Pills Pt.1 [MF][drugs][bimbo-fication]

Let me preface this by saying I’ve never written erotica and this has just been a little boredom project for myself over the past couple days. I haven’t proofread extremely thoroughly, so just let me know of any typos. Theres a lot of build up, but again, that’s what I like. Let me know if this is something I should continue or post more of because I have more planned.

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“Pills” Pt. 1

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I was sitting on the couch, browsing the internet on my laptop, when Ashley bolted through the front door. She wore an excited look on her face, rushing to the bedroom to unload her belongings. I could hear her sit flatly on the bed, fumbling with her shoelaces, then two soft thuds of them landing in the closet.

“How was work?” I said, attempting to be audible from their front room.


We had been together for five years, and I knew that tone. She had something up her sleeve; a plan for the night. It was Friday, after all, and this was one of the few weekends we had together. Our work schedules just never lined up. I had graduated college nearly two years ago and had a full time position, while Ashley still had a year of school left while juggling a part-time job. I could hear one of my dresser drawers being opened, her purse unzip, then… a plastic baggie? Did she buy weed? Something else?

I admit, I got a little excited. Over the past year, we had been experimenting with psychedelics with our roommates. We were both in our early twenties and had never really tried much before now, so I suppose you could say we just wanted a bohemian crash course before adulthood completely removed those things from our life. After moving to our apartment, though, the social catalyst had been removed. Having a house of full of six twenty-somethings gave us the ability to easily decide when and where we would “trip”, what drug we would take, and who else we would invite. It was actually really nice. We all bonded through the planning, the trip, and the discussions of the experiences.

We had been “on our own” for about 2 months now. It wasn’t bad. Far from it. We were already growing more as a couple and having the freedom to use our own space in any way we wanted was a huge plus. Yet, even the possibility of a new drug-fueled experience with only Ashley excited me. We had never really done psychadelics by ourselves and I had always been curious about what we would end up doing together on it. What would we talk about? What if we had sex? I wanted to know.

I stood up and hurried to the bedroom.

“What do we have here?” I said as I lightly patted her ass. Our stash was open, empty as it had been for the past few months, except for a baggie with about 2 dozen brightly colored pills.

“We’re gonna have fun tonight!” Ashley said, pointing to the baggie.

“Pills? We’ve never done anything like that. What are they?”

“Rachel sold them to me at work. They’re apparently very new and she said they’re great. Her dealer somehow got way too many so they’re super cheap right now. Also, you owe me $25.”

“Wow. What do they do, though? There’s so many of them, and there’s like six different colors! It looks like a bag of jelly beans.” I said enthusiastically. I was cautiously excited.

“Well, you know CRISPR, right? How its a super cheap process that can rewrite DNA and make physical changes? Well, people are already concocting drugs utilizing it. They started spreading somewhere in the North-East about a month ago and already made their way here.” She was talking about it like one of her science projects, genuinely curious.

“So these things rewrite DNA? That could be really cool. Do they mess with the way your dopamine receptors work or something? Wouldn’t that be permanent?” I was getting a little more worried, but I admit my interest was peaking.

“NOPE! The effects last about 30 hours. They do all sorts of stuff, though, but I want it to be a surprise. You’re going to have to trust me. Mentally, they’re all supposed to be like a prolonged mild molly trip, but they also cause physical changes.” Ashley gave me a wicked grin and wink. “That’s where the surprise comes in.”

“Jesus, 30 hours!? And physical changes, as in a third arm or something? I don’t know about that.” I said, almost ready to back out.

“Oh no! Little stuff, like changing your eye color or and lightening your mood. Look, there’s seven colors here. Pink, blue, purple, yellow, green, black, and white. The white one is a sort of antidote. You take that one if you don’t like it or you need to go back to normal. The pink one is for me, the blue one is for you, and the others for later if we want it.”

That was comforting, actually. I normally don’t like to go all-in with a new drug. I like to take half to get a feel for what it does first, but having a counter drug to just make it stop sounded great.

“This sounds really goofy.” I said “But if that white pill actually works then I’ll let you take the reigns on this one, babe. Lets do it. What are they called, though?”

“Awww yea! Baby, this is going to be so fun! Their actual names are sentence-long scientific chemical structures, so people are just calling them Crisp’s. The colors apparently come from the process of making them, though, so Rachel said most people just say ‘Pink Crisp’ or ‘Green Crisp.’ Lets take them right now, though! If they last for over a day we should really get started. Rachel said they take about an hour to kick in, then the changes ramp up over about 20 minutes. She’s done them about 10 times already, so I think we should just do whatever she said.”

“They’re that new and she’s already done them 10 times? I guess tolerance isn’t a problem with them, then. What did she say to do?”

We walked to the kitchen with the baggie as Ashley explained. “Well, mine has more drastic physical changes than yours, so I’m supposed to prepare for that. Mostly just different clothes and lotion and stuff.”

“Wait, different clothes? You’re not going to bloat up and get fat or anything are you?” I said as I poured our glasses of water.”

“Nothing like that. I said it was a surprise, remember!” She said as she picked out the each pill, blue for me and pink for her, each about the size of a dime. She handed me mine and I held it in my hand, inspecting it.

“Anything I should do to prepare?” I said. This was her show now. I had no idea what to expect.

“Nah, most of yours is mostly internal, nothing outwardly exaggerated. It’s still just as fun as mine, though. At least that’s what Rachel said. Yours is for guys only, so she didn’t have much to say besides what her guy friends told her. Oh, you might want to go put on some loose shorts or pants, though.”

“Well, alright. Guess I’ll wait in here for you to get ready. Here’s to a good weekend!” I said as we clinked our glasses and downed the pills.

“I’m so excited. It’s going to be so nice doing this together, baby.” Ashley said as we embraced one another.

“I know, I’m excited, too! I love you, sugar.” I said as I leaned in for a kiss.

“I love you, too, Jack.” She leaned in as well and we exchanged a loving kiss. “I’m going to go get ready!” She said as she unhooked from me and dashed to the bedroom. “Put on some music!”

* * * * *

The hour was almost over and I could still hear the closet opening and closing and fumbling in her dresser. I had already thrown on my pajama bottoms and put on one of Ash’s playlists.

“Baby it’s about that time! Are you ready yet?” I said, getting a bit annoyed with how long she was taking.

“Yep! I’m done. Should be starting any many now.” Ashley said as she slowly stepped through the hallway.

When Ashley said she had to change her clothes, I was expecting a loose fitting shirt and her sweat pants, but what I saw in the hallway was a bombshell. Ashley was wearing her sexiest black lace bra and red thong, stretched up to the top of her thighs. This was my favorite and she knew it, I was already getting hard from the sight of it. Her silky chestnut hair was done up in a messy bun, but you could tell she had meticulously crafted the “rolled out of the bed” look down to the T. Her skin was glistening with what seemed to be oil. I could smell a faint woft of coconut from the couch, though. What sealed the deal was a the make up. She normally overdoes it a bit, but this was the perfect balance of light foundation, black eyeliner, and pink lip gloss. My jaw dropped with a wispy smile.

For a moment, I thought the pills were a distraction. Some placebo she had set up to build my excitement and give her time to sex herself up for me. I wouldn’t even be mad, she was stunning. Her long, smooth legs were loosely crossed as she stood; her wide thighs and perfectly shaped ass as the perfect keystone. I was a breast man before I met her, but she had converted me over our time together. Her perfectly graspable slim waist was accented by a devilishly sexy hanging bellybutton ring.

“You are fucking gorgeous.” I just couldn’t contain myself.

I rose off the couch, feeling much lighter than before. Maybe the pills weren’t placebos after all. I had butterflies in my stomach as a I strode to her, but I couldn’t tell if that was from her body or the drugs. I was within arms reach of her before she shouted “OH! I forgot something!” and rushed back into the bedroom, slamming the door on her way in. We hadn’t even started foreplay and I felt like I was getting blue balls.

“Baby I didn’t know we were getting sexy tonight! You really outdid yourself, you look perfect.” I said through the door.

“Thanks baby. Just wait till you see what these pills do! I think mines starting to work!” She replied. It sounded like she was fumbling with something.

“I think mine is, too. Is it supposed to do something with my muscles? I feel kind of – I dunno – light?”

“Yessir! Take off your shirt, I wanna see!” She yelled excitedly.

“Don’t have to ask me twice” I said to myself, throwing off my shirt. I stepped into the bathroom to get a better look and she was right, the person I saw in the mirror was a bit different from what I was used to seeing. I’ve always been in okay shape, pretty thin, but this guy was a bit more buff. Not a body builder, by any means, but he definitely looked like he worked out a few times a week. My thinning hair was starting to fill in as well.

“Oh myyyyy, you look good baby.” Ashley said as she reached from behind me, slipping her hands over my new abs. She was nearly as tall as me, though. Is that what her pills did? I glanced behind me to check.

“Are you wearing high heels? I didn’t even know you had any of those.”

“Oh, yea, bought ’em just for the weekend. What do you think?”

They were ridiculous, but in a good way. These shoes looked like they were designed specifically for a porn set. The black heels had to be at least six inches tall and had straps that intertwined up her calf to just below her knee. They would be completely inappropriate anywhere outside the bedroom. However, the image of Ash in stripper heels was perking my rod right up. I could feel my loose pants starting to tent.

“Rachel said that the pill makes your kaleesi tendon shrink, so she said to get a tall pair of heels if I wanted to walk comfortably.”

“Kaleesi? You mean Achilles tendon?” I laughed, a little confused.

“Hm? OH! It must be working! The pink pill is supposed to make you a little dumber. Heehee I didn’t even mean to do that! I’m pre-med, I know what it’s called!” She said in a slightly higher pitch than usual. Her voice was starting to sound a little mousy and breathy.

“Well lets hope you don’t get too dumb, we’ve got a very good night ahead of us.” I said, barely able to keep my hands off her. I turned and embraced her again in front of the bathroom mirror, placing my hands on the small of her back.

“Oh yeaaaa, honey. I want you to fuck what little brains I have left out of me tonight.” This was quite out of character for Ashley. She never talks quite that dirty. She stood there with her head rested contently on my shoulder, but snapped up with a shocked look on her face.

“Ooo! That was dirty! I wasn’t even thinking about what I was saying! It just flowed right out of me!” Her face went blank for a moment, curious cogs turning in her head. “And look at youuuuu. You’re so buff, all I want to do is run my tongue over your abs.” She kneeled down slowly, struggling with her heels, but lightly licking my newfound muscles on the way down. “Actually… lets see what we can get to flow out of youuu.”

This drug was hitting her mind hard. I felt the effects as well, but was much too focused on the way Ashley was slowly untying the laces of my pants. She gingerly pulled down my waistline, savoring the moment. I knew what was coming. Ash knew I loved getting head and this was always the first act of our foreplay. Even if her blowjobs had gotten a little formulaic, she had gotten quite good. She knew exactly how to lick, touch, and stroke to get me rock hard. I rose my head and closed my eyes, eagerly anticipating what would come next.

“HOLY SHIT! BABY, YOU’RE HUUUGE!” She screamed, jolting me back into the moment.

She was right, I was huge. I was pretty average before, a little over six inches hard, but this monster was only semi-erect and had to be close to eight. Where the drugs were hitting Ashley’s mind, they were giving me a total body makeover. My pubic hair appeared to be well trimmed and soft, which was strange because I hadn’t groomed down there in nearly a month. My body was becoming lean, muscular, and I could feel my stamina slowly rise. “Oh my god” was all I could let out. My voice was different; slightly deeper, much more clear, and oddly powerful.

“Rachel said you would get bigger, but this is nuts!” Ashley was inspecting my package, moving her head around to soak in all the changes. “Speaking of nuts, can you see these things!?” She said as she hefted my sack to the side to show me. They were massive; each testicle was the size of a small kiwiand my scrotum was completely hairless. “I guess that makes sense, though. You’re supposed to – um – I forget what its called. Like, you’ll be able to cum a lot and not need a break.”

“Refractory period. You mean I wont get sore and I’ll just be able to cum as much as I want?”

“Oohhhh yeaaaa.” Ashley cooed as she toyed with my manhood. “As much as I want.”

“Damn, baby, you’re really horny.” I nervously laughed as I smiled down at her, running my fingers through her tangled bun. “Oh, and your hair is changing color! You’ve got a bit of blonde in there now!” Ash rose her head to me with lustful eyes. “And your lips are swelling up, too.” Her lips had swelled to the point that she couldn’t fully close them, there was a small gap where her bottom lip creased. The upper lip had smoothed out with a slight bow. “Oh, are you drooling?”

A thick rope of drool was dripping from her engorged lips. It stretched from her chin, much softer than it was before, falling to her breasts, which were spilling out of her bra. My dick was swelling to full mast at this sensually dirty sight. It had to be nearly 10 inches.

“Ow, this thing kinda hurts…” She said, taking one hand from my heavy sack to point at her black lace bra. “Can you take it off of me?” I could see why, the strap across her back was digging into her. Her breasts were still swelling and if I didn’t undo the clasp, I might’ve had to cut the thing off of her.

“Oh, um, yea baby I got it.” My body was heating up and the pit in my stomach screamed “Put your dick between those lips”, but I had to force myself out of the trance. I reached over her head to her back, struggling with the clasp. As I finally got a good grip, a warmth enveloped me. I could feel Ashley’s lips wrapping around my cock. She moaned softly, the sound she makes after crashing into the couch after a long day at work. My hands fell limp, my cock rose to a heavy iron mast. I could feel it’s heft and wondered just how she managed to fit the thing in her mouth.

I looked over to see our reflection in the bathroom mirror. Ashley’s hands were kneading her new breasts, which had spilled out over her B cup bra. They had to be at least DD’s now. Her fingers danced and pinched her inch-long nipples as her bobbing head and puffy lips slowly climbed my rod. Her eyes were closed and her brows were pursed from pleasure. Nearly half of the monster was already in her mouth and I could feel the swollen head pressing the back of her throat. Her mouth was intoxicating. Soon, I could feel my head slipping down her throat. “How is she not gagging?” I thought.

Ashley instinctively straightened out her neck, allowing the crest of my head to press on downward. Her tongue, throat, and lips sloppily gripped and tugged, making my hips follow her motions. Surprisingly, she had nearly encompassed my entire length. I slowly thrust forwards and back, fucking her throat as much as I could without hurting her. Ash began to bob up and down against me, using her legs to press even further, as if to let me know she could take it. The sight I saw in the mirror was unreal; this sex goddess, this sexually perfect being, was letting me fuck her face with the biggest cock I had ever seen. Her lips had finally touched the base with her chin pressed firmly against my sack.

I couldn’t handle it. This was just too much for me. I felt my cock stiffen so hard that it cramped. My balls clenched, visibly churning and pumping cum down my length. My hands stiffened, finally unlatching Ashley’s bra, as I shot thick ropes of cum into her throat. Ashley moaned through her cock filled mouth as she drained every last drop of my seed. This was the longest, strongest orgasm of my life; we must have been there for nearly a minute, unable to see anything but pure pleasure.

After I had spent my reserves, Ashley took both hands from her tits and placed them at the base of my cock. Firmly, she began to squeeze out the remaining nectar as she slowly pulled her head off of my shaft, resting her open mouth just underneath the tip. Her eyes remained closed as her hands reached the end of my rod, dropping the remaining dollops onto her hungry tongue. The drops that had remained in my shaft were nearly as large my typical load, and I wondered exactly how much cum I had just produced for her. She finally opened her eyes, obviously racked with pleasure.

“Ohhhhhh my gawd, Jack. That was increeeeedible!” Her voice had hit a sultry plateau, but her swollen lips had given her a light lisp. It was high, breathy, and bubbly. “Cum has never tasted that good. As soon as you coated my throat, I came sooooooo hard! Just from the taste of it!” She slowly fell backwards onto the floor, crossing her arms with her massive tits squeezed between them. “And these titties! Just look at them! Heehee, I can’t even think of the smart word for titties. Like, I don’t even have any bras that could fit these puppies.”

To be honest, she didn’t need a bra. These breasts didn’t sag like natural breasts. They somehow looked like the most organic pair of implants ever made. As she laid there, I was able to get a better look at the other changes she had taken on. Her hair had gone completely golden blonde and her waist was much more trim, while her her hips had widened in contrast. Even her ass had grown, padding out a bit against the floor beneath her. Ashley’s body had become a voluptuous hourglass. She had spread her legs, showing a pussy that was completely hairless with a noticeably swollen clit, forming a perfect slit with a slight protruding bump at the top.

“This stuff is just crazy.” I said, as my member slowly deflated. “Lets go lay in bed, baby. We’ll cuddle until we’re ready to see what else these changes have to offer.”

“Okayyyy, but you have to make me a promise!” She said with a slight wiggle. Her breasts jostled from the motion.

I reached down a hand to help her up. “Haha, alright, and whats that my love?”

“Any time you cum… and I mean every time, mister… I want it in my mouth, okay? I know you’ll probably want to do it at least once in my little slit, but your cock just feels too good between my cock suckers. It just tastes too good, baby. Please? We can do anything you want, but I need to taste every last drop.” Ashley’s eyes were welling with tears as I helped her up. This pill had turned her into a total cumslut.

Once she was standing, I could see her face much more clearly. She was beautiful. I mean, she was no doubt beautiful before, but she had a face that could make teenagers cream their jeans with so much as a wink. Her lips were quite exaggerated, but they seemed to fit perfectly with the rest of her face and body. She was simply designed to pleasure cocks. She was still teary eyed and bowed her head, as if she was guilty.

I lifted her chin reassuringly. “Um, sure, honey. Every time. I’ll give you all the cum you can savor.” I said, then gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

She hugged me tight. “Oh, thank you, honey! Thank you so so so sooooooo much!”

* * * * *

…And that’s part one. Part two involves Ashley taking the reigns in the bedroom and I’m toying with the idea of Rachel joining in on the fun. Also, the other colored pills already have a purpose.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5683n2/pills_pt1_mfdrugsbimbofication


  1. I’d say you did a great job! I like the pace and the story is really fun as well. Well done. Can’t wait to read more!

  2. >I was pretty average before, a little over six inches hard

    The only part I disliked, made me roll my eyes. Otherwise, hot story.

  3. This is great. Totally look forward to the future parts. Wish this one had continued a little more.

  4. Very hot story, love the idea of the transformation and effects on the mind, and the possibility that things will get a bit out of hand. I’m guessing Ashley doesn’t have the whole story about the drugs? Nice one.

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