Don’t Flash Your Tits At Strangers, Part 6 [MMMf] [blkmail] [huml] [reluc]

Apparently, Travis was joking when he said he was going to have Aly suck him off on campus. “Nah, we don’t have time for that. We gotta get you somewhere important,” Nick smirked. Aly was so relieved she happily complied with the little stunt they decided to pull instead of the on-campus blowjob. Nick called it “drive-by groping,” which involved Nick rolling the window down at every red light and having Aly stick her naked breasts out for strangers to play with.

*Sicko,* Aly scolded herself for the weird excitement she felt as the car rolled to its first stop — right next to a construction sight. Kneeling behind her, Nick rolled the window down, a grin in his voice as he said, “Alright, baby. Show them those perfect titties.”

Arching her back, Aly did as she was told. Right away, there was a reaction.

“Holy *fuck*!”


The men dropped everything they were doing to stare. The lust that filled their eyes made Aly grateful that there was a car door between them.

“What are you waiting for? Invite them to come and play,” Nick hissed in her ear. When she froze up, he called out and spoke for her. “Don’t be shy, gentlemen!” From behind, he jiggled her breasts with his hands. “She loves having these beauties bounced around! Come on.”

Holding her breath, Aly watched the men look at each other and then rush over. Aly squeezed her eyes shut when suddenly, hands were coming from all directions, grabbing and groping her hard since they knew they had little time.

“Alright, alright,” Nick laughed when one of the men stuck a finger into Aly’s mouth. She gasped, tasting the calloused salt of his skin before Nick rolled the window back up and shook his head. “Animals,” he remarked as Travis drove off.


There had been ten red lights during the drive from campus to the next location. At every one, Nick rolled the window down and Aly stuck her breasts out. Not everyone dared to come and play, but everyone stared. When two lights passed without anyone coming up to squeeze, Nick hissed to Aly that if she didn’t get someone to grope her next time, he’d pull the car over and have her do fifty jumping jacks on the sidewalk. So at the next light, which came in front of a sports bar, Aly shimmied as hard as she could, squeezing her breasts with a desperation that drew the wide-eyed bartenders who were out having a smoke break. It was a guy and a girl, both of who had clearly been drinking on the shift since they reeked of whiskey. Aly gasped when they not only groped her but bent over to suck on her nipples. The scene stopped pedestrian traffic, and despite her humiliation, Aly giggled because she imagined it must have been wild to walk down the street and see a pretty young girl hanging out of a car window, completely naked with an attractive guy and girl suckling on each of her nipples.

The final light was outside a home. In the driveway, two men were shooting hoops. It appeared to be a man in his forties and his son who appeared maybe twenty years old. Aly chewed the bottom of her lip as the son noticed her first, dropping the basketball in shock and letting it roll down the driveway. Of all the men who groped Aly today, he was the closest to her age and looked like the kind of boy she’d have a crush on at school. He was built, athletic but looked nice and kind. Aly’s long lashes fluttered as he approached, looking past her to ask Nick if this was some kind of prank show.

“Sure. Just no cameras,” Nick replied as he waved to the boy’s stunned father in the background. “You think she’s pretty?”

“Definitely,” the boy exhaled. “She’s hot.”

“Yeah. What do you think about her tits?” Nick asked as the boy remained standing a good yard from the car. “They look nice to you?”

“I mean yeah. They’re perfect.”

“Aly, tell him what cup size you wear,” Nick demanded.

“Thirty-four D,” Aly murmured, eyeing the boy shyly. His father had come up to the car now too. He looked like the kind of nice neighborhood father who coached softball and gave really great pats on the back. They were the kind of normal Aly hardly remembered since Travis and Nick came into her life. And now, they were no longer normal. Whatever nice men they were before this moment, that identity was long gone, because Travis and Nick were about to ruin them the way they had every other man.

“Come on, guys,” Nick urged them. “One car in the driveway. Mom’s not home yet, I can tell. And there’s no traffic behind us so take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and touch this girl. She wants you to. Right, Aly?”

Aly swallowed the knot in her throat and then nodded. The son remained hesitant but when he saw his father start forward, he followed. “She’s beautiful,” the father commented. “How old is she?”

“Nineteen,” Nick answered as he watched the older man cup the heavy underside of Aly’s left breast. He gave it a light bounce and then a tight squeeze. He closed his eyes and groaned to the sky before turning to his son.

“Christ. Feel that, son? These are perfect tits. You’re never gonna find a pair nicer than these, so you better squeeze them hard.”

The son shuddered as he did just that. He wet his lips as he rolled Aly’s pink nipple between his fingers, watching it stiffen.

“I bet her pussy’s tight,” the father said before casting a hopeful look at Nick. “Do you… do you think we could get a feel?”

Heat lit up Aly’s cheeks as Nick exchanged a look with Travis through the rearview mirror. With a look from Travis, Nick gave the reply. “Sorry. Her pussy’s reserved.”

“Damn it. Worth a try.” The man gave a good-natured shrug. Jiggling her left breast in his hand, he cocked his head. “I assume it’s reserved for you lucky bastards?” he joked.

The light mood faded as Nick muttered something under his breath and pulled Aly back into the car. “No. For some other sick son of a bitch,” he snarled as the light turned green and the car sped off.


Despite her prodding, neither Nick nor Travis would tell Aly where they were going and who they were bringing her to.

“Please? I’ll let you put it in my pussy,” Aly begged, fear building in her chest as she imagined the man she’d be delivered to shortly. The “sick son of a bitch,” according to Nick and Travis.

“Don’t fuck with me, Aly,” Nick growled. “If I could’ve, I’d’ve already shot my load inside you a hundred times.” He was sitting away from her now, pressed up against his window, clearly keeping a distance to curb his temptation. “If that sick fuck didn’t pay me as fucking well as he does, your pussy would be dripping with my cum right now.”

“Enough,” Travis barked from the front. “Shut your mouth, Nick.”

And just like that, it was quiet for the rest of the ride. But as they closed in on their destination, Aly’s throat tightened. She recognized this town, and she recognized these roads. They were winding, hilly roads with enormous homes sitting atop massive hunks of land. It was a beautiful neighborhood that she’d been basically banned from.

Because her sister, Jenn, lived here. And the last time Aly visited, she had told her to never come back again.

*What the fuck? What the fuck?*

Aly squeezed her eyes shut as the memories came back. She had visited Jenn with her then-best friend, Gabby. It was ages ago, when she and Gabby were still friends. It was summer and they had gone to lay out by Jenn’s enormous backyard pool. To Aly’s surprise, Gabby had suggested they sunbathe topless.

“Why not? Jenn’s not home and tan lines suck. Do it with me. Pleeease?” Gabby begged. With some more light prodding, she convinced Aly, and just like that, the two girls were laying out on the fancy lounge chairs, tits out, eyes closed and giggling every once in awhile over how daring they felt.

It had been tons of fun and they’d both gotten awesome tans, but that night at home, Jenn called fuming.

“What the fuck are these pictures of you, Alison? What are they?” she demanded, her voice shaking.

“What are you talking about?” Aly stammered. “What pictures?”

“In my husband’s *fucking phone*, Alison! There are naked pictures of you smiling and showing off your tits for Jackson! What the fuck!”

“I never did that! What are you talking about, Jenn? I swear, I’d never — ”

“Shut up. Just shut up and don’t you dare come back here again. I’ve had enough with your shit. I tried for so long to ignore it, and I wanted so bad to tell my friends they were wrong, but it’s true. You’re a little fucking slut and you’re never gonna stop walking around with those fuck-me tits like you’re hot shit. Well guess what? You’re not!”

Jenn hung up before Aly could get another word in, and it wasn’t till she called Gabby that she found out what happened. Jenn’s husband, Jackson, had been in the house while they were sunbathing, and he had paid Gabby to suggest the topless tanning. From the bedroom window, he’d taken pictures for his own use, and apparently, Jenn had found them.

Since that happened, Aly hadn’t seen either her sister *or* her brother-in-law. But clearly, she was about to.

“You’re bringing me to Jenn’s house,” Aly breathed in pure shock. Through the rearview mirror, Travis caught her eye.

“Jenn’s away on a conference,” he said with a smirk. Aly’s gaze floated away as she remembered the biannual conference her sister always had for work. “She’s be gone for — ”

“A week,” Aly murmured, realizing at least part of what was happening here.

Jackson was an obscenely wealthy man. It was half the reason Jenn would rather sever ties with her sister than get a divorce. Her life as Jackson’s wife was too glamorous, too cushy to leave for any reason. So she stayed and simply made sure that Aly would never show her face again.

Of course, in that time, Jackson missed Aly. Aly knew that considering the things he messaged her after the topless tanning fiasco. He basically offered to take her away on trips. He offered to get her into restaurants and clubs, and to buy her anything if she’d just meet him at a hotel room for “some fun.”

When Aly ignored the first batch of messages, she started getting messages from some mystery email address. They’d detail fantasies that she now recognized because she had spent the past few months living them out in person.

*”I want to see you show those tits off in public and wearing my cum like a necklace,”* the messages said. *”I want to see you sucking dick right on campus like the slut I know you are and I want to watch you blush as strange men grope your beautiful tits.”*

Aly’s mouth hung wide open as she realized that Travis and Nick were paid by her brother-in-law. They hadn’t just come into her life. Everything since the summer had been orchestrated carefully and filmed not just for blackmail, but for Jackson to watch. *Oh my God,* Aly thought when she remembered that her sorority president, Hannah, had probably been paid to suggest everyone flash their tits to that specific group of men on Spring Break.

It had all been a part of Jackson’s plan. He had gone so long without seeing Aly, but he’d never stopped lusting for her, and now, he was going to have her as he’d always fantasized about.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Nick reached for Aly when she suddenly yanked at the door. “We’re almost there,” he said, pulling her onto his lap and holding her still, kissing her neck and rubbing her naked breasts as the car ascended the steep driveway that led to Jackson’s enormous house with the beautiful pool — and, as Aly would soon find out, the naughty little play room he’d prepared entirely for her.


To Be Continued



  1. Honestly I’m not even here for the sexy anymore, the story alone has gotten me hooked. Nice work!

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