I’m too young for sex :( pt. 22 [ff]

I was helping Mom wash the breakfast dishes when she surprised me.

“Why don’t we call Sam and go shopping for something to wear to the dance?”

After I put the dry plate away, Mom handed me another wet one with a curious smile on her face. My heart raced as I dried the plate quickly, then ran to the house phone. The school was on our speed dial. Seconds after the outgoing message started, I punched in the code for Sam’s room number.

“‘ello?” Sam sounded so sleepy that I wished I was snuggled up next to her.

“Hey,” I breathed. “Did I wake you?”

“Yeah, but what a great way to wake up,” she purred as I heard her stretching noises.

“Mom suggested we go shopping for something to wear to the dance on Friday.”

“Gimme twenty minutes to shower and change,” Sam giggled. She was so adorable. I heard her moving around quickly through the phone.

“We’ll be there to pick you up as soon as we finish the dishes.”

“Steph,” Sam said, suddenly still, her voice overflowing with emotion. “I’m so glad we met.”

“I know. Me, too. I’ll see you in a bit.” I hung up to find Mom smiling at me.

“*I know. Me, too?*” she teased.

Mom must have thought Sam told me she loved me! I had to admit I could see falling for her.

“It’s not what you think,” I said with heat rising in my face. “She just said she was glad we met.”

Mom chuckled and shook her head. “So your father and I had a long talk last night. I have to say that we’re both impressed with the way you handled this. We know your brother was just trying to get you in trouble by bringing Sam up. The fact that you trusted us enough not to hide or lie about your relationship with her means a lot to us both.”

Despite my other guilty secrets involving Bethany, Mark, and my IUD, I still felt good about what she was saying. I *had* made some bad decisions so far. I never expected Bethany to screw Joe. And Mark hooked up with me that last time without ever mentioning he said he’d go with Lydia to the turn-about dance. Cutting them out of my life had hurt, but it was necessary. And Sam felt like my reward.

“We also like Sam. I can’t believe how her parents are treating her. And the way Bethany reacted to all this has disappointed us both. So if Sam wants to stay over with you like Bethany used to, we’ll allow it.”

I jumped over to hug Mom with all my strength. “Thank you!”

After I let go, Mom leaned close. “Just keep the noise down to a dull roar. Your father is having a little harder time with you growing up than I am.”

When we were ready to go, I called Sam back to invite her to pack an overnight bag if she wanted to. Mom heard her excited scream in the breakfast nook and laughed at us. By the time we got to the school, Sam was already standing in the loop with her bag in one hand.

“Hey,” Sam said as she scooted in the back next to me. I gave her a quick hug as Mom pulled away from the curb.

“You ready for some shopping?” Mom asked with a grin through the rear view mirror.

“Thanks for doing this. It’s been forever since I’ve done more than order clothes online,” Sam said.

She leaned into my shoulder and we clasped hands, squeezing tight at first.

“How about we make a day of it?” Mom asked. “I figured you could find something to wear to the dance, then maybe we’ll drop in for a chair massage or a mani-pedi. Sound like a plan?”

“It sounds like heaven,” Sam chuckled.

“So what were you thinking of wearing to the dance,” I asked. I didn’t want to wear a dress to a country-themed dance. It would end up more like a costume than a dress anyway, so I’d never wear it again.

“How about we go for jeans and gingham tops,” Sam suggested. “Maybe tie up the shirt tails and show a little skin.”

“Ooo, I like that,” Mom said. “What sized shoe do you wear, Sam?”

“I’m a seven.”

“I bet you could fit in a pair of cowgirl boots I got when Bill took me country dancing a few years ago. Steph, do you still fit in your old boots?”

“Probably. They were a little big and it’s only been a year since I took lessons.”

“Dance lessons?” Sam asked.

“No, riding lessons,” I said. “I hate to admit I went through a horse phase.”

“Didn’t we all,” Sam chuckled at me.

“Oh, God, I did, too,” Mom said. “Unfortunately, I didn’t get lessons. I had to experience my phase through literature.”

“Yeah, I never got to ride, either. But I always loved *Black Beauty* and *My Friend Flicka*,” Sam said.

We arrived at the mall and went shopping. Sam found us matching red and white gingham shirts. She was a little broader in the shoulders than I was and needed a larger size, but I had to admit I liked the look when I tied off the shirt tails under my puffies. From the way Sam followed me into the changing room and closed the door, she liked them too.

“Need any help?” Sam asked as she untied my shirt. The hungry look in her eyes as she unbuttoned the top few buttons gave me chills.

She kissed me as she pushed the shirt off my shoulders and cupped my breasts through the soft bra I wore. I pushed into her hands and deepened the kiss. My own hands moved down to cup her ass and pull her into me. It didn’t take long until my nipples were steel and my underwear was soaked.

“Did you decide on the shirt?” Mom asked through the slatted door.

“We liked the red one,” I said, but my voice was rough. Sam had pulled down the cup of my bra to suckle me. “I’ll be out after I get dressed.”

“I’m gonna go down to the book store for a coffee. I already know you want a hot chocolate. If I see Sam out here I’ll ask her if she wants something.”

“Oh, Sam wants something alright,” she whispered against my wet nipple.

I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud and giving us away. Sam moved back up to my lips, but we were smiling too hard to kiss. “Did I mention you get to sleep with me in my bed tonight?”

Sam’s eyes flickered with amusement. “You’re gonna cum so hard.”

“Promises, promises,” I said and grabbed my t-shirt. I got my puffies back in it my bra and slipped on the shirt. “Come on, let me buy these shirts for us and we’ll go find Mom.”

The rest of the afternoon passed in an odd mixture of relaxation and sexual tension. Mom seemed oblivious to us sneaking kisses and I reveled in Sam’s constant attention. When we got a mani-pedi, I secretly bought a dark blue nail polish that matched the splash of color on Sam’s bangs. After a full day of shopping, we picked up Chinese take-out on the way home for dinner.

The five of us had a dinner full of laughter. Dad was clearly uncomfortable at first, but Sam and I kept our displays of affection to a minimum and he soon warmed up. Mom, Sam, and I regaled the boys with tails of our day spending money. Joe didn’t have much to talk about, since he was still grounded for another week. He begged to get off a day early so he could go to the dance, but Dad didn’t budge an inch. Too bad for the next *what’s-her-name*.

After the meal, Sam and I retreated upstairs to get comfortable. I showed her the bathroom and my bedroom, then left her to shower and change. When I walked by, Joe was lying in his bed with the door open, staring up at the ceiling in an uncharacteristic moment of reflection.

“You okay?” I asked. I hate to admit it, but I’d never have asked before we had our talk the other day.

He blew out his cheeks and let out the air slowly. “She really messed me up, Steph.”

I walked in and sat next to him on the bed. “Who did?”

He let out a sad sniff and shook his head. “Bethany.”

Okay, that nearly knocked me off the bed. My brother had been doing the love ’em and leave ’em dance for over a year. No one stuck, and believe me they tried. Joe wasn’t an asshole about it, but when the gloss wore off he was gone without an apology. And while I’m sure his ego was bruised that Collen was getting what he’d gotten, I couldn’t imagine him actually liking Bethany that much. He must have seen something in my expression, because he avoided my eyes.

“Pussy,” I muttered to him and pushed his shoulder.

“I am what I eat.” His half-smile response lacked the usual spit and fire.

“What could you possibly see in *Bethany*?” I asked. “I mean, I’ve been her friend for years and I love her to death, even now. But you?”

Joe looked at me again. “When I was grounded that first week, she really talked to me. I’ve known her as long as you have, but we’d never really… *talked*. And she got me. She got my weird sense of humor and fear of clingy girlfriends. Just the opposite, in fact, she just smiled at me at school.”

“That’s because you could go to jail for banging her tail.”

“No, it wasn’t just that. Even when we were together around here it was different. She did her own thing and didn’t need me constantly paying attention to her.”

“That’s because she was my *friend*. We still hung out until she couldn’t keep her mouth shut about the two of you at school.”

Joe didn’t seem to notice my comment as he stared back at the ceiling. “And the sex! Holy shit, she loved it and let me know exactly what she wanted. I swear, I don’t care how old she was, I could barely keep up with her!”

His words stung me hard and I looked away. “I don’t need to hear this.”

He was quiet for a moment, then hit me even harder. “It killed her when you broke things off.”

I glared back. “I warned her I would if she hooked up with you! That was totally on her, not me.”

“Why?” he asked, looking honestly perplexed.

“You know what girls do together, right? Think about it.”

“But I always wore a condom…”

“Dude.” I shut my eyes and pressed my palms against my brows. “Would *you* want to eat a girl out after Mark filled a condom in her?”


“Yeah, *Oh.* Only you’re my brother and the opposite of sexy, which makes it even worse for me.”

A feeling came over me and I glanced towards the door. Sam stood there in a long t-shirt with her bare legs drawing my attention. Then I noticed the pained look on her face.

“Come on in,” I said evenly. I didn’t want her to think I was hiding something from her, but mentally rewound the conversation to see if I said anything insensitive. “You knew Bethany and I were together for a while, right?”

“Not her specifically, but yeah,” Sam said ass she stepped in to sit behind me on the bed. “You just said a friend. We never really talked about it.”

“She had a crush on Joe for years and took her shot. That ended things between us.” It crushed me to say it so plainly, but I tried to keep the pain out of my voice. “She and I are done. And so are she and Joe.”

“Why?” Sam asked Joe.

“The age thing. I could go to jail,” Joe said.

“Steph and I have the same age difference,” Sam said.

“So it’s a double standard,” Joe shrugged. “Bethany’s parents could have me arrested.”

Sam considered that for a minute, then stroked my back. “I guess your parents could do that to me, too.”

“Naw,” I said with a cheeky grin. “I’d just rob the pizza guy so we could be roomies.”

Sam smirked and pulled my back against her chest for a hug. Joe got a funny look on his face.

“What?” I asked as I took Sam’s hands and placed them over my breasts without breaking eye contact.

Joe swallowed hard. “Nothin’. Wanna watch a movie or play video games?”

I looked over my shoulder to see Sam grinning at me. I kissed her and let it build just to fuck with Joe. Sam finally broke this kiss because she was laughing at Joe pulling a pillow over his lap.

“Can you… not do that?” Joe asked.

“Sam, did I tell you all the times he fucked my best friend while I was home and had to listen to them make animal noises?”

“Payback’s a bitch,” Sam said as she let me go. “Go change while I show your brother how to play video games.”

I took a quick shower, shaved myself smooth, and was back downstairs in time to see Joe getting his ass handed to him by Sam. Watching the two of them getting along like friends gave me a happy glimpse of one possible future. I didn’t know if being with Sam was going to work out long term, but when I sat with them in the living room to play, I was so happy we would find out.

As soon as it was late enough to head off to bed, I yawned to clue Sam in. We said our goodnights and rumbled up the stairs giggling like the schoolgirls we were. We brushed our teeth giving each other playful nudges, then raced to my bedroom and shut the door.

I threw back the covers and turned around just in time to get tackled by Sam. She was kissing me before my back hit the mattress and I had her shirt pulled up before she could stop. We were naked in seconds, rubbing and touching each other in a fever of playful lust.

At one point she had me pinned to the bed and was sucking my puffies while her fingers filled me up. I had one hand cupping her soft hair as she straddled my leg. The other hand kept making round trips between my mouth and her tight nipples to make them slippery. We were both so horny we couldn’t last more than a few minutes. She came first, but I have to hand it to her, she never stopped working me until I had to bite my lips and mew like a kitten.

We chuckled as we caught our breath. I had no idea how loud we’d been, but the rest of the house was silent. Then I heard the familiar squeak of my brother’s bed increasing in tempo until it suddenly stopped. Both Sam and I stared at each other the whole time, then burst out laughing.

I heard Joe, muffled by the wall between our rooms say, “Shut up!”

That just made us laugh harder. Sam and I curled up together on the pillows and stared at each other like we were moonstruck. She touched me all over with her fingertips, tracing my curves and intimate places like she was mapping me out. It felt so good that I rolled back and encouraged her by running my hand up and down her back.

She began kissing me as well. A touch would linger under my puffie, followed by a tender kiss. Then she would trace around to my belly button and kiss there as well. I let her show me how to move so she could explore every inch of me. A gentle push and I’d roll or move until she was kissing down my back, her fingertips going further down and in between my cheeks.

“Oh, Sam,” I murmured.

She kissed my ass, then the skin at the top of my thighs. I shuddered from the intensity of the way she was loving me. A finger dipped down into my slippery heat and I lifted my hips for her. She straddled my legs down below my knees and began massaging my ass. Pushing one direction to open me, then pulling to encourage me to lift my hips higher.

“I want you this way,” she whispered to me.

I didn’t understand what she meant at first, but when I scooted back to raise myself higher I felt her breath on my wet skin. She kissed me deep between my cheeks, swirling her tongue around my last virgin opening. I was lost in the moment and couldn’t do more than moan, begging her to continue.

The sensations were incredible. She kept licking me there while her fingers slid inside where only Bethany and Mark had ever been. First one finger, then two, she stretched me open slowly. Soon she had three fingers and I felt myself rising on the crest of my release. She kept her motions slow, her tongue gently lapping, the pressure inside built until my tears fell.

I wasn’t sad. I wasn’t happy. I was so far beyond all normal feelings that the only response my body could produce was tears and shivering. When the crest broke I was sobbing, the whole experience was so overwhelming I collapsed on the bed.

“Are you okay?” Sam whispered as scooted up to pull me into her lap.

I clung to her, my face wet with tears. It was a while before I could speak but she kept me grounded. I felt so close to her, almost like we were bonded, soul to soul. She kept kissing my face and running her fingers through my hair until I spoke.

“That was…” I fought to find the words to tell her. “I mean, I was so…”

“I thought I hurt you,” Sam sighed in relief.

“Oh, no, that wasn’t hurt. That was… I don’t even know how to describe it. I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“So it didn’t… weird you out or anything?” I kept forgetting this was all so new to her.

“Nothing you do would weird me out. I trust you.”

Sam nodded and pressed her cheek against the top of my head. “It’s different than I thought it would be. I imagined… I don’t know… exploring you like that was something I’d dreamed of for years. What we did in my room at school felt like getting off. This was so much more intense. I feel so close to you right now.”

“I feel it, too,” I confessed.

Her scent smelled like home to me. Her touch made me want to purr. When she scooted down so we could share the pillows again, I made her my little spoon and pulled up the covers. Soon her warmth had me drowsing as she cupped my hands over her tiny breasts. In those last moments before sleep claimed me I dreamed such wonderful dreams.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/570rza/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_22_ff


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