Jonah and the World Around Him PT.3 [mF, mast, inc]

Jonah let his fork fall to the plate with a distinctive “clink,” and sat back heavily into the booth. “I’m stuffed!”

“Well, you should be! That was enough Pad Thai for three people I think,” his mom chuckled. ‘Or one ravenous teenager,” she thought.

The substantive meal and light conversation had brightened Jonah’s mood considerably. His mom avoided asking him about school, so he didn’t have to get into any of that. And, very thankfully, she didn’t seem to know that she had nearly walked in on him masturbating.

Jonah’s mom regarded him for a moment. Definitely not a little boy anymore. Still too cute to be a man. ‘That painful in-between stage,’ she thought to herself. She sat quietly for a few more moments, dreading the conversation she had been putting off all dinner. ‘Well, it’s now or never,’ she concluded.

“So, Jonah,” she began cautiously. “Do you have any romantic interests? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?”

He looked down at his empty plate and hesitated for a few moments before responding. “Are you going to do the thing where you try to talk to me about sex and it gets all super awkward and stuff?”

For a moment she was offended, but then just laughed. “Yes, precisely that.” she conceded.

Jonah sighed. “Mom, I already know about sex. I know you can get girls pregnant. I know you can get STDs. All that stuff.”

“And clearly you know about masturbation!” she quipped without thinking.

Jonah went nuclear red in the face, looking mortified.

“Oh, relax, Jonah,” she said dismissively, but with compassion. “Everyone masturbates. It’s no big deal, honestly.

At a loss for words, he just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Yeah, well, I bet you don’t masturbate!”

‘Eject! Eject!’ screamed a voice somewhere in her mind. Jonah watched his mom squirm, taking some small satisfaction in having embarrassed her for a change.

“Well, you’re right and you’re wrong,” she said after regaining her composure. “I haven’t in some time, but I certainly have in the past.”

“Yeah, probably like 50 years ago,” Jonah said sarcastically.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Easier there, champ. I’m not that old.”

“So when was the last time?” he found himself surprised at asking.

“The last time what?” she responded with a wry smile, not willing to concede to embarrassment that easily.

Jonah paused. The balance of awkwardness in this conversation was swinging wildly, like some incredibly weird game of chicken. ‘She doesn’t think I’ll actually ask,’ he thought, but he had made up his mind. “When was the last time you…masturbated?” he asked, the later part in a whisper.

“Well, that’s a very personal question, isn’t it?” his mom replied.

“I thought you said it was ‘no big deal’!” Jonah said, turning up the teenage smarminess.

She sighed. “Teenagers have no sense of nuance or subtlety, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

She shook her head. “Nevermind. Look, all I was trying to say is that masturbation is a perfectly normal and very common thing. Especially in horny, teenage boys, such as yourself.”

Jonah blushed again.

“And I know it’s incredibly uncomfortable having your own mother point that out to you,” she continued. “But I just don’t want you to feel ashamed, or anything.”

“So…it doesn’t bother you?” he asked after a moment.

“Of course not,” she said with a reassuring smile. “And next time, I’ll do a better job of knocking before coming into your room,” she added with a wink.

Jonah chewed his lower lip for a moment before speaking. “Did you…see anything, earlier today?”

“I assume you want me to be honest, right?”

He nodded.

“Yes, I saw you masturbating. And I’m really sorry about that–I should have knocked first,” she said genuinely. “Look, we can talk more at home. I mean, if you like,” she added.

He seemed mollified for the time being, so she got the check, paid and drove them home. Jonah didn’t really say anything on the drive, just traded glances between his lap and the window. As they were walking up the front steps, Jonah happen to look up at the right moment to see the hem of his mother’s dress flitter upwards on a gust, revealing her thong-clad ass.

It was only for a second, but the image was instantly burned into his brain. Jonah tried to rationalize away the thoughts that were bubbling up, but the raw, unfiltered pubescent hormones were taking over. His mom’s ass was not quite Miss Maarten’s (‘and she’s YOUR MOM.’ his brain tried to remind him forcefully), but in practical terms, she was an attractive woman and he was a horny boy.

“Hope you got a good look back there,” his mom said with a small laugh as they entered the house.

Without thinking, Jonah asked, “Are you wearing a thong, Mom?”

His mom blushed. ‘Serves me right,’ she thought, but before she could answer, her libido came screaming out of the dark and she did something completely out of character. She lifted the bottom of her dress and cocked her hips to one side, approximating a pin-up girl pose, giving Jonah a full view of her ass.

He could not believe what just happened, nor could his now unimaginably rigid erection. Jonah did not move or speak. He stood transfixed until his mom dropped the tail of the sundress back into place. When his mom finally spoke, Jonah practically jumped out of his shoes. “I’m sorry I just did that–that was completely inappropriate and I know the last thing you’d ever want to see is your old mom’s flabby ass!”

His mom was surprised that he hadn’t recoiled in terror at the sight. Instead, he looked anxious and fidgety. Before he could say anything, she excused herself and zipped up the stairs, practically tripping on the top stair. ‘I have got to get back into normal, frumpy clothes before this gets out of hand,’ she thought.

Jonah watched his mom disappear up the stairs before finally taking himself and his unignorable erection up to his room. His parent’s room was at the far end of the hallway, down past his own, and for a moment he contemplated walking past his door to peer into their room, but he wasn’t sure what he would find, or if that was a line he was ready to cross. Instead, he shut his door, sat on his bed and debated whether or not to masturbate. On one hand, he was incredibly horny and on the other, he was horny mostly because he just saw his mom wearing a thong.

Hormones won the battle. Jonah glanced at the door to ensure that it was still closed, then unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them off under his firm, boyish butt. Partially freed, his cock strained hard against his white briefs. Jonah rubbed the heel of his palm down front of his underwear along the length of his clothed penis, pushing his hips up to add pressure against his hand. He stroked himself outside his tightie whities for a few more moments before finally hooking his thumbs into the waistband and pulling them down around his ankles.

Jonah loved the feel of the open air on his penis–he didn’t often masturbate this way, nervous about the exposure and the increased risk of getting caught–but being discovered was a distant thought. He licked his index and middle finger and gently spread the saliva around the head of his swollen penis, catching his breath as the tips of his fingers brushed that incredibly sensitive spot just below the tip. Jonah continued to play with the head of his cock this way for a few more moments, his hips beginning to roll back and forth, butt clenching tight with each forward thrust.

He couldn’t recall the last time he felt this aroused–maybe the first time he actually masturbated to ograsm? At last Jonah gripped the mostly hairless shaft of his erection, encircling it in a tight-but-not-too-tight circle of his thumb, index and middle fingers and began stroking. He let out an unconscious moan of pleasure on the first upstroke–again, not something he would ever normally due for fear of it increasing the chance of being caught.

Back in his parents room, Jonah’s mom sat on her bed in just her bra and panties, sundress in a crumpled pile on the floor at her feet. She was fighting a fierce internal battle, disgusted with herself for flashing Jonah a few moments ago, but also desperately horny, her long dormant libido now vibrantly awake and demanding attention. She tried to think of the last time she had sex but nothing came to mind. She loved her husband but like her, he had fallen into the trap of the working grind and their physical intimacy had withered like an unwatered plant.

She stood, determined to get out of these bra and panties that she felt she had no business wearing. She unhooked the bra and let it fall unceremoniously to the floor and started to take off her thong when she heard her son’s voice in her mind: “Are you wearing a thong, Mom?”

A icy shock of pleasure shot down her spine, her heart skipping a beat and breath catching in her chest. It was as if the signals in brain had gotten crossed–her mind was screaming at her that everything she was thinking was wrong, but she was more aroused than she had been in years. Before her senses returned, she found herself opening the bedroom door and padding quietly down the hallway to Jonah’s room.

She stood just outside his door and paused with her hand on the doorknob perhaps just a second before turning it as quietly as she could. There was Jonah, nude from the waist down except for the white cotton briefs tangled around his ankles. Instead of looking away, she stared straight at his hand sliding slowly up and down his teenaged cock.

Her own hand fell to her right hip, fingers tracing the elastic band of her thong until it hovered just above her pussy. Jonah arched his back, thrusting his young cock into the air with a low moan. She slipped her waiting hand down into her panties, past the black, unkempt curls, down further until she felt warmth, and wetness. So much wetness–practically dripping. Two fingers circled in the warm folds just outside the entrance to her vagaina, and then dove in, hard. The base of her palm hammered against her clit as she drove her fingers in causing her to gasp with shock and pleasure.

Jonah looked up at the sudden noise and saw his mother standing in the doorway. Naked, except for her thong panties, one hand hidden in her crotch and the other on the doorframe, holding her up against the waves of pleasure rumbling through her body. Jonah was on the verge of orgasm but nearly stopped masturbating out of pure instinct to cover up.

She watched her son hesitate for just a heartbeat, watched his eyes journey from her face, to her breasts and down to where her right hand was working on her pussy. She saw the moment the decision to continue broke over his face, his mouth fell open ever so slightly as he resumed stroking his cock.

Jonah watched as his mom stepped into the room, just one step, and in the same motion drop her panties down around her feet. He saw her fingers diving into her pussy, palm grinding away on her clit. It was almost too much to take in, but part of his mind wanted to linger on the visuals–his mom unshaven pussy, her brown, erect nipples, the shape of her hips and how they moved against her hand–while another part of his mind was racing him towards climax.

His mom was also on the verge of orgasm, her legs beginning to quiver and breath coming in short, sharp stabs. “Oh, god!” she whispered involuntarily as she began to cum.

Jonah watched, heard his mom–the sound of her cumming didn’t so much as send him over the edge as it sent him into high orbit. He couldn’t make a noise–every ounce of available energy was channeled straight into his cock as he came, and came, and came.

She watched as cum erupted out of her son’s cock, firing out and up onto his chest and flat belly. At first, her own orgasm unfolded slowly and unstoppably, like a river of molten lava, and as it spread out from her center, it set fire to everything. And as every muscle and nerve lit up and screamed in pure pleasure, she staggered forward, nearly falling right on her son’s bed.

For a brief moment, neither mom nor son spoke. They just gasped for air and rode out the aftershock in silence.

As the moment passed, Jonah’s mom quickly pulled up her panties and bolted from the room. Not a word spoken. No glances exchanged. In that post-orgasm fugue where the endorphins are still rich in the bloodstream but the sane, thinking part of the brain flickers back to life, Jonah found himself incredibly grateful for her quick exit.

‘Well, what now, smart guy?’ he thought.



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