Best orgasm description

Hey! I’m thinking about trying my hand at writing some erotic fiction, but I’m concerned about orgasm descriptions reading in a tacky way. Can anyone suggest some great ones they’ve seen, and maybe some to steer clear of? Thanks in advance!


1 comment

  1. If you steer clear of ‘tumescent member’ you should be fine.

    Seriously though, don’t just describe the physics of what is happening, describe the sensations too. If I had to put a figure on it, I’d say less than 50% should be the physical aspect (eg. spurting fluids).

    When it comes to describing sensations, for the love of God, don’t say it felt good/great/amazing/fantastic/orgasmic. Say what it felt *like*. Be descriptive.

    With the physical descriptions, yes mention spurting fluids, but don’t forget the other physical symptoms of climax, taut muscles, arched backs, wordless cries, trembling knees. Its easy to overdo that stuff though. Limit yourself to one use if either trembling or quivering per story. Maximum.

    Good luck.

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