I’m too young for sex :( pt. 21 [ff]

I was still holding Sam when she finally caught her breath. Since it had been her first time, I wanted to know what she was thinking.

“You’ve done this before,” Sam whispered. There was no judgement in her tone. She might have sounded a little sad, but I wouldn’t begin whatever we were starting together by lying about my past.

“Yes,” I whispered back.

“With someone you loved?” she asked. Now I could hear the worry in her tone.

“I thought so,” I admitted. “I was wrong. She ended things.”

Now Sam rolled back with a studied expression on her face. “Was she the only one?”

“No.” I wondered if the rest would matter to Sam. “I was with a guy. My big crush for years. He ended things, too.”

“So you’re not a lesbian.” Again, she didn’t appear to be judging me, but I worried my answer would steal this chance away.

“I’ve never really thought about it like that. I mean, I like who I like. When I asked you out for ice cream, I just wanted to get to know you better. You’re adorable and fun…” I noticed her smiling. “And Then I decided I wanted to go with you to the turn-about dance.”

“And I screwed that up,” she chuckled and looked away.

“No,” I sighed. “I’ve got a bad history of being impulsive. I stole my first kiss. And I jilled off my best friend without even asking her.”

Sam’s eyes widened. “Wait. She just… let you?”

I chuckled at the absurdity of describing what happened with Bethany to my new potential girlfriend.

“Neither one of us had gotten off before and we were both beyond horny. I got a little help from that guy I mentioned and figured out how to cum. When I told my friend, she wanted me to show her. So I did. And then I helped her. And the next thing I knew we we’re hooking up all the time.” Sam and I both chuckled, but my throat closed to choke off my laughter. “Then she left me for a guy and now she’s already on her second one.”

“Damn.” Sam moved some of my hair off my forehead. “That had to suck.”

“I told you I’m a mess,” I said and kissed her fingers. “I know we kinda jumped into the middle of things here. I’d totally understand if you want to slow down until you get to know me better.”

“And the fact you offered that makes me even more sure this is what I want.” Sam kissed me then. Like a good, slow first kiss should be. Even though we’d already kissed. And she was naked. And I’d just tasted her cum.

“Wow,” I murmured when Sam pulled back to look in my face.

“Even though I’m older and you’ve done all this stuff before, there are, like, a brazillion things I want to try,” Sam announced with a grin.

“I’m your canvas,” I giggled, referring to her great artwork. “Paint away.”

She sat up with an excited grin and tugged at my panties, so I lifted my hips to help her get them off. She tossed them with my sundress and bra before running her hands up my legs.

“You’re so smooth,” she whispered.

“I shaved this morning, just in case.”

“You always shave everything off?” she asked while she ran a finger through my dripping slit.

“Yeah, it feels better to me, but I *love* your baby-fine hair. It would be a shame to shave it off. I never knew pubes could feel like silk.”

“Are you a natural blonde?” she asked as she moved my legs open with her knees.

I had a hard time talking for a moment because her explorations stole my brain. “Yeah, I’m blonde down there.”

“A natural blonde,” she sighed into my aching ‘giner. “Maybe you could let it grow out a little so I can see.”

I realized she was *sniffing* me. I could feel her breaths as she moved. She seemed to loved the scent of my arousal. I remembered how curious I had been about Bethany’s body our first time. Sam’s fingers were gentle as she opened me to peek inside. I watched her explore through slitted eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” Sam said as she gazed on my ‘giner. “My inner lips poke out.”

“Yeah, but you loved when I sucked and played with them.”

“You’re clit is smaller than mine and doesn’t poke out as far.”

“God, you came so hard when I sucked on yours I thought you were gonna squeeze my head off.”

She looked up and met my gaze, her mouth moving slowly toward me. “Will you cum if I suck yours?”

“Fuck,” I muttered when I realized she was really going to do it.

The first tiny lick with the tip of her tongue made me shiver. She kissed the wet skin all around my lower lips and the top of my slit. My knees rose on their own to open myself to her fully. She responded by tasting me in various spots, her tongue sliding through my swollen lips to reach my core. It was glorious torture.

When she finally put her puckered lips around my clitty I nearly came at once. She sucked it gently, licking each time it slipped through her lips and into her hot mouth. I had grabbed my knees at that point, holding myself open with shivers and gasps of pleasure. I finally came undone when she used the flat of her tongue to lick me like a lollypop.

“Oh!” I only managed a strangled noise after that as my body shook. She opened her whole mouth on me, licking and sucking me through my trembling release. Sam might not have had any prior experience, but I wouldn’t trade our first time together for anything.

She pushed my knees back down so she could lay on top of me. I was shivering, both hot and cold from the aftershocks of the delicious orgasm, but Sam’s weight pressing me down anchored me. It was her soft kisses on the corners of my mouth that brought me back.

“That was so much fun,” Sam chuckled as I gave her feverish kisses in return. “I never expected it to make me so horny to make you cum. I think we need to do that again soon.”

“Oh yes,” I purred. I was already hooked on this slim girlfriend of mine.

“Unfortunately, I have to get dressed out for the game tonight or I’d keep doing it until *you* came six times.” Her deep chuckle warmed me through.

Sam gave me one last kiss, then got up off her bed and extended her hand to me. I allowed her to pull me up with a lazy grin on my face.

We dressed together, but I was done first and watched her finish putting on her uniform. It was more form-fitting than I’d expected. Her ass looked *amazing* in those pants. She didn’t really need a bra for support, but I figured the padded sports bra was more for protection if she got hit in the chest with a ball.

Sam sat next to me to tie her cleated shoes and I leaned closer to get another sniff of her scent of honeysuckle and sex. She turned with a happy grin and kissed me again.

“Ready to go see us play?” she asked.

“Ready to go meet my parents?” I murmured with my stomach clenching.

“Come on, we’ll be fine.” Sam put her arm around my shoulders to stand me up. “I’ll come find you after the game. Just hug me and don’t make a big deal out of it. I’ll be on my best behavior, but if they react badly let it roll off your back. Their feelings are their responsibility, not yours.”

“You’ve obviously thought about this a lot,” I chuckled. Her casual attitude helped reduce my tension.

“I’ve dreamed of this,” Sam whispered as she opened the door for us with a bow. “My lady.”

I walked through and waited while she locked the door behind us.

“My lady,” I said as I offered her my hand.

We walked out to the sports field with matching smiles. She gave my hand one last squeeze and then ran over to join her teammates while I made my way over to the wooden and metal stands behind the home dugout. I didn’t recognize any friends in the crowd, so I found a spot where I could see the whole baseball diamond.

Sam joined the warm ups going on as the coach batted balls to the infield players. She played shortstop, so she was running all over the place catching balls and throwing them to the other players. The smile on my face was so large my cheeks hurt. I was so caught up in watching her I never noticed my family had arrived.

“Which one is Sam?” Mom asked as she sat down on one side of me. Dad and Joe sat on the other side.

“She’s the shortstop,” I said with more confidence than I felt. I didn’t look at Mom or Dad to see their reaction, keeping my eyes on Sam’s fast plays.

“Oh,” Mom said with a touch of confusion. “I thought Joe said that you and Sam were going to the turn-about dance?”

“We are,” I said like it was no big deal. I prayed it was no big deal.

“She’s actually really good,” Joe admitted with a touch of surprise in his tone. He didn’t like baseball as much as soccer or football, so his comment was unexpected. Maybe it was his way of showing support.

“She’s great,” I breathed. “You should see her art, though. She did a pencil sketch self-portrait that looks like a photograph.”

My dad remained silent, so I risked a glance his direction. His lips were pinched thin and his forehead was wrinkled. I bit my lower lip and turned back to watch Sam.

The game ran for seven innings. Sam was third in the batting line up and hit two singles, a double, and drove in three runners when she nailed the ball to far left field. On defense, she tagged out or assisted half of our outs in the game.

My family relaxed after the initial tension and I could see Dad thaw as he watched Sam play. If there was one thing my Dad could appreciate, it was someone who knew their game. He had supported both Joe and me whenever he could get off work and always worked with us on the weekends no matter what sport we played.

Mom kept a thoughtful expression for the first few innings, then the game got her excited as our school team battled it out with a rival prep school team. Soon she was cheering right along with the other parents and fans, and even jumped up and yelled when Sam hit the grand slam that won the game.

When the game was over, Joe made sure to put his arm around my shoulders and smile his support. He leaned close and whispered, “She seems cool.”

“She is,” I told him.

Just then Sam came running up with a huge grin on her face. She grabbed me in a huge hug. “Did you see that grand slam?”

“A foot higher and it’d been over the back fence!”

Her eyes were twinkling as she let me go to extend her hand to my Dad. “Hi, I’m Samantha Green.”

“Bill Larson.” His voice sounded like crushing rocks. “You played a great game out there.”

“Thanks,” Sam said and turned to Mom with a bright smile. “You must be Steph’s mom. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m Ruth Larson.” She shook Sam’s hand without losing her own smile. “We’ve heard a lot about you the last few days.”

“Good things, I hope,” Sam said as she kept up her charm, then nodded at my brother. “Hey, Joe.”

“Hey,” he said with a raised chin.

“You two know each other?” Mom asked.

“We’re in English together,” the both said at the same time and laughed.

“So where are your parents,” Dad asked. “I bet they’re proud of you after that game.”

Sam’s smile faltered. “My parents don’t come out very often.”

I already knew why and hoped to head off any other questions, but Mom spoke before I could.

“Why on earth not?” Mom asked with a frown. I knew Mom was asking because she couldn’t imagine parents not wanting to support their kids.

“I’m gay, Ms. Larson. When I came out to my parents, they boarded me here full time. I’ve only seen them twice since then, but Mom calls me sometimes.”

The plain way Sam said it covered a deep pain I could see in her eyes. When I intertwined our fingers and squeezed her hand, she gave me a quick glance and smile to thank me.

Mom got angry then. I could tell because her eyebrows dipped and her mouth flattened in a straight line. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t have a problem with my child being gay, if things turned out that way. Why don’t you join us for dinner to celebrate your win.”

Dad nodded and gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Come with us, Sam. My treat.”

She nodded with a hopeful smile. “I’d like that.”

And that was how I found myself sitting in a steak house with Joe on one side and Sam on the other. Mom and Dad gave Sam a good natured grilling to learn about her. I was glad because I learned as much as they did. And the more I learned the more I liked her.

Joe gave Sam shit for playing baseball, and Sam gave as good as she got by mocking the idea of kicking a ball around a field for an hour and a half. Dad jumped in the middle of it, telling his old high school football war stories. Joe and I had heard those stories a million times and mouthed the words right along with Dad until Sam busted out laughing.

We drove Sam back to school after dinner. I got out and walked her to the door. Standing there on the steps, I took both her hands in mine.

“I had a great time,” I said. “I hope my family didn’t scare you off.”

“No, they were perfect. It felt so… normal. I’ve missed feeling like that.”

I stared in her eyes, knowing my parents were watching us from the car. She leaned in a little, hesitating until I leaned in to meet her halfway. Our lips touched and I gave her my best kiss, soft and open, but not long enough for my Dad to honk the horn. When she pulled back her eyes were glistening.

“I’ll call you this weekend,” I whispered to her. “Maybe you can come over and hang out.”

“I’d like that,” Sam said and let go of my hands with a grin. “I better get inside before curfew.”

“G’night,” I said and watched until she stepped through the door. Then I danced back to the car with goofy grin on my face.

No one spoke as Dad pulled away to drive us home. Joe reached over to pat my leg to let me know he had my back. When we got home, I ran up to my room to get ready for bed. I wasn’t surprised when Mom came up a little while later and shut my bedroom door.

I was sitting on my bed wearing the long t-shirt and panties I usually slept in. Mom stood with her back to the door giving me an odd look.

“Sam’s nice,” she said. I could tell she had a million Mom questions, but was weighing what to say to me.

“She really is,” I said. “Thanks for being so nice to her.”

Mom sighed and nodded. “I want you to know that your father and I love you, no matter what. Just keep in mind that Sam is older and she could lead you into things you’re not ready for.”

I couldn’t stop the snicker at her comment. “Sorry, Mom.”

Mom suppressed her smile. “Too late?”

“Yeah,” I admitted as my face heated. “And I kinda did the leading.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me? So what happened with Mark?” she asked.

I panicked that she’d found out about us somehow, but her expression told me she was asking something else. Then I remembered Mom had always known about my crush on him. “I still like guys, I just like Sam, too. I can’t really explain it.”

“You don’t need to. Just be careful. There’s a reason your Dad wanted you to wait until you got older to date.”

“I know,” I said and wished I could tell her everything.

“So is this why Bethany doesn’t come around as much anymore?” Mom asked.

I nodded. It was close enough to the truth. “Would it be okay if Sam came over sometimes? I miss Bethany, but I don’t see us being as close as we used to be.”

Mom frowned. “I’ll need to talk that over with your dad. This is kinda new for both of us.”

“I understand. Even if she can’t stay overnight, can I at least have her over? She stays at the school all the time and I know she’s lonely.”

“I’m sure that will be fine. I can’t believe her parents kicked her out the way they have. Sam seems like a great kid.” Mom opened the door to leave my room.

“I can’t believe it either. She’s even on the honor roll and is an amazing artist.”

Mom paused in my doorway and looked back at me. “I’ll let you know our decision in the morning.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I said. “You can hit the lights. I’m going to sleep.”

I waited until the house was quiet, then relived my first time with Sam a few times before drifting off to sleep with satisfied grin.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/54agfb/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_21_ff


  1. This point I’m really only reading it for the story. This is so great! So imma need the next part like right now.

  2. I started reading this because I’m a perverted fuck, but now I’m so damn invested that I’m powering through the sex scenes to see what happens next. Honestly, I love this story.

  3. I want her to reconcile with Mark. I keep on hoping for a happy ending. I mean he was really loving and caring towards Steph. I just hope he had a reason to take that other girl. Maybe she was blackmailing him or something?

    I just can’t let go of the dynamics and chemistry the two of them have.

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