22F4A- Seeking Talented Erotica/Romance Writer

Hey there, how’s everybody’s day/evening going? I suppose I should remember my manners and introduce myself… My name is Anna, and I’m on a search currently for the writer I’ve always dreamed of: this writer will be capable of telling an unbelievable and competing narrative, detailing every last bit down to the crack in the wooden floorboards. I’m looking for the best, and I know he or she is out there right now… Someone who can tell stories that could easily be the next Hollywood blockbuster, and stories that will keep a girl like me warm on cold nights with its detail.

I ask because I wanted to exchange stories… Basically we each give each other prompts for what we want the other to write, and then we exchange them later on. I have many romance ideas (with adult themes obviously) that I’ve always wanted to see brought to life in top notch quality and detail, and I promise I can deliver in return if you take a chance on me. If you think you’re the writer I’ve been desperately searching for, send me a LONG private message explaining just WHY you’re the one… I look forward to your messages and urge you to be confident, never be shy about your writing ability. Thank you all again and happy writing! <3

***Also, included below is an excerpt from my own previous work… I want to make sure the brilliant writers out there know what I myself am capable of in return before answering me. To many times, this is a guessing game and that won’t be the case with my work…

Excerpt from “The Queen’s Court”

‘Standing completely naked, the summer air all over her body, Nikki closed her eyes and wore only a thin smile. She stretched out her arms, bringing them slowly above her head and thrusting her chest forward and arching her back, long hair shining in the remaining sliver of sunlight. The fluffy, red carpet was soft as ever beneath her soles and between her toes. Aside from the few bits of clothing strewn about, the pentagonal room was as flawless as its tenant: a gorgeous wooden floor shined to a sparkling reflective finish, stainless windows lining the room on all but one side. Her square, king-sized bed with multiple mattresses, made every day by an attendant she had never met, sat against the far wall so that, every morning when she woke up, Nikki could always see the sun rising as she began her morning. Sighing content and bringing her arms back down, Nikki made for the door, taking slow strides as she walked out into the glowing moonlight.

The entire north side of the city was before her as she stepped out onto the terrace; every building illuminating itself for her pleasure, all those in their cars and walking the streets her potential customers, all the stars in the sky lighting the night for her and her alone. Four guards stood outside her bedroom, guarding the pool, all dressed exactly as the two that greeted Nikki at the door and all of her other personal guards that stood watch at every corner of her two-story rooftop home. On her right was George with hair nearly as bright and blonde as her own. On her left was Monke, proud of his African heritage. To her far left was Carl, the best shot she had ever seen. Finally, to her far right was Isaac, one of the wisest and most experienced men she had ever known. Not a one of them turned an eye on her body.

“George.” she said with a nod.

“Good evening, Miss.” He replied with a nod in return, the butt of his pistol uncomfortably poking against his chest inside of his jacket.


“How was your day, boss?” Monke idly stroked his thumb over the countless tiny scars on his knuckles.

“Same shit, different day, right?” Nikki replied, walking past her loyal guards to her diving board. The pool had just been cleaned that very day while the boss was out, her 24/7 guards keeping their eagle-eyes on the cleaner for every second he stayed on her property. She waved to Carl and Isaac before she began her climb, the two men waving back solemnly. Nikki climbed the short ladder nimbly and wasted no time walking to the end of the board. She stared down at the pool, with its perfectly blue water as though it was plucked straight from the ocean. It sat almost perfectly still below, just waiting to be disturbed. It reminded Nikki of her business and, to an extent, her life in general. Life is just the space in between the wars… She would often think of her father’s words. There was no peace in her cutthroat business, no real rest in her busy life. She could never count on reprieve to stay for long.

It was at these moments that Nikki had to remind herself to enjoy that reprieve while it lasted. So, holding her breath and bending her knees, she dove into the water. Her elegance guaranteed that she would enter the pool with hardly a splash.
Nikki stayed under the water for a long time: long enough to start worrying her guards. George, an adept swimmer, considered diving in himself after a few moments. However, their boss was in no trouble: she was merely taking the time to enjoy every second of the experience: it would not last forever, after all. Closing her eyes and curling into a ball, Nikki tried to focus on every single sensation on every inch of skin. The cold water made her nude body react in all kinds of ways: her skin was covered in goose-bumps, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Her light pink, perky nipples hardened and pointed out. Her littles toes curled. As it stood out in the cold, she could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks. To the immense relief of both her lungs and her guards, Nikki rushed back up out of the water and took a breath. George, Monke, Carl, and Isaac went back to being at ease all at once.

Her trainer had told her that swimming was the best exercise but Nikki ignored that advice long ago. Running was exercise. Weight-lifting was exercise. Swimming was luxury. Nikki had no interest in ruining the experience by taking laps or hanging onto the edge of the concrete while she kicked her legs. She was there to enjoy herself. Without a single glance at any of her guards or any of the scenery around her, Nikki floated flat on her back, arms and legs out, spread, baring her entire body for every star to see. Her breasts poked up out of the water along with her face, some of her beautifully sculpted abs, and a bit of the long smooth legs that were every man’s dream. She stared up at the sky as though in a trance until the cold wind caught her wet, exposed flesh and she took back to the depths of the pool. She was an adept swimmer, ever since she was a child. Gliding through the water dolphin-like, with all the grace and speed of a creature almost seems to belong there. Every move she made exposed yet another hidden inch of her body, the curves that never saw sunlight because she only took to swimming at night. A mere glimpse of the way that Nikki’s bottom contorted and shaped and reshaped as she kicked her legs to swim… Mesmerizing

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/534lib/22f4a_seeking_talented_eroticaromance_writer