Horny Goblin Women Share A Human Male [ffm, monster girl, bisexual, oral, vaginal, foot fetish]

Joren kissed the whitish scar on the back of the green-skinned knee, making his diminutive goblin wife giggle. “And this one?”

“I can barely remember,” Vexation said, flipping her loose blond hair from her eyes. “I think it was from some asshole raider back in Urthhaut.”

Both Vexation and her human husband were naked in their group’s makeshift shelter tent, which projected from one side of their small travel wagon. A small hooded lantern glowed warmly in the corner, its flame set low. Hemlock and Black Ember were on guard duty on the perimeter of the caravan’s encampment, and Stiletto was off on a romantic liaison with her new beau. They had the tent to themselves for the evening, and planned to make the most of the rare event.

The tall tawny-haired male kissed his way up to her round emerald rear, licking along another line of off-white. “This one?” he asked.

She cooed at the feel of his hot tongue. “That was from that wolf attack I told you about. One of its claws.”

Joren turned her partially over, kissing at a wide puncture mark on her side just over her hip. “This looks like it was nasty.”

“Only time I’ve taken an arrow.”

He kissed up to her jiggly peach-sized breasts and a pair of ragged parallel scars there. “Wolf again?”


She moaned lightly as he took a quick detour to her nearest nipple, sucking on it gently. He went on to tease scars on her shoulder, arms, and over her eye, finally ending his tour of her body with a deep kiss on her lips.

“So which wound do you like best?”

“They’re all impressive.” His hand slid between her legs and cupped her blond-furred pussy. “But this is by far my favorite.”

She giggled. “That’s not a wound, dummy.”

His thin finger wiggled against her. “Are you sure? Seems a little sensitive. And it does bleed occasionally…”

She thumped his solid chest, laughing around a breathless moan. “Dumbass.” She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.

Joren’s lips were only a millimeter away when she heard soft sniffling outside. “Wait,” she said.
Joren blinked. “What?”

“That sounds like Stiletto.”

Very reluctantly, Vexation pulled away from her husband and crawled over to the tent’s entry flap. Joren still felt playful, following after to land a sloppy sucking kiss on her upturned buttock. “Stop that,” she snickered, pulling the flap aside to see her friend leaning against a nearby tree, messily wiping at her eyes.
“Stiletto?” she called softly. “What’s wrong?”

The dark-haired goblin straightened, blinking rapidly. “N-nothing. I just wanted to hit the bedroll early. I can wait until you guys are done.”

“I thought you were going to see that Dassom tonight?”

Stiletto’s fists balled tight. “I should have stabbed that fucker.”

Vexation looked back at her spouse, who backed off as soon as he’d heard the distress in their friend’s voice. He nodded at his wife’s unspoken query. Vexation pulled the tent flap wide in invitation. “Come tell us about it.”


“Come on.”

Stiletto sucked her lip for a few moments, unsure, but eventually crawled in.

Vexation was unmindful of her nudity in front of her sword sister, but Joren hastily shimmied on a loincloth and shirt. His wife wondered why he bothered. Stiletto had joined them for sex numerous times, but Joren still clung to dopey human ideas of propriety.

They passed a wineskin to Stiletto, who took a long, hard belt before they got her talking about what happened.

“…And then Ruckus pulled me off him. And I was giving that fucker such a good beating, too,” she finished miserably. “Dassom’s parents showed up and we all got into this huge shouting match. Then Ruckus had to break that up, and ordered us all to stay away from each other until he dealt with it in the morning.”

“Fuck Dassom, and his parents,” Vexation growled. “I thought he was your age, around twenty-two? If he can’t fight is own battles by now…”

“Eh, he’s still their only son,” Joren put in. “And his father’s only apprentice too.”

His wife threw him with a milk-curdling scowl. “Are you taking his side?”

“Of course not. But remember humans aren’t like goblins. They’ll usually stick up for their kids, even the adult ones.”

Vexation snorted derisively, then turned back to her friend. “At least you got him back some, right? Sounds like you almost punched his dick off.”

Stiletto’s smirked as she arced her fist through the air. “Felt like squishing a pair of boiled eggs. He was on the ground squeaking like a stabbed rabbit.”

Both goblins snickered. Joren winced and crossed his legs, but that only made the women laugh more.

“Aw, don’t worry, Joren,” Stiletto teased. “I like your junk. Sometimes even what’s attached.”

Vexation pushed at her best friend affectionately. “See, a little punching, a little talking, and you’re feeling better. But there’s something that will cheer you up even more, I bet. Want to join us?”

Stiletto blinked in surprise. “I thought you two wanted a night to yourselves.”

Vexation leaned back into her husband’s larger body, hand casually rubbing along his tanned muscular leg. “We’ll have other nights, and you know I don’t mind showing off how much of a stud MY husband is to my sword-sisters.”

“I–I don’t know. I don’t have a lot to trade this time around…” Stiletto said hesitantly, remembering her last coins spent on that wine she had tossed aside to beat up Dassom. Sharing sexual partners was a common practice among goblins, but only if it was traded for fairly.

“You can just owe us a shift off, sometime.” Vexation’s expression softened as she regarded her friend. “Hey, I’ve been there too, Stil. Remember the long string of asshole suitors I had back in Urthhaut, the ones my even bigger asshole father kept bargaining me off to? I had to put up with that bullshit for I don’t know how long. I never thought I’d find anyone worthwhile, much less ever really enjoy sex.” She giggled and stretched up to kiss her husband’s stubbly chin. “And then I bonked Joren on the head.”

Stiletto’s eyes slid wistfully to the side. “You did get lucky there.”

“Just goes to show that you never know how the dice are going to roll. So come on. Have a little fun. You deserve it.”

After a long moment of weighing options, Stiletto haltingly nodded. She pulled off her shift to reveal her almost-flat chest. Her naked plums instantly caught Joren’s attention, eyes drilling hungrily into her dark emerald nipples.

The smaller goblin shed her sword belts, leggings, and loin cloth. Wearing only her sandals, she crawled over to join the married couple, settling in on the human’s unoccupied side. Joren wrapped a long arm around her waist to pull her close, caressing along her naked flank.

“Besides,” Vexation said, leaning across the male’s lap. “It’s not like Joren and I aren’t going to have fun with you, too.” Vexation sucked at one of Stiletto’s raspberry-sized nipples, making the latter gasp.

Joren had a naked goblin girl in each arm, even as they made out with each other across his middle. His bulging loincloth made it apparent that he could not be happier. His long-fingered hands slipped down and kneaded at the twin pairs of naked green buttocks.

The females kissed lip to lip, their inhumanly long tongues wrestling between the tiny tusks protruding from their bottom lips. Vexation smirked mischievously and shoved roughly at her friend’s chest. Stiletto sprawled back onto the tarp-covered ground as Vexation began untying one of Stiletto’s sandals. Joren caught on and quickly got to work on the other.

“I still don’t understand why you bother with these things,” Vexation asked as she pulled the knot loose and unwrapped the long laces from around Stiletto’s solid calf.

Most goblins went shoeless their whole lives. Their feet were proportionally bigger than a human’s, with four oversized toes ending in a small talon instead of a nail.

“The same reason you bought that comb and those fancy oils for your hair, I imagine,” the human said to his wife. “She wants to look pretty, and you know how she likes feet…”

“Do you like the sandals, Joren?” Stiletto asked idly.

“Sure. They look nice enough normally, but with you naked just now with only the sandals on… Woof. Got to admit that was really kind of hot.”

The blond whomped the male on his ass.

“What?” he told his wife, rubbing his backside. “Its only the truth.”

“Hmp,” Vexation said, crossing her arms in jealous consternation. “If I’d known you liked fancy sandals, I would have gotten some too.”

“I didn’t know until just now. But hell yeah, having two goblin girls naked in only sandals?” His eyes glazed over, imagining it with a goofy grin.

“Keep it up and soon you’ll have none!” Vexation shoved at him hard. Joren pushed back. They looked mad at first, but the two of them were soon laughing through a half-hearted shoving match.

Stiletto propped herself up on her elbows, watching how easily the couple could play and how much they enjoyed it. Vexation really had gotten damn lucky with Joren, hadn’t she?

The shoving match lasted less than a minute. Joren smartly let his diminutive wife end up on top, with both of them still snickering. With a broad wink at her husband, Vexation suddenly reached over and sucked one of Stiletto’s toes into her mouth.

The raven-haired goblin gasped aloud, then moaned at the sensuous feel of that warm maw on her tiny appendage. Joren leaned over himself and started working over her other foot in the same way.

Stiletto squeezed her eyes shut, her body writhing at the feel of their feverish mouths. One of her hands hand grabbed a tight fistful of ground tarp while the other fingered her pussy between her splayed legs.

Vexation snickered, swirling her tongue over Stiletto’s biggest toe like it was a miniature cock. “I swear, Stil, playing with your feet seems to make you hornier than licking your cunt.”

Stiletto nodded, breathless. “Its been a while since anyone’s done either.”

The blond looked at her quizzically. “Dassom didn’t do that?”

“He thought doing anything with feet was weird, and didn’t think ‘real men’ licked pussy.”

“That’s stupid.” Joren dragged his stubby but oh-so-hot tongue up the length of her sole and teased it between her two biggest toes. “‘Real men’ make their women happy.”

His words made Stiletto groan throatily. She spread her legs wide and swiveled her hips In Joren’s direction to show off her dripping sex. “Then teach me how a real male fucks, you big bastard. Gods, please. I can’t wait anymore.”

“Go on,” Vexation told Joren with obvious pride. “Show my sword-sister what a stallion MY husband is.”

The human slipped off his shirt and loincloth. He kneeled over the brunette and positioned his throbbing tool between Stiletto’s legs. “Sure you can take me like this? You were still having trouble last time.”

The goblin rubbed her fingers over her shaven venus mons, spreading her green pussy lips wide to show off the tantalizing hints of glistening pink within. “I almost took all of you last time, and I’ve been practicing with gourds for when Dassom and I…” Her words stumbled to a halt. “For something that doesn’t matter now. So don’t hold back. I really need this.”

Joren nodded, leaning on his arms over the small female. He rubbed at her wet slit with his spongy mushroom-shaped head. Tingling shivers rippled through Stiletto’s body at the feel of his heated member on her tender lips.

They both gave a sharp cry as the human pushed, sinking half-way in and stretching her soaked crevice wide. The goblin curled her legs around his solid flank as best she could as he began thrusting in and out.

Her quivering pussy muscles instinctively clamped even tighter his incredibly hot prick. “Deeper! Harder! Give me all of it, you fucker!”

The male growled ferally and drove forward. For the first time in the dozen sessions Vexation had shared her husband with Stiletto, Joren fully buried himself to the root inside the smaller goblin’s very snug cunt.

Stiletto’s eyes popped wide as his pubic mound bumped hers, allowing herself a small lip-biting smile of triumph. Joren held himself still, despite hips quivering with a desperate instinctive need to thrust, to give her however long she needed to adjust. “Hnnnghhh… Gods, you are big,” she gasped.

It took only two heartbeats for her to visibly relax, a shudder of pleasure working through her taut muscular body. The two of them shared a mutual grin as he resumed pumping slowly in and out of her, dipping as deep into her well as possible each time.

Vexation crawled up beside the other female, licking at a pebble-hard nipple. “How does all of him feel?”

“L-like hot blood on new steel,” she said feverishly with a big grin. Stiletto’s hands held onto Joren’s solid forearms on either side of her shoulders. Moans escaped her over and over.

Vexation became too excited to just sit on the sidelines any longer. She straddled her friend’s face, her back to her husband. She grabbed a handful of Stiletto’s dark mohawk and abruptly pulled the smaller goblin’s lips to her dripping muff. “Lick,” she commanded.

Usually Stiletto would grumble about being ordered about, but she was too blissed out to care. She eagerly stropped her tongue over Vexation’s silky slit. The blond moaned and looked over her shoulder at her husband, catching his eye with a saucy wink.

It was a position the three of them had worked out in previous sessions together. Because of the substantial size difference between human and goblin, it could be difficult during sex for Joren to bend over far enough to use his mouth or tongue or even his hands effectively on his partners. But with Vexation straddling Stiletto, his wife could bend over away from him, and that lined everything up nicely for him to nibble lustily at her neck and to use his hands to fondle her dangling peach-sized breasts.

On his next deep stroke, Joren held his pubic mound against Stiletto’s and ground softly on her magic button in just the right way. The small woman bawled out into the golden snatch over her lips and orgasmed madly. Her slippery inner walls quaked and clenched tightly over and over, her every nerve resonating in rapture.

Joren’s own climax was close behind. He leaned more heavily on his wife and snarled out by her ear. His cock exploded, blasting long, sticky ropes of hot semen deep into Stiletto’s hungry little crevice.

The three of them slowly pulled apart, Joren falling onto his back as he puffed heavily to catch his breath. Stiletto lay where she was as Vexation shifted away, her body limp as a doll as whitish cum seeped out of her still-gaping green slit. “Oooooh fuck,” she said dreamily. “I definitely need more of that wine now.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/51084h/horny_goblin_women_share_a_human_male_ffm_monster

1 comment

  1. Excerpted from **HOT GOBLIN GIRLS 3** by Paul Lucas

    *Three months have passed since the quartet of sexy goblin women and their human companion were hired as caravan guards. Two weeks past the equator in southern highlands, the wagons approach the sprawling trading hub of Linlea and the warring wizard guilds there.*

    *Stiletto, the smallest and fiercest of the goblins, finds herself perpetually unlucky in love. Desperate and lonely, she begins falling hard for Joren, her best friend’s human husband. Things become even more complicated as she makes an amazing discovery that could make them all very rich–or all very dead–at the hands of murderous sorcerers.*

    *A tale of forbidden lust, kinky sex, and high adventure in a thrilling and believable fantasy world!*

    Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KE6KPQS

    Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/658147

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