Jonah and the World Around Him PT.2 [mF, mast, inc]

(NOTE: This is part two of a multi-part story.)

After a very strange, frequently humiliating day at school, Jonah was beyond relieved when he finally got home, shut his bedroom door and cranked up some music. He didn’t have too many prized possessions, but his stereo was one. Big, floor-standing JBLs powered by a high-quality solid-state Sony ES amp–all acquired second hand with some savvy Craigslist shopping and a couple of summer’s worth of lawn-mowing money. It was loud enough to rattle pictures off the wall if driven hard enough and because his parents were seldomly home, he let it run wide open more often than not.

Jonah’s family was squarely middle-class while most of his peers came from much more wealthy homes. Due to the nature of the recent redistricting, Shermer High School catered primarily to the significantly more affluent neighborhoods in the area. Just a small sliver of Jonah’s street was within the Shermer district.

His mother was a nurse at the local hospital and frequently worked the third (or graveyard) shift. His father was a retail manager at a local big-box bookstore–an aspiring author whose writing career never quite got off the ground. Retail hours were long and kept him frequently out of the house. Jonah’s older sister, Carrie, attended the nearby community college and was spending more and more time at her boyfriend’s apartment, coming by the house only now and again it seemed.

In all, Jonah found himself home alone more often than not. It didn’t particularly bother him, though. He valued his independence and the luxury of being able to do whatever he wanted without worrying about bothering or being bothered by anyone. Even still, he loved his family and despite its seemingly dysfunctional appearance, everyone genuinely cared for each other in their own ways. Arguments were rare and once a week all four would sit down for a meal together. Time together might have been limited, but in many ways Jonah’s homelife was far better than some kids he knew.

Still trying to shake off the funk from earlier, Jonah sprawled out on his bed and closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him. Before long, he drifted off to sleep, falling into a very vivid dream.

He was back in Miss Maarten’s classroom, and there she was, bent over a classmate’s desk, head down and read-end up in the air. This time, her conservative beige skirt was bunched up around her waist giving Jonah a clear and explicit view of her white cotton panties. She looked back over her shoulder at him and a wide, sensual grin spread across her face. Jonah felt himself grow hard and looked down to find he was wearing only his tighty whities, now bulging at the front. And instead of embarrassment, he felt excitement, lust, pulse through his young body.

Sarah glanced at the erection straining at Jonah’s underpants and said with a wink, “Why don’t you come over here?”

Without hesitation, Jonah walked up behind Miss Maarten, put his hands around her waist and pressed his hips into hers, feeling his small but rock-solid erection rub up against the warmth and dampness of her panty-covered pussy.

Sarah inhaled sharply with pleasure and pushed back against Jonah, grinding her now soaking pussy against his young cock. “Oh, Jonah,” she moaned, “I want you inside of me.”

Back in reality, Jonah had unbuttoned the fly on his jeans and pulled out his cock, giving it quick strokes up and down, hips rocking back and forth against the mattress. Orgasm was imminent.

Back in the dream, Jonah was imagining his erection sliding deeply into Miss Maartens hot and wet pussy. He had no actual frame of reference for what that would feel like, but his imagination was doing an excellent job.

Moments later, both dream-world and real-world Jonah climaxed, small ropes of cum shooting across his knuckles. The warmth and wetness of the ejaculate on his hand brought him back into reality, back to his bedroom and to the music blasting on the stereo. And, no Miss Maarten. As he was opening his eyes, he thought he caught a glimpse of his door shutting, but he wasn’t awake enough to be sure.

Just outside of Jonah’s closed bedroom door, stood his mom, hand still on the doorknob and holding her breath, hoping that her son had not seen her.

She had gotten off early and was going to surprise him by taking him out to dinner. When she got home, she could hear his stereo from the driveway, a sure sign he was up in his room. She came inside the house, dropped off her things and headed up the stairs, not making any special attempt at being quiet (no reason to) and not that Jonah would have heard her anyhow. Jonah’s mom opened the bedroom door and started to say “Hi!” when she saw him on the bed, hand wrapped around his smooth erection, hips thrusting into the air, masturbating.

For a moment, she just froze, unsure of what to do, or if he had heard her. When it quickly became obvious he was unaware of her presence, she backed slowly out of the room, carefully shutting the door as fast as she could while minimizing the noise. Just before the door completely closed, she heard a small but unmistakable moan of pleasure. She winced sharply at both the sound of her son cuming and the loud “click!” of the door latch.

Unsure of what to do next, she stood in the hallways for a moment to collect her thoughts. On one hand, she was mortified to have invaded her son’s privacy in such an intimate moment, even if it was accidental. There are some things a mom just doesn’t need to see and her young teenage son jerking off fell squarely into that category. But, on the other hand she was oddly proud of him, that he was growing up and felt free enough to explore his sexuality, even if in the most primitive of ways. She tried to ignore the one other thought that kept trying to force its way into her mind–that it had been ages since she and her husband had been intimate on any sexual level. Hell, it had been forever since she had any kind of sexual experience, with or without her husband. She shook off the thought and decided to knock firmly on Jonah’s door.

“Hey Jonah, I’m home!” she announced loudly, still standing outside his bedroom door.

There was a distinctive “thud!” of feet hitting the floor, the volume on the stereo dropping and Jonah shouting, “One second!” A few more seconds passed and then he opened the door, looking flushed but trying to act casual.

“Uh, hey, Mom” he said meekly, trying to catch his breath. “What’s up? Home ‘come you’re home?” He leaned awkwardly against the door frame in a failed attempt to look relaxed and unflustered.

Her initial shock was fading and some humor was creeping into its place–watching her son try to act all cool and casual after having just clearly masturbated to orgasm was suddenly very funny. She forced herself not to chuckle and replied, “Oh, I’ve clocked so much overtime lately that they made me leave. Thought I would surprise you by taking you out to dinner somewhere tonight.”

‘Got the surprise part right!’ Jonah thought. Ever since the moment he heard the knock on the door he was cursing himself for being so careless. Jonah had discovered masturbation a year or two earlier and prided himself on his stealthiness. Not once had he been caught. No close calls, even, until just now. As he was standing in front of his mom, doing his best to act normally, he happen to glance down and realized his fly was unbuttoned. ‘Fuck!’ he cursed inwardly. How had he missed that? He then realized his mom was expecting him to say something.

“Uh, yeah, sure. Dinner,” he said.

Jonah’s mom watched her son squirm and after a moment, realized why. The fly on his jeans was open and he was trying desperately to disguise that fact. She could see the white of his underpants peeking out, just below the hemline of his t-shirt. ‘Probably getting too old to wear tighty whities anymore,’ she thought. ‘I’ll have to figure out how to bring that up with him. Well, that and it’s probably way past time for the sex talk.’

“Mom?” Jonah asked after she had been quiet for a moment. ‘She must know!’ Jonah thought with some dread.

His mom blinked and shook her head. “Sorry! I was drifting there. Yeah, so, dinner. Where do you want to go?”

Relieved that she didn’t seem to be aware of having almost caught him mid-orgasm, or was at least not going to bring it up, Jonah thought about her question for a moment before responding. “How about Thai Garden?” he suggested. He had recently become obsessed with Pad Thai and couldn’t get enough of it.

“Sure. Let me go change out of these scrubs and we’ll head up there,” his mom said and started to walk down the hallway to her bedroom. As she was walking away, for reasons that he could not understand, he took special notice of the distinctive outline of panties framing his mom’s pale-blue scrub-covered butt, not unlike Miss Maarten’s visible panty line from earlier in the day. ‘What the hell is wrong with my brain!?’ he screamed inwardly.

Jonah’s mom stopped just short of going into her bedroom and said, “What’s that, honey?”

He must have said something out loud, or made a noise. “Huh? Uh, I didn’t say anything,” he half-spoke, half-muttered and quickly retreated into his room to finally button his fly.

His mom grinned and stepped into her room to change clothes.

She stood before her floor-length mirror and pulled off the scrub top, shaking free her shoulder-length brown hair from its tie-back. She always wore a sports bra to work, so her bust was a little flatter than it might be otherwise, but she was still a healthy C-cup. She slipped the baggy, light-blue scrub bottoms off and turned sideways to regard her profile. Her black, bikini-cut panties hug to her hips a little tighter than she liked, and her butt and stomach were definitely not as flat and tight as they once were. ‘Eh, not bad for forty,’ she thought with a shrug.

She grabbed a pair of (mostly) clean jeans and a t-shirt from off the top of a pile of clothes on her hamper and started to throw them on, but stopped. ‘Might feel good to not look like such a bum tonight,’ she thought. Jonah’s mom then stepped into her closet, and scanned the rack of hanging clothes that hadn’t been touched in some time. After some deliberation, she chose a yellow and white, paisley-patterned sundress. Before putting it on, she looked herself in the mirror again. Drab, black cotton panties and white sports bra–’Not exactly sexy,’ she thought. She went to the top drawer of her dresser and, after digging around a bit pulled out a rose-colored, lacy to the point of translucency, thong and matching bra.

Just as she stepped into her considerably upgraded intimate wear, she paused and thought ‘‘What am I doing? It’s not like I’m going on a goddamned date!’ But before she could ponder the thought longer, she heard Jonah’s door open and close.

“Fuck it,” she said out loud and drew the delicate sundress down over her head, gently smoothing out the fabric where it came to rest against her body. It was a bit more form-fitting than she had remembered it being, and it stopped well short of her knees. ‘So, it’s not overly modest.’ she thought. She checked herself in the mirror one final time and was pleasantly surprised. “But, I’ll take it,” she said to herself.

Jonah stood just outside her bedroom door and started to say, “You ready, Ma-” but stopped short of finishing his sentence. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw his mom wearing anything but scrubs, blue jeans or sweatpants. The sudden change in her appearance knocked the words out of him temporarily.

Jonah’s mom saw the look of surprise on her son’s face and grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment and not a general statement on my normal appearance,” she said, putting on a pair of strappy sandals. “Alright, let’s go!”

Jonah watched his mom walk past him, shook his head, and turned to follow her. As they were walking down the hallway, Jonah couldn’t help but notice that this time, there was no visible panty line on his mom’s pleasantly round butt. ‘Did I really need to notice that? Seriously!?’ he chastised himself. ‘This day is so fucking weird.’

It would get weirder before it was over.


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