Pills, part 3 [MF]

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Pills, part 3
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“Well, what do you want to do while we wait for this one to kick in?” I asked, sitting naked on the soiled sheets of our bed. Our exploits had filled the bedroom with an air of sex, but there was something different about it. The aroma didn’t carry the same musk as it once did; there was an alluring sweetness to it that made you want to relax and soak it in.

Ashley, wearing only her slutty black heels and belly button ring, stood next to my dresser. “I can think of a few things, sugar.” She said with a smirk and a wink, stepping slowly toward the bed. Her large, perked breasts hung under her chest as she leaned over me, raising one knee to the bedside. “I think its time for you to use that new big cock of yours.” She whispered as her swollen, glossy lips brushed mine.

When she had told me that my refractory period would be enhanced by the blue pill I’d taken, I didn’t think she meant that it would be non-existent. My heavy shaft was slowly rising, still wearing the moistness of her mouth from just moments before. I felt my swelling head pass through the silver chains of her belly button ring as her eyes locked onto mine. Ash’s lustful need projected through her pupils, shrouded by long black lashes. The engorged head of my manhood squirmed against her erect nipples as my rapid heartbeat caused my shaft to bob in the air.

The shrill ring of her cell phone pierced through the moment, drawing her attention to the bedroom door. “That’s Wachel!” She said with an excited, lispful squeak. Her lips had swollen to the point that everything she said came out as ‘Baby Talk.’ “She said she’d call when her shift ended to see how our night was going!” Ash dashed out of the bedroom, leaving me lying on the bed.

I could hear her speaking on the phone as I lied there on my back. “Heyyyyy Wachel… Yea I know my voice is so high and sexy now!” I rose up, realizing that my massive prick reached my chest as I bent. “It’s going great! I’ve been sucking Jack dwy alllll night and it’s super yummy… Yep I took a pink and he took a blue. Gweat recommendation by the way!…”

I decided to change the sheets while Ash spoke to her friend. “No we haven’t yet, Jack wanted to eat me out and I said ‘noooo wayyy’ but he did anyways and I’m SO glad he did. I normally don’t like it, but now it’s like the best thing ever. My clitty was super duper sensitive…” I was surprised she was going into such detail, but the Crisp she had taken had made her quite ditzy so I didn’t worry much over it.

“…Well we both just took a yellow one. His cum is so tasty I just wanted him to be able to make a lot of it… Weally? I thought it took, like, an hour! That’s gweat news!… Whaaat? You didn’t tell me that either! I’m sure I’ll be fine… Oh, no, we’re just getting started. We’ll probably be fucking each other silly all night…. Oh? Well, that could be fun! Okay, see you soooon.”

I walked into the living room, where Ash had been sharing every detail of our night thus far. “Wachel is coming over!” She said as she lowered the phone from her face. “She said mixing yellow and pink Crisps can be a wittle intense so she wants to make sure I’m okay.”
“Wait, so we have to stop?!” I blurted. I was a bit annoyed and disappointed by the thought of this ending so soon.

“Well, it’ll only be for, like, an hour! Don’t worry, baby, we’re going to have a lot more fun once she thinks I’m okay. Oh, and by the way, apparently any other pills we take will only take, like, twenty minutes to kick in! Wachel said something about it’s ’cause our bodies are already ack-a-limited or something. I dunno, she said a bunch of big words.” She said, trying to reassure me.

“Hmm… Alright, I guess these things last for a whole day, so we can spare an hour break. Lets cover ourselves up, though. We shouldn’t give her a peep show.” I said as I backtracked to the bathroom, retrieving our shower robes. I reached hers out to her before putting on my own. The pale pink, fluffy robe emphasized the pink of her lips and golden shimmer of her hair.

“Ummmm, honey, I don’t think that’s going to help. You look like a boat sail.” She giggled, pointing to my crotch. From my angle it looked like a deep blue tent at my waist, but she was right.

“Ha. I guess I wont be able to keep this thing down. I’ll just try to tuck it in…” I said, pulling my shaft up to my chiseled belly, securing it with the ties of my robe. “Still pretty obvious, though.”

Ash cloaked herself in her fluffy robe, knotting the ties around her narrow waist. Even concealed, she was like a sight from a lewd wet dream. My dick had grown so hard it hurt, but covering herself seemed to help. “What did you mean by ‘intense’, though? Are you going to be okay?” I said, remembering the reason for Rachel’s visit.

“Oh, yea, I think so. I mean, I can sort of handle the pink one. I’m starting to get a gwip on it. Like, in the back of my mind I know it’s sorta gross that I want to drink your tasty cum, but I’m okay with that. It’s temporary, you know? When this is done I won’t have to use words like cock-suckers or titties and I won’t sound like a sex doll, but for now that’s who I am. I’m your sexy little bimbo cumslut, and that’s all I want to be. It even feels good to say it out loud!” She said with a giggle, shifting her legs form one heel to the other.

What slack I had gained from her covering her physique was immediately lost. “Fuck, baby, I know you don’t mean it, but every word out of your mouth is driving me crazy.”

There was a knock on the door. I had forgotten that Ash worked only two blocks from the apartment. “That must be Wachel!” She said with a little dance before jogging to the front door.The door swung open slowly before the two girls ritualistically exchanged high pitch squeals and hugs. Rachel had been one of our roommates before we moved and was actually the one who got Ash her current job once we were situated.

Rachel side-stepped into our living room, dropping a large brown tote on a nearby ottoman. She was shorter than Ash, even without the slut heels, and had a slightly more squat physique. Rachel wasn’t exactly lean, but had a slim waist and a curvy hour glass figure. Her teal eyes accented her long, auburn pixie-cut and her freckled nose balanced thick horn-rim glasses, giving her a cute nerdy look. Rachel wore rustic hanging earrings, a black-and-white striped top with a light brown leather jacket, and form-fitting black yoga pants. She had always been tastefully fashionable, even if she had to follow a dress code.

Rachel and Ashley matched well as friends; they played off one another seamlessly. If we ever went out to the bars, she was either already there or tagged along. Ashley was less outgoing than her, but was Rachel’s perfect wing-man. Watching them play their game was like watching a heist film. Ash used her good looks to attract flies like honey, then deflected them for Rachel to rebound. Occasionally, Ash would look over at me from across the bar and give me a wink, as if to let me know that I fell for their trap once before.

“Oh, wow, Ash. Pink really suits you! I mean the pink Crisp, but the robe looks cute, too.” Rachel said.

“Thanks! You look super cute, too. Like, I know saw you at work, but I’m super jealous of that outfit!”

“That’s what Crisps do! They make everything better. Hey, Jack, enjoying yourself? I heard Ash is keeping you quite busy” Rachel said as she shifted her attention to me from across the room.

“Oh, um, yea. It’s been really fun so far.” I hadn’t seen Rachel in nearly two weeks, but I knew she had been experimenting heavily with Crisps in that time. My mind had wandered, thinking about what she would look after taking a pink. My gaze shifted to her breasts, which were already naturally the size of Ash’s enhanced chest.

“That’s good to hear, but I’m up here, buddy.” Rachel laughed. I jolted and looked toward the wall, cheeks shifting into a deep red.

“JACK! I know her titties are as big as mine wight now, but you’re mine, mister!” Ash said with a cute, annoyed tone. She tried to make an angry face, but it just came off a cute pout.

“It’s okay. It’s just the blue Crisp, Ash. How long has it been since you’ve both had an orgasm, by the way?” Rachel asked.

Ash sunk a finger into her lower lip and looked toward the ceiling. “Oh, I think, like 15 minutes?”

“Yea, it’s about that time, then. Your yellow Crisps should be kicking in any minute now, too. Listen, if you guys need to cum, let me know. I can wait out in the bathroom if it makes you feel any better, but I’ve seen friends do some really dirty things on this stuff. No need to feel bashful in front of me. It’s just like when we tried molly together, just roll with it and don’t worry about what anyone thinks.” Rachel said with a helpful and supportive tone. “I just want to make sure you’ll be okay, Ash. Pink and Yellow can be rough if you don’t know what you’re doing, and I’ve been there.” Rachel gently brushed her hand on Ash’s shoulder reassuringly.

“Aww, that’s really sweet, Rachel. I don’t know, though. I think that’d be really really really hot, but there’s an itsy bitsy voice in my head saying that’s kinda weird. Jack, what do you think?” Ash said, obviously conflicted. Her sex-crazed mind was fighting the shadow of her logical one.

I couldn’t tell if Rachel had perverted intentions or actually wanted to help us out. Sure, she had experience with this, but had that changed her? She had always been a close friend to both of us and was always there for us if we needed her help. “Why should this be any different?” I thought, “It’s just sex.”

“I guess that would be okay. Just don’t be weird and stare at us the whole time.” I replied with a laugh.

Rachel laughed back and rolled her eyes. “I’ll try to contain myself, stud.”

Ash drooped down, losing her balance. “Rachel? I feel, like, funny. Empty. And my titties kinda hurt.” She said under her breath, grabbing Rachel’s arm to keep herself steady.

I walked over to help, looping my muscular arms under Ash’s. “Are you okay, babe?”

“She’s okay.” Rachel said as she placed her hand on my chest before looking into Ash’s eyes. “You’re okay, sweetie. You’ve gone without any sexual pleasure for about twenty minutes now and that yellow Crisp is kicking in. Jack, sit there and open your robe.” She snapped her fingers and pointed towards the right-hand side of our couch. I obeyed without a word. My dick practically exploded out of my robe as I loosened my straps, dripping pre-cum like a leaky faucet.

Rachel guided Ash toward me. “Good, you’re already ready.” She said as she planted Ashley in front of me. “May I?” She said, hovering a hand above the thick trail of pre-cum trickling down my length. I paused for a moment. “It’s not for me, idiot. For her.” She said as she wiped the stream from my shaft before raising her sticky fingers to Ash’s mouth. Feeling her hand was surreal. I had known her for nearly two years now and here she was extracting an obscene amount of pre-cum from my cock.

“Here, honey, this will make you feel better. I promise.” She said as she touched her slimy fingers to Ash’s lips. her drowsy eyes opened slowly as her puffy lips encased Rachel’s fingers. She bobbed her head gently as she suckled.

“mmmmmm… you’re wight… that is… a lot better.” She said between thick smacks as her lips squeezed my juices from her friend’s hand.

“Thaaaat’s it. Can you stand on your own? You need to sit on Jack’s dick now.” Rachel said as she retrieved her fingers from Ash’s mouth, carrying a thick trickle of saliva with it. “Well, the yellow Crisp is definitely kicking in.”

“What do you mean?” I said as Ash silently climbed over me. Rachel wiped her hand on Ash’s robe before falling to the opposite side of the couch. “What does the yellow one do?” She ignored me for a moment while she kicked off her flats and pulled her feet under her, resting her right side on the couch to look at me.

“Well, for one, it turns her spit into a thick lubricant. That’s a girls-only effect, though. For you, it makes you constantly drip pre-cum, which is mostly because you’re sex drive kicks up.” She said, pulling her phone from her leather tote. It was strange how nonchalant she was with what was happening, but I suppose she had seen this many times before. “There’s more, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” She said with a black framed wink.

My attention shifted to Ash, who had planted her knees around my hips. She dreamily looked down on me, drooling as she opened her robe. I watched a drip escape the crease of her plump lower lip and reached up to wipe it off for her. Rachel was right, the stuff felt like lube as I rolled it between my fingers. If there was ever a time to have lubricant on hand, it would be now, as Ash hovered above my throbbing cock. I simply said “Ash, spit” and more of the warm liquid filled my palm.

“Yes, sir.” She said with a seductive rasp.

Her glistening pussy lips rested atop the rock-hard head of my dick as I applied Ash’s lubrication to my tip, coating her already soaked slit in the process. “ohhhhh, yea that’s soooo good”, she cooed as I coated my shaft, lightly rocking my head up and down her pussy lips. Feeling bare in Rachel’s presence, I looked to my side to see her toying with her phone, seemingly disinterested.

Rachel looked back at me through her thick rimmed glasses, but I couldn’t look away. I felt like I was putting on some sort of show for her, but I liked it. “Jack, I know you’re hyper aware of every pussy in this room right now, but pay attention to the one that is literally resting on that monster dick of yours.” She said with one raised eyebrow before looking up toward Ashley. “Ash, plant yourself on your man’s cock before he tries it out on me. Right now.”

“Yes, ma’am. Ashley loves her mans fat, hard cocky.” Ash said as she lowered herself down my shaft. The grip of her pussy just past the crown of my head before I realized that she had just obeyed Rachel like some sort of mistress.

“Why did she… call you… ma’am?” I said as Ash’s lips tugged my length, caressing my shaft with the perfect amount of pressure. I found it hard to speak, let alone form a concise thought, as she bounced slowly on the upper half of my shaft. Stars danced in the periphery of my vision.

“Duh, yellow Crisp.” Rachel said without looking up from her phone. “Basically, the yellow pill is for light submission and domination. Girls adopt a strong need to obey, while guys get off on giving orders. Totally unfair, in my own opinion, but I didn’t make the drugs. When you do something that coincides with the effect, you get a little serotonin boost. So, Ash will feel really good when she does what she’s told and you will feel good when you order her around.”

“…oh” was all I could say through the sensory overload of my woman’s pussy pleasuring my dick. I watched as Ash raised her hands to her head, slipping her fingers along her scalp as she slowly lifted and fell. I tried to focus on Rachel’s words, as I knew she was here to help.

“Ash, squeeze your big, fat titties.” I said sternly.

A content happiness overwhelmed me as she grinned and immediately lowered her hands to her breasts. “Yes, master.” She cooed.

I liked hearing her call me ‘master.’ It made me feel powerful and desired. I wanted to thank Rachel then and there for her guidance, but as the happy feeling slowly faded I instead gave another order to my lover. “Ash, you’re not using this cock to it’s fullest. Take me. All of me. I want to feel your ass pressed against my thighs.” I said as the jubilant feeling seeped back through my mind.

“Fucking yes, master. I’m your little cumslut and I neeeed all of it.” Ash said as she lowered herself down. Her pussy pleasured every inch of my thick shaft with short gyrations with the bucking of her hips. It felt as if her inner muscles were stroking me as they contracted and flexed. My head fell onto the back of the couch as the air in my lungs escaped with a deep moan.

“I wasn’t kidding when I said this can get a little rough.” Rachel peeped. “See, the yellow Crisp’s just make you both super horny with a couple physical changes. It’s only when you mix them with Pink’s and Blue’s do they get a little dangerous. I’ve seen girls being told to ‘go out and don’t come back until you have a mouth full of a strangers load’, if you can believe that. I don’t think you guys would do that, but you have to keep it in check.”

I felt as if I was drifting in space and the earth slowly revealed itself beneath me. I didn’t want to hurt Ash, emotionally or physically, but in order to do that I would need to keep my wits about me as best I could. “I WON’T do that to her.” I said deeply as Ash’s ass sat and spread on my thighs, my eyes locked firmly with my submissive bimbo.

“I know. There’s a real love between you two; I’ve seen it.” Rachel said consolingly. “I just didn’t want this to ruin it, you know?”

I was overwhelmed by the sensation of Ash resting her tight pussy lips against the base of my dick and the admiration of Rachel’s devotion as a friend. I looked over to her, unable to speak, but she understood how thankful I was that she was there with us.

Rachel smiled tenderly. “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy it. Take your woman, stud.”

I smiled excitedly as I locked eyes with my woman. “I want you to ride me until you cum against my hips, Ash.” I said as my mind shifted back into bliss.

Ashley pulled my face into her breasts. I hadn’t noticed, but they were even bigger now. They hung like heavy pillows on her chest. “Yes, master, that’s… a really fucking gooood… idea.” She said as her hips formed a small circular pattern at the base of my cock, her breasts engulfing my face as she pulled me into them. I didn’t even know what cup size she would be now, but I doubted her robe would fit around them. I moaned into her vast cleavage as she worked my shaft like it was her only purpose.

My hands grabbed as her waist, pushing her away from me. I needed to see the new mounds she had forced me into. She no longer had breasts, she had fucking tits. They seemed to defy gravity as her long nipples pointed slightly upward, flesh twitching with the motion of her hips. Her areolas has developed two downward creases, giving them the shape of a heart. I raised a hand to her right tit, compressing it in my grasp as her massive, heart-shaped nipples filled the distance between my index finger and thumb.

“Ohhhhh, fuck, Master. My titties feel so full and heavy. They actually sorta hurt.” Ash moaned.

Rachel rose to attention with a grin. “OH! it’s in full force, now. This is my favorite part! Jack, pinch on her nipples. It’ll only get worse if you don’t. I love how it makes them look like hearts; so frickin’ cute.”

Confused, I moved my other hand from her waist to her breast, both locked firmly in my grasp as she continued to ride me. I gently squeezed both of her nipples as white liquid escaped them. My dick flexed at the sight, nearly locking Ash in place, but she fought to regain control of my iron rod.

“Lactation is a side effect of mixing pink and yellow Crisps.” Rachel said as my eyes widely admired their view. “See, both of them make breast tissue swell by making the cells pump out estrogen and progesterone. When you make them swell too much, well, you get milk. Trust me, you’re so loaded with Crisp’s that you’ll love it. Seriously, taste it. She needs to be milked right now, anyways.”

“Oh, that’s… exactly what I need, ma’am…. My titties… need to be milked… They’re so full they’re gonna burst… Master?… Is that something you want?” Ash said as she shifted on my cock, her motions gradually becoming more grand. She traveled up and down the lower half of my shaft as she pleaded me to relieve her.

“Yes, my milky little cumslut. Lean into me.” I said as comfortingly as I could through overwhelming lust.

Ash smiled and hefted her left breast up with her hand, feeding her stiff, wet nipple into my mouth. I latched on, sucking the liquid from her teat as my lips massaged the perimeter. She moaned deeply as my tongue tugged short spurts of her sweet nectar. My mouth slowly coated itself with her milk, tasting of cream and honey. “Fuuuuuck.” She said with a high pitched moan, lowering her hands to my chest to keep herself balanced.

As I suckled on her tit, I could tell she was getting very close to blowing her load all over my cock. Her body shifted and jolted as it desperately tried to milk my shaft. Although I was getting close myself, I somehow felt as though I could control when it would happen. The flow from her left breast began to taper off, but I lapped up as much as I could, teasing out every drop.

“Alright, cowgirl. You’re halfway there. Give me the other one.” I said as I pushed her away by the hips.

“Mmmmm. Yeehaw, master. That feels so fucking good.” She replied as she fed me her right breast. Another delicious stream flowed over my tongue as I sucked on her fat nipple. Her moaning quickly escalated and her motions became erratic. “Master!… Master!… I’m going to… I can’t help it… I’m going to CUUUUMMM!” Her moans reached a soft yell.

Her hips bounced against mine rapidly as her ass patted against my sack. I held her by the hips to keep her gyrations steady. Ash’s brow pursed and her mouth hung open with her thick lips forming the shape of an O as small drops of drool landed on my chest. After nearly a minute of her moaning into the air, her hips tiredly sat into mine, rocking back and forth as her mouth finally closed into a content grin.

Her tit had run dry, so I unlatched and looked up to my spent lover. “Fucking good job, honey, but you still have work to do. It’s your turn to milk me.” I said, guiding her limp body up off my cock.

“Of course, Master. I almost forgot about your yummy cum.” She said as she climbed off the couch in front of me before dropping quickly to her knees. “I’ve never been able to give you a pwoper titty fuck, but I bet I can now. May I, Master?” She said, pleading me with her eyes.

“You may.”

Ash leaned forward, planting my thick shaft between her massive tits. She released a stream of drool down her cleavage before encasing my cock between them, kissing the slit of my swollen head. She bounced herself on her knees, stroking my shaft with her pillowy tits as her mouth engulfed the tip of my shaft.

“Oh, this might get messy.” Rachel said as she quickly hopped off the couch and dashed to the kitchen.

My balls immediately tensed, surging cum up my length like a high-pressure hose. White marble fluid erupted from the tight seal of Ash’s mouth, pooling down into her tits. Her mouth unlatched from me with a gagged cough as a thick stream of cum exploded from my engorged head, coating her face and sending droplets onto my legs as I moaned from my intense orgasm.

Another stream quickly followed past Ash’s head, soaring through the air and splashing onto the empty seats of the couch. Ash watched my spent seed with a disappointed look before plunging my cock down into her mouth. I could feel my tip pressed the back of her throat when my final stream pumped up my length. The heavy load filled her throat with so much pressure I could hear her stomach being filled. She worked my shaft with her cum-soaked tits, trying to coax as much as possible from my heavy balls.

She slowly rose off of me as my stream subsided. Her cock-suckers unlatched from my swollen head with a long slurping sound, all the while locking her eyes with mine. My body trembled as she licked her cummy lips. She released my cock from her tits and ran a finger up her cleavage before raising it to her mouth, licking it clean.

“Thank you, Master.”

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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/57txax/pills_part_3_mf


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