A planned encounter [MMF]

We met at the pub opposite your hotel. I’d thought you’d be staying closer to the airport for a quicker journey back there the next morning and so hadn’t realised you were staying so close to the city centre; as such it was a pleasant surprise when you leant in close and breathed those two short sentences into my ear – “Call him. Let’s go” – accompanied by a quick playful nip on my earlobe. I stood up from my bar stool as you hopped down from yours and offered you my arm. My other hand tapped out Ed’s number and as we eased our way through the hot crush of bodies between us and the door, I spoke quickly to my friend.

“Ashley’’s here mate – we’re just leaving the bar now. We’re heading to…” I turned to you as we stepped onto the street and asked “Where’s your hotel?”.

A smile spreads over your face, lips parting briefly as you gesture across the road. I stifle my surprise and let him know – “Uh, it’s the Victoria Hotel, Ed. How soon can you get over?”. You lead us across the road as I end the call. You march us straight past the desk and over to the lift, briefly lifting a hand from your pocket to show me the keycard you’d kept rather than hand in before you left to meet me barely an hour earlier.

“Saves awkward looks as I return with a charming Brit I didn’t leave here with” you explain, flashing that smile again. My pulse quickens in response, my own grin quick in its reply.

The lift door opens with a quiet hum and we step inside, both feeling the disinterested gaze of the night clerk on the back of our heads. You reach over and tap the button for your floor, then turn and slip your arm quickly out of mine as the doors start to swoosh back. They quietly bompf together as you reach up to hold the back up my neck and pull my head down to kiss me, with a calm but insistent urgency to it. My body responds and I step in close against you as the kiss deepens, my hands dropping to your waist and pulling your hips close. The lift lurches as it starts up and we’re thrown off-balance, falling back against the sleek mirrored wall of the lift. Your heel slips slightly and I tense, holding you up and stepping in yet closer as you lean back and brace yourself between the wall and me. We laugh; the tension, the excitement of meeting like this for the first time cut by the unexpected. The kiss resumes, more gently this time, and I feel your hips adjust to accommodate my thigh between yours. Your sex is warm, and my own responds in kind as best it can in the limited space between my hips and your stomach. I see the moment of recognition in your eyes followed quickly by that smile and you wriggle against me for a second. Just a second, because your expression quickly changes and I turn to see the object of your focus and I blush as the young-looking couple step into the lift and try desperately to not meet our sheepish gaze. We step out onto your floor and laugh again as the lift doors bompf closed behind us, steps quickening as you lead us down the long hallway.

You chuckle – “Bet they’re doing exactly the same thing, right now…”
“No bet. She was a cutie, who wouldn’t want to nibble her in a lift… ow!” the exclamation escapes me as you whack my bum with the flat of your hand.
“Psh, tonight’s not about you! I want what I’ve come for – my treat” You admonish me. “She can be for next time” .
“Next time? But how do you know this will warrant a second occasion?”
“Just a hunch.” you reply, swiping your keycard through the lock of your door. I take note of the number and text it to Ed as we step inside.

The door swings shut and the lock snicks softly as I look around. The room is large, not quite suite-sized but respectably more decent than a standard a double. The décor is modern, simple and elegant; solid-looking wooden furniture with clean lines, married to crisp cream cotton sheets on the bed and royal blue coverings on the room’s armchairs, desk chair and curtains. The latter are already drawn and darken as the lights change rapidly, my head turns to catch you flicking your way through the switches to find a suitable compromise between sight and sensuality, finally settling on a warm glow from the wall uplighters that leaves your skin looking soft and eminently strokeable. I step towards you – oh god, that smile welcomes me closer every damn time – and your arms reach back up to my neck as they had in the lift. Two quick steps punctuate the movement as you step out of your heels, dropping you lower and bringing you back close against my body. We kiss but with less urgency this time and my hands raise to my neck, loosening my tie and undoing the top button of my collar before slipping the silk from around my neck. We don’t pause the kiss as your hands run to my shoulders and ease my suit jacket from my shoulders. It drops to the floor, a spent casing.

Our hands follow its progress down, mine coming to rest on the outside of your hips, your left mirroring mine but your right hand, that hand, that one slips to my waistband and you run the back of your fingers against the growing bulge in my trousers. The kiss – the same, long, slow kiss – continues as I feel the pressure from your hand increasing but the slow strokes remain steady and unwavering. We come up for air, gasping slightly and I use the break in momentum to shift my hands lower onto your thighs, seeking and finding the division between tight black dress and soft pale skin. It goosebumps to my touch, the texture changing from silken to puckered as my fingertips slip gently up the outside of your thigh. Dark fabric rucks around my wrists as my fingers seek the next division between skin and material, expecting to find the red lace of the panties you’d quietly mentioned you were wearing over our first drink in the bar.

My fingertips rise past the initial curve of your bum. Rising further, they follow the sweep of your buttocks, the feather-light touch raising more bumps on your skin as they continue onwards, upwards, so so slowly edging towards the base of your spine, still finding nothing but the smooth soft slope of your ass.

Your eyes sparkle in the half-light as your left hand drops to your bag before returning, and a flash of red flutters past my face as you sweetly ask me if I’m looking for something. My surprised expression, the second of the evening, obviously appeals and you murmur “They came off in the loo” . You lean back in to kiss me as you unzip my flies and my cock, still tempered by my boxers, springs through the opening. From the corner of my eye I see the red lace offering join my jacket on the pile of surrendered clothes alongside my tie and your heels.

In a slow mirroring, you begin to massage my glans through the boxers as the light flowing caresses of my fingertips run around you, one hand still stroking the base of your spine as the other slips to your navel and then lower, following the path of least resistance to the top of your lips where they brush, so so lightly, over your clit and down around your lips. The reflexive tightening of your skin continues here, too, and your lips swell and pout gently as my touch brushes over them. You are hot to the touch and I hear a faint silky-wet noise as my fingers approach the opening of your pussy that lets me know you are very, very aroused even before I run a single fingertip down to your perineum, pause momentarily and then slide it back up – where it slips effortlessly between your lips and your hips rock forwards, thrusting yourself around it. You gasp, and your grip on my cock’s head clenches for a second. My finger beckons inside you, gently working further deeper and now I can feel your juices running down my hand.

We jump slightly as the tap-tap-tap of knuckle-on-wood announces Ed’s arrival, a quick flick of your head towards the source of the noise indicating I should let him him. You straighten your dress as I walk to the door and before his eyes have managed to adjust to the light, you just about manage to regain composure. I promptly lose mine as he holds out his hand to shake in welcome and I take it – moments before realising he’s just seen my half-freed erection protruding from my trousers and that he’s just felt you, warm and slick, on my hand.

He catches my look and cheerfully states the bleedin’ obvious. “Started without me then!”. It breaks the brief moment of awkwardness and all three of us laugh. You reach out and shake his offered hand, offering an introduction.
“Hi, I’m Ashley. Thanks for joining us. It’s, uh, something I’ve been thinking of for a while.”
“As you know, it’s Ed. Thanks for the offer! I wasn’t quite sure Al wasn’t playing a really involved hoax but, well, damn I’m glad I took you guys up on the suggestion!”.

All three of us looked around for a moment a little unsure of how to progress. Ever the pragmatic, I reasoned that another drink wasn’t going to hurt and rummaged through the minibar – only to get my third surprise of the evening – finding a bottle of sparkling wine that clearly wasn’t hotel-issue. I wave it in the air and you offer the explanation before I can even ask

“Yeah, I was going to mention that. It’s the icebreaker” you chuckle, and I pop the cork before decanting into two fluted glasses and offer them to you and Ed. Trying, as ever, to be the gent, my own measure goes into the only remaining receptacle – a mug from the breakfast tray.
“Clearly hosting threesomes is not something the hotel routinely supply their double rooms for.” I mention as we chink glasses. The wine is good, and cold, and the alcohol hits the spot almost immediately: we all relax slightly and as a conversation starts between you and Ed, sat comfortably on your opposite sides of the bed, I stop worrying and start undressing. You continue chatting but I notice your gaze shift from his face to my hands as they undo the rest of my shirt buttons, then my belt and waistband before discarding both trousers and shirt. Socks and shoes vanish at the same time as the trousers and then I’m naked, naked and pretty damn self-conscious but also rock-hard and aching to resume from where we left off just a few minutes earlier. Ed notices your breathing quicken and turns, then laughs softly –
“Oh I see it’s like that, is it? Going to exploit the head-start you got!”
“Well… can you blame me?”
“Really can’t mate” – he turns back to you – “You’re gorgeous, and I’d be doing the same”.
You smile at him and reply “So why don’t you?” which is apparently all the invite my friend needs to start tearing at his shoelaces like his feet are on fire. “Whoa, take it slow – I want to watch you too” you insist, and he understands – the pace slows to a crawl, not in the desperately sad pastiche of sexy that men usually go for at these times, just a slow, deliberate and methodical undressing.

I hop up on to the bed and kneel behind you as you watch him, kisses trailing down from your neck, each vertebrae kissed through the material of your dress as I make my way down to the top of your ass where the kisses quicken and move around to your hip. As they meet the hemline of your dress I collapse onto my back, legs outstretched in front of you and you look confused for a moment until I nod my head sideways. It clicks, and you lift a thigh over my face and kneel back astride me, hands resting on my chest and taking your weight so I’m free to move and I do so, lips and tongue flicking over your thighs, inching closer to your lips with each breath-y kiss. Your dress rides up again and as Ed slowly removes his last item of clothing, you match him with the motion and the dress slips up and over your shoulders, off onto the bed. Ed stops and stares, his cock rapidly tumescing as you reach for your bra clasp, unhook it and allow the flash of red to contrast starkly with the black dress on the bed. Freed, your breasts find themselves suddenly restrained again as my hands slip up from between your legs, running over your tummy and chest until they are cupping you but also gently pulling you down onto my mouth. You gasp, a quick sudden inhalation that Ed takes as an invitation and he joins us, where I’d been only a short few minutes earlier, kneeling behind you and stroking your body. Our hands roam your body, not quite touching but not distant either, and mine rise back to your nipples as his slip down to your sides.

You’re achingly, soakingly wet now and the feel of your pussy against my face, the taste of your juices and the heat of your body fills my awareness. You rock forwards slightly forward as Ed presses himself behind you, his cock pressed up against your back. My left hand cups your breast, a light finger caressing your nipple here, a firm one gently squeezing and massaging there – but the right hand slips back down, down to your pussy and both Ed and I feel you tense as I slip two fingers inside you. They rub, rhythmically, in a come-hither motion and I can feel you swell around them and your lips spread further as I slow my tongue’s strokes over your clit to a slow, strong pattern up and down, up and down… My little finger uncurls and gently teases against your perineum, becoming soaked further by your juices until my hand on your boob gently eases you down, closer to my face, onto the finger. It enters your ass and you whimper, the feel of Ed’s cock hot and firm against your back, his hands helping firmly hold you on my face and hand as I slowly, so slowly, rock my hand, the two fingers in your pussy pushing against the inside of your clit and the one in your ass just filling you.

You feel Ed’s breath against your neck and his mouth is there, nipping you gently at first and then sucking, nipping and sucking as it works towards your shoulder. You feel his hand lifts from your hip and you feel it wrap around his cock, long slow strokes over his shaft and the back of his hand against your back. You whimper again, but manage to find the ability to breathe “No, inside me” and you lift, momentarily, your hips so my hand can slip out to allow him inside you, arms back holding you tightly and cupping your tits as mine hold your hips high enough to let him in, close enough to let me continue my slow lapping attention on your clit.

You drop your hands from my chest, leaning forwards onto your elbows as his pace quickens, and give the shaft of my cock a long slow lick from head to balls and back again. I shudder and stop licking, suddenly oh so aware of my own raging erection and desperate craving for more of your touch. Easing out from under you I turn and spread my legs in front of you and you take the cue, eagerly dropping your mouth onto my cock. I gasp, not expecting the hunger and intensity of your sucking, nor the way your tongue rubs the underside of my head with every thrust Ed pounds into you from behind. His rhythm is slow and deliberate but firm too and your body shakes each time his hips bang into your buttocks. Each time he thrusts, a moan escapes from mouth around my cock and you pause to catch your breath.

His hands, cupping your breasts still, finger and tease your nipples as they carry you back onto him with each push of his hips into you, my hands roaming over your shoulders and gripping as needed – when your own motion backwards might carry you too far from my cock. You’re caught between us, hands pulling you back and forth between us as you clench and suck and squeeze us both, all three of us breathing harder and faster as the gasps turn to moans. With each of your whimpers I feel the air rushing over my cock and balls in a hot embrace, with each of mine you feel my cock tense in your mouth. A hand – probably his – slips from your waist around to your clit and presses firmly against it, slightly spreading your lips and allowing the motion of our thrusts to rock you against his fingers. My hands tighten on your shoulders as I try – not completely successfully – to scratch you as your shoulders ripple above my thighs.

Your arms, your legs, your whole body can barely support you now as you feel your orgasm building. It’s a long, slow, insistent build-up that doesn’t relent as neither he nor I are able to slow now, and you can feel the shaking start and your moans turn to a muffled, muted yell, the noise dampened by my dick in your mouth and as your shaking, clenching pussy starts to pulse around his cock your body is overcome, sinking forwards onto your arms and the sudden movement pushes me over the edge, tearing my climax from me and into you, each drop sucked deeply out of my cock and into your throat as his thrusts build faster and faster until they slow to a deep, hard pounding that thrusts his orgasm into your drenched pussy. You push back against him, taking him until he has nothing more to give and he’s left twitching and spasming inside you, as you slowly and carefully remove me from your mouth and give me a long, slow lick from head to balls and back again, causing me too to shudder and twitch.

We collapse to the bed, basking in the afterglow together and you curl up between us, one arm resting over my chest and the other underneath my back, Ed’s arms back on your waist and holding you close as his cock continues to gently throb inside you. Despite the relaxed, spent sensation my hands don’t rest and one fingertip traces a wandering path back down to the top of your thighs, stroking the soft skin in the now-familiar light brushes until they work back up to the smooth cleft of your pussy, still red-hot and swollen. My thumb begins to motion little circles around your clit, just edging lightly against the edge of it until I your hips wriggle just a fraction – just enough to let me know you’re not too sensitive – and then it moves onto the little button so, so lightly and swiftly you can barely feel it but in the post-orgasm tingle it’s enough to bring you back to the edge of coming so quickly you’re overwhelmed by how quickly you’re about to come again, you can feel it rolling back in, building and intensifying until I, flashing you the same smile you’d given me at at the bar, slow right back down and lead you away from the edge. A low, long moan escapes your lips but you manage to roll onto your side, pushing your back against Ed’s chest and his hands still around you, and lift your uppermost leg slightly allowing my hand to continue teasing you. The motion makes his now-spent cock slip from your pussy and you let out a small whimper as he departs.

I grin again, and taking one of my friend’s hands I guide him around to your clit and he continues playing with you as he resumes kissing and biting your neck, just tugging gently on the skin and then lightly blowing each spot before moving onto the next patch of skin and repeats the pattern – kiss, bite and blow, kiss bite and blow – in time to the circles his fingers describe around your clit – kiss, bite and blow, stroke, rub and brush. He’s much less teasing than I, but the sensations on your neck are enough distraction that you don’t immediately return to the brink of climax, and as your whimpers slowly resume I can feel my cock returning, aching with desire and as it swells I wriggle closer until your boobs are pushed against my chest and I too can kiss and nibble your neck, your ears, and lips.

You feel me grow against your pussy and push your hips towards me, legs shifting higher to wrap around the middle of my back and you push my waist towards you, feet firmly against my bum to ease me even closer. The tip of my cock is resting against your labia now and I can feel the movement from Ed’s fingers as he works them over your clit and I’m covered in you, in him, in all of us as I start to ease myself into you, but your eyes widen and I catch the look in your eye and read your meaning. It’s silent this time – not like telling Ed to take you from behind – but just as insistent and just as clear. My hips shift, and his free hand, his whole body behind you, holds you still as I press ever closer to you – and then, soaked in the slick warmth from your pussy, I’m in, inside your ass as your back arches to meet me and our hips touch, Ed’s hand momentarily squeezed between us as he presses on your clit and we both press against you. I’m buried in you and we both moan slowly, look at each other and laugh for a second at the synchronicity and then you whimper as our shaking thrusts me back and forth inside you.

You can feel his dick start to rise again against his back, still hot and sticky from your pussy and his bites on your neck quicken, becoming more insistent and firm but still without breaking the skin as I pull back slightly. The return stroke drives your whimper, rollingly, into a long, loud “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck” – as I slowly, very slowly, thrust deep back into your ass. You tremble, soft whimperings continuing, eyes wide and desperately begging for everything you’re getting. My eyes roll back for a moment, your hips follow mine and then back again, continuing to work into each other as we kiss again, lips warm and wet and full of desire, your arms wrapped around my neck and shoulders as you pull me into you and I thrust again, again, and again, filling you entirely as his fingers dance over your clit. My eyes open as we come up for air from the kiss and Ed’s face, looking over your shoulder, makes its own subtle hint.

Slowly, very slowly, I ease myself from you and resist the murmurs begging me not to go – but I ease myself free and firmly direct you to roll over. You face him as he too rolls away, onto his back, his arms oustretched as an obvious welcoming embrace. You near him and he pulls you onto him, you knees against the sides of his chest and your soaking pussy slides effortless back onto his cock. His arms grasp your body beside your breasts and he pulls you down onto him against his chest, kissing your boobs as they flatten against him. Your descent raises your ass, lifting it invitingly, begging for me to enter it again and I kneel behind you, my thighs against yours, my legs astride his, my hands returning to your hips and holding you still as I push into you. A long, slow “FUUUUuuuuuuucck” – this time from me – escapes and it’s matched by your grasp as you, for the first time, feel the incredibly fullness of two hard cocks in you at once. You shake slightly and the sensation triggers a second, deeper, spasm with both Ed and I feeling you clench around us. Ed’s hips remain still with his hands gripping your chest, mine on your hips as I fuck my waist into you, my thrusts carrying you to and fro on his cock too.

Your shudders and shakes build quickly as your head falls to his shoulder as you begin to cry out, almost sobbing with pleasure as wave after wave of intensity washes through you from toe to head; your noises, fantastic in their bliss, are joined by my moaning as your rippling body causes him to stretch and I can feel him in you, through you, as your orgasm washes over the three of us and Ed’s moans become louder, much, much louder and he thrusts up into you hard. He comes quickly and intensely and again you feel the hot gush of him inside you only this time, I can feel it too and we both shudder, shudder so hard that I come too – pulsing into you and almost dropping onto your back as my body goes weak.

I collapse to my back on the bed, panting furiously, and you join me in the same way as earlier, head on my shoulder and arms across my chest as Ed tucks up close behind you. We lie there, spent and happy.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/538v2s/a_planned_encounter_mmf