. It may get it out of your system for good.” I looked down at Ash and grabbed her golden mane by the roots, gently pulling her off of my cock. Her eyes were closed and mouth agape, trailing a rope of drool from my shaft. She was in heaven. “Ash, do you want Rachel to stay and fuck around with us? Answer truthfully.”

Her brow pursed and mouth closed, taking a deep breath through her cute button nose. “Ohhhh, uhm…” Ash took a moment to think, humming lightly through her plump lips. “Yes, Master, I think that would be fun.”

I smiled and looked back to Rachel. “See? Ash wants you here, too.”

“She’s just saying that. She’s out of it, can’t you see? However, you did tell her to answer truthfully… She has to really think that on some level for her to be able to say it.” Rachel said with crossed arms. “Ashley, hey, I want you to be completely honest with me. Tell me why you want me to stay.”

Ash responded immediately. “Ashie’s always, like, thought about having sexy times with a girl. Ashie likes boys, but it still sounds really fun, you know? Ashie wants her first time to be with someone she trusts. If Madame wants to fuck Master then, like, everyone gets what they want!”

I loosened my grip on Ash’s hair as Rachel and I looked back at one another, jaws fallen to the floor. “…oh.” we said in unison.

Rachel broke the tension with a short laugh. “Well, uh, I guess that settles it!” She said as she dropped her tote to the floor and Ash returned to work on my liberally lubricated shaft. Rachel walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Let me go get prepared. Mind if I pick out my own Crisps? Any preferences?”

“Yea, sure, knock yourself out. As for preferences, I don’t know what the other colors even do, so I say dealers choice. It’s going to be an hour before they kick in, though, so do you want to wait in here and watch or just chill in the bedroom?” I replied, placing my hand on her waist. My mind raced with the possibilities this opened up. I had never had a threesome before and was surprised by how confident I was about it.

“Oh, no no no. I’m going to use the black Crisp to speed things along. Never take those, by the way. I warned Ash about it, but it sounds like she didn’t pass that along.” Rachel’s face suddenly grew stern and forboding, looking up at me with a sense of authority. “You’re only supposed to lick the black ones to make the changes of the other Crisps more immediate, and taking half doubles how long they affect you. Now, I’ve never seen this happen, but I’ve heard that taking the whole thing makes everything permanent. So, yea, don’t do that.” She said, pulling her hand back and walking toward the bedroom. “And you should put on that fucking cock ring!”

“Oh, I forgot.” I said, looking down at my obedient girlfriend, lips locked onto the underbelly of my glistening shaft as she sensually traveled it’s length. “Ash, put this on me.” I said as I handed her the heavy silver band.

She made a slurping sound as she detached from me. “Yes, Master. You’re going to look so, like, frickin’ hot with both of these on!” She cooed as she slipped the ring past my swollen head. Ash’s oral lubricant had made things much easier. Ash pushed the band slowly down my thick rod before finally reaching the base. The tightness of the cock ring shot a quiver down my spine, sending images of Ash riding my cock through my vision. Rachel was right, I doubted that these would make me cum harder, but I definitely had a dominant ego boost from wearing them.

Rachel jogged back into the living room, bouncing with excitement. “Okay, I’m going to take half of a pink and half of a yellow Crisp for now. You’re eyes have been locked on Ash’s lips and tits, so I figured we should just get straight to that. This should give me all the physical changes with just a taste of the mental. Don’t worry, I wont be nearly as submissive.” Rachel said quickly before tossing the pills into her mouth. “And noooow for the show!” She brought the black Crisp to her mouth and licked it lightly before placing it onto the kitchen counter.

“How long until it kicks in?” I asked.

“Not long at all. Should be any minute now.” Rachel replied as she pulled her top upwards, revealing her figure. Rachel was not as fit as Ash. Her tummy wasn’t as tight and her plump ass rose to her waistline with perfectly grippable handles. As her shirt rose over her burgundy head, the large black cups of her bra contrasted with the paleness of her skin. She looked at me as she threw her shirt onto the couch, but I didn’t notice. She smiled and reached for her back, unlatching her bra and letting it fall to the floor. “Guess you have a right to stare now, stud.”

Her breasts were already the size of Ash’s, but hung slightly further down. Her nipples were wide and dark against the white flesh. She raised a hand to the back of my neck. “Come here, let’s break down some barriers. I don’t want you holding back tonight.” She said as she pulled me down to her face, locking our open lips. Her tongue snaked along mine, reeling me in. Her saliva was becoming silky smooth, just like Ash’s had, and she began to moan as our embrace became more intense.

I felt a soft grip on the upper length of my shaft, then a warm wetness press against the tip of my dick. As Rachel dropped one hand to her tight black pants to begin lowering them, I managed to look towards my front to see Ashley tenderly making out with my cock as she toyed with her pussy. Using both hands, Rachel pushed me up to look me in the eyes. “I’ve loved you for a long time, Jack. I’m so happy to finally have the chance to show you.” Her lips were already beginning to swell and her short dark hair was streaking with a bright red.

Ash continued to sloppily kiss my swollen head and rub her stiff gumball-sized clit, while Rachel moved herself in front of me. She pulled me back into a kiss as she lowered a hand to my shaft to slowly stroke me. I could feel pre-cum streaming into Ash’s hungry mouth as Rachel’s tongue danced with mine. I could feel her lips inflating and tightening. I lowered one hand to her waist and the dragged the other along her stomach. She was slimming down, becoming more tight and fit. I cupped her pussy and moved in small circles through the dampness of her yoga pants as she tenderly moaned into my mouth.

Rachel pushed me up again with a deep breath. “God this stuff is, like, acting fast. I feel so ditzy already. All I want is you to call me a slut and fuck me from behind.” The pitch of her voice was rising to the level of Ashley’s, developing a lisp from her inflated lips. My engorged balls ached with the need to unload their reserves and my body forced a needy groan through my throat. Rachel’s breasts pressed against my upper abs as they swelled and rounded; her nipples transitioned into a deep rose color as they lengthened, surrounded by heart-shaped areola’s.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed release and I wanted Rachel to give it to me. “Bed. Now. Ashley, put your head to the ground and spread your ass wide.” I ordered without even thinking.

“Mmm, you better use that attitude in the bedroom, sir.” Rachel said as she briskly walked away through the hall.

Ash opened her eyes and looked at me with a wicked grin. “Yes, Master. Are you going to fuck your little bimbo girlfriend?” She groaned as I walked to the couch, retrieving the pink buttplug Rachel had brought.

“No, right now I want to fuck Rachel, but if you be a good girl you’ll get to drink my cum when I’m done.” I said as I kneeled behind her.

“Yes, Master, Ashie understands. Thank you for promising me your yummy cum.” She said as her face pressed into the carpet.

Her plump, tight ass was enticing, though. I nearly lost my bearings and began to fuck her soaked pussy, then and there. Regaining my composure, I raised the large pink bulb to her soaking lips. She moaned and shook as I coated the toy with her juices. I actually felt a bit bad for not giving her what she so desperately needed. She reached back and spread her perfectly round cheeks before I placed the tip of the bulb against her pink asshole.

“Ohhhhh wow, Master. That feels almost as good as my little pussy. Give it to me, Master, please? I really really want it.” Ashley said with a high, breathy moan. I pushed against the large rose jewel, slipping the bulb slowly into her as her grip tightened. Once the larger section made it through, her body sucked it inward to lock the glittering stone between her cheeks. Ash took in a deep sigh as she lowered her hands to the ground and swayed her ass left and right in front of me. “Do I look pretty, Master? Ashie wants to be the prettiest little sex doll for you.”

“Yes, you look amazing, babe. Now get into the bedroom.” I said as I smacked her ass. She rose without a word and walked through the hall, presenting her buttplug jewel with a sensuous sway. I sat firmly in my place until she was out of view, entranced by the sight. I had to take a moment to take it all in. What we were about to do boggled my mind, but I was energized with excitement. I took a few deep breaths, then followed my lover into our bedroom.

Walking through the door, I saw Rachel sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs spread open and hands planted wide behind her. Ashley sat on her knees with her head pressed into Rachel’s pussy, bobbing up and down as she made wet lapping sounds. Soft moans dripped from Rachel’s swollen mouth as she looked back at me. She put a hand on Ash’s forehead and pushed her back. “Oh, I’m sorry! She asked me if I needed anything and she’s just so frickin hot. All I could say was ‘Well, I need those lips on my pussy, like, right now.’ and she just started doing it!”

“It’s okay. Let her keep going.” I said, walking over to them. I planted my feet around Ashley to present my leaking, swollen head to Rachel. “Suck my cock. Now.”

“Fuck. Yes.” She said as she released Ash’s head, allowing her to get back to work. Rachel raised both hands to my shaft and began stroking me. “Talk dirty to me. Call me a cumslut.” She said as her plump lips wrapped around the tip of my cock.

Ash and I never really talked dirty, but the words seem to flow out of me. “You’re a worthless little cumslut and that’s how I’m going to treat you. I’m going to fuck you over this bed while Ash watches and when I’m done I’m going to pump my load down her throat. You’ll be lucky to get a drop.” I said as I gripped her bright red hair and pulled until I could feel my cock press against the back of her throat. She moaned loudly against my shaft and grabbed at my thighs before I released my grasp.

Rachel pulled my cock from her mouth and looked up at me, gritting her teeth. “Oh god. Fuck yes. Use my mouth and pussy until you explode, sir.” She groaned. The sounds of Ash lapping at her pussy were becoming fast and aggressive. She toyed with her own slit with one hand while kneading Rachel’s huge tit with the other.

“Ash, get on the bed and lay on your back with your head toward me. Rachel, bend over top of her. I’m going to fuck you from behind while you milk each other’s tits.” I ordered. Both girls made mousy moans before getting into position. Rachel rose from the bed and hugged me tight while continuing to stroke my shaft while Ashley got onto the bed.

“Oh. My. God. Ma’am, your slitty tastes, like, sooooo good! Not as good as Master’s cum, but I really really want some more later, please. Did I do a good job? I’ve never done that before.” Ash said as she licked Rachel’s juices from her fat lips. “I can’t wait to see how your milk tastes!”

Rachel released me from her grasp and turned to Ashley. “You did a very good job, hun. Now do as your man says.”

Rachel helped Ashley lay down as I had told her and bent over top of her, spreading her legs to reveal her perfectly round ass and soaking slit. “I’m ready, sir. Use your cumslut until you’re satisfied.” She said as she swayed her creamy white ass in front of me.

“Fuck yes, Rachel. I still can’t believe we’re doing this. It doesn’t seem real.” I said as I placed my hand on the small of her back. I moved my other hand to her slit and dragged my fingers along her dripping wet lips. Her clit had grown, just like Ashley’s. Rachel made a deep gasp and moaned softly as she lowered herself down over Ash. Her massive tits hung over Ash, brushing her right nipple over her swollen lips. I could hear Ash latch on and slowly draw a steady stream as she groaned from the delicious taste.

I leaned back and placed the head of my engorged cock against the heat of Rachel’s slit. She lowered herself further and removed the vials from Ash’s nipples with her teeth before wrapping her lips around Ash’s leaking teat. I pushed forward, allowing Rachel’s pussy to swallow the tip of my cock as she gripped the sheets with weak moan.

My waist began to slowly gyrate back and forth as I continued into her. I moved my hands to her ass, spreading them to watch my wide shaft enter her. “Does my little cumslut like to be fucked? Tell me you want my entire dick inside you. No, beg. I want to hear you beg for it.” I groaned as I released one of her cheeks from my grasp before smacking it with an open palm.

Rachel lifted her head from Ashley’s milky tits and looked back at me. Her face was coated with a red blush and a trickle of milk ran from her plump lower lip. “Oh fuck. Yes, sir, I want you. All of you. Please, I need to be your cumslut. I need your huge cock inside of me. Oh god, I want it so much it hurts. Please, sir, give it to me.”

My dick stiffened inside of her and I pressed forward slowly until the steel band of my cock ring was the only thing between us. She closed her eyes and groaned before returning to milk my girlfriend. Ash had lowered her hand to rub her slit while the other gripped at Rachel’s scalp. I gripped her wide hips and held her in place as I fucked her. I felt like I was losing control as instinct drove my body.

I needed to fuck her harder. My body demanded that I use her roughly and I let it take over. My motions became more grand and forceful. My hips audibly clapped against her ass as I drove my cock into her with the rhythm of my heart. Rachel’s muffled moans grew louder and louder and her pussy began to quiver along my length. I could tell she was getting close, but I wasn’t done with her. I moved her hips back and forth with my motions until my heavy sack began to tighten.

I drove my cock deep inside of her, pressing my waist against her pillowy ass. Rachel’s head rose with a moan. “Fffffuck yes. Fuck my deep, Jack. That’s goign to make me cum!” She said as she pressed into me and swayed her ass against the base of my shaft. I picked up my motions and did as I was told. I fucked her until her body shook and her pussy twitched tightly along my shaft. Rachel gripped the sheets and released a guttural groan. “Ohhhh fuck. Jack, I’m coming! Keep going! Fuck your little slut. Fuck me!”

Rachel moaned loudly as I drove my cock back and forth deep into her slit. Her orgasm had to have lasted for nearly a minute. My balls tensed against the metal band around them and I felt like I was going to explode. I slid myself out of her as quickly as I could while my cock spasmed, preparing to release my seed. I let go of Rachel’s hips as her body relaxed and shoved her to the side, revealing my lover underneath.

Rachel panted and moaned as I quickly pulled Ash toward me, hanging her head over the side of the bed. Ash’s vacant expression flashed into wide-eyed excitement. She opened her mouth to say something, but I had to work fast. I plugged her mouth with the tip of my cock and pushed until I felt the resistance of her throat, then I pressed harder. Her muscles relaxed and her lips tightened against my shaft, allowing me to plunge my dick further inside her. My hands gripped Ashley’s milky tits as I forced her nose into my swollen sack. Her lips bounced against my cock rings as I fucked her, while she rubbed her clit with a quickening pace.

My engorged balls tightened forced their contents up my shaft. I could feel my seed surge out of my thick head and coat her throat as her body tensed with a stifled groan. My vision blurred as my orgasm consumed me and my scrotum clenched to release a hefty load load into my girlfriend’s hungry mouth. My overwhelming orgasm began to subside and my motions slowed, but Ashley continued to bob her head and contract her lips to drain all she could. I pulled back slowly to withdraw my cock from the tight seal of her cock suckers as I she slurped at it’s length.

Her moans became much more clear once my head left the entrance of her throat. I continued to pull until I exited the vacuum of her mouth with a ‘POP’ and ropes of cum trailed across her face.

Ashley panted and groaned before recovering enough energy to speak. “Ohhh god, Master, that was amaaaazing. I felt so close to you and you made so… much… cum! Thank youuu…” As her mousy voice faltered, Rachel had bent over her and raised her head from the side of the bed. Without a word, she locked my lover’s lips with her own and snaked her tongue into her cum-soaked mouth.

As I watched them fight for my seed with sultry kisses, a final shot erupted from my cock. The thick rope coated both of their faces and sent them into a sexual frenzy. They grabbed each others tits and pressed into each other as their kissing became more aggressive. My legs shook as I wondered what more was to come of tonight. What do they have in mind for the night and, more importantly, what else could I make them do?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5akeod/pills_part_4_mffbimbolight_subdom


  1. Dude yes! Having Rachel join definitely was very yum! Can’t wait for more!

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