Red Haired Mom Falls Victim to Her Son’s Friends (MM+/F, MILF, inc, nc, orgy)

Know of any more stories like this? I don’t necessarily care about the incest, but I am interested in stories about broken women who have just given up.

Red Haired Mom Falls Victim to Her Son’s Friends
by Calisto


A loving mother set to fall into the hands of her son’s friends after discovering his sexual obsession with her, leading to a hot encounter with her breaking down and submitting herself to them. (MM+/F, MILF, inc, nc, orgy)


Mom looked so angry with her fiery red hair and unnerving hazel eyes as she studied my face for guilt, shame, remorse or what I expect is trying so see if I was even her son anymore, or human for that matter. You could cut the tension with a knife it was so thick in the air. She had just listened in on my phone call with my friends when I thought she busy with gardening outside.

I didn’t know how much she heard but she heard enough to hear some of the most twisted things we admittedly talked about and it all revolved around my mother and how we would fuck her in different positions and make her suck our cocks, pretty much right in the thick of our conversation which had become quite common the past few months.

It wasn’t 10 minutes ago since she confronted me in rage as she stormed into my room still shiny from the sheen of sweat from working outside in her dark green tank top and grey shorts while still holding the kitchen phone in her hand.

“You and your friends want to fuck me like a whore?” she had said before

I felt my throat tighten up from surprise and guilt. I don’t remember saying another word since then.

“The things you say about me, you and your disgusting little friends, don’t you know how fucking wrong that is?” she shouted now.

I felt my stomach knot up, my mom never swore around me, she was always very thoughtful, but this was the angriest I had ever seen her.

“You want to bend me over and have your friends touch me and fuck me in my ass while you slap my face, is that right?” she said as I saw her repeating what I had said not long ago to Ralph to one up his own fantasy with my mom.

She was saying that in spite and sharp with anger but a tear was forming in her right eye before it rolled off of her face. “I raised you up and have always been nothing but loving with you Jason, and this is the thanks,” she said, wiping her face with her palm as a bit of mascara came off with it. “You want to use me and pimp me to your friends like a god damn whore?” she said, standing now just a foot in front of me full of boiling rage.

I didn’t see my mom as a sexual being until recently after we moved to this new neighborhood, mom raised me by herself after dad left when I was a baby. She was always the perfect image of a mother, beautiful and glowing in my memories of her until I met Ralph and Aleem. Both were a year older than me who stayed back a year in school and were considered the tough guys. She was in her late 30’s and really conventionally beautiful.

My mom had volunteered to supervise a bus ride to the national park across town when calls were made to replace an ailing volunteer. Ever since then, the guys have not stopped talking about ‘Jessica Rabbit’ which they called her because she had red hair and a body that now I see is every bit as outstanding as the character she’s referred to. This was actually how I got to be friends with most of the guys in school, because I was her son.

Mom truly had the looks, in hindsight she was very curvaceous with no fat anywhere but where it mattered. She looked soft, thick, but insanely well proportioned with little effort from her part. She was full Irish but with a very Americanized accent since she grew up here with just a trace of our ancestry when she slipped like she was then, furious and beyond terrifying to me as she stood in front of me. “You have been sending photos of me without my knowledge or consent to all of your friends all this time, and you expect me to calm down?” she said throwing a bunch of flash drives at me.

She must have overheard about my stash of her photos on the drives in a shoebox in the garage. After nearly another dozen minutes of her waiting on a response with me in shock as I was, she left the room. I heard her making noises around the house, mostly like pacing and grunting while I sat on my bed paralyzed with fear. I realized then that my friends were still on the phone. Instinctively I put it to my ear.

“She sounded pissed as fuck,” I heard Ralph say.

“Dude I feel bad for Jason,” Aleem replied before adding, “but the way she asked those questions was soo fucking hot!” they both laughed in agreement, “fuck yeah I was thinking the exact same thing.”

I cut in, “Guys, I’ll talk to you later… I…” then I heard Ralph ask me something that made my body goose over. “Does she know about the website I made?”

I kept quiet.

“Might as well tell her that, then tell me all about her reaction,” he said before he hung up.

I felt my feet move before I realized it and I was walking out to the hallway and into the living room as I saw her standing with her back to me with one hand in her hair and the other on her waist as she turned making my heart hurt with memory of what I used to see her as. The sunlight lighting her in warm glow even though she wasn’t any of that now. “There is more mom, you might want to see the website” I said and we both gulped in a long silence.

She and I stood there for sometime before I took my eyes away from hers in pain and lifted her laptop off the stand and walked towards her and placed it on the dining table as we both stood there. I entered the URL then there it was, my mom’s full screen image of her sleeping in her bed naked with the sheets pulled mostly free from her body by me a month ago. In bold red, “Cum Tribute to Jessica Rabbit Aka, Slutty Ms Lauren” She sat down in the chair and clicked around the page.

An animation of moving windows scrolled before video after video links of images of my mom naked sleeping, changing, or taking a shower or normal every day photos printed and then in agonizing yet electrifying moments of cock stroking before these images were splattered by cum covering her face or body. Her hands were on her face as she looked on in horror, video after video until she what I knew would scar us both beyond anything she had discovered this far.

There it was in bold before new cascading windows of videos sprung forth, “Cum Tribute from Jason Lauren,” this was when I stopped breathing as the video played. I would come into her room after getting worked up with my friends on Skype or on the phone before I took my camera and filmed myself pulling away her sheets until either her entire naked body or my intended target which really varied each late night visit.

My mom was crying now as she moved on to her 4th or 5th video after seeing me pull her sheets down and pull her naked thighs apart and cumming all over her stomach and thighs just last week as each video was dated. She realized it as soon as I did, the comment in the photo about this particular visit costing my friend $50 bucks then comprehending that I was making money on each video.

Then it came out in one line that haunts me. “So you really did make me into a whore didn’t you?” she said, shaking her head ever so slowly as her hair slowly fell in front of her. Her eyes were filled with tears and I was just holding my breath again until the filled so high before falling off her face without so much as a shift in her body. “I am my son’s whore” she said again under her breath.

“Your friends, all of them and I am sure they shared this with their friends right?” she said in a defeated tone, looking at me as if the last bit of hope was about to fade into oblivion.

I just nodded. I waited the span of time that seemed to be an eternity before she stood and turned to me. “Your friend’s tell them to meet at your school now, I want to talk to all of you.” I didn’t understand her sudden change in attitude and it was baffling. “All of them?” I asked her.

She looked at me for a long moment.

“The one’s in charge of all that,” she pointed to her laptop. I was afraid of her more than anything right now so I returned to my room made the texts and calls before putting on my jeans and returning in a sorry walk of shame back to the living room.

What I saw then as the sun had just set as I entered the room, my mom standing there in a dark green thong topless and applying makeup quickly before turning to me as if I was the most pathetic thing she had ever seen. “I’m a whore, right? Might as well dress the part,” she said, leaving me reeling in a blur of thoughts and emotions as well as the obvious physical reaction to her state of undress.

Part of me told me that she was testing me and trying to teach me a lesson but seeing her walk into the garage still not putting another stitch of clothes as she got into the SUV and opened the garage door as I stood frozen on the small stairs to the house.

I tried to control my breathing but I couldn’t as I got into the car and she drove out into the dark night and headed to my school a few miles away.

I stole glances at her as the street lights and shadows crawled across her naked breasts and face as she proceeded to ignore my questions that turned into guilty pleas for us to go home. Most of my friends lived near school and were already there as dark silhouettes on the soccer field as I turned to plead with all of my resolve to my red haired fiery form of my mother who turned with one heart grippingly compassionate smile before telling me, “you ruined my life” and opened the door and got out into the cold air.

There were at least 9 of my friends there now and it was beyond conflicting to realize that in the next moments, they will all see my scantily clad mother in all of her beautiful and unattainable glory in the flesh. I realized that even if I had some magical ability to control my mom, I would never have actually gone through with this but she seemed to be hell bent on manifesting what she heard on the phone into our reality either to shame us all or because she snapped and this is her broken, angry and raw.

Then it finally happened, their faces all mirrored my own when I saw her presenting herself nearly naked for my eyes but this was 10 pairs of eyes on her. There was cheering and whistles but she was as fiery as a flame as she stood in front of us in her thong with dark heels and the glow of the stars and the moonlight reflecting off of her smooth skin.

“Everyone of you here, are disgusting brats you know that” she said but without the madness in her voice that she had with me. “Who’s fantasy was this, for me to wear nothing but a thong and meet you to let you fuck me at your school like the perfect slut you want me to be?” she said making it clear that she read the comment on the page. Everyone realized that right away.

“I… D-did…” my friend Carl said and she turned to him. “Well, your pretty little red haired whore is here,” she said, mocking what he wrote in the fantasy. “So you want to spank me in front of all of your friends while I call you daddy and let my own son suck my tits right?” she said, and everyone was silent, looking at me and my mom waiting for the shoe to drop or the sirens that is sure to follow this angry woman that was my mom in front of a group of horny guys.

Everyone was cautious while my mom gripped my arm and pulled us into the semi circle of bodies and looked me dead in the eye as she bent over. “Daddy, spank your bad girl like you promised you would” she called out as she leaned closer to me. “This is what you want right?”

I couldn’t make a reply. No one had moved yet but after a second when nothing had happened my mom still bent over with her ass pointed out to Carl he stepped forward as the other guys whispered in unison.

I felt her brace me as his hand touched her body. He was looking at me and back at his own hands moving on her ass before gripping it and groping his way around it with a growing smirk on his face as my mom didn’t stop him. He got bold and all the others came closer in recognition.

“This is all you wanted, me as some fucking whore for your friends and yourself, you… made me a fucking whore,” she whispered into my ear before raising herself so that her breasts were displayed in all of its glory for me. Her face turned away slightly as tears welled up and cascaded from her face.

“Just do it already, put your mouth on them” she said as she turned to see Carl eagerly enjoying himself spreading and groping her.

I was still frozen when Ralph came up next to me. “Well what are you waiting for? those tits aren’t going to suck themselves and I’m sure the other’s want a turn, isn’t that right Ms. Lauren,” he said, gripping her breasts as she flinched from the pain and they both stared at each other for a moment.

“Yes, I am nothing but a whore, every guy here gets a turn,” she said before setting her eyes back on me making all the guilt I had felt multiply indefinitely inside of me.

“Spank the slut’s ass C-boy,” Ralph said, taking charge of the situation as both of my mom’s breasts were groped in his hands as he explored while watching my mom’s expression of pain as it flickered through her with each painful squeeze and nipple play.

In all of my pain and guilt, I saw the beauty my mom possessed and her in pain made me both want to console her and to see it happen under my own touch so I reached out and imitated Ralph’s painful actions to see her gasp with our eyes locked. “Daddy spank me,” she said, and her whole body rocked at the first strike and the wave after wave of it followed and in the moment of her excruciating pain from the hands of both Ralph and Carl and myself. I press my tongue and mouth to work on her breasts as she moaned in the dark field as hands came in from everywhere to touch her.

I was pulled aside as Ralph and his brother stepped in front of me and took control of my mom as they were watched on by everyone as my mom was bent and held by Ralph as both pants came down and rock hard cocks were out ready to use my mom. She didn’t fight it and simply kept her eyes on mine until the very moment she was entered in from behind by Ralph and her eyes squeezed tight as she gasped. Things got both blurry and surreal from this point on. Time spacing was hard to recall now.

Her ass was squeezed and slapped by Ralph as he rode her making use of her arms as his leverage to send her back and forth on him until his brother joined the action in one motion and her mouth was pistoned with an even bigger cock. We watched and listened to the storm of flesh on flesh and grunts and sexy moans that came from my mom as she was handled by my so called friends fucking my beautiful mom as her hair was pulled roughly.

Ralph fucked her viciously. Matt came hard and fast in her mouth before she coughed out the cum in her throat and found my friend Josh replacing him.

I watched as each of my friends took turns, they piled clothes on the ground and put her on her knees as she sucked and stroked multiple cocks while pictures were snapped and high fives and congratulations were shared over each first experience whether it was a blowjob, fucking her or in some cases, doing something nasty. An hour at least must have passed or more by then.

Many fantasies were forced upon her at once, she was made to call Aleem master and thank him for each slap on the face and worst yet was when Ralph tried to put himself in her ass like he always said he wanted, which was something he always did talk about for months. Mom tried to resist but all hands were on her forcing her to receive Ralph and sodomize her the way he had dreamt since we first talked about my mom.

Her screams of pain were muffled with a cock and derogatory commands to shut up and take it and she eventually took him inside of her ass. It was quite the moment indeed one that made me move up to her and put my own cock in her face just as she finished gasping the final inches of him and her eyes flashed to mine but I already moved to press her head down and her mouth was on my cock.

The heat of it made every inch of me wake with electricity, I put my fingers through her red hair and pressed down on her head each time she moved away until she finally obeyed and started giving me what all the others had gotten several times now.

So I watched her body rocking between us and enjoyed every spasm and rawness of the moment before I looked up and saw Ralph grinning ear to ear as he fucked my mom in the ass spanking her to elicit the reactions out of her that he knew each painful strike and following grab of her cheeks would do to her as she tried her best to focus on my cock. I wanted to cum right there and then but Ralph pulled my mom off of me in one quick sudden action.

“Wait, I always wanted to see this outside of porn.” I watched carefully as he instructed my mom to put her arms around my neck before she was pressed towards me and I grabbed both of her thighs as she was forced to straddle me as I slowly pressed inside of her. She was no longer crying, she seemed to have phased out of herself most of the fucking until now.

She was fully aware and our eyes locked now as she lowered herself until she took all of me and inside the tight hot warmth that was my mom, I felt like I was in heaven. She moaned in my ear and caught her breathing before she rose herself up and lowered herself back down until we found a rhythm. We ignored the comments and flashing cameras as my mom slowly fucked me before pressing her mouth that moments before was wrapped around my cock and found my lips and tongue.

I heard her gasp loudly and pulled back to see her cringe as I felt a hand between us and her body pulled backwards and I realized that Ralph had entered my mom’s ass and took control of her body as he pressed her up and down on the both of us as hands came in from all sides to touch her. “Tell me that you are a good whore,” I heard him say, as he lowered her down on him roughly.

“Ahh… god… yes I am a good whore,” she said, biting her lip staring into my eyes.

“We all get to come over and fuck you after school whenever we want” he continued, thrusting her up and down faster and faster.

“Yes, you can… you can fuck me… whenever you guys want…” she moaned as she neared orgasm.

All three of us started really getting into it and she was biting her lip to stifle her moans as she got to the peak and finally hit her orgasm the moment Ralph said he was about to cum in her ass and soon it was the three of us hitting that peak together until we were a breathing mess of leaning bodies of sweat and groans.

We were a tight group of bodies still probing her as we came down from our high and eventually she was pulled from me by Ralph who put her on her knees on the grass. “No not yet” he said to my mom as she had slid with her long curly red hair behind her to her back when she was moved to prop herself on her knees.

“You know how Ben’s fantasy ends right?” he smirked and she turned to Ben who was the shortest and fattest of the group looked at her grinning. My mom nodded and we gathered around her. They all had their cocks out, most too tired to move from a long evening of fucking and standing around.

“Before we continue, you should thank me,” Ralph said walking over and gripping my mom by her hair and rubbing his cock and balls on her beautiful face. I noticed her thong in his back pocket as he said that.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused looking at him then at the scene of her face being disrespected by him.

“Well, who do you think tipped your mom off to listen in the call… yup I sent your mom an email as you telling her to listen in on our call” he answered with the biggest smirk on his face, as my mom turned from me then up to Ralph as she was about to say something when a strong stream of piss shot her square in the mouth before he stepped back and took aim at the rest of her face as she coughed and choked in surprise.

The others joined in and all urinated all over my mom’s naked body leaving her soaked and shivering in the cold night air.

The others stopped filming or taking pictures and started leaving. Aleem continued to record her crying in a puddle of piss as Ralph walked me towards her. He tells me to go home and leave my mom to him and Aleem tonight.

“What are you going to do with her?” I asked afraid of the answer.

My mom’s eyes told me she knew I was, and had always been, groomed for this night, for her to fall victim to Ralph.

“You know Aleem’s fantasy right?” he smirked and Aleem grinned. I knew he always imagined my mom as the prettiest whore on the Alfred’s corner where the cheap whores are. She would be beyond expectations for those creepy old guys driving by for sex. “I bet we will make a few hundred tonight!”

Aleem laughed. “Aim higher, look at her, she is fucking unbelievable, we’re gonna be rich!”

I looked at my gorgeous mother one last time that night and our eyes gazed the distance until I turned away. Ralph had predicted every step of the way since he first saw my mom that day. Our lives were never going to be the same.




  1. By the way, this seems obvious to me, but I feel like I need to say it anyway:

    The author does not condone real abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in “real life” can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.

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