A Hospital Fantasy [FM][Anal]

I leave Ward 305, smiling at the nurse as he passes me. My boyfriend is in hospital, healing from the ass-kicking he got, so I figured I’d drive over and improve his mood. The best way to do this, obviously, is to wear a pale lavender coat over a thin, white blouse that does nothing to hide my nipples, and a red miniskirt, short enough to reveal the hint of my stocking tops. Of course, tall heels too. As soon as all the staff were gone, my coat was off and I was stroking his cock under the blankets, but we were interrupted by other visitors before we could get anywhere, and after fifteen frustrating minutes I decide to just call it quits and head home again. So, I leave the ward, passing the nurse, and trying to remember which way the exit is in all the confusing hallways.

I hold the coat tight around me, realizing I look kinda suspicious in these heels and with so much of my legs on display. I seem to remember coming up in an elevator, but I don’t see it anywhere and try some stairs, but they don’t seem to have any signage and when I get to the bottom, it’s like a basement area and all the signs point to weird-sounding places like ‘Clinical Radiography’ and ‘Applied Orthopractics’

Totally lost now, I hang near the stairs, trying to work something out, but I’m saved by an approaching guy who seems to be staff.
“Uh, excuse me?” I say, taking a couple of steps toward you. “I’m kinda lost in here, can you tell me how to get out of here?”

It isn’t until you get closer that I realize you’re actually good-looking, and I can feel myself starting to blush. I feel dumb about the way I’m dressed and you’re guaranteed to notice.

“Oh, the exit? Yeah, it’s very close. I’ll take you,” you say to me, flashing a smile which only makes my blush a little deeper. The cute British accent doesn’t help, either. My bad luck that when I’m asking for directions, I get a guy who I’d totally be interested in if this were a bar and not the basement of a hospital.

“Up two floors,” you say, holding the door to the stairwell open for me. I smile back, sure you think I’m crazy, and start going up the stairs. As I turn the corner, I catch a glimpse of you looking up at me, and I guess you’re probably taking this chance to look up at my legs and ass as I walk. With most guys, I’d think you were a creep, but with you, I’m just flattered and a tiny bit excited about the way you seem interested.

We reach the floor you said and I look around, unsure how to get anywhere, but you take over, leading me through a couple of turns. As we get into another hallway, which has a few more people in it, I notice your head turn. You’re looking at a cute woman in a hospital uniform, who just came out of a door marker ‘Psychology’. She smiles at you and you smile back, and I feel a kind of irrational jealousy. I mean, I’m right here in barely any clothes, and you’re looking at some woman in a uniform? No way.

I speed up, trying to walk closer to you as you go through more doors and now I recognize where we are. It’s just off the lobby, where the visitor’s elevator is. I relax, and you turn back to look at me.

“Can you take it from here?” you ask, looking cuter than ever. I blush slightly again, but I’ve made up my mind.

“Uh, do you need to be anywhere right now?” I ask, taking an extra step toward you. I make eye contact, doing my best to look sexy and not flustered.

“Why, what’s-” you start, but I take another step and now I’m close enough to speak quietly into your ear.

“I want you in my ass. Now.” I say softly, my hand landing gently on your chest as I bite my lower lip, eyes still locked on yours.

You look confused and I can’t help but smile, but to my relief you don’t make a big scene but instead, you look down my body, getting another look at my legs, and nod slightly.

“Ma’am, if you’ll just follow me,” you say, smiling back at me as you cut through a side door. I follow you, passing a bunch of weird-looking labs until you push open another door and wait for me to go inside. I give you another look as I do; the room is just a storage area, but before I can turn around you look at you, you’ve pulled the door closed and pushed me up against the bare wall, my boobs pushing into it as you slide your hands over my hips.

I react by arching my back and rolling my hips into you, my hands pulling at the coat’s fasteners until I can let it slide down over my shoulders, letting you see my thin blouse and the fact I’m not wearing a bra. I can feel you react, pushing your bulge onto my ass again and I push back, my breath catching slightly.

Your hands don’t give me a chance to do more – they slide down my thighs, your fingers rubbing over the smooth material of the stockings, and then pull back upwards, lifting my skirt easily over the curve of my ass and revealing first the tops of my stockings, and then the white-and-blue g-string I wore specially for my boyfriend

You step back half a pace, seemingly to admire my ass for a moment, but then I hear the sound of material moving and realize that, instead, you’re pushing down your pants. I can’t resist looking over my shoulder, taking in the size of the bulge in your shorts before you pull back into me. Your hard cock pushes onto my ass now, rubbing me, causing the material of my panties to pull a little on my pussy and tease me. I push back, letting out a slight gasp, which only seems to encourage you as your hands reach around and cup my tits

I thought they were hard from rubbing on the material of the blouse, but your touch tells me that there was a lot more pleasure still to come from them, and you unexpectedly pinch them. This time, my reaction is definitely a moan, a long one full of arousal. You pinch again before pulling on my nipples, rubbing them with your fingers and squeezing my breasts. I’m getting so turned on I can’t stop my hips from pushing onto your bulge, each movement feeling you pushing back

It only takes you a second to move your hands, rubbing your palms over my nipples, and hook your fingers into the buttons, firmly and confidently tearing the blouse open so your fingers can reach my nipples properly

You pull on them, making me moan again, your fingers perfectly rough on my sensitive nipples, causing my pussy to twitch and my movements to speed up. You react, trapping my nipples between your fingers and then flicking them suddenly. I let out another moan, a shot of pleasure moving from my tits to my pussy, and grind back harder. You can more than match it, pushing me harder into the wall, and then releasing my nipples.

My tits fall back into their natural position, the sudden loss of your hands making me equal parts frustrated and horny, but your hands move quickly to my ass; one pushes into your waistband and frees your cock from your shorts, the thick shaft brushing me and raising my anticipation. Without warning, your other hand slaps my ass cheek.

It’s short and sharp and as my mouth opens to yelp, it comes out as another moan, this one more urgent and excited. I wait for another slap, eager now, but instead you just grab my ass, using it as leverage as you slide my panties to the side slowly and deliciously, the material brushing my clit and causing me to push my thighs together, hard.

With my pussy and ass exposed, you move back slightly, your cock in your hand. I risk another look over my shoulder but you instantly react, slapping my ass again and getting another moan. My head whips back to a forward position and I have to rely on your touch. I can feel the head of your cock brushing me, teasing over and over. You’re in no hurry to give me satisfaction, no matter how much my hips move and no matter how loud my moans get.

Finally your cock pushes into the folds of my pussy, working the head through the softness and finding me soaking wet. You don’t do something so good as to bury yourself in me, instead you simply wet your cock, your fingers touching my clit briefly in a way I can’t believe is just accidental.

With your cock wetted with my pussy juices, you trail it upwards, pushing hard on me, my back arching to meet you, until it pushes squarely on my asshole. I push back, the sensation familiar, but you hold my hips firmly. This isn’t teasing now – this is business, and you keep me in place as your cock eases into my ass, pushing gently but definitely through my hole, ignoring any resistance.

I can’t breathe at first, but after a few moments I let out a deep moan, one of satisfaction, caused by the incredible feeling of my ass stretching to accommodate the head of your cock. You don’t stop there – you keep pushing in, not allowing me a moment’s rest as you push in another inch, and another, keeping a steady pace. Suddenly, it’s too much and my body reacts, my hips pulling away, but you firmly pull me back into place and punish me with another, harder slap.

This is enough to make my pussy contract, my wetness sliding down to my clit now, as you keep going, unrelenting. Every moment I think you must be buried completely in my ass, but every moment you seem to keep going, keep going, pushing in hard, until long after I thought it was impossible, I feel you finally reach your limit, your balls brushing my wet pussy as your hips push hard into my ass.

“Fuck,” I all I can say as you remain there for a second, my ass completely full of your cock, my tightness around you, squeezing you. But that’s not enough for you, and you start pulling out, releasing me by an inch before pushing back in, allowing me to be anything but full for only a few seconds. I moan again, this one a moan of total satisfaction, and you keep moving, your hips moving more regularly now, my ass tinglinh and my pussy producing more and more wetness. It takes a few moments for my mind to process, but it’s definite now: you’re fucking my ass.

By fucking, I don’t mean those initial tiny movements, each of which sent whirls of pleasure through me – I mean you’re sliding your cock almost entirely out of me and then slamming it back in, filling me suddenly, then emptying me again. Not enough to pull out completely, but enough to convince me every time that you must be pulling out before you push back in, every time my body unable to understand how you’re fitting so much cock into me

I squeeze my eyes shut and brace on the wall, pushing my ass back onto your cock as you start to fuck me harder, faster. Each time you fill me your hips slap onto my ass, filling the room with the sound, punctuated with my moans. You gain speed, the slaps coming faster, and as I think that I can’t imagine any more pleasure, you slap my ass with your hand, hard.

I moan instinctively just before you slap my ass again, your cock still filling my ass over and over. My pussy is reacting, getting wetter and wetter, my hands aching with the desire to reach down and furiously rub my clit, but I need all of my strength to keep my body in place as you push into me.

I can feel a pleasure building inside me – not the usual pleasure of feeling my clit being rubbed, or having my pussy filled, but something deeper, something less familiar. I can’t focus on it – I can’t focus on anything – but it builds and builds as you push into me over and over, not letting up or slowing down. My moans are loud now, loud enough to easily attract attention, but you do nothing but hold my hips tightly, making sure each thrust pushes deep into my waiting ass.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity and yet no time at all, your grip tightens on my ass, your thrusts slow down but increase in force, and you slam your cock as deep into my tight ass as possible. Before I can moan in response, you let out a noise of exertion and I feel your warm cum flooding my ass, filling me even more than just your cock, each throb of your cock forcing more into me. I’m not expecting this and it surprises me – for a second I can do nothing but fixate on the sensation of you cumming in my ass, but something explodes inside me and I cum, harder than I can ever remember cumming before. It’s completely different to the feeling when I masturbate, rubbing my clit until orgasm, it’s something more, something far more satisfying.

My pussy contracts over and over, matching the rhythm of your cum filling me, and I can feel juices on my thighs. My asshole clamps your cock, squeezing hard, but this only seems to satisfy you more, working and milking more cum out of you as you push deep again.

With a final grunt of pleasure, you pull your cock out of my ass, this time completely withdrawing and leaving me with an empty feeling. As I try to adjust to suddenly having nothing in my ass, except the feeling of your hot cum, I look over at you, your hands sliding from my hips to my ass now, squeezing and quickly slapping my ass.

I moan slightly again as you tuck your cock back into your shorts, pulling up your pants and, as you zip them, looking exactly as if you’d just walked into the room. On the other hand, my panties are around my knees, my ass is full of cum and my blouse is ripped open, but I’m so satisfied that I can do nothing but smile, letting you take in the sight of me.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/57uoky/a_hospital_fantasy_fmanal

1 comment

  1. Heh, I think I got some whiplash from that 0-100mph jump from story to smut but I reaally enjoyed the scene. Your descriptions are fantastic!

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