Lily’s Virtual Conditioning- Part One

*Hey everyone! This Is my first story, so I am looking for feedback! I have a great plan for the rest of the story and can’t wait to get the rest of it written! Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy!*

Lily was blown away by the massiveness of the facility. She had seen the iconic building in the skyline every night since moving in with Davey, but she was unaware of just how monstrous it really was until the cab had dropped her off at the main entrance. She felt that same sense of breathlessness that had become so common to her since she had met him in Milan almost a year ago. She scanned the signs that were scattered throughout the front entrance until she finally found what she was looking for. Virtual Reality Cybernetix HeadQuarters- Q2.

She tried not to run, but it took every bit of her will to keep her composure. Davey had been working so hard this entire month just to give her this day. His excitement about the project was infectious, he really was like a little kid playing with his toys when he became passionate about a project. The automatic doors opened to a simple well lit hallway……and he was standing at the end of it, waiting patiently with flowers in hand and a grin on his face.

Lily Jumped on him with so much force it almost knocked him over.

“AHHHH- I’ve Missed you so much!!! I’M GONNA EAT YOU UP.” She said with a toddlers enthusiasm. She instantly dove in deeply for a kiss… and she wouldn’t stop until he pushed her off. They kissed like a couple of drunk teenegers that hadn’t seen eachother in months. Her tongue dove into the back of his mouth, so overcome with lust there wasn’t even a moment to consider being more delicate. This is the way she had been kissing him ever since the procedure the month before. She was exponentially more delighted each day that he had agreed to turn he into the love-drunk animal she was now. She had done it because she wanted to understand the man she loved, she never thought she would enjoy the transformation as much as she had.

Today was to be the turning point of her and Davey’s relationship. All month he had been working on creating an entire world filled with challenges and adventures designed just for her. Adventures that set to achieve a specific purpose … First, To train her body so she would finally be capable to endure the extreme physical demand that was required to be his lover …. Second, to condition her mind to be so she could join him in the same thrill the he felt when carrying out the sadistic fantasies. The same fantasies that had drove him to be so successful. She was determined to be with him in every possible way.. And she couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for her.


One month earlier…..

The chamber doors opened and cleared out from all around Lily. After 10 hours of patiently waiting she was finally done. She was shaking as she attempted to take her first step with her new body.

“OW!” She exclaimed as her foot touched the floor. The pain was like nothing she had felt before. The bottom of her foot was felt exposed and raw- almost like a layers of skin was removed. Then she noticed the air hitting her skin- a breeze striking her face like lighting. All around her, the world exploded with stimulus. She could feel, hear, smell and even taste everything around her. It was overwhelming. She collapsed right as Davey reached her, catching her in his arms.

“Whoooo sweety I got ya.” He said. He sat her in a chair and started flashing a light into her pupils making tests.

“I’m sorry about the sensitivity. It is going to take some serious getting used too.” he said. “Your brain has to adjust to your new heightened senses. This is normal for everyone but for you it’s going to be much much more intense, since we refused to do the body reformations.”

Lily was weak, but couldn’t help but smile as he said that. It was maybe the best compliment anyone has ever given her. Davey had agreed to let her undergo the procedure, but only under one condition…. She must keep her body the exact way it was. Instead of a perfectly sculpted specimen of a body that he could design to his own tastes- he wanted her to stay the exact same. She was something real to him, something real to the man who created artificial worlds.

Lily’s exhaustion was weighing her down. Slowly…. She closed her eyes and began to dream…..

She dreamed of him the first time she saw him that night in Milan. He was surrounded by cameras, striking poses with his white button down dress shirt casually draped open, revealing his perfectly sculpted abs and muscled chest. He had a knack of doing outlandish things for attention- and a habit of always taking his shirt off. As she walked past the bar she turned her back to him looking over her shoulder to catch his eye.

Her Dress left almost nothing to the imagination. A revealing cut worked down her back showing all of her sleek body. Her ass was slightly visible through the white fabric…. It was a dress made for only the most beautiful of woman. And she had looked better than anyone tonight on the worst most prestigious runway. His eyes wandered to her… they met each other… and they both smiled.

His hands stroked her back as she lay naked in the sand. The ocean crashed around all of them. Sweat still dripped down her and she tried to catch her breath. He was so passionate, so relentless in his love to her. How did she find such a man. His hand spread apart her legs again….. But she couldn’t help but wince as he touched her. Shame ran thro her. Not only could she not take in all of him, she could barely make love to him a single time before she was so sore she couldn’t again for days. He calmed her, and gently rubbed her cheek.

“All I need is you next to me.. Nothing else.” He said.

She knew he meant every word he said. She had grown to trust him entirely, even with his colorful past . He was on of the most powerful and desired man in the Western World, a NOTORIOUS sexual deviant and playboy. Why would he change for a girl like her? It seemed to good to be true.


Davey walked Lily thro the laboratory. This was where he did the undergone the procedure, the procedure he claimed led him to all his success. It wasn’t the exemplar body or even the increased intelligence that were responsible for his quick rise to power…. It was his libido. Having 20X the sex drive of a normal human ignited a constant passion, an undying thirst within him. It was this thirst that drove him to do such exceptional things. He told her of his sexual tastes- unashamed of every brutal detail explaining how the constant experimentation and pushing the bodies every limit is a catalyst for human greatness.

She did not know why he was telling her this. He surely had intended to eventually reveal all his secrets to her…… She was his bride to be after all. But why was he was willing to give up the thing that had made him such a success? He was going to surrender of the glorious lust that made him who he was, just he would be on the same sexual spectrum as her? She WOULD NOT allow it. He wasn’t going to reverse the procedure… He was just going to perform the same body enhancement surgery… But this time he would do it to her.

Lily eyes groggily blinked open to find herself in the Laboratory. She must have passed out after the operation. How long was she Out? She looked up to see Davey at her side, Gingerly stroking her arm.

“MY GOD did he look handsome.” Lily thought. “ I mean… he always looked handsome. But now…. He looks… fuck he looks just- irresistible..”

She lunged out to touch him, but a stinging pain shot through her body. She winced in pain.

“I’m sorry about the pain. It’s gonna be that way for a while.” He said easing her back into her chair. “Just relax and I’ll explain everything.” He said as he poured her a glass of water.

“Unfortunately there were some side effects since we refused to do the body reformations to you. It looks like the changes to your synapse activity and lymphatic system were a complete success. But these systems have had a drastic effect on your exterior body that I didn’t anticipate.”

Davey could tell Lily was confused. He took a deep breath and explained. “Basically. I was able to successfully increase your labido and stimulate your braincells. Your mind is now about 900% more alert and functional than the average brain and your body will be about %2200 times more erotically inclined…. So technically you’re the only person on the planet now that is as smart and horny as me.” He said with a focused chuckle.

Lily would have talked- but her body was too overwhelmed.

“The main complication is with your bodies response to the increased activity of your other systems. Your mind and your hormones are tuned up as high as the body will allow it. The rest of your body; your skin and muscles and nervous system, are all still dialed down to their normal level. What this is doing is amplifying every sensation that you have exponentially.”

He l pulled up some data on a screen to help explain the situation to Lily. Usually when he talked all technical like this, she couldn’t follow him at all. This time however, she was able to follow along much better than normal.

“There is no negative effect to your body, it’s just going to take some getting used too… A LOT of getting used too. Everything you touch or smell is going to be hundreds if not thousand of times mo—–

“JUST tell me straight Davey.” Lily interrupted “Am I going to be able to fuck the way you do or not?!”

Davey Hesitated…. …” Technically… Yes”

Lily let out a cheer of glee- which she immediately regretted because her it made her whole body sting.

“BUT…..” Davey Continued. “It’s going to be A LOT more intense for you. Your body has alot of the same unique qualities mine has. Enhance cell regeneration and healing, increased flexibility and performance…. Basically your body can now take the ..the …umm…. “Damage” necessary to do… well pretty much anything you want sextually. Your body has the ability to tear itself open and it will be healed and in mint condition 15 minutes later. So you now physically ABLE to make love to me…. But the issue is going to be with your nervous system’s sensitivity.”

The excitement in Lily’s body was instantly washed away. “What does that mean? She asked.”

“It means your body is going to be so hyper-sensitive that the you might feel too overwhelmed to ever do anything sextually.”

Lily started to tear up. She went thro all of this for nothing.

“NOW… don’t get sad just yet…. Lets not forget who your doctor is here. I’ve solved much more complicated things problems than this. Plus, I’ve already put a plan together to make sure this all comes together ok.” He said smirking.

“While your were asleep I already did a neurological displacement procedure. This simply “tricks” your brain synapses into confusing the feeling of intense pain and intense pleasure. That means that about 75% of the pain you feel, will now register as a good feeling rather than something harmful.”

Lily looked at him confused. “So if I stub my toe?…”

“Than is going to hurt 25% as much as it used to. The other 75% of that feeling…. Well it will register as pleasurable…… even sextually pleasurable depending on your state of arousal”

Lily Grinned…… She was starting to put all the pieces together. Not only was she going to on the same level as Davey sextually…. She was going to be super charged.

“It’s going to take some time getting used to, but I’m sure that your body will adjust and eventually you will be come to thank me.” He said with a swagger to his voice.

“The next thing we need to do, is condition your sensory threshold. We need to put your body through intense stimulus repeatedly via various scenarios, by maxing out your sensory input- your body will eventually adjust to its acute sensitivity. In theory… Once you mind is able to cope with the stimulus, you’re going to be JUST as acutely sexual as I am….. AND… you’re going to feel every sensation hundreds of times more intense than any human human on the planet. You’re going to be able to feel pleasure to a degree that no human has ever experienced….”

Despite ridiculous soreness covering her entire body, Lily’s Lap became to dampen thro her bed sheet. How could she not…. She was designed to want him now. And she could only dream of how he was going to feel when he finally was inside her- thrusting without any restraint.

Davey chuckled as Lily stared off into space- her mind racing with fantasies. “Don’t get to excited yet.” He said “We still have a long way to go before I could even touch you…. Let alone make love to you.”

Lily gulped hard. She was dreading having to wait to have him. She had never wanted him more..she had never wanted anything this instantly her entire life. “How….. How are you going to condition me? What does that mean.”

Davey ran his fingers thro his hair, obviously he was as anxious as her about making this all work. “Well, that’s going to take some time. First we need to do some physical therapy. Do simple things like allow your body to adjust to temperature, acclimate your hearing and so on. We should be able to have you functioning normally within the next 1-2 months if we are diligent about it.”

“That’s it? Than we can finally be together without worry?” asked Lily

“No yet. After you’ve adjusted to your body, then we will need to begin your sextual conditioning. NOW… this might sound like it would be tough, but I have an idea of how we could do it that would not only make it easier for you, I have a way to make the hardest part of your conditioning into a fun little adventure instead of the unbearable pain it could be .” Daveys smirked slowly into a cocky grin- the devil dancing in his eyes

“WHAT?!” Lily asked impatiently. “WHHATTT?! Tell me you jerk- what are you planning?!”

“I’ve already started to make the arrangements……. We are going to do use the Virtual Reality Facility……. I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks creating an entire WORLD just to help you along.”

Lilys jaw dropped… entire world made just for her…. She couldn’t wait.


“I’ve got to say- one last time– I think this is a Terrible idea. Are You SURE you want this?… Once you know this side of me, you won’t be able to look at me the same again.” said Davey.

“I WANT to know this side of you- hell I need to know this side of you.” Said Lily in a comforting tone. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m not here to Judge you, I’m here to see what I can look forward to exploring with you.”

She had never seen him like this. He was always so confident and sure of himself…. And yet here he was for the first time- ashamed of something he’d done.

Davey pulled a lever and his private chamber slowly creaked open. An entire library of secrets came into view. Thousands of photo albums filled book shelves. Every Inch of the walls were covered with every kind of whip, shackle, rope, leather, dildo, vibrator and any other kind of mysterious object you can think of. At the very end of the room, was the largest TV screen she had ever seen.

“Here is the login name and password to the main computer.” He said sheepishly as he handed her a sticky note. “Please just call me if you have any question… I.. I’ll try and answer any questions the best I can. I will leave you alone now, just like you asked.”

Lily smiled and slowly gave him the most passionate kiss she could muster- her body still sensitive from operation. “I love you…” She whispered…..”You have nothing to fear.”

Davey paused a moment letting the shame of the situation wash over him… then he shut the door and left Lily to shuffle through all of his deepest darkest secrets at her will.

Lily ran to the nearest shelf the moment he shut the door and enthusiastically opened the first picture album. OCT 23-2543 it read. Every single thing in this entire place was meticulously labeled and organized. Every crazy sextual expliot he had ever had was recorded, photographed and stored in here. She gulped as she looked at the endless row of shelves… each a new experience. He’s only 28 right? How many of these could he have?

She began to turn the pages and could help but gasp and most of the images she saw. –A woman surrounded by men in tuxedos- undressing them with her mouth. — The men shoving their fingers down her throat, the rest laughing as the watched her gag– The woman tied up it a device with her ass and pussy exposed. Davey had one hand yanking on her hair and the other wrapped tightly around her throat. He was fucking her in the ass while another man shoved his dick into her face—

Lily might have been disgusted by this once, but that was before the operation. Now… she… she couldn’t help but be transfixed by it. Curious of what it must of been like… of how the adrenaline rush of the woman must have felt. She slowly worked the hand down the front of her pant desperate to touch her kitty— but winced hard as soon as she touched it. She was weeks ahead of schedule in her physical therapy, but her body was still raw like an exposed nerve. FUCK she needed to play while she looked these thro.

Over the next couple of hour she flipped through every album she could get her hands on. Every time she opened on she found a new world of experiences that she had never ever dreamed of before. She began to write down everything she wanted to try, compiling a list several pages long in no time at all.

She watched Davey abuse, dominate, submit and endure pain.Sometime she woudl watch him lost in a sea of naked woman, making them cum each one by one– the next he would be drinking Brandy watching gorgeous blonde woman get ravaged over and over by a line of men… awaiting Davey’s instructions on how they were to fuck her. The more she watched, the more she became overwhelmed with lustful curiosity. She wanted this— all of this. She wanted to become as twisted and wonderfully wicked like this. She wanted to be able to push her body to endure the extreme things this woman could do. She wanted to be better than all of them in fact– She wanted to be the most depraved crazy slut Davey had ever had…. And she knew exactly how she was going to do it.
Two Days had gone by… and still no Lily … Davey had assumed the worst. She was too good to be true. There was no way she would stay with him after she saw all that… what was he Thinking?!

There was a knock at the door. “Its me” he heard a soft voice say.

He opened the door to find Lily dressed like he had never seen her before.Her bright blonde hair was pulled back into a two tight little ponytail. They were slightly braided as if ASKING for someone to grab a hold of them. Her bright blue eyes and fair skin glowed as she strutted in. She was clearly dolled up for him in heavy make-up. He had never seen her showing herself off like this, this was far more scandalous that the classic beauty he had met in milan. Her entire 5’’10 frame was barely covered in solid black lingerie. Her long legs had fishnet stockings running , clipping to the side of her spankies. Her stomach was tighter than her had ever seen it before… She had been doing the physical therapy for 12 hours a day and it showed. Her push up bra hugged her perky 34- B breasts together, emphasizes her curves.

She walked by him without saying a world, more occupied with her lolipop than with him. She was playing games… maybe she DID like what she saw in his demented little libraary after all? Davey gulped.

Lily bent over and looked thro Daveys desk papers, throwing things aside like a brat searching for money. She was squatting over slightly intentionally- make sure she gave him a view… oh and WHAT a view it was. Her 6 inch heels lifter up her muscular calves, arching her runner’s legs in a way that made them look ever longer. But the main thing the heels did… was lift her ass into the perfect position.

Davey has been all over the world. He could fuck most even the most beautiful of women with little to no effort. He was by all means, jaded-and had very high standards…… and yet…… he still was barely able to move anytime that he saw that sweet little backside of hers. Today was different… today he was barely able to breath. Here black stockings were clipped into the back with her panties…. Squeezing her tight cheeks making them stick out even further than they naturally do. Her panties were so cheeky that it left very little to the imagination– yet somehow still left him begging to see more. That ass is the reason that she had risen to become one of the top models in the world– and he had no intention of letting it go.

“I’ve decided I’m going to wear this for the virtual reality sessions… What do you think?”She asked, intentionally apathetic in her tone. She knew it would turn him on.

Davey was to flustered to talk….. He sat there speechless.

“Good- I’ll take that as a yes then.” She said, still riffling through his papers.

“Ye— Yes Please… Please wear that. ”He fumbled out.

”I went thro alot of your Library…. Turns out you’re way more twisted than I ever could of expected…….” She said- continuing her bad-girl facade

”I’ve decided we’re going to be in an open relationship by the way.” She said, leaving no room for any kind of objection. “Seems like I have a lot of ketchup to do in order to get to you level… I can’t limit myself.”

Davey’s erection was about to tear through his pants. He couldn’t believe what Lily was saying…… He fucking loved it.

“Oh yea- and also- your gonna need to start working on my little reality project much harder.” She said. “I like this crazy little sex world you’re apart of…. So I want you to be apart of it- Hell I want you to help make me queen of it.” She said very nonchalantly while she handed him a slip of paper.

“This is a list of all the things I want to be able to do with my body. I don’t care how you do it, but you’re gonna make sure I’m able to do all of these things. After all..” She said while her hand wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock. “…. I bet your pretty sick of not being able to fit that whole monster in me– I know I am.” She still hadn’t looked at him since she walked in. “You better make sure I learn how to make it fit… all of it.”

Davey was moments away away from tearing off her clothes…. She was turning him on more the he could bear.

“THIS…” She said handing him another even longer piece of paper “ a list of things all of your sick little fetishes that I want to be apart of. I’ll expect for all of these to turn me on by the time our we’re done with all of these lil… virtual sessions.” She said as the lollipop popped out of her mouth. “I dont care what you have to do- BRAINwash me for all I care… whatever you need to do. Just make sure that whips, shackle, socks, clowns, and other the other sick shit thats on there make me wet… instead of running in fear..” She said as she finally let go of his cock.

“Oh and Davey…” She said with bratty expectation lingering in her voice. “ Try and make it fun ye know – I want it to be something cool to go thro- like a shakespeare play or a greek myth… just something with a little style ye know. You don’t want to get bored…. Do you?”

She bent over one last time to pick up a pencil off the ground- she made sure davey got a great view as her ass stuck up in the air while she went to retrieve it. He couldn’t help but smile… he loved this new wild woman.

Without saying good bye Lily strut out of his office and let the door stand behind her. Davey stood there baffled and grinning.
He quickly skimmed over the lists she had given him. DEAR GOD she wanted him to plan some insane things for her to do…..Things even HE had never seen a girl go thro. The wheels in his head were already turning.

His phone buzzed. It was Lily.

HI! How was that? Was that good? It was so embarrassing lol. Did That turn you on? Was I trying to hard?

Davy couldn’t help but laugh at that. This was why she was so amazing, She could blow his mind and turn him on the way she just had…. And then go right back to being a naive dork. He texted her back.

You were amazing :). I was worried you had left me… I’ve never seen you look so desirable.

He paused and sent one last text. He knew what he was doing.

I’ve never wanted you more. I have a lot of work to do to- I’m going to lock myself away now until I’m finished. Think of every day and dream about all the pleasures I have waiting for you. By the time I’m ready you will crave… and I will have a whole world waiting just for you.

This will be the last you hear from me. Know that I love you.

Meet me- November 24 at Virtual Reality Cybernetix HeadQuarters- Q2.

His stomach fluttered as he hit send. He had A LOT of work ahead of him..



  1. I like the Sci-Fi angle.

    Also, I heard somewhere of the side effects of a condition called synethesia – where you can hear colors or taste touches.

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