Hunted [fm] [primal/prey] [Mdom] [Fsub] [reluc]

“Are you ready, trouble?”

Your hot breath burned over my skin, making me shiver with anticipation. I couldn’t help the smile that grew across my face as I bounced on the balls of my feet, eager to get moving while you stood behind me, hands on my sides.

I felt you grin against my neck as you sensed my anticipation, and you ran your hands gently from my waist down to my hips, squeezing them. The touch was gentle, but held meaning, reminding me of how strong you were; How much bigger you were compared to my small frame.

“Don’t forget to look behind you” you teased, a smile in your voice.

I ignored you as I stared out into the darkness, my eyes memorizing the patterns of the trees in front of me, my heart beat picking up with every second that passed.

Finally, you released me. Stepping away from where you’d been pressed up against my back, you dropped your hands from my sides, and I took my first step toward the beckoning forest. Taking a deep breath, I broke into a sprint, darting into the trees as my pounding heart echoed in my ears.

I faintly heard you chuckle as I left the clearing, and it fueled the anger starting to grow in my belly.

God, you’d been such as asshole today. Purposefully winding me up just for this. Well, now it was my turn. I gritted my teeth in determination as my muscles started to burn, and slowed to a pace I could maintain as I continued to scan the dense growth, searching for an advantage I could use.

The night was dark and humid, and my shirt was already sticky with sweat. Insects cried all around me, and sound of my sneakers hitting the damp earth became quieter as I balanced myself out. I was now jogging lithely, all senses on edge.

The adrenaline and anger coursing through me started to give way to nerves as I realised you’d be after me by now. I could picture you, moving gracefully through the forest in your tracks and hoodie, like a panther on the prowl. A wolf on the hunt. The image made my step falter, and I slowed to a stop, panting into the cold air.

A twig snapped behind me, and my heart flew into my throat.

No, not already…

I pressed myself up against a tree, taking comfort from its size and strength. I closed my eyes, listening as hard as I could past my pounding chest. Goddamit, you were always so fucking silent. Like when you thought it would be funny to sneak up behind me while I was doing my mascara this morning.


I couldn’t hear anything, so I risked moving onwards. Lifting my weight onto the balls of my feet, I crept from tree to tree. I was still panting, but not from exertion now, and I was starting to feel a chill creep over me despite the warm night.

A rustle to my left, and I span, eyes scanning the darkness desperately. Goosebumps rose along my arms, and I knew you were close.

I could do nothing now but slowly turn on the spot, trying to slow my breathing as my nerves got the better of me.

A sudden arm around my chest, and I cried out as you pressed your favourite switchblade to my throat.

“Be quiet” a familiar voice hissed into my ear, before a knee connected with the back of mine. I fell roughly to me knees, and you released me, allowing me to turn and face my attacker.

This was the part I’d looked forward too. And with you stood over me smirking, my fear gave way to rage.

“Fuck you!” I spat, letting my anger from today spill out of me.

You threw your head back and laughed at me, clearly enjoying every second of this. I saw red.

“Fuck you, you fucking bastard!” I snarled, and stumbled back to my feet. You let me, we both knew there was no way I could run from you.

“You were a complete fucking jerk, ALL day, just for this?” I gestured around me at the dark forest. You didn’t respond, simply stood there smirking widely at me, arms hanging relaxed at your sides. Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I shook in anger. I closed the gap between us and placed both palms against your chest, pushing you as hard as I could. You stepped back to steady yourself, and grabbed my wrists so tightly it hurt. But I wasn’t about to admit that.
I struggled against your iron grip, snarling like a wild cat.

“Let. Me. GO!”

You suddenly pushed me, letting go of my wrists. I fell into the dirt at your feet, my head connecting with a fallen branch. I blinked as my vision came back to me, and suddenly you were over me. Wrapping a hand around my throat, you rolled me onto my back before I could recover and forced yourself between my thighs. The switchblade was again at my throat, much tighter this time, as your hand moved down to squeeze my breast painfully. I cried out, and you back handed me across the face.

“I said be quiet” you snarled, as I felt blood drip from a split in my lip. I gasped in pain as you reached down, wiping the blood away with your thumb. The dark hunger in your eyes grew, and I could see the wolf awaken. My rage renewed, fueled by the sting left by your slap. While you were distracted, I lifted an arm up and elbowed you in the gut. You gasped in pain and bent over slightly, and I followed up with a punch to the face.

Being on the ground, I had very little power behind my fist, but your head snapped back nonetheless and you hissed as blood dripped from your nose.

I smiled at my small victory.

“Fuck you, you fucking sick bastard” I spat, struggling wildly beneath you as you reached up to wipe away the blood.

But, as always, you quickly recovered.

A punch to my stomach, quick and blunt. I groaned, wrapping my arms around my gut, my back arching in pain. You moaned at my reaction, and sat up, pulling my trackpants down before I could protest.

“Stop it. STOP!” I yelled at you, renewing my struggles as you slid your own pants down. A quick hand wrapped around my throat again, squeezing harshly. I gasped as air left me, scratching at your arm as black dots scattered my vision.
Finally, you let go, and hopped off of me, rolling me onto my stomach. I choked on the rush of welcome air as my eyes gained focus. Before I could struggle, you had a handful of my hair, tilting my head back painfully so you could see my face.

I whimpered, and fresh tears fell down my cheeks. I knew how much you enjoyed them, and bit my lip in an attempt to stop them from falling.
You bent down so that your mouth was by my ear.

“Don’t lie, trouble. We both know just how wet you are” you whispered, before sinking your teeth into my neck.

I gasped, and what I would like to say was a groan of pain left my lips.

But it wasn’t. It was a moan of lust. And we both knew it.


I felt your cock against the lips of my pussy, but you didn’t waste time.

In one smooth motion, you were inside me. All of you. My hands fisted in the dirt as you stretched me open, and you released my hair, moving your hand to press on my cheek, forcing my face into the damp forest bed.

You started to move inside me. Rough, quick thrusts that made me tense up.
I tried to stop myself, I really did. I bit my tongue for as long as I could.
But I wouldn’t last long, we were both certain of that.

You leant on my lower back, hands on my waist, as you forced your way into my embarrassingly wet pussy.

I started to lose it, and my gasps from every thrust turned into moans of ecstasy.

You picked up pace as you felt me tighten around you, wasting no time in drawing an orgasm from my battered body.

Tears came once again with the rush of bliss, and I sobbed as the wave of pleasure racked my body.

I hated you. I hated myself.

And I loved this.

You didn’t pause as I came, driving onwards towards your own release.

It didn’t take long. We were both covered in dirt, sweat and blood, and the wolf inside you growled its pleasure as you filled me with your come.

Finally, you pulled out, laying down beside me in the dirt. You tucked my small frame into yours, and held me as the sobs subsided.

I rolled over to face you once I was ready, and your eyes were no longer filled with animalistic lust.

They were filled with love.

“You” you said quietly, kissing me on the forehead despite the dirt I was covered in.

“are trouble”.


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