Not Quite the Birthday Expected [Str8] [Mf] [Oral]

(Virgin post, folks. Go gentle. :D )


I stumbled out of the club, tears brimming from my eyes. I barely noticed the doorman who managed to open the door for me before I crashed into it.

It was supposed to be the best day of my life, my 18th birthday. My parents are on the opposite coast with their own thing, so I organized a couple girls into a girls night out, and we Uber’ed to this club we heard so much about. The line is long, and they checked ID like hawks, including flashlight in the face and all, but we got in. I was enjoying the atmosphere and the buzz of my third drink as we all bought a round. Half of the girls went to the Lady’s room, and I was heading for the bar for a refill when I happened to notice my boyfriend doing some dirty dancing with a blond bimbo on the dance floor.

My empty cup slipped from my hand as I froze. It was definitely him. There was no mistake.

I ran for the door.

My eyes are too blurry to read the phone, but I can feel the home button of my iPhone. “Siri, call Henry driver.”

“Miss Campbell, is everything all right? You said you didn’t need my services tonight.”

“Henry… come get me… now…. Please.”

“Miss Campbell, I am sorry I can’t come right now, but …”

I sobbed. Nothing is going right tonight.

“Miss Campbell? <Static> few blocks away. He’ll be there momentarily. Please stay on the line.”

I blinked away the tears. The night wind picked up, stinging my eyes.

“Miss? Are you all right? You appears to be in distress.”

I whipped around, ready to give the person a tongue lashing to leave me alone, before realizing it was two police officers walking their beat.

“I…. I am fine, officers. Thanks for asking. I am just waiting for my ride. ”

A black sedan stopped behind me.

The driver immediately exited the vehicle and came around to open the back door for me. I jumped into the backseat without saying goodbye to the police, and I didn’t even bothered with the seatbelt. The door closed. The driver walked briskly back to his door, got in, and we’re off. I sunk lower and lower in my seat until my leg was pushed up against the backseat, and I sobbed quietly to myself.


“Miss Campbell is on board.” I hung up the phone and pulled into traffic and made my way through the city toward Van Ness for eventual trip across the Golden Gate bridge into Marin County. I can no longer see Alana… I mean, Miss Campbell, in the rear view mirror, but she’s barely visible in the secondary mirror. I can hear gentle sobbing behind me.

“There’s a tissue box in the center console if you need it, Miss Campbell.”

I didn’t hear a reply, but I did hear some paper noises, and moments later, nose blowing.


“Should I take you home now, Miss Campbell?”

I took the lack of answer to be affirmative, as I made the left onto Lombard, even as I tried to remain calm.


My mind registered the first sentence he said, but only heard the words. Then I recognized the voice.

I know that voice. Even if that voice is now lower, more… masculine.

“Peter?!” I sat up abruptly, suddenly in a hurry to cover myself. My minidress had ridden up high enough and I quickly tugged it back into place.

“Yes, Miss Campbell?”

“Oh my God, Peter! It is you!”

A sigh, then “Yes, Alana. It’s me.”

A knot formed in my throat, and no more words came out. How bad can this day get? Not only my BF cheated on me, my secret crush for years was here to witness my humiliation.

I hid my face in my palms, and a sob escaped, and I can no longer hold back my tears.


I just pulled onto Doyle Drive past the Palace of Fine Art when I heard the sob in the back seat.


There was no reply, just more sobs.

I pulled off the exit into the Southern Visitor’s lot of Golden Gate Bridge and parked in a free stall. It’s late at night, and the lot is mostly empty.

I twisted to look in the backseat. “Alana?” She only cried harder.

I felt both anger and sadness. Anger that someone made this girl cry… and sadness that nobody else is here to share her sorrow.

Except me.

But she and I ran in different circles. Out paths were not meant to cross.

I got out and got in the backseat. She did not move, but she continued to sob.

I reached out with both hands, and held hers.

“Alana, it’s okay to cry. Let it out. Let it all out.”

With a giant sob, she hugged me hard and sobbed into my chest. I gently leaned my chin on her head, patted her back, and whispered that everything will be all right.


It was several minutes before I stopped sobbing.

I looked up at Peter’s face, with Buddha like patience, and I almost lost it again. I was expecting pity, judgment, sneer, … but I got none of that. I can guess… I know how pathetic I looked… My mascara ran, my makeup is a mess, my eyes are puffy… But there’s just a brotherly love… wait… was there something else? I thought I saw…

Before I can move, Peter already grabbed a tissue and gently dabbed at my cheek and around my eyes. His other hand held mine, the thumb gently rubbing the back of my hand.

“Want to tell me about it?”

I shook my head. The betrayal is too raw.

“Let me take you home.”

I nodded.

He disentangled himself and exited out the rear door. Then a thought occurred to me. I got out the rear door as well. He raised his eyebrow when I got into the front side passenger seat, raised the center arm rest, and snuggled next to him.

He shifted into drive, then held my left hand with his right. I added my right hand and leaned into his shoulder, and closed my eyes.


I kept my eyes straight ahead, afraid that if I look at that angelic face one more time I will not be able to resist the temptation to kiss those tears away.

I am merely the son of the Campbell family chauffeur. Alana is out of my league. I’ve always treated her like my little sister, even as I know she’s growing up. I enlisted when I was 18, but an injury on duty meant that path is closed to me. At least I got a commercial driver’s license out of that, and training.

And I’m just helping dad out for a couple weeks while he recovers. I didn’t expect a call, especially from Alana.

I drove on, part of me hoping that this night lasts a bit longer, but part of me dreaded at how will I say goodbye.


I had a crush on Peter for many years. As the only child, I didn’t get a lot of male play mates. Peter was the only other child around, and while I know he’s not family, he’s next best thing. He’s the big brother I never had, but also secret crush. Then he went away to join the army. I don’t understand why he had to go, and I think I cried in my room for hours after he left. And I didn’t expect him back.

And now he’s back, and I’m leaning up against him.

It’s like a dream.

Only one more thing to make it perfect, a perfect reversal of this horrible night, on my birthday. Something I had planned.

That loser would never get the chance.

I want Peter instead.

I smiled in the darkness as I dozed off.


“Alana? We’re here. ”

She sat up straight, shook her head as if waking from a dream, as I disentangled my hand from hers and released my seatbelt, got out, and opened the door from her side to help her out of the car. She was a bit unsteady. I watched her got up to the door, and unlocked it. I turned around to leave.

“Peter? Come in please. ”

I turned around. The door was left partially open, but Alana is nowhere in sight.

I frowned, then walked up to the door, and opened it.

No Alana.


“In here!”

The voice came from the kitchen.

I walked inside, closing the door behind me.


“Just come here, Peter.”

I walked around the corner to peek into the kitchen, and had to pick my jaw off the floor.

Alana had shed her minidress, and her bra, and was twirling the her bra with one hand while holding a cup in the other hand. I see a vodka bottle on the counter.

“Alana, what are you doing?”

Alana strutted toward me… somewhat unsteadily. She took another sip of her drink. She hadn’t taken off her heels, and I don’t know how many drinks she had in the club, but this is… not good.

I am frozen to the spot. My throat went dry. My eyes went to her perfect-sized breasts (not too big, not too small), her taut nipples, then up to her flushed face.

She bumped into me before stopping.

“What… am… I… doing?” She slurred slightly, “I am… seducing you… Peter. I… want… you… to… fuck me”, as she tapped her finger against my chest, trying to emphasize each word, with her hand that’s holding the bra, almost waving the bra in my face. I can smell the alcohol in her breath. She must have downed two shots before I reached her. God knows how many did she had back in the club.

I can feel my erection, but… this is wrong. This is so wrong…

“Oh, I can feel… that he is… interested…” Alana reached for the bulge in my pants.

I caught her hand before she can reach it. My other hand removed the glass from her other hand, and managed to put that on a table, then caught that hand as well before she can try anything else.

“Ooooh… big boy… playing rough…” Alana continue to slur.

I sighed, then kneel slightly to throw her over my shoulder, and carried her upstairs. She squawked and laughed in delight.

I reached her bedroom, and put her on her bed. I tried to remove her arms from around back of my neck, but with surprising strength, she pulled me down on top of her and started kissing me, hard.


The two shots of vodka gave me enough liquid courage that I never dared to try… I am going to seduce Peter, and I am a little surprised it is working. I am reacting almost by instinct, my inhibitions left behind. I am kissing Peter as a woman. I want him. I want him bad.

Then I felt his hands on my wrists, hard enough that I yelped, as he growled, “Alana, STOP!”

I gasped. His face was inches from mine, I can see the sweat on his forehead, on his upper lip, that intense concentration in those furrowed brows, those eyes…

I tried to lean up to kiss that mouth again, but his hands clasped my cheeks, stopping me.

“Alana, what the heck are you doing?”

His angry reaction had caused my temporary liquid courage to evaporate. My buzz also vanished, and I am now quite awake, even as the man I wanted is straddling me, and I’m half naked, ready to have my brains fucked out.

“I… I wanted you… Peter.”

His brow furrowed even deeper, and he spat out the next words

“I am not your boy toy, Alana.”

I stopped breathing, as my brain suddenly kicked back into gear, as the potential consequences of my actions flashed past my eyes.

I closed my eyes and started to cry, as I whimpered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

I felt the weight on the bed shift, then Peter pulled me up to sitting position, then pulled me to his chest.

I held on to him and bawled.


My heart broke as I saw her continue to cry like this. It must have been a really rough night for her to even contemplate something like this. I just continued to pat her naked back and let her cry it out. In a few minutes the sobs subsided.

“I was such a slut.”

“You were not thinking straight. How many drinks did you have?”

“Four? Five?”

“You are drunk, Alana. Go to sleep.”

“I was drunk.”

“You still are. You haven’t metabolized all the alcohol in your system yet.”

“I…” She yawned, “… am tired.”

I gently tucked her in her bed, make sure the comforter is high enough to cover her pretty little breasts, but not before taking one last look. I will never see them again. She’s already asleep. I went downstairs and retrieved her bra, and her minidress, and left it in her restroom. I left the door ajar, then headed downstairs and pulled out my cell phone.

“Dad? It’s Peter.”

“How’s Alana? I was worried. ”

“She got really drunk, and was probably mad at someone. I had to tuck her into bed.”

“Poor girl. It’s her eighteenth birthday, you know. ”

“Yes, I know. ”

“Stay over there tonight. Make sure she’s all right in the morning.”

“Yes, Dad.”

I went into the kitchen, and put away the vodka. I saw the half-drunk glass and the image of Alana playing the seductress flashed into my mind, and my erection grew again, but I fought it down. I washed the glass and put it away. Then I went back upstairs, found a chair, dragged it into the corridor near Alana’s door, and sat down. I removed my shoes, loosened my tie, then relaxed. I don’t remember when I dozed off.


I woke with a splitting headache, and for a moment, I had no idea where I am. It took me several moments to open my eyes and realize I was in my own bed. Then another moment to realize I had no bra on. For a moment I wondered about that, then last night’s memory came back in flashes

I ran out of the club in tears…

I realized it was Peter driving the sedan…

I sauntered up to Peter, telling him that I’m seducing him…

Peter put me over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs…

Peter dropped me into my bed and I kissed him…

I bolted upright as I realized what I had done… then realized my panties are still on.

Part of me sighed in relief but another part of me grunted in frustration.

I slowly shifted out of bed, grabbed a bathrobe, shrugged it on, then went to the restroom in search of something for the splitting headache. I noticed my dress and bra in the restroom. I was wondering who put them there when I heard a voice outside my door.

“Good, you’re awake. Breakfast downstairs in fifteen.”

Peter! He’s still here! Last night… I flushed crimson as the thought of me, losing my inhibitions and did something a stripper may do, or is that a seductress? Where did I get ideas like that? All those romance novels I read?

I called out, “Great! Thanks!”

I hurriedly washed off what’s left of the messy makeup and mascara from last night. I pulled my hair into a pony tail, then took a VERY quick (for me) shower. I got a new set of undies, wore the bathrobe, and slowly headed downstairs.

Peter was in the kitchen making scrambled eggs and toast. There’s already an carafe of OJ on the table with two glasses. He said without turning around, “Bacon is almost ready, toast is in the toaster, and scrambled eggs should ready in another couple minutes. ”

Peter is in his undershirt, still wearing his pants. I can see hints of muscle under that shirt. I… wonder what it’d be like… to touch them, feel them… taste the sweat off them…

“Alana? Earth to Alana.”

I started. I must have been day dreaming because Peter is handing me a plate with two slices of bacon, toast, and a generous serving of scrambled eggs. I hurriedly took the plate and started to fork food into my mouth, avoiding Peter’s gaze.

Peter said nothing. He served himself and started eating as well. He may have glared at me, but I didn’t look up and find out.

“Another helping?”

I shook my head. Peter took the plates and utensils and left them in the sink. Then he gently took my hand and lead me to the couch in the living room. He patted the seat beside him. I sat down like a robot, a lot on my mind, not sure what to say.

“What happened last night, Alana?”


I told him everything, even the part that I decided to… pick him to pop my cherry.


I had to exercise every last bit of self-control to hold me back from crushing her against my chest.

I want to beat that SOB to a pulp for breaking her heart.

I want to mend her heart. I want to make her happy.

But she’s not in my league. I can’t… fuck her.

“You must think of me as such a slut.”

I sighed.

“You are not a slut, Alana. You are just like everyone. You want to be loved. But love is not the same as sex.”

“I don’t want to just have sex. I… I want someone to make love to me.”

“You’ll find him.”

“But… I want someone who won’t hurt me. I… want that first time, to be special.”

“That’s great. That means you have to pick the right guy. ”

“I… wanted you.”

“No you didn’t, Alana.”


I winced at the amount of pain in that voice. I looked up into those eyes, and I sensed an yearning. I stammered, and looked at my feet.

“You… You are too good for me, Alana.”

“Why didn’t you fuck me last night?”

“Because… I can’t.”

“Was it because I was drunk last night?”


“You can’t last night because you’d be taking advantage of me.”


“That’s why I trust you, Peter.”

I felt her hand on my cheek, turning me toward her.

“I am totally sober now, Peter. And I want you.”

She leaned in and kissed me on the mouth. It was a quick peck, but there’s a little bit of trembling, barely restrained.

“Are you absolutely sure about this?”

“Yes. I am very sure.”

I can no longer resist her. I framed her face with my hands and kissed her. First tenderly, then with a bit more force. I suckled on her lower lip, then teased her lips with my tongue until her mouth opened and our tongue tango’ed. When we came up for air, both of our faces are flushed.

I stood up and lead her upstairs.


I was still gasping for breath and Peter got up and lead me upstairs.

That kiss was… thermonuclear enough to give me amnesia.

Peter kissed me again as we entered my bedroom, but this time, it was.. hungrier. He gently chewed on my lower lip. The nibble was so sensual I leaned up to get more of it. He gently guided my arms behind me, and my bathrobe slid off my shoulder toward the floor. I didn’t even notice when he untied my waist belt. I moaned in pleasure as he kissed from the corner of my mouth to my jawline. He flicked my hair to my other shoulder and kissed my neck to the shoulder, while his hands started massaging bottom of my bra. He teasingly used his teeth to drag off a shoulder strap, then reached around to unclip the back. He stepped back to help me remove the bra. I almost sighed from his withdrawal, but he was back immediately with another kiss, as his hands were on my breasts, cupping them from under while the thumbs are playing with my nipples even as we continue to kiss.

I reached for his belt, but he drew back, keeping it out of reach. He pushed me away to arm’s length.

“This is about you, Alana. Your pleasure.”

His gaze traveled from my face, down to my breasts, down to the juncture between my thighs… I can almost feel the gaze, hot like the scorching sun. I gazed at the man I knew all my life, the man I trust with my life… that he’d never hurt me, but only intend to give me pleasure. My heart is thumping hard…

“Are you all right, Alana?”

I just nodded.

“This is all for you, Alana. You have to tell me what feels good for you. Can you do that?”

The breath caught in my throat, as he kissed the way from my mouth to my jawline and down my neck to my clavicle.

“You said you don’t want sex. You want someone to make love to you.”

I moaned. My eyes closed as I surrendered to his touch.

He suckled on one breast while gently pinching the nipple of the other. I moaned louder.


I suckled on both breasts as I slowly pushed her back toward her bed. She didn’t even notice she’s upon it when back of her knee came upon edge of her bed, and she fell backwards, but I caught her and smothered her yelp with another kiss. I then moved down to her chin, her throat, between her breasts, her nipples, and lower, to her belly button, to the junction of her thighs…

She’s wet.

I palmed her sex through her panties, and she started bucking against my hand. I withdrew, but only to return with both hands, tracing a line from her knee up her inner thigh to the edge of her panties, then back down. Then alternating left and right. The other hand touching her folds through the fabric. Her eyes were screwed shut. Her mouth slightly open, her hands grasping at the sheets…

I switched positions again, I whispered in her ear

“You are so wet…”

As I reached down to put my palm on her sex and my fingers gently stroked her dripping pussy through the fabric. Her thighs trembled.

“Open wider for me, Alana.”

Her thighs spread a bit further. I shifted position as I kneeled in front of her and rested her knees on my shoulders. Before she can react I started tasting her pussy with my tongue, through the fabric, while my hands reached up and started to play with her nipples again.

There was a soft cry and moan of pleasure.

I started blowing and sucking through the material, with occasional licking up and down, along the sides, with the occasional tongue plunge.

Alana writhed under me.

I took a few seconds to remove the now soaked panties with a good amount of kissing from her inner thigh to her knees then back, then gently inserted one finger into her sex, not deep, just to feel her pussy lips, just a little in-out… just a little in-out, as my tongue continue to taste around her clit, but never touching it. My finger explored her pussy gently, then slowly found her G-spot. I pressed it, and she bucked again, with a cry of pleasure, then breathless whimpers.

I tongued her clit. She gasped, then I started sucking and blowing on the clit, and she started to making choking sounds, as if she can’t get enough air. My fingers never stopped stroking inside her pussy.

Then she came in a massive convulsion.

I continued to tongue her and stroke her to ease her down, as she went completely limp, except for aftershocks in her body. I gently stroked her face. Her eyes are open half-lid, and she’s still panting.

“You okay, Alana?”

She smiled. It was a tired smile, but also a satisfied smile.

“That… that was indescribable.”

I kissed her on the mouth.

“Happy Birthday.”
