The Good Doctor [M/F] [7M/F] [Fsub] [Trance]

Year of Our Lord 1857,

I have received a new client, a referral from a previously satisfied customer. One “Adela Caroline Harriett.” A fine name, a fine family. She was provided to me by her father, who has been grooming her to be a fitting bride to the recently widowed Lord Protector of Ireland, Archibold William Montgomerie.

She was skeptical when I first met her. They always are at the start of our sessions, but equally so do they always loosen up. She had fair skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, typical of aristocratic birth. Her clothes were not so fine nor impractical as can be seen in those who are doing well, but they should be suitable enough for a widower, especially one as unhappy as William.

So the question came to mind then, naggingly, as she sat upon my couch,

“What do you believe to be the problem then?”

“Whatever do you mean?” She said pointedly, clearly not here of her own volition.

I did not reply. I let the silence grow, looking down at my watch in my palm.

One… Two… Three…

Occasionally, I would glance at her by the rim of my glasses. She began to sweat, and while the room did not have many windows, it definitely was not so stuffed that it was natural.

… Seven… Eight… Nine…

She swallowed, clearly uncomfortable, shifting her weight on the leather couch.

… Twelve… Thirteen… Fourteen…

Fifteen. “My father says confidence. That I don’t have confidence. To be in the public light.” She spoke, clearing her throat.

“Ah, I see then. Well then perhaps this is something that I can help with.”

She did not reply. Again I let the silence grow, but this time only three seconds passed before she responded.

“I would be glad.” I stood from my chair and walked across the room, sitting down at my piano. “The first step in my program is learning to relax… Do you enjoy the piano?”

“Yes. Quite so.” She said without a delay.

I began to play my favorite piece, something I had composed some years ago. “The piano will relax you.” It does not last long, but it does have several memorable chords. “This piece will teach you to relax.” I repeated the piece several times over for her until she was visibly calmer.

“Are you feeling relaxed?” I asked, turning on my piano stool and looking towards my client. “Yes, quite.” I smiled at her, removing my glasses to clean them on my shirt. “I am glad. The first step to the program is learning to relax…” I say again, returning my glasses to their proper place, and returning myself to the piano.

I played the first chord from my piece several times. “Every time you hear this sound, you will feel unequivocally relaxed.”

I looked back at her to find her much calmer, the sweat gone from her brow, leaning back entirely on the couch and smiling in a state of contentment.

I repeated the chord for the rest of our session, ensuring that she learned the first step. Her father came to take her home some hour later, encouraging him that we will make progress in the coming weeks.

She returned two days later, taking her place on my leather couch as I sat at the piano. I played once-through the entire piece before repeating the first chord several times. Just as before she became completely relaxed, laying back on the couch.

“The second lesson is to stay relaxed.” I say, playing the second chord in the piece before repeating myself. “Stay relaxed.” Again I repeated the chord and myself.

“Are you relaxed?” I asked Adela, giving her a warm smile.

“Of course.” She replied, otherwise making no change in her contented comatose.

“You must learn to stay relaxed, even in situations you are uncomfortable with. Do you understand?” I played the first chord again.

“Of cour–” I interrupted her before she could finish. “Oh, and please do remember that I am a Doctor.”

“Of course, Doctor.” She finished. I repeated the second chord several more times “Whenever you hear this noise, you will remove a piece of clothing.”

Today, she was wearing an evening dress with a chemisette covering her chest. Her shoulders were exposed, but the rest of her body was well covered. I played the chord for the first time since giving my last command, and she removed her gloves, placing them beside her on the couch. I repeated the chord, and this time she removed the chemisette, revealing just a hint of cleavage from her dress dropping. Despite the indecency, she seemed no further concerned than before. I continued, repeating the chord for a third time.

Now her sleeves, which were placed beside her gloves. Again I played the chord, and she stood. She began to lift the summer dress off of her, now standing in her camisole, chemise, and stockings, attached to her corset by garters. She did not resume sitting, too content to think to do so, certainly relaxed enough to be in the public sphere.

Again the chord was played, and now she removed her camisole, leaving her corset. I played the first note again, “I will help you with this, and you will not think anything of it.”

“Of course, Doctor.”

I went behind miss Adela, rubbing her thin waist through her bodice before unlacing the corset, and detaching her stockings from the garters, letting it fall to the ground. Returning to her front, her breasts were now free, yet not revealed. Kept hidden by the chemise. I returned the piano and played again, watching as she removed her stockings. I wasted little time before playing the chord once more, finally revealing her completely nude form.

She stood, completely nude, completely relaxed in my office as I watched her. I watched her for sometime, inspecting every part of her body. I used my remaining time to redress her, and have her undress for me again repeatedly. On our next session, we would work on more advanced techniques.

The next session came sooner than I had anticipated, the next day in fact. Her father said that she had never felt more calm than during our sessions, and desired to feel that peace more often in her daily life. An admirable goal to strive for, surely.

Today she sat on the couch as she had done the day before, and again I began to play my chords as she relaxed and then stripped to her corset. Again I went to help her remove it, yet this time I lingered.

“Are you calm, Miss Harriett?” I asked while pressing my lips against her neck.

“Of course, Doctor.” She replied. I began to lick at her neck, slowly working to her ear where I began to nibble. Her breathing began more rapid as I worked her breasts with my hands.

“I believe you are ready for the third lesson…” I said, stepping away and returning to the piano. “Your job, first and foremost, is to serve your Husband, your man, in all and any ways. To that end, what is a woman’s purpose?”

“I do not know, Doctor.” She replied calmly, her breathing still somewhat ragged.

“To be used, darling. To be used in all fashions that she may be. What is your purpose?”

“To be used. To be used in all fashions I may be.” She repeated.

“Good girl. Now. When you hear this chord…” I again play for a time. “You will become uncontrollably aroused. Your cunny will drip, your mouth will drool, your nipples will become erect, and even your little rose bud will desire attention.”

I played the cord several more times, and she quickly became a writhing mass, falling back onto the leather couch.

“Please. Please use me. Use my holes. Use me like a woman should be used.” She begged. I continued for a time until she clearly could not handle such a state.

“Now, the next chord you hear will make your tension disappear. You will begin to shake, quiver, and moan like a wanton whore.” I played my fourth chord and surely, she began to do so.

She kicked her legs out straight, toes curling into the leather, while her chest and breasts heaved due to her loud moans. Her head twisted and turned while her nails dug into the leather, nearly causing a tear. Such strength was the convulsion that she could not contain herself, and urinated in a quick burst on the couch. She panted as she calmed back down, and I repeated the first chord until she fell asleep. That would be enough for today.

Again she returned the next day, we would nearly be done at this rate. I returned her to the state she was occupying yesterday, a calm, nude, yet worked into a pant.

“Now, you will learn to please a man. When you feel this relaxed, you will listen to any command any man gives you. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Doctor.” She replied obediently.

“Come then, between the piano and I, and suck on my Johnny.”

She came quickly, and began to undo my trousers before taking it into her mouth. She continued for a time as I repeated the third chord, and she whined around my cock. I took a gander at my watch and decided it was about time to proceed.

“Whenever you feel a man’s seed, you will feel as if you heard the fourth chord.” I tell her before gripping her by the head, wrapping my fingers in her hair and thrusting my john into her quickly.

It didn’t take long for my cum to explode into her hungry maw, filling and spilling outside onto her breast ever so slightly. As I came, she screamed and began to convulse as she did in the prior evening.

“Good girl.” I say, petting her head. “Now. There is a final lesson that you must learn. What is a woman’s purpose?”

“To be used. To be used in all the fashions I may be.”

“Yes, good darling. Occasionally, your husband may have guests. It is imperative that you are able to not only satisfy your husband, but any number that he may desire you to do so.” I played a chord on the piano, and several men from an adjacent room entered. She appeared unphased, still completely calm as these men examined her naked body.

“Yes, doctor.” She said as I began to play my full piece. The men, equally in a trance like state now began to grope Miss Harriett wildly. Her breasts were being fondled by rough hands, her nipples given attention by adept tongues. Audible smacks could be heard as another man spanked her ass, occasionally gripping roughly. Several fingers were in her salivating mouth and quivering honeypot.

Still yet, a man was pouring olive oil on her rosebud and beginning to prod at the entrance with his thumb.

As the song progressed, they became more aggressive, positioning her onto the couch on top of, with her back towards, a man. This man behind her, in fact, was the same as before who had been working his thumb into her rosebud, who had now worked his entire shaft into the entrance. Another was thrusting into her tight, wet cunny, yet not leaning over her due to the man in front of him. The man in front of him was straddling her chest, using her breasts to satisfy himself.

Still yet, there were four other men using Miss Harriett, who now was moaning uncontrollably. One had gripped her head and was fucking her face to the side, while on the other a man had her hair wrapped around his john while he jerked. The last two had taken a hand each to fuck themselves with her silky touch.

This would all prove too much for the poor woman, as when the men began to cum, it was as if she heard the fourth chord, and she began to orgasm uncontrollably. This sent the remaining men into a fury, going faster and finishing posthaste.

By the end, Miss Harriett had cum leaking out of every orifice and splattered against much of her skin, yet she did not care. She could not of course, since she was unconscious.

I redressed her, yet left the seed where if had landed, and began to play the first chord until she awoke calmly.

“My last lesson, is that whenever you are called Darling, you will be as calm as you are now. Understood, darling?”

“Yes, Doctor.”

“Good. Now you may leave.”

And leave she did, as the drying seed of seven men took up her body. She thought nothing of it, and had no qualms in doing so. Another patient who lacked confidence cured.
