I’m too young for sex :( pt. 20 [ff]

Okay, I screwed up. My mouth got ahead of my brain, then my anger got ahead of my sense. Now Mark was going to the turn-about dance with Lydia Jenkins. Worse, he’s blind to Lydia’s agenda and was too mad to listen to my warning.

Joe bugged me all afternoon about what happened between Mark and me. I ignored him until he went away. To keep busy, I browned the ground beef for taco night, chopped the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, and then arranged the shells to warm in the oven. Joe finally came out of his room when Mom came home to set the table. Dad came in right as we all sat down to eat.

“How was everyone’s day?” Mom asked us all.

“I aced my geometry test,” Joe said, then shot a nasty look in my direction. “And Steph is seeing someone named Sam.”

I felt my stomach twist at his words. I looked down at my plate when the heat rose in my face.

“Who’s Sam?” Dad asked in his usual rough tone.

I wasn’t ready to go there, so I took a deep breath. “It’s no big deal. We’re just friends.”

“I heard a rumor that you were gonna go to the turn-about dance together.” Joe had obviously talked to Mark when I shut him down. Which was against the rules of his grounding, I might add, but he had me over a barrel since he knew Mark and I had hooked up.

“I thought we were clear about how old you had to be to date,” Dad grumbled.

When I hung my head in defeat, Mom came to my rescue.

“It’s just a school dance, Robert,” Mom said. I looked up to see her smile of support. Of course, she didn’t know Sam was a girl. Yet.

“I’d like to meet this *Sam* before I agree,” Dad said. I could imagine him cleaning his guns at the kitchen table when they met. This was quickly spinning out of control. I decided to try to head off an inquisition by proposing something I was sure no one would agree to.

“Since the dance is next week, why don’t you come watch Sam play at the softball game on Friday,” I suggested, praying my idea worked. “I planned on hanging out after school until the game anyway.”

“Since when do you like *softball*?” Joe asked with a look of disgust. He only considered soccer or basketball legitimate sports.

“Obviously since Sam plays on the team,” Mom said with a chipper smirk at me.

“I’ll see if I can get off early from work then,” Dad said as he gave Mom a look that said the two of them would be discussing the topic again later.

*Shit!* Was I really ready to tell my parents I liked girls, too? The threat to take Sam to the turn-about dance had been an impulsive, jealous reaction to Lydia asking Mark. Now, thanks to my asshole brother, my parents wanted to meet my potential date.

I couldn’t imagine how my parents would react to the news of me wanting to date a girl. They weren’t super religious or anything, but whenever the topic came up on the news they weren’t exactly supportive. My cousin, Peter, came out as gay and Dad made the unfunny joke, *Peter, Peter, peter eater.*

Sam was only a little younger than Mark, so the age issue was going to come up. And dates were probably out of the question. Would they freak out about sleepovers now? I missed Bethany so much, but even if we got past everything I doubt Mom would allow us to sleep in the same bed again. And how would Sam feel about me having friends over if she was my girlfriend?

Maybe it wasn’t fair to Sam. So far I’d only asked her out to eat some ice cream so I could get to know her better. And then kissed her cheek. And noticed she was adorable. *Shit. Who am I kidding?*

If I introduced Sam to my parents and asked her to the turn-about dance, she would think I was serious about her. But there’s no way she was really interested in dating *me*, right? I mean, she’s a hot, older, outspoken lesbian and I’m… confused. Being with Bethany had been amazing, but I wasn’t sure sex with girls was something I wanted to be open about with my family and friends.

There’s no question that I still wanted Mark, but Dad would have kittens if he knew what we’d been doing. Mom would be pissed when she found out I’d gotten on birth control without talking to her first. Maybe I should just let the idea of dating Mark go for now. *No.* My chest hurt just imagining him kissing Lydia Jenkins.

With no clear answer to my dilemma, the next day at school I wandered from class to class in a fog of confusion. Bethany’s attempts to torment me went ignored. Mark made a point of glaring at me everytime we passed in the hall, but I ignored him, too. Joe kept shaking his head at me, like it was my fault Mark wanted to go out with Lydia. By lunch I was hanging on by my fingernails, but I refused to cry about the situation I’d put myself in.

I walked into the lunch room with my sack lunch. Bethany was hanging all over Collen and eyeing Joe to make sure he noticed. Mark laughed next to Lydia and her choir friends. I had just decided to head over to a table at the edge of the lunch room to eat by myself when I heard my name.

“Steph!” Sam called and waved with a huge smile on her face.

She was sitting at a table with a mix of guys and girls I recognized from the softball team. I swallowed down my tears and forced a smile as I walked over to join them. When Sam made room next to her and patted the bench, I instantly felt better

“Guys, this is Steph.” Sam said to the group as I sat.

Most of them grinned at us. Sam started giving me their names, but they slipped through my head as fast as she said them. I nodded at everyone and opened my sack lunch. A quick glance over my shoulder showed Mark giving me a furious glare.

“I wanted to warn you,” I whispered to Sam. “My parents are coming to the game to meet you on Friday.”

“Meet me?” Sam asked as she picked up a French fry with a worried frown. “Why?”

“Because,” I started and paused. It hit me that this was the exact moment when my life was going to fall apart. It seemed inevitable. I considered lying to her, but the truth squeaked out in a whisper. “I want to go to the turn-about dance with you and Dad won’t let me unless he meets you first.” I must have spoken too loudly because everyone around us stopped talking and stared at me with matching expressions of shock. “I mean, if you wanted to go with me.”

The color drained from Sam’s face and I was certain I screwed up somehow. She frowned for a moment and shook her head slowly. “Are you fucking with me?” she hissed in anger.

I was so shocked I couldn’t form words. My best friend left me to fuck my brother. My secret boyfriend was going to the dance with someone else. I had *no one* left in my life that I felt close enough to talk to, and now even Sam had turned on me.

The tears I’d been fighting all day rolled down my cheeks like twin rivers. I jumped up and ran for the restroom. The roar of conversation from those sitting around Sam followed me, but I ignored their words. I had just made it to the restroom door when a strong hand caught my arm and spun me around.

“Which one is he? What did he say to hurt you?” Mark yelled through a mask of rage.

My thoughts swirled, but if I opened my mouth I was gonna puke on his shoes. Panic forced me back to the women’s restroom door, but Mark refused to let go of my arm.

“Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend,” Sam screamed as she pushed Mark away to stand between us.

Mark nearly fell, but managed to keep his feet. He stared back and forth between Sam and I while his rage faded into confusion. “You’re… Sam?”

“Yes, I’m Sam.” She was panting like she’d run a marathon, her hands gripped into fists at her sides. “And if you *ever* grab her like that again I’ll break your fucking fingers.”

Lydia came running up to stand beside Mark. “What’s going on?”

Mark ignored her to point a trembling finger at me. “If she’s your girlfriend, then why was she running away from you, crying.”

“Because I was an idiot,” Sam muttered with an apologetic glance over her shoulder at me.

That made my chin quiver. I wiped my running nose with the back of my hand.

“Steph asked me to the turn-about dance. I’ve liked her for weeks and it seemed too good to be true. So, like a dumbass, I asked her if she was fucking with me. Obviously that was the wrong thing to say after she’d finally worked up the nerve to ask me.” Sam turned to face me cowering against the restroom door. “So if it’s not too late, I’d like to say yes.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Lydia said and clapped her hands. “I just asked Mark to the dance yesterday, but luckily he said yes right away.”

My eyes shot to Mark’s face and fresh tears rose. *He’d already said yes.* The guilty look on his face told me he’d lied to me. The offer to let me decide his answer and his attempt to fix me up with Mason was all just to cover his ass.

Lydia and Sam must have seen something in my expression because they both gave me with odd looks and glanced at Mark. By then a small crowd gathered around us. I saw some of Sam’s friends giving me smiles and nods. Lydia was giving Mark a measured look.

“No, it’s not too late,” I said to Sam, then I shot a glare Mark’s direction to make sure he knew it was too late for him. Just then Bethany walked up with Collen trailing behind her like a puppy. I looked back to Sam and forced a smile. “I’d love to take you to the turn-about dance.”

“You’re going with *her*?” Bethany gasped. My bestie and first lover had been so angry about Joe breaking things off with her that she’d ignored me for a week. Now she appeared furious I was openly taking Sam to the dance.

“Yes,” I announced with a firm voice. Mark’s face went pale and Bethany’s face turned red. “So if no one else has any objections, I’d like to go to the restroom now.”

I held it together until I’d locked myself in a stall. Then I threw up the remains of my breakfast. After I flushed, I dropped my khakis pants and panties to sit on the toilet with my head in my hands. That was when I noticed the pad in my underwear had the smelly remains of Mark’s spunk in it.

I lost it at that point. All the secrets, all the lies, it all came crashing down on me at once. I sobbed into my hands for a while until I could get control of myself.

After I finished in the stall, I stepped out and saw Sam sitting on the counter next to the sinks swinging her feet. She gave me a thin lipped smile.

“You okay?” she asked me.

I didn’t trust myself to answer. I was still too raw, so I went to the sink to splash water on my face and dried off with a paper towel.

When Sam opened her arms to me, I stepped into her embrace without shame. I needed the hug and with her sitting up higher, the top of my head fit under her chin. She smelled like warm sunshine and honeysuckles. I felt her kiss my hair.

“I’m a mess right now,” I whispered. “Are you sure you want all this?”

“Judging from the way your friends reacted you hadn’t told them you wanted to date me. Have you told your parents yet?”

“They know your name is Sam,” I said with a sad laugh.

“But not that I’m a girl,” she concluded and I nodded into her neck.

“I’m so sorry. I never meant to use you like this.” There was no reason to drag her into the middle of my shit hole of a life. I barely knew her. She didn’t owe me anything.

Sam sighed and pulled back to look me in the eyes. “I don’t feel used. I’m a little worried about you, but I’m willing to help if I can.”

“Why?” My utter shock was evident in my tone.

Sam smiled and looked over my face. “I was your age when I figured out I liked girls. It wasn’t that long ago or anything, but I lost friends when I came out about it. My parents shipped me here to boarding school because they didn’t want to explain my *issue* to their friends and business partners.”

“Holy shit,” I whispered. The reality of what I was doing hit me.

“I have a confession,” Sam said with a sudden blush. “I’ve never had a girlfriend before. Hell, I’ve never even kissed anyone before.”

I gave her a smirk. “I’d fix that if I hadn’t just barfed up my breakfast.”

“How about tomorrow before the game?” Sam said as she hopped down off the counter. Her subtle smirk answered mine.

We walked out of the restroom holding hands. Lunch was over, but I wasn’t hungry anymore. The rumor mill was in full swing judging from the whispered looks at us just before we parted with a quick hug.

I expected some kind of reaction the rest of the day, but no one said a word about Sam and me. When I made it home, Joe was actually doing homework for a change at the kitchen table. I ignored him to go take a shower and brush my teeth.

I wanted no trace of Mark in me anymore, so I scalded my ‘giner with the shower wand on full blast. When I finally felt clean, I stepped out and brushed my teeth until my gums hurt.

I went back downstairs in my usual long t-shirt and panties to find Mark at the table with Joe.

“No,” I yelled from the stairs. “No, no, no! Get the fuck out of here, you piece of shit.”

“Steph, you gotta let me explain,” Mark started to say as he walked toward me.

Joe stood up shaking his head. “No, she doesn’t. Get out, man. Just get out of here.” I stood with my arms crossed under my breasts while Joe kept his hand on Mark’s shoulder to guide him out the door. After the door shut behind him, Joe came over to me and put his arms around me.

“I suck,” Joe said with a mournful sigh. “I ruined your friendship with Bethany and I didn’t stop Mark from hurting you. I don’t care if you wanna date girls or guys, but no one is gonna fuck with my sister anymore. I promise.”

His words tore me open and I clung to his shoulders until the storm of emotions passed. When I pulled back, his eyes were wet, but he gave me a grim smile and a nod.

“Thanks,” I gasped. “And just to clarify, Bethany ruined our friendship not you. And I knew Mark wouldn’t really want to be with me for long. I fooled myself for a while, but I could’ve stopped it. Hell, all he had to do was tell me the truth about liking Lydia. I wouldn’t have made a scene like Bethany did to you.”

“Yeah,” Joe said and looked away from my stare. “I got a little more attached to Bethany than I let on. Seeing her with Collen is pissing me off, but I have no one to blame but myself.”

“Exactly,” I said. “I feel the same way.”

I felt closer to Joe than I had in years. We ended up doing our homework and cooking dinner together. Mom and Dad didn’t say anything about the reduced tension between us, but Mom was giving us both looks. I was so wiped out that I went to bed rather than start the inevitable conversation about me dating a girl.

The next morning I felt so much better. I showered and shaved myself smooth, then dressed in my favorite sundress. It was yellow with small white flowers and followed my curves in all the right places. I wished I had time to fix my nails. Instead, I just filed them and removed the last bits of polish.

When I got to school I noticed more people looking at me than normal. Some of the guys kind of shook their heads, like they were disappointed I had asked Sam. As if they would have said yes to me anyway! Some of the girls ignored me. Others smiled at me or gave me subtle thumbs up, like they supported me or something. It didn’t really make sense, but I returned the smiles when I saw them.

At lunch, I headed straight for Sam. She stood when I arrived at the table for a quick hug, then we sat down with her friends surrounding us. I asked about the upcoming game and who was playing what positions. I’d watched enough baseball with Dad to know the basics, but before the end of lunch I knew even more. Sam grinned the whole time and I felt a real warmth growing between us. We parted with a long hug and a promise to meet at my locker after school.

The afternoon dragged on forever. I had to make myself look away from the clock so time would pass by the last class. When I got to my locker, I just shoved everything inside and slammed the door. The anticipation of waiting for Sam was making my stomach tight and my panties damp.

Then I saw Sam. Her blue bangs hung over her eyes, but those eyes smoldered when she saw me. She had on lowrise jeans that left her slit of a belly button exposed. Her smooth stomach was muscled under the cut-off t-shirt she wore. She obviously wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples made points on the swells of her small breasts. My mouth was watering by the time she reached me.

“Hey,” she whispered. The scent of honeysuckle reached me the same time she did. “Did I mention how much I love sundresses?” Her mouth twitched when she asked the question.

“No,” I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest. “I guess I’ll have to get some more then.”

“Please wear one to the dance next Friday,” she breathed on my lips. “Want to come hang out in my room?”

“Yes, please,” I whispered so close to her mouth I was practically kissing her in the hallway. She took my hand and led me up the stairs to the boarding rooms.

We barely made it through her door before I pulled Sam in for her first kiss. She started off with her lips tight and closed, but I tickled them open with my tongue. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me tight against her body.

I ran my hands up her back and into her short brown hair. It was soft, like a baby’s hair. I instantly wondered if the hair on her ‘giner was just as soft. She was a quick study on kissing. She had me purring like a kitty before she pulled back to stare in my eyes.

“Holy shit,” she muttered.

“Yeah,” I grinned. We definitely had chemistry if nothing else.

Her room was smaller than mine with a single twin bed, desk, and bookcase. It was decorated with artwork in various styles. She had a charcoal study of a nude woman, a few watercolors of a garden with a stone fountain, but it was the pencil sketch that I lingered on. It was unmistakably Sam’s face with a mix of mischief and longing.

“Those are really good,” I said, my hand still in hers.

“Thanks,” she said. “I love to draw even more than baseball.”

She had my hand when she led me to her low bed. We sat together and kissed again as we embraced. It was odd with me being younger but having more experience. Part of me wanted to just rip her clothes off, but I was also sensitive to how new this would be for her. And for all his faults, Mark had made my first times with him special.

When our kiss broke again, Sam was flushed. Her dilated eyes searched my face. I detected a hesitance, but an equally strong desire. When I raised my hands to cup her breasts, she shuddered and closed her eyes.

“I love your body,” I whispered between soft kisses.

“I’m too small,” she countered, but gasped when I gently tweaked a nipple.

“Not for me,” I said. “I love how slim you are and I bet your nipples a hundred times more sensitive than my big puffies.”

“You have puffie nipples?” she asked as she reached for my breasts.

“My tits are almost all nipple, if you can believe it.” I took the opportunity to press them into her palms.

She kissed along my jawline and then down my neck. I shivered and mussed her hair while she played with my puffies. She had me squeezing the muscles in my core before long. I was utterly soaked.

“Would you like to see them?” I asked with a nervous giggle.

Her lips were wet when she smiled and let me go with a nod.

I stood next to her bed and lifted the dress over my head. All I had on under it were lacy boyshorts and a matching bra. She leaned back on her elbow to watch me with a hungry expression. When I unclasped the front of my bra, she licked her lips. Then I dropped the dress and bra on her bed.

She extended her hand to draw me back down to her. The kissing intensified but now she had her hands on my bare skin. I was dying slowly and happily as she took her time exploring what I exposed. She pressed me over on my back so she could make a feast of my puffies and all I could do was whine and gasp.

“I’ve wanted to do this to you for so long,” she breathed on my wet skin. I swear my goosebumps had goosebumps.

Tongue and lips, fingers and palms, she seemed content to focus on my breasts and mouth forever. I wanted my panties off and her mouth on me, but this was her first time and I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. So instead I tugged at her shirt to see if she would let me explore as well.

She sat up and tore off her shirt without a sound, exposing tiny nipples. Her swelling breasts were even smaller than Bethany’s. When I growled at the sight of them, she chuckled and allowed me to push her back for my turn.

She was amazingly sensitive. When I first took her nipple between my lips to suckle, she arched her back and moaned like she was cumming. I ran my hand down her stomach to tease her belly button and she bore down like she was in pain.

Being careful not to tickle her, I made sure to spend as much time as she let me going back and forth between her breasts and lips. I kissed and sucked and played until she her hips began moving on their own.

“Will you touch me more?” she begged.

Her blue bangs were damp with sweat, but I wanted to feel if she was as wet as I was. I tugged open the button on her jeans and pushed them open to force the zipper down. She lifted her hips and pushed them off along with her panties. One glance at the gusset of her panties and I knew she was even wetter than me.

When I stroked down her mons through the tangle of fine hair, she lifted her hips to meet my fingers. I split her with my middle finger and dragged through the heat to slick her clitty.

“Oh fuck,” she whined and I swear I felt her cum on my fingers. “Three times so far. One more time and you beat my private record.” She must have cum just from me stimulating her breasts!

I took her comment as a challenge and moved between her legs until I caught the scent of her arousal. Moments later I had my face buried in her, licking and probing with my fingers in an unrelenting assault on her ‘giner. It wasn’t until she began to yell that I got concerned.

“Grab a pillow before we get busted,” I hissed at her before resuming my feast. She rolled to grab one, then pressed it over her face. It muffled her enough for me to get her through four, five, and six. When she pushed me away, I crawled up her body, kissing all my favorite spots along the way.

“Holy shit, Steph,” she whimpered. “Holy shit.”

“You are so amazing,” I said before kissing her deeply. “That was incredible.”

She held on to me like I was the one keeping us afloat, but I held her just as tight. The truth was she was saving me. I had been lost and alone, and Sam knew exactly how I felt. I was scared and didn’t want to read too much into what was happening between us, but she was willing to be my friend when no one else was. That was worth more than a chance.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/535ef8/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_20_ff


  1. When Steph and Bethy first broke up I was hurt and confused. I kept waiting for them to make up and get back together. And they never did. Now Mark is rapidly slipping out of the picture. Last episode I thought they were just on the rocks but I’m getting the sense that they might not get back together. Or maybe they do and it’s a mistake. Either way, it’s great to watch Steph growing and evolving emotionally. Love reading this. Please keep them coming.

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